The information of Seminars Language

‘The seminar is a common way ofteaching students on university courses in the UK and it is very likely that you will experience seminars on your course too

  What is Seminars?

  1.Seminars can be challenging if you are unfamiliar with this method of teaching.

  2.Students are expected to take part by speaking in seminars.

  3.Seminar discussion may focus on a piece of reading or research.

  4.In seminars, the tutor guides the discussion and encourages the students to take part.

  5. Learning through an exchange of views is central to most seminars.

  6.Students should be willing to speak and listen to each others' opinions in seminars.

  7.sometimes students feel that they can't express complex ideas spontaneously. is important for students to come prepared to a semina.

  The Languages Of Seminars.

'Knowing what to expect in seminars will help you prepare for them and ensure that you are able to get the most benefit from them. By taking part in seminar discussion and expressing your ideas on complex topics, you can increase you own understanding of the issues and share your own views with everyone else, so that they benefit too.'

showing you understand:Oh right.l've got it.

asking for repetition:Sorry, can you say that again, please/Sorry, could you repeat that again, please
asking someone to wait:Hang on a sec.(second), sorry, please could you wait a minute
checking yourunderstanding:Do you mean (..there were 3 parts)?(such asDo you mean that we have to talk about the classes in our country?)

agreeing and disagreeing:l think you're right l'm not sure l agree.

showing you aren't sure:l might be wrong, but l think he said...

posted @ 2023-07-12 10:59  Strive_ToLife  阅读(12)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报