WRFDA namelist速查表
WRFDA namelist速查表
来自 WRF/var/README.namelist
wrfvar4是设定观测读入时的一些设置(比如 稀疏化的设置),以及各类观测的同化开关
wrfvar5是用来设定各种类型观测质控的,开启check_max_iv后,如果观测增量大于观测的误差乘以 max_error_xxx 那就会拒绝这个观测
wrfvar7是用来设置背景场误差协方差的相关设置 以及BE矩阵的水平项(LEN_SCALING1-5 VAR_SCALING1-5)
wrfvar12似乎是用来给代价函数加罚项的设置 可以参考
wrfvar13 用于控制误差协方差矩阵的(垂直方向) 以及流函数势函数
wrfvar14 用于设置卫星资料同化相关变量
wrfvar15 19用来设置伪观测的
wrfvar17 analysis_type设置WRFDA运行的模式 可选模式有很多
wrfvar18 21 22一定要设置 适用于控制WRFDA的分析时间和窗口的
obs_opt 手册中暂无相关说明可以参考下面的README.namelist
perturbation 是用于4dvar同化的
write_increments = .false. ; .true.: write out a binary analysis_increment file
print_detail_grad = .false. ; .true.: to print out detailed gradient of each observation type at
; the first and final iterations.
print_detail_outerloop = .false. ; .true.: to write out wrfvar_output file at different outer loops
check_max_iv_print = .true. ; obsolete (only used by Radar)
write_gts_omb_oma = .true. ;(default)
write_rej_obs_conv = .false. ;(default), the information is not too helpful
write_unpert_obs = .false. ;(default), the information is not usually used
analysis_accu = 900 ; seconds, if time difference between namelist setting
; (analysis_date) and date info read in from first guess
; is larger than analysis_accu, WRFDA will abort
calc_w_increment = .false. ; .true.: the increment of the vertical velocity w will be
; diagnosed based on the increments of other fields.
; If use_radarobs=.true., the w increments are always
; calculated.
dt_cloud_model = .false. ;
wind_sd = .false. ; .true.: wind values which are reported as speed/direction will be assimilated as such
; .false.: default behavior: all wind obs are converted to u/v prior to assimilation
wind_sd_buoy = .false. ; - "obs. types employing wind_sd"
wind_sd_synop = .false. ; - "obs. types employing wind_sd"
wind_sd_ships = .false. ; - "obs. types employing wind_sd"
wind_sd_metar = .false. ; - "obs. types employing wind_sd"
wind_sd_sound = .false. ; - "obs. types employing wind_sd"
wind_sd_pilot = .false. ; - "obs. types employing wind_sd"
wind_sd_airep = .false. ; - "obs. types employing wind_sd"
wind_sd_qscat = .false. ; - "obs. types employing wind_sd"
wind_sd_tamdar = .false. ; - "obs. types employing wind_sd"
wind_sd_geoamv = .false. ; - "obs. types employing wind_sd"
wind_sd_mtgirs = .false. ; - "obs. types employing wind_sd"
wind_sd_polaramv = .false. ; - "obs. types employing wind_sd"
wind_sd_profiler = .false. ; - "obs. types employing wind_sd"
wind_stats_sd = .false. ; - "statistics output as sd" "" ""
qc_rej_both = .false ; .true.: if either u or v (spd or dir) do not pass quality control, both obs are rejected
; .false.: default behavior: qc on wind obs is handled individually
fg_format = 1 ; 1: fg_format_wrf_arw_regional (default)
; 2: wrf-nmm format (untested)
; 3: fg_format_wrf_arw_global (untested)
; 4: fg_format_kma_global (untested)
ob_format = 2 ; 1: ob_format_bufr (NCEP PREPBUFR), read in data from ob.bufr
; 2: ob_format_ascii (output from obsproc), read in data from ob.ascii (default)
ob_format_gpsro = 2 ; for ob_format=2 only...when ob_format=1, GPSRO will be read from ob.bufr
; 1: read in GPSRO data from gpsro.bufr
; 2: read in GPSRO data from ob.ascii (default)
num_fgat_time = 1 ; 1: 3DVAR
; > 1: number of time slots for FGAT and 4DVAR
&wrfvar4 !*关于观测的record*
thin_conv = .true. ; for ob_format=1 (NCEP PREPBUFR) only.
; thinning is mandatory for ob_format=1 as time-duplicate
; data are "thinned" within thinning routine, however,
; thin_conv can be set to .false. for debugging purpose.
thin_conv_ascii = .false. ; .true.: thinning for ob_format=2 (ASCII) observations
thin_conv_opt (num_ob_indexes) = 1 ; when thin_conv=true or thin_conv_ascii=true, each ob type
; can set its thin_conv_opt.
; the index/order of each ob type follows the definition in
; WRFDA/var/da/da_control/da_control.f90
; when thin_conv=false or thin_conv_ascii=false, WRFDA sets thin_conv_opt(:)=0
; 0: no thinning
; 1: thinning is on, keep one ob within a thinning box
; 2: keep multiple obs within a thinning box, only applies to use_satwnd_bufr (polaramv)
; 3: superob in horizontal, only applies to use_satwnd_bufr (polaramv)
; 4: superob in horizontal and vertical (need to set also thin_mesh_vert_conv),
; only applies to use_satwnd_bufr (polaramv)
thin_mesh_conv (num_ob_indexes) = 20.0 ; km, size of horizontal thinning mesh boxes for conventional (non-radiance)
; observations. Each observation type can set its thinning mesh and
; the index/order follows the definition in
; WRFDA/var/da/da_control/da_control.f90
thin_mesh_vert_conv(num_ob_indexes) = 100.0 ; hPa, size of vertical thinning mesh boxes for conventional (non-radiance)
; observations. Each observation type can set its thinning mesh and
; the index/order of each ob type follows the definition in
; WRFDA/var/da/da_control/da_control.f90
; only used when thin_conv_opt=4 and only implemented for use_satwnd_bufr (polaramv)
; use_xxxobs - .true.: assimilate xxx obs if available
; .false.: do not assimilate xxx obs even if available
use_synopobs = .true.
use_shipsobs = .true.
use_metarobs = .true.
use_soundobs = .true.
use_pilotobs = .true.
use_airepobs = .true.
use_geoamvobs = .true.
use_polaramvobs = .true.
use_satwnd_bufr = .true. ; when ob_format=1 and satwnd.bufr exists in the working directory
; satellite AMVs are read in from satwnd.bufr and processed as polaramv
; this is to add additional AMVs that are not included in prepBUFR
; AMVs from prepBUFR are processed as geoamv in WRFDA
use_bogusobs = .true.
use_buoyobs = .true.
use_profilerobs = .true.
use_satemobs = .true.
use_gpspwobs = .true.
use_gpsztdobs = .false. ; .true.: Assimilate GPS Zenith Total Delay data
use_gpsrefobs = .true. ; Assimilate GPSRO in refractivity quantity
use_gpsephobs = .false. ; .true.: new in V4.0 for applying non-local Excess PHase operator.
top_km_gpsro = 30.0 ; control the rejection of higher observations
bot_km_gpsro = 0.0 ; control the rejection of lower observations
use_qscatobs = .true.
use_radarobs = .false. ; .true.: Assimilate radar data; see User's Guide for more information
use_radar_rv = .false. ; Assimilate radar velocity observations
use_radar_rf = .false. ; Assimilate radar reflectivity using original reflectivity operator (total mixing ratio)
use_radar_rhv = .false. ; Assimilate retrieved hydrometeors (qr, qs, qg) from radar reflectivity
use_radar_rqv = .false. ; Assimilate estimated humidity (qv) from radar reflectivity
use_rainobs = .false. ; .true.: Assimilate precipitation data; see User's Guide for more information *only for 4dvar*
thin_rainobs = .true. ; perform thinning on preciptation data *only for 4dvar*
use_airsretobs = .true. ; Assimilate retrieved T/Q profiles from AIRS instrument
; the satellite radiance use_xxxobs variables below only control whether
; WRFDA will read in the corresponding xxxx.bufr file; they do not control
; if the data will be assimilated or not.
; Some more variables have to be set in &wrfvar14 in order
; to assimilate radiance data.
use_hirs2obs = .false. ; .true.: to read in data from hirs2.bufr
use_hirs3obs = .false. ; .true.: to read in data from hirs3.bufr
use_hirs4obs = .false. ; .true.: to read in data from hirs4.bufr
use_mhsobs = .false. ; .true.: to read in data from mhs.bufr
use_msuobs = .false. ; .true.: to read in data from msu.bufr
use_amsuaobs = .false. ; .true.: to read in data from amsua.bufr
use_amsubobs = .false. ; .true.: to read in data from amsub.bufr
use_airsobs = .false. ; .true.: to read in data from airs.bufr
use_eos_amsuaobs = .false. ; .true.: to read in EOS AMSUA data from airs.bufr
use_ssmisobs = .false. ; .true.: to read in data from ssmis.bufr
use_atmsobs = .false. ; .true.: to read in data from atms.bufr
use_iasiobs = .false. ; .true.: to read in data from iasi.bufr
use_seviriobs = .false. ; .true.: to read in data from seviri.bufr
use_amsr2obs = .false. ; .true.: to read in AMSR2 data. The file names depend on the data type;
; see the User's Guide for more details
use_goesimgobs = .false. ;
use_obs_errfac = .false. ; *.true.: apply obs error tuning factors if errfac.dat is available*
; *for conventional data only*
&wrfvar5 !这一部分是用来设定质控的 如果观测增量大于观测的误差乘以下面这些 max_error_xxx 那就会拒绝这个观测
check_max_iv = .true. ; .true.: reject the observations whose innovations (O-B) are
; larger than a maximum value defined as a multiple of
; the observation error for each observation.
; i.e., inv > (obs_error*factor) --> fails_error_max
; the default maximum value is 5 times the observation error.
; the factor of 5 can be changed through max_error_* settings.
max_error_t = 5.0 ; maximum check_max_iv error check factor for t
max_error_uv = 5.0 ; maximum check_max_iv error check factor for u and v
max_error_pw = 5.0 ; maximum check_max_iv error check factor for precipitable water
max_error_ref = 5.0 ; maximum check_max_iv error check factor for gps refractivity
max_error_eph = 5.0 ;
max_error_q = 5.0 ; maximum check_max_iv error check factor for specific humidity
max_error_p = 5.0 ; maximum check_max_iv error check factor for pressure
max_error_thickness = 5.0 ; maximum check_max_iv error check factor for thickness
max_error_rv = 5.0 ; maximum check_max_iv error check factor for radar radial velocity
max_error_rf = 5.0 ; maximum check_max_iv error check factor for radar reflectivity
max_error_rain = 5.0 ; maximum check_max_iv error check factor for precipitation
max_omb_spd = 100.0 ; Max absolute value of innovation for wind speed obs in m/s; if
; innov. is greater than this value it will be set to zero
max_omb_dir = 1000.0 ; Max absolute value of innovation for wind direction obs in degrees;
; if innov. is greater than this value it will be set to zero
max_error_spd = 5.0 ; maximum check_max_iv error check factor for wind speed
max_error_dir = 5.0 ; maximum check_max_iv error check factor for wind direction
put_rand_seed = .false. ; For RANDOMCV
; true: enter your own seed numbers to generate random background perturbations.
; false: perturbations will be generated "randomly" and give new perturbations each time
&wrfvar6 ; for minimization options
max_ext_its = 1 ; number of outer loops
ntmax (max_outer_iterations) = 75 ; maximum number of iterations in inner loop
; (used dimension: max_ext_its)
eps (max_outer_iterations) = 0.01 ; minimization convergence criterion (used dimension: max_ext_its)
; minimization stops when the norm of the gradient of the cost
; function gradient is reduced by a factor of eps.
; inner minimization stops either when the criterion is met or
; when inner iterations reach ntmax.
orthonorm_gradient = .false. ; .true.: the gradient vectors are stored during
; the Conjugate Gradient for each iteration and
; used to re-orthogonalize the new gradient.
; This requires extra storage of large vectors
; (each one being the size of the control variable)
; but results in a better convergence of the
; Conjugate Gradient after around 20 iterations.
cv_options = 5 ; 3: NCEP Background Error model
; 5: NCAR Background Error model (default)
; 6: Moisture-multivariate background error statistics
; 7: New NCAR Background Error model (CV7)
; For cv_options= 5, 6, or 7, be.dat must be generated by GEN_BE. See User's Guide for details.
; as1 - as5 are for cv_options=3 only
as1 (3) = 0.25, 1.0, 1.5 ; tuning factors for variance, horizontal and vertical scales for
; control variable 1 = stream function. For cv_options=3 only.
as2 (3) = 0.25, 1.0, 1.5 ; tuning factors for variance, horizontal and vertical scales for
; control variable 2 - unbalanced potential velocity. For cv_options=3 only.
as3 (3) = 0.25, 1.0, 1.5 ; tuning factors for variance, horizontal and vertical scales for
; control variable 3 - unbalanced temperature. For cv_options=3 only.
as4 (3) = 0.25, 1.0, 1.5 ; tuning factors for variance, horizontal and vertical scales for
; control variable 4 - pseudo relative humidity. For cv_options=3 only.
as5 (3) = 0.25, 1.0, 1.5 ; tuning factors for variance, horizontal and vertical scales for
; control variable 5 - unbalanced surface pressure. For cv_options=3 only.
rf_passes = 6 ; number of passes of recursive filter.
; var_scaling1-5 and len_scaling1-5 are for cv_options=5, 6, and 7 only
var_scaling1 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of background error covariance for control variable 1.
; control variable 1 is stream function for cv_options=5 and 6.
; control variable 1 is u-wind component for cv_options=7.
var_scaling2 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of background error covariance for control variable 2.
; control variable 2 is unbalanced velocity potential for cv_options=5 and 6.
; control variable 2 is v-wind component for cv_options=7.
var_scaling3 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of background error covariance for control variable 3.
; control variable 3 is unbalanced temperature for cv_options=5 and 6.
; control variable 3 is temperature for cv_options=7.
var_scaling4 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of background error covariance for control variable 4.
; control variable 4 is pseudo relative humidity for cv_options=5 and 7.
; control variable 4 is unbalanced pseudo relative humidity for cv_options=6.
var_scaling5 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of background error covariance for control variable 5.
; control variable 5 is unbalanced surface pressure for cv_options=5 and 6.
; control variable 5 is surface pressure for cv_options=7.
var_scaling6 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; cloud liquid water
var_scaling7 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; rain water
var_scaling8 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; ice water
var_scaling9 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; snow
var_scaling10(max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; graupel
var_scaling11(max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; vertical velocity
; see the above description about the meaning of control variables 1-5.
len_scaling1 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of scale-length for control variable 1.
len_scaling2 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of scale-length for control variable 2.
len_scaling3 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of scale-length for control variable 3.
len_scaling4 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of scale-length for control variable 4.
len_scaling5 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of scale-length for control variable 5.
len_scaling6 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of scale-length for control variable 6.
len_scaling7 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of scale-length for control variable 7.
len_scaling8 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of scale-length for control variable 8.
len_scaling9 (max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of scale-length for control variable 9.
len_scaling10(max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of scale-length for control variable 10.
len_scaling11(max_outer_iterations) = 1.0 ; tuning factor of scale-length for control variable 11.
je_factor = 1.0 ; ensemble covariance weighting factor
cloud_cv_options = 0 ; 0: no cloud control variables
; 1: Total water (qt) is the moist/cloud control variable.
; Cloud water and rainwater are combined with water vapor as total water.
; A warm-rain scheme is used to partition the total water into water vapor,
; cloud water and rainwater during minimization.
; 2: Moist control variable is pseudo relative humidity.
; The additional 5 cloud control variables are cloud water, rainwater, cloud ice,
; snow and graupel. Both horizontal and vertical correlations are considered.
; This option requires the background error statistics information of the
; aforementioned 5 cloud variables to be included in the be.dat file.
; 3: Moist control variable is pseudo relative humidity. The additional 5 cloud
; control variables are cloud water, rainwater, cloud ice, snow and graupel.
; Only horizontal correlation is considered. Length scales and variances are
; hard-coded in var/da/da_setup_structures/da_setup_be_regional.inc.
&wrfvar8 ; not used
&wrfvar9 ; for program tracing. trace_use=.true. gives additional performance diagnostics
; (calling tree, local routine timings, overall routine timings, memory usage)
; It does not change results, but does add runtime overhead.
stdout = 6 ; unit number for standard output
stderr = 0 ; unit number for error output
trace_unit = 7 ; Unit number for tracing output
; note that units 10 and 9 are reserved for reading namelist.input
; and writing namelist.output respectively.
trace_pe = 0 ; Currently, statistics are always calculated for all processors,
; and output by processor 0.
trace_repeat_head = 10 ; the number of times any trace statement will produce output
; for any particular routine. This stops overwhelming trace output
; when a routine is called multiple times. Once this limit is reached
; a 'going quiet' message is written to the trace file, and no more
; output is produced from the routine, though statistics are still gathered.
trace_repeat_body = 10 ; see trace_repeat_head description
trace_max_depth = 30 ; define the deepest level to which tracing writes output
trace_use = .false. ; .true.: activate tracing
trace_use_frequent = .false.
trace_use_dull = .false.
trace_memory = .true. ; .true.: calculate allocated memory using a mallinfo call.
; On some platforms (Cray and Mac), mallinfo is not available
; and no memory monitoring can be done.
trace_all_pes = .false. ; .true.: tracing is output for all pes. As stated in trace_pe,
; this does not change processor statistics.
trace_csv = .true. ; .true.: tracing statistics are written to a xxxx.csv file in CSV format
use_html = .true. ; .true.: tracing and error reporting routines will include HTML tags.
warnings_are_fatal = .false. ; .true.: warning messages that would normally allow the
; program to continue are treated as fatal errors.
&wrfvar10 ; for code developers
test_transforms = .false. ; .true.: perform adjoint tests
test_gradient = .false. ; .true.: perform gradient test
cv_options_hum = 1 ; do not change
check_rh = 0 ; 0: no supersaturation check after minimization
; 1: supersaturation (rh> 100%) and minimum rh (rh<10%) check,
; and make the local adjustment of q.
; 2: supersaturation (rh> 95%) and minimum rh (rh<11%) check,
; and make the multi-level q adjustment under the constraint
; of conserved column integrated water vapor
sfc_assi_options = 1 ; 1: surface observations will be assimilated based on the
; lowest model level first guess. Observations are not used
; when the height difference of the elevation of the observing
; site and the lowest model level height is larger than the
; height (in meters) specified in namelist max_stheight_diff.
; 2: surface observations will be assimilated based on surface
; similarity theory in PBL. Innovations are computed based
; on 10-m wind, 2-m temperature and 2-m moisture.
max_stheight_diff = 100.0 ; threshold in meters. See sfc_assi_options=1.
max_stheight_diff_ztd = 1000.0 ; threshold in meters. For ZTD, stations whose |Zdiff|>max_stHeight_diff_ztd will not be assimilated
consider_xap4ztd = .true. ; whether or not including xa%p in TL/AD of xtoztd operator
obs_err_inflate = .false. ; .true.: inflate obs error by exp(|Zdiff|/stn_ht_diff_scale) for
; SYNOP t, p, q with sfc_assi_options=1 only.
; Zdiff is the height difference between model and station that is
; calculated in WRFDA.
stn_ht_diff_scale = 200.0 ; height in meters used for calculating obs error inflation factors
; when obs_err_inflate = .true.
psfc_from_slp = .false. ; .false.: use reported Psfc.
; This is the recommended (default) option.
; .true.: when sfc_assi_options=1, re-calculates Psfc from SLP
; when the observation elevation is below the lowest
; model level height. This is the behavior before V3.8.
calculate_cg_cost_fn = .false. ; .true.: Compute and write out cost function of each iteration
; into a file cost_fn for diagnostic purpose.
; .false.: Only the initial and final cost functions are computed
; and output in cost_fn.
; The cost function values in rsl.out.0000 are estimates.
; The actual cost function of each iteration is not needed for
; minimization. For production runs, set calculate_cg_cost_fn=
; .false. to reduce run time.
write_detail_grad_fn = .false. ; .true.: calculate and write out detailed gradient components of
; each iteration into a file grad_fn for diagnostic purpose.
; This will increase runtime, especially for 4DVAR.
; The summed gradient info is available in rsl.out.0000.
; Keeping write_detail_grad_fn=false (default) is the best practice.
seed_array1 = 1 ; First integer for seeding the random function when put_rand_seed=.true.
seed_array2 = 1 ; Second integer for seeding the random function when put_rand_seed=.true.
; It is not necessary to change both seeds to get different perturbations
use_wpec = .false. ; true: enables the WPEC dynamic constraint term
wpec_factor = 0.001 ; WPEC dynamic constraint weighting factor (1/gamma)
balance_type = 3 ; for use_wpec=true
; 1 = geostrophic term
; 2 = cyclostrophic term
; 3 = geostrophic + cyclostrophic terms (default; recommended)
use_divc = .false. ; switch for divergence constraint
divc_factor = 1000. ;
use_lsac = .false. ; switch for large scale analysis constraint
lsac_nh_step = 1 ; increment step in grid points in the horizontal direction
lsac_nv_step = 1 ; increment step in grid points in the vertical direction
lsac_nv_start = 1 ; index of starting grid point in the vertical direction
lsac_use_u = .true. ; switch for large scale u analysis constraint
lsac_use_v = .true. ; switch for large scale v analysis constraint
lsac_use_t = .true. ; switch for large scale t analysis constraint
lsac_use_q = .true. ; switch for large scale q analysis constraint
lsac_u_error = 2.5 ; m/s
lsac_v_error = 2.5 ; m/s
lsac_t_error = 2.0 ; degree C
lsac_q_error = 0.002 ; kg/kg
lsac_print_details = .false.; switch for printout
max_vert_var1 = 99.0 ; specify the maximum truncation value (in percentage)
; to explain the variance of stream function
; in eigenvector decomposition
max_vert_var2 = 99.0 ; specify the maximum truncation value (in percentage)
; to explain the variance of unbalanced potential velocity
; in eigenvector decomposition
max_vert_var3 = 99.0 ; specify the maximum truncation value (in percentage)
; to explain the variance of unbalanced temperature
; in eigenvector decomposition
max_vert_var4 = 99.0 ; specify the maximum truncation value (in percentage)
; to explain the variance of pseudo relative humidity
; in eigenvector decomposition
max_vert_var5 = 99.0 ; for unbalanced surface pressure, it should be a non-zero
; positive number.
max_vert_var6 = 99.0
max_vert_var7 = 99.0
max_vert_var8 = 99.0
max_vert_var9 = 99.0
max_vert_var10 = 99.0
max_vert_var11 = 99.0
; set max_vert_var5=0.0 only for offline VarBC applications.
psi_chi_factor = 1.0 ; Contribution of stream function in defining balanced part of velocity potential. For cv_options=6 only.
psi_t_factor = 1.0 ; Contribution of stream function in defining balanced part of temperature. For cv_options=6 only.
psi_ps_factor = 1.0 ; Contribution of stream function in defining balanced part of surface pressure. For cv_options=6 only.
psi_rh_factor = 1.0 ; Contribution of stream function in defining balanced part of moisture. For cv_options=6 only.
chi_u_t_factor = 1.0 ; Contribution of the unbalanced part of velocity potential in defining balanced part of temperature. For cv_options=6 only.
chi_u_ps_factor = 1.0 ; Contribution of the unbalanced part of velocity potential in defining balanced part of surface pressure. For cv_options=6 only.
chi_u_rh_factor = 1.0 ; Contribution of the unbalanced part of velocity potential in defining balanced part of moisture. For cv_options=6 only.
t_u_rh_factor = 1.0 ; Contribution of the unbalanced part of temperature in defining balanced part of moisture. For cv_options=6 only.
ps_u_rh_factor = 1.0 ; Contribution of the unbalanced part of surface pressure in defining balanced part of moisture. For cv_options=6 only.
; the following 4 variables (rtminit_nsensor, rtminit_platform, rtminit_satid, rtminit_sensor)
; together control what sensors from which platforms will be assimilated.
rtminit_nsensor = 1 ; total number of sensors to be assimilated
rtminit_platform (max_instruments) = -1 ; platforms IDs array (used dimension: rtminit_nsensor)
; e.g., 1 for NOAA, 9 for EOS, 10 for METOP and 2 for DMSP
rtminit_satid (max_instruments) = -1.0 ; satellite IDs array (used dimension: rtminit_nsensor)
rtminit_sensor (max_instruments) = -1.0 ; sensor IDs array (used dimension: rtminit_nsensor)
; e.g., 0 for HIRS, 3 for AMSU-A, 4 for AMSU-B,
; 15 for MHS, 10 for SSMIS, 11 for AIRS
rad_monitoring (max_instruments) = 0 ; integer array (used dimension: rtminit_nsensor)
; 0: assimilating mode
; 1: monitoring mode (only calculate innovations)
thinning_mesh (max_instruments) = 60.0 ; real array (used dimension: rtminit_nsensor)
; specify thinning mesh size (in KM) for different sensors.
thinning = .true. ; .true.: perform thinning on radiance data
qc_rad = .true. ; .true.: perform quality control. Use .false. only for testing/debugging
write_iv_rad_ascii = .false. ; .true.: output radiance Observation minus Background files,
; which are in ASCII format and separated by
; sensors and processors.
write_oa_rad_ascii = .true. ; .true.: output radiance Observation minus Analysis files
; (including also O minus B), which are in ASCII format
; and separated by sensors and processors.
use_error_factor_rad = .false. ; .true.: use a radiance error tuning factor file
; "radiance_error.factor", which can be created
; with empirical values or generated using variational
; tuning method (Desroziers and Ivanov, 2001)
use_antcorr (max_instruments) = .false. ; .true.: perform Antenna Correction in CRTM
rtm_option = 1 ; which RTM (Radiative Transfer Model) to use (see User's Guide)
; 1: RTTOV (WRFDA must be compiled with RTTOV)
; 2: CRTM (WRFDA must be compiled with CRTM)
only_sea_rad = .false. ; .true.: assimilate radiance over water only
use_varbc = .true. ; .true.: perform Variational Bias Correction.
; An ASCII parameter file "VARBC.in" is required.
; (a template is provided with the source code)
freeze_varbc = .false. ; .true: together with use_varbc=.false., keep the VarBC
; bias parameters constant in time. In this case,
; the bias correction is read and applied to the
; innovations, but it is not updated during the
; minimization.
varbc_factor = 1.0 ; for scaling the VarBC preconditioning
varbc_nbgerr = 5000 ;
varbc_nobsmin = 10 ; defines the minimum number of observations required for
; the computation of the predictor statistics during the
; first assimilation cycle. If there are not enough data
; (according to "VARBC_NOBSMIN") on the first cycle, the
; next cycle will perform a coldstart again.
use_clddet = 2 ; 0: off
; 1:use the MMR scheme to conduct cloud detection for infrared radiance
; 2:use the pf scheme to conduct cloud detection for infrared radiance (Default)
; 3:use the ECMWF operational scheme to conduct cloud detection for infrared radiance
use_clddet_zz = false ; .true. :use the cloud detection scheme from Zhuge X. and Zou X. JAMC,2016.
airs_warmest_fov = .false. ; .true.: uses the observation brightness temperature for
; AIRS Window channel #914 as criterion for GSI
; thinning (with a higher amplitude than the distance
; from the observation location to the nearest grid point).
use_crtm_kmatrix = .true. ; .true. use CRTM K matrix rather than calling CRTM TL
; and AD routines for gradient calculation, which
; reduces runtime noticeably.
use_rttov_kmatrix = .false. ; .true. use RTTOV K matrix rather than calling RTTOV TL
; and AD routines for gradient calculation, which
; reduces runtime noticeably.
rttov_emis_atlas_ir = 0 ; 0: do not use IR emissivity atlas
; 1: use IR emissivity atlas (recommended)
rttov_emis_atlas_mw = 0 ; 0: do not use MW emissivity atlas
; 1: use TELSEM MW emissivity atlas (recommended)
; 2: use CNRM MW emissivity atlas
use_blacklist_rad = .true. ; .true.: to switch off the assimilation of known problematic
; channels (up to year 2012) that are hard-coded in
; var/da/da_radiance/da_blacklist_rad.inc.
; .false.: users need to specify proper channel selections
; in the radiance_info files.
calc_weightfunc = .false. ;
&wrfvar15 ; needs to be set together with &wrfvar19
num_pseudo = 0 ; set the number of pseudo ob, either 0 or 1 (single ob)
; when num_pseudo=1, all other obs will be switched off
pseudo_x = 1.0 ; set the X-position (I) of the ob in model grid-point units
pseudo_y = 1.0 ; set the Y-position (J) of the ob in model grid-point units
pseudo_z = 1.0 ; set the Z-position (K) of the ob in vertical level index,
; in bottom-up order.
pseudo_val = 1.0 ; set the innovation of the pseudo ob.
; wind in m/s, pressure in Pa, temperature in K,
; specific humidity in kg/kg
pseudo_err = 1.0 ; set the error of the pseudo ob. Same units as pseudo_val.
; if pseudo_var="q", pseudo_err=0.001 is more reasonable.
&wrfvar16 ; for hybrid WRF-Var/ensemble
alphacv_method = 2 ; 1: ensemble perturbations in control variable space
; 2: ensemble perturbations in model variable space
ensdim_alpha = 0 ; ensemble size
alpha_corr_type = 3 ; 1: alpha_corr_type_exp
; 2: alpha_corr_type_soar
; 3: alpha_corr_type_gaussian (default)
alpha_corr_scale = 200.0 ; km,
ep_para_read = 0 ; how ensemble perturbations are read. 0: serial read; 1: parallel read
rden_bin = 1 ; number of bins/batches to read ensemble perturbations in parallel
alpha_std_dev = 1.0 ;
alpha_vertloc_opt = 2 ; new option since v4.2 (to replace previous alpha_vertloc)
; for choosing the source of vertical localization for alpha control variable
; 0: no vertical localization applied for alpha control variable.
; 1: read in vertloc function from be.vertloc.dat. The same behavior as pre-v4.2.
; 2: (default, recommended) let WRFDA calculate logP-based vertical localization. be.vertloc.dat will be written out.
alpha_hydrometeors = .false. ; switch for cloud alpha control variables
hybrid_dual_res = .false. ; swithc for dual-resolution hybrid
dual_res_upscale_opt = 3 ;
use_4denvar = .false. ; switch for activating 4D-Ensemble-Var"
analysis_type = "3D-VAR" ; "3D-VAR": 3D-VAR mode (default)
; "QC-OBS": 3D-VAR mode plus extra filtered_obs output
; "VERIFY": verification mode.
; WRFDA resets check_max_iv=.false. and ntmax=0
; "RANDOMCV": for creating ensemble perturbations
n_randomcv = 1 ; number of realizations of randomcv
; set to > 1 to get multiple perturbed output in one execution
adj_sens = .false. ; .true.: write out gradient of Jo for adjoint sensitivity
&wrfvar18 ; needs to set &wrfvar21 and &wrfvar22 as well if ob_format=1 and/or radiances are used.
analysis_date = "2002-08-03_00:00:00.0000" ; specify the analysis time. It should be
; consistent with the first guess time.
; If time difference between analysis_date
; and date info read in from first guess
; is larger than analysis_accu, WRFDA will
; abort.
&wrfvar19 ; needs to be set together with &wrfvar15
pseudo_var = "t" ; set the pseudo ob variable
; "t": temperature
; "u": X-direction component of wind
; "v": Y-direction component of wind
; "p": pressure
; "q": specific humidity
; "pw": total precipitable water
; "ref": refractivity
; "ztd": zenith total delay
documentation_url = "http://www.mmm.ucar.edu/people/wrfhelp/wrfvar/code/trunk"
time_window_min = "2002-08-02_21:00:00.0000" ; start time of assimilation time window
; used for ob_format=1 and radiances to select
; observations inside the defined time_window.
; Also used for ob_format=2 to check if the obs
; are within the specified time window.
time_window_max = "2002-08-03_03:00:00.0000" ; end time of assimilation time window
; used for ob_format=1 and radiances to select
; observations inside the defined time_window.
; Also used for ob_format=2 to check if the obs
; are within the specified time window.
; tuning parameters for use_radar_rqv=.true. only
; except that radar_non_precip_opt applies to both use_radar_rhv=.true. and use_radar_rqv=.true.
radar_non_precip_opt = 0 ; 0: do not consider non-precipitating radar echo
; 1: KNU scheme for assimilating non-precipitating radar echo
radar_non_precip_rf = -999.99 ; reflectivity (dBZ) value used to indicate non-precip ob
radar_non_precip_rh_w = 95.0 ; RH (%) wrt water for non_precip rqv
radar_non_precip_rh_i = 85.0 ; RH (%) wrt ice for non_precip rqv
cloudbase_calc_opt = 1 ; how model LCL is calculated
; 1: KNU scheme
; 2: NCAR scheme
radar_saturated_rf = 25.0 ; reflectivity (dBZ) value used to indicate saturated rqv
radar_rqv_thresh1 = 40.0 ; reflectivity (dBZ) threshold for scaling down rqv
radar_rqv_thresh2 = 50.0 ; reflectivity (dBZ) threshold for scaling down rqv
radar_rqv_rh1 = 95.0 ; RH (%) for (radar_saturated_rf < rf < radar_rqv_thresh1)
radar_rqv_rh2 = 85.0 ; RH (%) for (radar_rqv_thresh1 < rf < radar_rqv_thresh2)
radar_rqv_h_lbound = -999.0 ; height (m) lower bound for rqv
radar_rqv_h_ubound = -999.0 ; height (m) upper bound for rqv
radar_rhv_err_opt = 1 ;(default) 1: calculated (original), 2: from namelist
radar_rhv_rrn_err = 0.15 ;(default) obs error of retrieved qrain in g/kg
radar_rhv_rsn_err = 0.15 ;(default) obs error of retrieved qsnow in g/kg
radar_rhv_rgr_err = 0.15 ;(default) obs error of retrieved qgraup in g/kg
write_oa_radar_ascii = .true. ;(default)
gpsro_drift = 1 ; horizontal drifting for GPSRO. 0=no drift, 1=drift
gpseph_opt = 1 ; 0: local operator variant, 1: non-local
gpseph_loadbalance = .true. ;
write_iv_gpsref = .false. ; switch to write out RO_Innov_ files
; the following gpsref_qc settings are used in da_qc_gpsref.inc
gpsref_qc_dndz_opt = 1 ; 0: off, 1: on (default)
gpsref_qc_dndz2_opt = 1 ; 0: off, 1: on (default)
gpsref_qc_dndz_thresh = -50.0
gpsref_qc_dndz2_thresh = 100.0
gpsref_qc_gsi_opt = 1 ; 0: off, 1: on (default)
gpsref_qc_pcnt_opt = 1 ; 0: off, 1: on (default)
gpsref_qc_pcnt_h1 = 7000.0
gpsref_qc_pcnt_h2 = 25000.0
gpsref_qc_pcnt_below = 0.05
gpsref_qc_pcnt_middle = 0.04
gpsref_qc_pcnt_above = 0.10
; uv_error_opt and uv_error_opt are only used by use_satwnd_bufr (polaramv)
uv_error_opt (num_ob_indexes) = 3 ; 1: single uv_error_val
; 2: from external obs error table (same format as used in GSI)
; 3: from ob input
; when ob errors are not available from ob input and obs_errtable,
; WRFDA uses uv_error_val from namelist (below) for use_satwnd_bufr (polaramv).
uv_error_val (num_ob_indexes) = 2.5 ; m/s, uv observation error
&perturbation ; settings related to the 4D-Var penalty term option, which controls the
; high-frequency gravity waves using a digital filter.
jcdfi_use = .false. ; .true.: include JcDF term in the cost function
; .false.: ignore JcDF term in the cost function
jcdfi_diag = 1 ; 0: no diagnostic information for JcDF term in J
; 1: print diagnostic information for JcDF term in J
jcdfi_penalty = 10 ; The weight gived to JcDF term during minimization
enable_identity = .false. ; .true.: use identity adjoint and tangent linear model in 4D-Var
; .false. use full adjoint and tangent linear model in 4D-Var
trajectory_io = .true. ; .true.: use memory I/O in 4D-Var for data exchange
; .false.: use disk I/O in 4D-Var for data exchange
var4d_detail_out = .false. ; .true.: output extra diagnostics for debugging 4D-Var
var4d_run = .true. ; true: exlcude the P calculation in start_em
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