var baseText4 = "na1.xls\n1as.xls\nca1.xls\nsa1.xls"
var baseText5 = "The phrase 'regular expression' is often abbreviated ad RegEx or regex"
var baseText6 = "na1.xls\n1as.xls\nca1.xls\nsa1.xls\nsam.xls"
var baseText7 = "background:#336633;color:#f1f1f1;padding:10px;"
// baseText6
//元字符 : 无法用本身代表本身
// . [ ] 等
// myArray\[[O-9]\]
var baseText8 = " var myArray = new Array()" +
"for(myArray[0]==0){}; myArray[1]==1"
// \\
var baseText9 = "\\home\\ben\\sss"
// [\b] \f \n \r \t \v
// \d 数字 \D 非数字
// \w 字母数字下划线 \W 非字母数字下划线
var baseText10 = "11213\n1d23d\n22212\n_ssd123\nabcde\n_2d21d"
// \s 空白字符串 \S 非空白字符串
//十六进制、 八进制
//十六进制 \x
//八进制 \0
//POSIX字符 可移植操作系统接口
// \w{2,5}@baidu\.com
var baseText11 = "b@baidu.com \nben@baidu.com\n4093@baidu.com"
// \w+@\w+\.\w+
var baseText12 = 'send personal email to ben@forta.com \nFor questions about a book use support@forta.com \nFeel free to send unsolicited email to spam@forta.com '
var baseText13 = 'send personal email to ben@forta.com or ben.forta@firta.com \n' +
'For questions about a book use support@forta.com \n' +
'if you message is ugrent try ben@urgent.forta.com.\n'+
'Feel free to send unsolicited email to spam@forta.com '
var baseText14 = "hello .ben@forta.com is my email address"
//http[s]?:\/\/[\w./]* or https?://[\w./]*
var baseText15 = "The URL is http://www.forta.com/ , \n" +
"to connect securely use https://www.forta.com/ instead.\n" +
//+ * 匹配的字符个数没有上限
// + * ?至少匹配0个或者1个字符
// {} 来设定一个精确地匹配次数的值
// \d{1,2}[-\/]\d{1,2}[-\/]\d{2,4} 匹配 日期 月份 年份
var baseText16 = "4/8/03\n10-6-2004\n+2/2/2\n01-01-01"
// \d+:\$\d{3,}\.\d{2} 寻找大于$100的
var baseText17 = '1001:$496.80 \n1002:$1290.69\n' +
// 贪婪型匹配 * + {n,} 他们会尽可能从一行文本的头部匹配到末尾
// 懒惰型匹配 *? +? {n,}? 他们会匹配尽可能少的字符
// <[Bb]>.*?</[Bb]> 匹配b标签
var baseText18 = 'This offer is not available to customers living in <B>ak</B> and <B>HI</B>'
// \bcat\b
var baseText19 = 'The cat scattered his food all over the room'
// \B-\B 多个单词边界
var baseText20 = 'the cat scattered his food all over - the room '
// <\?xml.*\?>
var baseText21 = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> \n' +
'<wsdl:definition-src xmlns:wsdl="http://www.w3.org/1999/html">'
// ^\s*<\?xml.*\?> 非空开头查找xml
var baseText22 = 'this is bad ,real bad \n' +
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> \n' +
'<wsdl:definition-src xmlns:wsdl="http://www.w3.org/1999/html">'
//(?m)^\s*//.*$ 查找注释的正则
//(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3} ip 查找
var baseText23 = 'Pinging hog.forta.com [] \n' +
'with 32 bytes of data:'
//(19|20)\d{2} 查找4位年份
var baseText24 = "ID:042 \n" +
"sex: M\n" +
"DOB: 1967-08-17\n" +
"Status: Active"
//回溯引用: 前后一致匹配
//[ ]+(\w+)[ ]+\1
var baseText25 = 'this is a block of text, several words here are are repeated,\n' +
' and and they should not be .'
//<[hH]([1-6])>.*?</[hH]\1> 正确匹配每一个H标签 (不会匹配“<h2></h1>”)
//回溯例子: mail替换
//replace( (\w+[\w.]*@[\w\.]+\.\w+) , <a href="mailto:$1">$1</a> )
// 替换前
var baseText26 = "my email is 40935539@qq.com, welcome send to me "
// 替换后
// my email is <a href="mailto:409355439@qq.com">409355439@qq.com</a>, welcome send to me
var baseText27 = "313 - 555 - 1234\n" +
"248 - 555 - 9999\n" +
"810 - 555 - 9000"
// replace( (\d{3})( - )(\d{3})( - )(\d{4}) , ($1) $3 - $5 )
// (313) 555 - 1234 (248) 555 - 9999 (810) 555 - 9000
//前后查找 JS不支持向后查找
var baseText28 = "http://www.forta.com\n" +
"http://mail.forta.com\n" +
//向前查找 + 向后查找
//example: " <h3>REGEXP</h3>"
//正向前查找(?=) 负向前查找(?!)
//正向前查找(?<=) 负向后查找(?<!)
//\b(?<!\$)\d+\b 查找不含$的数字
var baseText29 = "i paid $30 for 100 apples, 50 organges ,and 60 pears . i saved $5 on this order ."
Now or nerver .