
 “Targets that define the products to build. A target organizes the files and instructions needed to build a product into a sequence of build actions that can be taken.”

可以认为一个target对应一个新的product(基于同一份代码的情况下)。虽然代码是同一份, 但编译设置(比如编译条件), 以及包含的资源文件却可以有很大的差别. 于是即使同一份代码, 产出的product也可能大不相同.

1 iOS Project选项卡部分

Project有两个部分 Info和Build Settings

1.1 info 部分

Info部分 包含  发布平台框架 ,Debug,Realse 配置,本地化配置 等


1.2 Build Settings

Build Settings 包含 框架,Build Options,Code Signing,Deployment,Packaging, Search Paths, Apple LLVM compiler


2 iOS Targets

IOS 的Targets 包含General, Capbilitites, Resource Tags, Info ,Build Setting,Build Phases ,Build Rules

2.1 General


包含 Identify,Deployment info,App Icons and Launch Images, Embedded Binaries, linked framework and libraries

2.2 Capbilitites


2.3 Resource Tags


2.4 Info

Info 选项卡包含

Custom Ios Target Properties ,Document Types ,Exported UTIS, Imported UTIs ,URL Types

2.5 Build Setting

2.6 Build Phases

Build Phases 选项卡包含 Target Dependencies ,Compile Sources ,Link Binary With LIbraries,Copy Bundle Resorces

2.7 Build Rules

posted @ 2015-11-08 12:04  iyxooo  阅读(162)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报