db2 catalog 解释

db2 catalog tcpip node p570 remote server 50000


db2 catalog db REMOTEDB at node p570

db2 catalog local node db2inst1 instance db2inst1 system p570 ostype aix的步骤,
db2 catalog db mydb at node db2inst1的步骤




db2 catalog 命令


db2 catalog tcpip node<Node Name> remote <IP> server <Port>
db2 catalog db <Database Name> at node <Node Name>
db2 connect to <Database Name> user<DB2 UserName> using<DB2 Password>
db2 connect reset

db2 uncatalog node <Node Name>

catalog db2 on z/OS
db2 catalog tcpip node <Node Name> remote  <IP> server<Port>
db2 catalog db <SubSystem Name> at node <Node Name>
db2 connect to <SubSystem Name>user <DB2 UserName> using <DB2 Password>
db2 connect reset

db2 uncatalog node <Node Name>




DB2:Database Connection Services Directory



The Database Connection Services (DCS) directory contains connectivity information for host databases residing on System z (z/OS or OS/390) or System i (OS/400) server. You need to have DB2 Connect software installed.


To list the contents of the DCS directory, issue the following command:

db2 list dcs directory

To enter information into the DCS directory, use

db2 catalog dcs dbdbname as location_name

For example

db2 catalog dcs db mydb as db1g


Three table spacesSYSCATSPACE (holding the Catalog tables), TEMPSPACE1 (system temporary

space), and USERSPACE1 (the default user table space)are automatically created

when you create a database. SYSCATSPACE and TEMPSPACE1 can be considered system

structures, as they are needed for the normal operation of your database. SYSCATSPACE contains

the catalog tables containingmetadata(data about your database objects) and must exist at

all times. Some other RDBMSs call this structure adata dictionary.


If the database you want to access is MYDB2, which was in themyinstinstance, you would first

need to create this instance, switch to the instance, and then issue thecatalogcommand as

shown below.

db2icrt myinst

set DB2INSTANCE=myinst

catalog db mydb2 on h:

It is a good practice to back up the contents of all your configuration files as shown below.

db2 get dbm cfg > dbmcfg.bk

db2 get db cfg for database_name> dbcfg.bk

db2set -all > db2set.bk

db2 list db directory > systemdbdir.bk

db2 list node directory > nodedir.bk

db2 list dcs directory > dcsdir.bk


Database federated support in DB2 allows tables from multiple databases to be presented as

local tables to a DB2 server. The databases may be local or remote; they can also belong to different



First of all, make sure that your server allows federated support: The database manager parameter

FEDERATED must be set to YES.


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