A peek at Address Book in AX

只要是用AIF Customer/Vendor service在AX里create/update customers/vendors,都要涉及到global address book。因此了解这个feature是很重要的。


Partial Data model of Address Book:



主要介绍一些组成Address book framework的Tables/Views.

DirPartyTable(Party): 两种类型:个体(Customer/Vendor), 组织(Organization)

DirPartyLocation(Party Location): This is linked to party table and location table through its 2 fields: Party and Location.

They are both FK to RecIds on those tables.


LogisticsLocation (Location):

This is the link between an physical address or a contact(email, phone,fax...) with Party(Customer/Vendor).

1. Contacts are not directly linked to Address. Rather they are very indirectly linked to Address through a shared location. 意思就是多个contacts地址共享一个location。

2. When we are trying to link a contact directly with a party, then the structure will be,

  • Location
  • Bunch of Contacts which point to this location

3. When we’re trying to link an address with contacts to a Party, then the structure will be,

  • Location(A)
  • Only one Address liked to this Location
  • Another location (B) with ParentLocation set to above Location A
  • Bunch of Contacts liked to the Location B

例如: Contact 1 --link to Address 1----link to Party 1

Address 1 ----Location A

Contact 1-----Location B, ParentLocation = Location A

LogisticsPostalAddress(Address): This table stores the actual physical postal address.  (Note: Postal address 有两个重要的字段:ValidFrom和 ValidTo。这表示可以有多个物理地址.)



This table stores all the contacts. Contacts are of 2 types

1. Contacts linked to Customer/Vendor directly

2. Contacts linked to a postal address


DirPartyPostalAddressView(Party address): This view gives us a list of all addresses that are linked to a Party.


select * from DirPartyPostalAddressView a                                                            

join CustTable b on a.Party = b.Party where b.AccountNum = ‘2014’



DirPartyContactInfoView(Party contact): This view gives us a list of all contacts that are linked to a Party.




LogisticsLocationAddressView( All postal address): This view gives us a list of addresses of all location

LogisticsContactInfoView(All contact info): This view gives us a list of contact info of all location

最后一个例子,选出一个Customer上关联的所有Postal Address上的所有Contact Info,




1. 一个完整的ER如下:

DirPartyTable -- DirPerson(DirOrganization) -- DirPartyLocation -- DirPartryLocationRole


  LogisticsLocation -- one DirPostalAddress

  LogisticsLocation -- one DirPostalAddress

  LogisticsLocation -- multiple DirElectronicAddress -- LogisticsLocationRole


2. 现有AIF Customer service不是一个干净的document service, 因为它的query里用的是View(不能create/update),AXd** class里重写了create/update address的逻辑。

posted @ 2015-03-02 15:14  Liu小芹  阅读(398)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报