1. 自动生成分区
#!/bin/bash today="20160401" while true do if [ $today -gt "20160731" ];then exit 0 fi par="PARTITION p$today VALUES LESS THAN ('$today')," #par="PARTITION p$today VALUES IN ($today)," today=`date -d "$today 1 days" +%Y%m%d` echo $par done
2. 将行构造成json字段
#!/bin/bash mysql -s -phello test >1.log <<EOF desc t1; EOF lines="concat_ws(','," count=`cat 1.log|wc -l` linenum=0 while read line do coloumname=`echo $line |awk '{print $1}'` let linenum=linenum+1 if [ $linenum -eq 1 ];then lines=$lines"concat_ws(':','{"'"'$coloumname'"'"',if("$coloumname" is null or $coloumname='','null',concat('"'"'"',$coloumname,'"'"'"')))" elif [ $linenum -eq $count ];then lines=$lines",concat_ws(':','"'"'$coloumname'"'"',if("$coloumname" is null or $coloumname='','null}',concat('"'"'"',$coloumname,'"'"'"}'))))" else lines=$lines",concat_ws(':','"'"'$coloumname'"'"',if("$coloumname" is null or $coloumname='','null',concat('"'"'"',$coloumname,'"'"'"')))" fi done < 1.log echo $lines
3. MySQL主从搭建
#!/bin/bash master_ip= master_user=root master_password=123456 slave_ip= slave_user=root slave_password=123456 position=`mysql -u"$master_user" -p"$master_password" -e "show master status;" |awk 'NR==2{print $1,$2}'` file=`echo $position |awk '{print $1}'` pos=`echo $position |awk '{print $2}'` mysql -h"$slave_ip" -u"$slave_user" -p"$slave_password" <<EOF stop slave; CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='$master_ip', MASTER_USER='repl', MASTER_PASSWORD='repl', MASTER_LOG_FILE='$file', MASTER_LOG_POS=$pos; start slave; select sleep(3); show slave status\G; EOF
4. 分区表迁移脚本
#!/bin/bash mysqlclient="mysql -uroot -p123456 --socket=/home/bdp/mysql/tmp/mysql.sock" function move_partition(){ mp_schema=$1 mp_table=$2 mp_tmp=$3 mp_partition=$4 $mysqlclient <<EOF use $mp_schema; alter table $mp_table exchange partition $mp_partition with table $mp_tmp; exit EOF } function create_tmptable(){ ct_schema=$1 ct_origin_table=$2 ct_tmp_table=$3 $mysqlclient <<EOF use $ct_schema; create table $ct_tmp_table like $ct_origin_table; alter table $ct_tmp_table remove partitioning; exit EOF } function drop_table(){ dt_schema=$1 dt_table=$2 $mysqlclient <<EOF use $dt_schema; drop table $dt_table; exit EOF } function remove_partition(){ rp_schema=$1 rp_table=$2 rp_partition=$3 $mysqlclient <<EOF use $rp_schema; alter table $rp_table drop partition $rp_partition; exit EOF } function tmp_to_bak(){ ttb_schema=$1 ttb_table=$2 ttb_tmp=$3 $mysqlclient <<EOF use $ttb_schema; set autocommit=0; insert into $ttb_table select * from $ttb_tmp; truncate table $ttb_tmp; commit; exit EOF } function migrate_data(){ md_schema=$1 md_origin_table=$2 md_begindate=$3 md_enddate=$4 md_tmp_table="$md_origin_table"_tmp md_bak_table="$md_origin_table"_bak create_tmptable $md_schema $md_origin_table $md_tmp_table while true do if [ "$md_begindate" -gt "$md_enddate" ];then drop_table $md_schema $md_tmp_table return 0 fi move_partition $md_schema $md_origin_table $md_tmp_table p"$md_begindate" remove_partition $md_schema $md_origin_table p"$md_begindate" tmp_to_bak $md_schema $md_bak_table $md_tmp_table md_begindate=`date -d "$md_begindate 1 days" +%Y%m%d` echo $md_begindate done } while read schema origin_table begindate enddate do migrate_data $schema $origin_table $begindate $enddate done < tablename.txt
test t 20151211 20160131 test1 t1 220151211 20160131 test2 t2 20151211 20160131