Oracle execute and call

EXEC is a sqlplus command that put its argument as an anonymous pl/sql block: 'EXEC xxx' is transformed to 'BEGIN xxx; END;' 

So you can use it to call a procedure, or do any pl/sql 

It is documented here: 

CALL is a SQL statement that calls a stored procedure 
It is the 'standard' way to call a procedure without doing pl/sql. 
For example if you call a procedure from JDBC it uses CALL to call the procedure and return parameters. 

It is documented here: 

Now about v$sql, I can see both: 

SQL> call dbms_output.put_line('called'); 
Call completed. 
SQL> select sql_text from v$session join v$mystat using(sid) join v$sql on(v$sql.sql_id=v$session.prev_sql_id)where rownum=1; 
call dbms_output.put_line('called') 

SQL> exec dbms_output.put_line('executed'); 
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. 
SQL> select sql_text from v$session join v$mystat using(sid) join v$sql on(v$sql.sql_id=v$session.prev_sql_id)where rownum=1; 
BEGIN dbms_output.put_line('executed'); END; 
posted @ 2014-01-14 12:56  胡.杰  阅读(495)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报