只要涉及到数据库的操作,那么使用事务就是难免的。如果我们使用LINQ to SQL作为数据访问层,那么LINQ提供的SubmitChanges()方法自身就包含了对事务的处理。当然,我们也可以利用System.Data.Common.DbTransaction对事务进行处理,我们可以调用DataContext中Connection的方法BeginTransaction()启动事务,然后根据情况进行回滚或提交。例如是这样一段代码:
LinqSampleDataContext context = new LinqSampleDataContext(); System.Data.Common.DbTransaction trans = null; try { context.Connection.Open(); trans = context.Connection.BeginTransaction(); context.Transaction = trans; context.Employees.InsertOnSubmit(emp); context.SubmitChanges(); trans.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (trans != null) { trans.Rollback(); } }
然而,当我们在使用LINQ to SQL中时,往往会同时使用多个DataContext,此时我们就需要使用TransactionScope。例如:
using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew)) { try { for (int i = 0; i < nominees.Count; ++i) { Backup newBackup = nominees[i]; Ticket ticket = tickets[i]; //update the information of ticket //mainly add the information of employee; ticket.EmployeeID = newBackup.EmployeeID; ticket.HaveNominated = true; ticket.IsConfirmedByManager = true; ticket.Status = TicketStatus.Enroll.ToString(); ticketAccessor.Update(ticket); } //update the IsSubmit of backup; ChangeSubmitStatue(backup); //remove the record of nominee in backup table Delete(nominees); } catch (Exception ex) { ThrowHelper.ThrowBackupException("Finalizing occurs an error. The transcation will be rollback."); return false; } scope.Complete(); }
代码中,分别涉及到Update, Delete等操作,因此我们势必需要用事务,保证数据整体提交或整体回滚。在使用事务的时候,有一些前置条件是必备的。例如启动Distributed Transaction Coordinator服务,否则,就会抛出System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException异常,信息为:"MSDTC on server '{Server Name}' is unavailable."。是的,很多资料都是这样描述的。然而,现实并没有这么简单。我们首先得考虑运行代码的机器是否与数据库所在的机器是同一台。这里所谓的启动Distributed Transaction Coordinator服务,实际上是要启动数据库服务器的服务。如果数据库与代码服务器是同一台,通过这样的设置就没有错误了。
当数据库与代码服务器分属两台机器呢?同样运行如上的代码,就会抛出System.Transactions.TransactionManagerCommunicationException异常。异常信息为:"Network access for Distributed Transaction Manager (MSDTC) has been disabled. Please enable DTC for network access in the security configuration for MSDTC using the Component Services Administrative tool."
这是一种通信错误,原因在于两台服务器之间的安全配置禁止了分布式事务。解决办法是在运行代码的服务器上,配置Component Services。方法如下:
1、在Run运行窗口中,输入dcomcnfg命令,这样就可以打开Component Services。
2、选择Component Services->Computers->My Computer;
3、右键单击My Computer,在弹出的快捷菜单中,选择“Properties”,然后点击MSDTC tab;
4、在MSDTC tab中,点击Security Configuration按钮;
Configuration Option | Default Value | Recommended Value |
Network DTC Access |
Disabled |
Enabled |
Client and Administration |
Allow Remote Clients |
Disabled |
Disabled |
Allow Remote Administration |
Disabled |
Disabled |
Transaction Manager Communication |
Allow Inbound |
Disabled |
Enabled |
Allow Outbound |
Disabled |
Enabled |
Mutual Authentication Required |
Enabled |
Enabled if all remote machines are running Win2K3 SP1 or XP SP2 or higher, and are configured with “Mutual Authentication Required”. |
Incoming Caller Authentication Required |
Disabled |
Enabled if running MSDTC on cluster. |
No Authentication Required |
Disabled |
Enabled if remote machines are pre-Windows Server 2003 SP1 or pre- Windows XP SP2. |
Enable TIP |
Disabled |
Enabled if running the BAM Portal. |
Enable XA Transactions |
Disabled |
Enabled if communicating with an XA based transactional system such as when communicating with IBM WebSphere MQ using the MQSeries adapter. |
如果操作系统是Windows 2003,通常默认的设置就是正确的。不过我们在编写程序时,不管是Unit Test,还是其他测试,最频繁的还是在本机上运行。如果操作系统是Windows XP,就不得不进行这样的设置了。
注: 此贴中没写在防火墙中加入msdtc.exe,值得商榷