
prototype BOOL ExecuteSQLScript(STRING);
prototype BOOL ExecuteScript(OBJECT,OBJECT,STRING);
 //参数ConnectionString = Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=servername;Initial Catalog=MyProject;Integrated Security=SSPI;
function BOOL ExecuteSQLScript(ConnectionString)
OBJECT pADOObj, pADOCommObj,objRecordSet;
STRING svLine, szConnString, szSQL, svString;
BOOL   nResult;
LIST listID;
  // Create ADO Connection Object to connect to the SQL server
  szADOObjID = "ADODB.Connection";
  set pADOObj = CreateObject(szADOObjID);
  // Create the SQL string to complete the connection
  szConnString = ConnectionString
  // Open the ADO Connection
  // Create the ADO Command object to execute the script
  szADOCommObjID = "ADODB.Command";
  set pADOCommObj = CreateObject(szADOCommObjID);
  pADOCommObj.ActiveConnection = pADOObj;
  nResult = ExecuteScript(pADOObj,pADOCommObj,"Structure.sql");//Structure.sql文件在存放在SRCDIR下名为DBScript的文件夹下
  if (nResult = TRUE) then
   nResult = ExecuteScript(pADOObj,pADOCommObj,"Trg&Func.sql");");//Trg&Func.sql文件在存放在SRCDIR下名为DBScript的文件夹下
   if nResult = TRUE then
    nResult = ExecuteScript(pADOObj,pADOCommObj,"Views.sql");//Views.sql文件在存放在SRCDIR下名为DBScript的文件夹下
    if(nResult = TRUE)then
      nResult = ExecuteScript(pADOObj,pADOCommObj,"InitialData.sql");//InitialData.sql文件在存放在SRCDIR下名为DBScript的文件夹下
  set pADOObj = NOTHING;
  set pADOCommObj = NOTHING;
  nResult = FALSE;
 set pADOObj = NOTHING;
 set pADOCommObj = NOTHING;
 return nResult;

function BOOL ExecuteScript(objConn,objCom,tsFileName)
LIST list;
STRING sSql,sLine;
NUMBER nResult;
BOOL nReturn;
 // Create an empty string list.
 list = ListCreate (STRINGLIST);
 // Read the SQL script file into the list
 if (ListReadFromFile(list, SRCDIR^"DBScript"^tsFileName) < 0) then // read list from file
  //MessageBox ("ERROR: Unable to open "+tsFileName, SEVERE);
  return FALSE;
 // Go through each list item and add it to a string (which will then hold the script)
 sSql = "";
 nResult = ListGetFirstString (list, sLine);
 if tsFileName = "InitialData.sql" then
  while (nResult = 0)
   if sLine != "" then
    sSql = sSql + ";" + sLine;
    sLine = "";
   nResult = ListGetNextString (list, sLine);
  // Execute the call to run the script
   objCom.CommandText = sSql;
  while (nResult = 0)
   if sLine != "" then
    if(sLine != "go") then
        sSql = sSql + " " + sLine;
     // Execute the call to run the script
     objCom.CommandText = sSql;
     sSql = "";
   nResult = ListGetNextString (list, sLine);
 // Be good and clean up your trash
 nReturn = TRUE;
  nReturn = FALSE;
 return nReturn;

posted @ 2010-08-20 17:30  蓝欣児  Views(274)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报