由于正态区间对于小样本并不可靠,因而,1927年,美国数学家 Edwin Bidwell Wilson提出了一个修正公式,被称为“威尔逊区间”,很好地解决了小样本的准确性问题。
def wilson_score(pos, total, p_z=2.): """ 威尔逊得分计算函数 参考:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binomial_proportion_confidence_interval :param pos: 正例数 :param total: 总数 :param p_z: 正太分布的分位数 :return: 威尔逊得分 """ pos_rat = pos * 1. / total * 1. # 正例比率 score = (pos_rat + (np.square(p_z) / (2. * total)) - ((p_z / (2. * total)) * np.sqrt(4. * total * (1. - pos_rat) * pos_rat + np.square(p_z)))) / \ (1. + np.square(p_z) / total) return score
#wilson_score SELECT widget_id, ((positive + 1.9208) / (positive + negative) - 1.96 * SQRT((positive * negative) / (positive + negative) + 0.9604) / (positive + negative)) / (1 + 3.8416 / (positive + negative)) AS ci_lower_bound FROM widgets WHERE positive + negative > 0 ORDER BY ci_lower_bound DESC; # SELECT widget_id, (positive - negative) AS net_positive_ratings FROM widgets ORDER BY net_positive_ratings DESC; # SELECT widget_id, positive / (positive + negative) AS average_rating FROM widgets ORDER BY average_rating DESC;
=IFERROR((([@[Up Votes]] + 1.9208) / ([@[Up Votes]] + [@[Down Votes]]) - 1.96 * SQRT(([@[Up Votes]] * [@[Down Votes]]) / ([@[Up Votes]] + [@[Down Votes]]) + 0.9604) / ([@[Up Votes]] + [@[Down Votes]])) / (1 + 3.8416 / ([@[Up Votes]] + [@[Down Votes]])),0)
Reddit的话题排序算法叫做(thehot ranking),实现代码如下:
log(10, max{abs(up-down), 1}) + sign(up>down) * seconds / 45000
#Rewritten code from /r2/r2/lib/db/_sorts.pyx from datetime import datetime, timedelta from math import log epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1) def epoch_seconds(date): """Returns the number of seconds from the epoch to date.""" td = date - epoch return td.days * 86400 + td.seconds + (float(td.microseconds) / 1000000) def score(ups, downs): return ups - downs def hot(ups, downs, date): """The hot formula. Should match the equivalent function in postgres.""" s = score(ups, downs) order = log(max(abs(s), 1), 10) sign = 1 if s > 0 else -1 if s < 0 else 0 seconds = epoch_seconds(date) - 1134028003 return round(order + sign * seconds / 45000, 7)
imdb top 250用的是贝叶斯统计的算法得出的加权分(Weighted Rank-WR),公式如下:
weighted rank (WR) = (v ÷ (v+m)) × R + (m ÷ (v+m)) × C
WR=( v / (v+m)) (R-C) +C
- WR, 加权得分(weighted rating)。
- R,该电影的用户投票的平均得分(Rating)。
- v,该电影的投票人数(votes)。
- m,排名前250名的电影的最低投票数(现在为3000)。
- C, 所有电影的平均得分(现在为6.9)。