PHP8.1 Fiber
function writeToLog(string $message): void { echo $message . "\n"; } $files = [ 'src/foo.jpg' => 'dest/foo.jpg', 'src/bar.jpg' => 'dest/bar.jpg', 'src/baz.jpg' => 'dest/baz.jpg', ]; $fiber = new Fiber(function(array $files): void { foreach($files as $source => $destination) { copy($source, $destination); Fiber::suspend([$source, $destination]); } }); // Pass the files list into Fiber. $copied = $fiber->start($files); $copied_count = 1; $total_count = count($files); while(!$fiber->isTerminated()) { $percentage = round($copied_count / $total_count, 2) * 100; writeToLog("[{$percentage}%]: Copied '{$copied[0]}' to '{$copied[1]}'"); $copied = $fiber->resume(); ++$copied_count; } writeToLog('Completed');
//调度器 $reg = []; $fId = 1; $reg[$fId] = new \Fiber(function () use (&$reg, $fId) { for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) { echo $fId . ':' . $i; echo PHP_EOL; if ($i % 3 == 0) { \Fiber::suspend(); } } unset($reg[$fId]); }); $fId++; $reg[$fId] = new \Fiber(function () use (&$reg, $fId) { for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) { echo $fId . ':' . $i; echo PHP_EOL; \Fiber::suspend(); } unset($reg[$fId]); }); $startTag = true; while (count($reg) > 0) { if ($startTag){ foreach ($reg as $pI) { $pI->start(); $startTag = false; } } foreach ($reg as $pI) { $pI->resume(); } }
$fiber = new Fiber(function(string $str) { echo "{$str}\n"; $out = Fiber::suspend(20); echo "fiber_in {$out} \n"; echo "Resumed!\n"; }); $in = $fiber->start("hello"); echo "fiber_out {$in} \n"; echo "Resuming...\n"; $fiber->resume(30);
<?php class EventLoop { private string $nextId = 'a'; private array $deferCallbacks = []; private array $read = []; private array $streamCallbacks = []; public function run(): void { while (!empty($this->deferCallbacks) || !empty($this->read)) { $defers = $this->deferCallbacks; $this->deferCallbacks = []; foreach ($defers as $id => $defer) { $defer(); } $this->select($this->read); } } private function select(array $read): void { $timeout = empty($this->deferCallbacks) ? null : 0; // stream_select if (!stream_select($read, $write, $except, $timeout, $timeout)) { return; } foreach ($read as $id => $resource) { $callback = $this->streamCallbacks[$id]; unset($this->read[$id], $this->streamCallbacks[$id]); $callback($resource); } } public function defer(callable $callback): void { $id = $this->nextId++; $this->deferCallbacks[$id] = $callback; } public function read($resource, callable $callback): void { $id = $this->nextId++; $this->read[$id] = $resource; $this->streamCallbacks[$id] = $callback; } } [$read, $write] = stream_socket_pair( stripos(PHP_OS, 'win') === 0 ? STREAM_PF_INET : STREAM_PF_UNIX, STREAM_SOCK_STREAM, STREAM_IPPROTO_IP ); // Set streams to non-blocking mode. stream_set_blocking($read, false); stream_set_blocking($write, false); $loop = new EventLoop; // Read data in a separate fiber after checking if the stream is readable. $fiber = new Fiber(function () use ($loop, $read): void { echo "Waiting for data...\n"; $fiber = Fiber::getCurrent(); $loop->read($read, fn() => $fiber->resume()); Fiber::suspend(); $data = fread($read, 8192); echo "Received data: ", $data, "\n"; }); // Start the fiber, which will suspend while waiting for a read event. $loop->defer(fn() => $fiber->start()); // Defer writing data to an event loop callback. $loop->defer(fn() => fwrite($write, "Hello, world!")); // Run the event loop. $loop->run();