

typedef struct st_net {
  Vio *vio;
  unsigned char *buff,*buff_end,*write_pos,*read_pos;
  my_socket fd;                    /* For Perl DBI/dbd */
    The following variable is set if we are doing several queries in one
    command ( as in LOAD TABLE ... FROM MASTER ),
    and do not want to confuse the client with OK at the wrong time
  unsigned long remain_in_buf,length, buf_length, where_b;
  unsigned long max_packet,max_packet_size;
  unsigned int pkt_nr,compress_pkt_nr;
  unsigned int write_timeout, read_timeout, retry_count;
  int fcntl;
  unsigned int *return_status;
  unsigned char reading_or_writing;
  char save_char;
  my_bool unused1; /* Please remove with the next incompatible ABI change. */
  my_bool unused2; /* Please remove with the next incompatible ABI change */
  my_bool compress;
  my_bool unused3; /* Please remove with the next incompatible ABI change. */
    Pointer to query object in query cache, do not equal NULL (0) for
    queries in cache that have not stored its results yet
    Unused, please remove with the next incompatible ABI change.
  unsigned char *unused;
  unsigned int last_errno;
  unsigned char error; 
  my_bool unused4; /* Please remove with the next incompatible ABI change. */
  my_bool unused5; /* Please remove with the next incompatible ABI change. */
  /** Client library error message buffer. Actually belongs to struct MYSQL. */
  char last_error[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
  /** Client library sqlstate buffer. Set along with the error message. */
  char sqlstate[SQLSTATE_LENGTH+1];
  void *extension;
#if defined(MYSQL_SERVER) && !defined(EMBEDDED_LIBRARY)
    Controls whether a big packet should be skipped.

    Initially set to FALSE by default. Unauthenticated sessions must have
    this set to FALSE so that the server can't be tricked to read packets
  my_bool skip_big_packet;
} NET;


posted @ 2017-05-06 09:46  macJack  阅读(429)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报