2024-07-15 npm ERR! 403 403 Forbidden - PUT https://registry.npmmirror.com/-/user/org.couchdb.user:iuniko - [FORBIDDEN] Public registration is not allowed ==> 切换npm镜像源


npm ERR! 403 403 Forbidden - PUT https://registry.npmmirror.com/-/user/org.couchdb.user:xxx - [FORBIDDEN] Public registration is not allowed
npm ERR! 403 In most cases, you or one of your dependencies are requesting
npm ERR! 403 a package version that is forbidden by your security policy, or
npm ERR! 403 on a server you do not have access to.



npm config set registry https://registry.npmjs.org/

再次npm login,啪啦啪啦输入信息,哎,ok了~


npm config get registry


posted @ 2024-07-15 00:57  叶乘风  阅读(4)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报