做unity3d 的时候 要用JSON传数据,国外一个开源网站上找到的 http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php
对自带类增加了个字符串属性 ,Mark 一下, 以后可能会用到
string encodedString = "[{\"strName\":\"0.5\",\"strScore\":300,\"strRank\":1},{\"strName\":\"sin\",\"strScore\":250,\"strRank\":2}]";
int tempIndex = 0;
List<Rank> ranklist = DeserializeJson(encodedString);
foreach (Rank myr in ranklist)
print(myr.strName + myr.strRank + myr.strScore);
GameObject tempgo = (GameObject)Instantiate(RowTempgo);
tempgo.transform.parent = RankPanelgo.transform;
tempgo.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, -20f - 8 * tempIndex, 0);
tempgo.transform.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);
SpriteText stname = tempgo.transform.FindChild("Name").GetComponent<SpriteText>();
stname.Text = myr.strName;
SpriteText strank = tempgo.transform.FindChild("Rank").GetComponent<SpriteText>();
strank.Text = myr.strRank;
SpriteText stscore = tempgo.transform.FindChild("Score").GetComponent<SpriteText>();
stscore.Text = myr.strScore;
/// <summary>
/// 此方法 目前只支持 两级, ,,三级或者多级需要 再写
/// </summary>
/// <param name="json"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public List<Rank> DeserializeJson(string json)
List<Rank> tlist = new List<Rank>();
JSONObject myjson = new JSONObject(json);
//Debug.LogError("myjson.list.Count:" + myjson.list.Count.ToString());
for (int i = 0; i < myjson.list.Count; i++)
JSONObject tempmyjson = (JSONObject)myjson.list[i];
Dictionary<string, string> tempDict = tempmyjson.ToDictionary();
Rank myrank = new Rank("", "", "");
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, string> a in tempDict)
if (a.Key == "strName")
myrank.strName = a.Value;
if (a.Key == "strScore")
myrank.strScore = a.Value;
if (a.Key == "strRank")
myrank.strRank = a.Value;
return tlist;
public class Rank
public Rank(string name, string score, string rank)
strName = name;
strScore = score;
strRank = rank;
public string strName;
public string strScore;
public string strRank;
#define READABLE
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/lgpl-2.1.php
* JSONObject class only support simple data...
* for use with Unity
* Copyright Matt Schoen 2010
public class Nullable
//Extend this class if you want to use the syntax
// if(myObject)
//to check if it is not null
public static implicit operator bool(Nullable o)
return (object)o != null;
public class JSONObject : Nullable {
const int MAX_DEPTH = 1000;
public JSONObject parent;
public Type type = Type.NULL;
public ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
public ArrayList keys = new ArrayList();
public string str;
public double n;
public bool b;
public static JSONObject nullJO { get { return new JSONObject(JSONObject.Type.NULL); } }
public static JSONObject obj { get { return new JSONObject(JSONObject.Type.OBJECT); } }
public static JSONObject arr { get { return new JSONObject(JSONObject.Type.ARRAY); } }
public JSONObject(JSONObject.Type t) {
type = t;
switch(t) {
case Type.ARRAY:
list = new ArrayList();
case Type.OBJECT:
list = new ArrayList();
keys = new ArrayList();
public JSONObject(bool b) {
type = Type.BOOL;
this.b = b;
public JSONObject(float f) {
type = Type.NUMBER;
this.n = f;
public JSONObject(Dictionary<string, string> dic) {
type = Type.OBJECT;
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, string> kvp in dic){
public string strJson = "";
public JSONObject() { }
public JSONObject(string str) { //create a new JSONObject from a string (this will also create any children, and parse the whole string)
strJson = str;
if(str != null) {
str = str.Replace("\\n", "");
str = str.Replace("\\t", "");
str = str.Replace("\\r", "");
str = str.Replace("\t", "");
str = str.Replace("\n", "");
str = str.Replace("\\", "");
if(str.Length > 0) {
if(string.Compare(str, "true", true) == 0) {
type = Type.BOOL;
b = true;
} else if(string.Compare(str, "false", true) == 0) {
type = Type.BOOL;
b = false;
} else if(str == "null") {
type = Type.NULL;
} else if(str[0] == '"') {
type = Type.STRING;
this.str = str.Substring(1, str.Length - 2);
} else {
try {
n = System.Convert.ToDouble(str);
type = Type.NUMBER;
} catch(System.FormatException) {
int token_tmp = 0;
* Checking for the following formatting (www.json.org)
* object - {"field1":value,"field2":value}
* array - [value,value,value]
* value - string - "string"
* - number - 0.0
* - bool - true -or- false
* - null - null
switch(str[0]) {
case '{':
type = Type.OBJECT;
keys = new ArrayList();
list = new ArrayList();
case '[':
type = JSONObject.Type.ARRAY;
list = new ArrayList();
type = Type.NULL;
Debug.LogWarning("improper JSON formatting:" + str);
int depth = 0;
bool openquote = false;
bool inProp = false;
for(int i = 1; i < str.Length; i++) {
if(str[i] == '\\') {
if(str[i] == '"')
openquote = !openquote;
if(str[i] == '[' || str[i] == '{')
if(depth == 0 && !openquote) {
if(str[i] == ':' && !inProp) {
inProp = true;
try {
keys.Add(str.Substring(token_tmp + 2, i - token_tmp - 3));
} catch { Debug.Log(i + " - " + str.Length + " - " + str); }
token_tmp = i;
if(str[i] == ',') {
inProp = false;
list.Add(new JSONObject(str.Substring(token_tmp + 1, i - token_tmp - 1)));
token_tmp = i;
if(str[i] == ']' || str[i] == '}')
list.Add(new JSONObject(str.Substring(token_tmp + 1, i - token_tmp - 1)));
if(str[i] == ']' || str[i] == '}')
} else {
type = Type.NULL; //If the string is missing, this is a null
public void AddField(bool val) { Add(new JSONObject(val)); }
public void AddField(float val) { Add(new JSONObject(val)); }
public void AddField(int val) { Add(new JSONObject(val)); }
public void Add(JSONObject obj) {
if(obj) { //Don't do anything if the object is null
if(type != JSONObject.Type.ARRAY) {
type = JSONObject.Type.ARRAY; //Congratulations, son, you're an ARRAY now
Debug.LogWarning("tried to add an object to a non-array JSONObject. We'll do it for you, but you might be doing something wrong.");
public void AddField(string name, bool val) { AddField(name, new JSONObject(val)); }
public void AddField(string name, float val) { AddField(name, new JSONObject(val)); }
public void AddField(string name, int val) { AddField(name, new JSONObject(val)); }
public void AddField(string name, string val) {
AddField(name, new JSONObject { type = JSONObject.Type.STRING, str = val });
public void AddField(string name, JSONObject obj) {
if(obj){ //Don't do anything if the object is null
if(type != JSONObject.Type.OBJECT){
type = JSONObject.Type.OBJECT; //Congratulations, son, you're an OBJECT now
Debug.LogWarning("tried to add a field to a non-object JSONObject. We'll do it for you, but you might be doing something wrong.");
public void SetField(string name, JSONObject obj) {
if(HasField(name)) {
AddField(name, obj);
public JSONObject GetField(string name) {
if(type == JSONObject.Type.OBJECT)
for(int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++)
if((string)keys[i] == name)
return (JSONObject)list[i];
return null;
public bool HasField(string name) {
if(type == JSONObject.Type.OBJECT)
for(int i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++)
if((string)keys[i] == name)
return true;
return false;
public void Clear() {
type = JSONObject.Type.NULL;
str = "";
n = 0;
b = false;
public JSONObject Copy() {
return new JSONObject(print());
* The Merge function is experimental. Use at your own risk.
public void Merge(JSONObject obj) {
MergeRecur(this, obj);
static void MergeRecur(JSONObject left, JSONObject right) {
if(right.type == JSONObject.Type.OBJECT) {
for(int i = 0; i < right.list.Count; i++) {
if(right.keys[i] != null) {
string key = (string)right.keys[i];
JSONObject val = (JSONObject)right.list[i];
if(val.type == JSONObject.Type.ARRAY || val.type == JSONObject.Type.OBJECT) {
MergeRecur(left[key], val);
left.AddField(key, val);
} else {
left.SetField(key, val);
left.AddField(key, val);
}// else left.list.Add(right.list);
public string print() {
return print(0);
public string print(int depth) { //Convert the JSONObject into a stiring
if(depth++ > MAX_DEPTH) {
Debug.Log("reached max depth!");
return "";
string str = "";
switch(type) {
case Type.STRING:
str = "\"" + this.str + "\"";
case Type.NUMBER:
str += n;
case JSONObject.Type.OBJECT:
if(list.Count > 0) {
str = "{";
#if(READABLE) //for a bit more readability, comment the define above to save space
str += "\n";
for(int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {
string key = (string)keys[i];
JSONObject obj = (JSONObject)list[i];
if(obj) {
for(int j = 0; j < depth; j++)
str += "\t"; //for a bit more readability
str += "\"" + key + "\":";
str += obj.print(depth) + ",";
str += "\n";
str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
str += "}";
} else str += "null";
case JSONObject.Type.ARRAY:
if(list.Count > 0) {
str = "[";
str += "\n"; //for a bit more readability
foreach(JSONObject obj in list) {
if(obj) {
for(int j = 0; j < depth; j++)
str += "\t"; //for a bit more readability
str += obj.print(depth) + ",";
str += "\n"; //for a bit more readability
str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
str = str.Substring(0, str.Length - 1);
str += "]";
case Type.BOOL:
str += "true";
str += "false";
case Type.NULL:
str = "null";
return str;
public JSONObject this[int index] {
get { return (JSONObject)list[index]; }
public JSONObject this[string index] {
get { return GetField(index); }
public override string ToString() {
return print();
public Dictionary<string, string> ToDictionary() {
if(type == Type.OBJECT) {
Dictionary<string, string> result = new Dictionary<string, string>();
for(int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) {
JSONObject val = (JSONObject)list[i];
case Type.STRING: result.Add((string)keys[i], val.str); break;
case Type.NUMBER: result.Add((string)keys[i], val.n + ""); break;
case Type.BOOL: result.Add((string)keys[i], val.b + ""); break;
default: Debug.LogWarning("Omitting object: " + (string)keys[i] + " in dictionary conversion"); break;
return result;
} else Debug.LogWarning("Tried to turn non-Object JSONObject into a dictionary");
return null;