# 表结构部分
1 drop database if exists `SchoolExam`; 2 create database if not exists `SchoolExam` default character set utf8 collate utf8_unicode_ci; 3 use SchoolExam;
# 创建Student表
1 drop table if exists `Student`; 2 create table if not exists `Student`( 3 ID INT(10) not null auto_increment comment '学生学号', 4 `Name` varchar(20) not null comment '学生姓名', 5 Sex char(4) comment '性别', 6 Birth year comment '出生日期', 7 Department varchar(20) not null comment '院系', 8 Address varchar(50) comment '家庭住址', 9 primary key(ID), 10 unique(ID) 11 )engine=InnoDB charset=utf8;
# 创建Score表
1 drop table if exists `Score`; 2 create table if not exists `Score`( 3 ID int(10) not null auto_increment comment '成绩编号', 4 Stu_ID int(10) not null comment '学生学号', 5 C_name VARCHAR(20) comment '科目编号', 6 Grade int(10) comment '考试成绩', 7 primary key(ID), 8 unique(ID) 9 )engine=InnoDB charset=utf8;
# 数据部分
1 insert into Student values(901, '张老大', '男', 1985, '计算机系', '北京市海淀区'); 2 insert into Student values(902, '张老二', '男', 1986, '中文系', '北京市昌平区'); 3 insert into Student values(903, '张三', '女', 1990, '中文系', '湖南省永州市'); 4 insert into Student values(904, '李四', '男', 1990, '英语系', '辽宁省阜新市'); 5 insert into Student values(905, '王五', '女', 1991, '英语系', '福建省厦门市'); 6 insert into Student values(906, '王六', '男', 1988, '计算机系', '湖南省衡阳市'); 7 8 insert into Score values(null, 901, '计算机', 98); 9 insert into Score values(null, 901, '英语', 80); 10 insert into Score values(null, 902, '计算机', 65); 11 insert into Score values(null, 902, '中文', 88); 12 insert into Score values(null, 903, '中文', 95); 13 insert into Score values(null, 904, '计算机', 70); 14 insert into Score values(null, 904, '英语', 92); 15 insert into Score values(null, 905, '英语', 94); 16 insert into Score values(null, 906, '计算机', 90); 17 insert into Score values(null, 906, '英语', 85);
1 select * from Student;
1 #limit 1,3--第2条到4条记录 2 select * from Student limit 1,3;
1 select `id`,`name`,`department` from Student;
1 select * from Student where `department` in ('计算机系','英语系');
1 select * from Student where `Birth`<='1995' and `Birth`>='1991'; 2 select id,`name`,sex,(2013-birth) AS age,department,address from Student where (2013-birth) between 18 and 22; 3 #select id,(date_format(from_days(to_days(now()) - to_days(birth)),'%Y') + 0) as 年龄 from Student;
select `department`院系, count(`id`)总人数 from Student group by `department`;
select `C_name`科目, max(`Grade`)最高分 from Score group by `C_name`;
1 select `Name`,`C_name`, `Grade` from Score sc, Student st where sc.Stu_id=st.`Id` and st.`Name`='李四'; 2 #select`C_name`, `Grade` from Score where Stu_id=(select id from Student where `name`='李四');
1 /*select * from Student inner join Score 2 on (Student.`Id`=Score.Stu_id);*/ 3 select student.id,name,sex,birth,department,address,c_name,grade from Student,Score where Student.`Id`=Score.Stu_id;
1 #select `Stu_id`,sum(`Grade`) from Score group by `Stu_id`; 2 select `Stu_id`,`name`,sum(`Grade`) from Student,Score where Student.`Id`=Score.Stu_id group by `Stu_id` ;
select `C_name`科目, avg(`Grade`)平均分 from Score group by `C_name`;
select * from Student where `id` in (select `Stu_id` from Score where `C_name`='计算机' and Grade<95);
1 select * from Student where `id` in (select `Stu_id` from Score where `Stu_id` in (select `Stu_id` from Score where `C_name`='计算机') and `C_name`='英语'); 2 /*select a.* from Student a,Score b,Score c 3 where a.id=b.stu_id and b.c_name='计算机' and a.id=c.stu_id and c.c_name='英语';*/
select * from Score where `C_name`='计算机' order by Grade desc;
1 #union--合并字段,去掉重复 2 /*select * from Student 3 left join Score 4 on(Student.`id`=Score.Stu_id);*/ 5 select id from Student union select stu_id from Score;
1 /*select `Name`姓名, Department 院系,C_name 考试科目,Grade 成绩 from Student 2 left join Score 3 on(Student.`id`=Score.Stu_id) 4 where `Name` like '张%' or `Name` like '王%';*/ 5 select `Name`姓名, Department 院系,C_name 考试科目,Grade 成绩 from Student,Score 6 where (`Name` like '张%' or `Name` like '王%') and Student.`id`=Score.Stu_id;
1 /*select `Name`姓名, Department 院系,C_name 考试科目,Grade 成绩 from Student 2 left join Score 3 on(Student.`id`=Score.Stu_id) 4 where `Address` like '湖南%' ;*/ 5 select `Name`姓名,(select timestampdiff(year,Birth,now())) as 年龄, Department 院系,C_name 考试科目,Grade 成绩 from Student,Score 6 where `Address` like '湖南%' and Student.`id`=Score.Stu_id;
1 #select stu_id,count(stu_id) from Score where Grade between 70 and 80 group by stu_id; 2 select 3 count(case when Grade<60 then 1 end ) as '60分以下人数', 4 count(case when Grade>=60 and Grade<70 then 1 end ) as '60~70分人数', 5 count(case when Grade>=70 and Grade<80 then 1 end ) as '70~80分人数', 6 count(case when Grade>=80 then 1 end ) as '80分以上人数' 7 from Score;
1 select `Stu_id`,`name`,avg(Grade) from Score,Student where Student.`id`=Score.Stu_id group by `Stu_id`,`name` having avg(Grade)>90; 2 /*SELECT `Stu_id`,`name`,avg(Grade) 3 FROM Score,Student 4 WHERE Student.`id`=Score.Stu_id 5 GROUP BY `Stu_id`,`name` 6 HAVING AVG(GRADE)>=90;*/