



一族,可是它们get的时候不能通过 class 和 标签 来区分,比如:

<div class="FAIL">
    <tr class="FAIL">
        <td class="FAIL ">I am row NO.1</td>
        <td class="TRACE">I am row NO.2</td>
        <td class="DEBUG">I am row NO.3</td>
        <td class="ERROR">I am row NO.4</td>






An Element object representing the first element in the document that matches the specified set of CSS selectors, or null is returned if there are no matches.(By MDN)



If you need a list of all elements matching the specified selectors, you should use querySelectorAll() instead.(By MDN)




document.querySelectorAll(eventName)[index].scrollIntoView({ behavior:"auto, "block: "start", inline: "nearest" });

三个属性分别控制动画、滚动到所选区域的哪里,滚动到本页面的哪里。比起 “herf="#top"”来讲方便了许多啊!



  1 /*
  2 Function to add some new buttons to the panel
  4 Input: *None*
  6 Returns: *None*
  8 Effects: add "to top", "to bottom", "find fail" and "find error" buttons
 10 Modified on Mar 2019 by Jack Lyu
 12 Advise / Next stage: remove functions and put these buttons inside the HTML pages
 13 */
 15 function addButtons() {
 16     //adding anchor to page 
 17     var pageTop = document.createElement('a');
 18     pageTop.setAttribute("id", "top");
 19     var pageBottom = document.createElement('a');
 20     pageBottom.setAttribute("id", "bottom")
 21     var tableBody = document.getElementById("content");
 22     tableBody.insertBefore(pageTop, tableBody.firstChild);
 23     $(pageBottom).insertAfter(tableBody);
 25     //adding link to page 
 26     var infoText = document.createElement('p');
 27     infoText.setAttribute("style", "font-size: 1em;margin:0 0 5px 5px");
 28     infoText.innerHTML = "Navigator v1.0<br><div style='color:red;>'>Error(s):" + window.counterError + " Fail(s):" + window.counterFail + "</div>";
 29     var toTop = document.createElement('a');
 30     toTop.setAttribute("href", "#top");
 31     toTop.setAttribute("onclick", "resetCounter('All')");
 32     toTop.setAttribute("style", "color:#333333;margin:5px 0 0 5px;border:2px solid #6CDFEA;");
 33     toTop.innerHTML = "To Top";
// 省略一部分

42 panleBottom.insertBefore(toBottom, panleBottom.lastChild); 43 44 //adding "find next fail" button function 45 var failButton = document.createElement('div'); 46 failButton.setAttribute("style", "margin: 15px 0 0 5px;"); 47 var findNextFail = document.createElement('a'); 48 findNextFail.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(233)"); 49 findNextFail.setAttribute("onclick", "findNext('tr.FAIL')"); 50 findNextFail.setAttribute("style", "color:#333333;border:3px solid #F02311;margin-left:5px;padding:5px 1.19em 5px 5px;width:30%;text-align:center"); 51 findNextFail.innerHTML = "Next FAIL"; 52 failButton.insertBefore(findNextFail, failButton.lastChild); 53 //adding "Prev fail" button function 54 var findFail = document.createElement('a'); 55 findFail.setAttribute("href", "javascript:void(233)"); 56 findFail.setAttribute("onclick", "findNext('tr.FAIL',false)"); 57 findFail.setAttribute("style", "color:#333333;border:3px solid #F02311;padding:5px 1.19em 5px 5px;width:30%;text-align:center"); 58 findFail.innerHTML = "Prev FAIL"; 59 failButton.insertBefore(findFail, failButton.lastChild);
// 省略一部分
80 //add both button to panle 81 panleBottom.insertBefore(errorButton, panleBottom.lastChild); 82 } 83 84 /* 85 Function to locate target event 86 87 Input: eventName 88 89 Returns: *None* 90 */ 91 92 function findEvent(eventName) { 93 var list = document.querySelectorAll(eventName); 94 var tag = eventName.split(".")[1]; 95 for (let index = list.length - 1; index >= 0; index--) { 96 list[index].setAttribute("id", tag + index); 97 list[index].firstChild.setAttribute("style", "background-color:#FFC943") 98 } 99 } 100 101 /* 102 Function to find next event 103 104 Input: eventName 105 106 Returns: *None* 107 108 Notice: Only work on some browsers: Chorme 29 and above(animation work on 61 above), IE8 and above, Firefox 1 and above(animation work on 36 above) 109 */ 110 111 function findNext(eventName, isNext) { 112 var index; 113 if (isNext == false) { 114 addCounter(eventName, 2); 115 findNext(eventName); 116 return; 117 } 118 else if (eventName == 'tr.ERROR') { 119 if (pointerError < 1) { resetCounter('tr.ERROR'); } 120 index = counterError - pointerError; 121 pointerError--; 122 } 123 else if (eventName == 'tr.FAIL') { 124 if (pointerFail < 1) { resetCounter('tr.FAIL'); } 125 index = counterFail - pointerFail; 126 pointerFail--; 127 } 128 129 else { alert('Script findNext error, call maintainer for help.'); } 130 document.querySelectorAll(eventName)[index].scrollIntoView({ block: "start", inline: "nearest" }); 131 } 132


posted @ 2019-03-20 20:22  Approid  阅读(307)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报