oracle 分组拼接
方法一:listagg, 参考链接,从oracle11g后出现的新函数
如果拼接的字符串长度超过4000字节,会报ora-01489错误,ora-01489 字符串连接的结果过长 解决方案。
SELECT id,count(name) as countname, LISTAGG(to_char(name), ',') WITHIN GROUP(ORDER BY name) AS pjname FROM ( select distinct as id, as name from B left join C on = where C.gender = 'female' ) group by id
select grp, wmsys.wm_concat(str) from ( select 1 grp, 'a1' str from dual union select 1 grp, 'a2' str from dual union select 2 grp, 'b1' str from dual union select 2 grp, 'b2' str from dual union select 2 grp, 'b3' str from dual ) t group by grp
select role_category, ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(role_id, ','), ',') as role_id_list from ( select role_category, role_id, (row_number() over(partition by role_category order by role_id)) as row_number from ( select 'role_01' as role_id ,'admin' as role_category from dual union all select 'role_02' as role_id ,'admin' as role_category from dual union all select 'role_03' as role_id ,'normal' as role_category from dual union all select 'role_04' as role_id ,'normal' as role_category from dual union all select 'role_05' as role_id ,'normal' as role_category from dual union all select 'role_06' as role_id ,'normal' as role_category from dual union all select 'role_07' as role_id ,'normal' as role_category from dual union all select 'role_08' as role_id ,'normal' as role_category from dual ) ) where connect_by_isleaf = 1 start with row_number = 1 connect by row_number - 1 = prior row_number and role_category = prior role_category
select deptno, ltrim(max(sys_connect_by_path(ename, ',')), ',') name from ( select deptno, ename, row_number() over(partition by deptno order by ename) ro from ( select deptno,ename from emp where deptno is not null ) t ) newtab start with = 1 connect by prior = - 1 group by deptno;
select deptno, ltrim(max(sys_connect_by_path(ename, ',')), ',') name from ( select deptno, ename, ro, lead(ro) over(partition by deptno order by ro) ro_next from ( select deptno, ename, row_number() over(order by deptno, ename) ro from emp where deptno is not null ) t ) newtab start with ro_next is null connect by ro_next = prior ro group by deptno;