sh, 批量执行Linux命令

step 1:创建一个sh批处理命令文件 
# vim /etc/batch_ssh/

step 2:给当前用户,能够执行sh脚本权限
# chmod 777

step 3: 编写要批量执行的命令,read表示等待前端用户输入,sleep表示等待时间单位为 秒。

echo '\n begin to install 01 plugin \n';
yum install cpp -y;
echo '\n yum finish install 01 plugin \n';
sleep 3;
echo '\n begin to install 02 plugin \n';
yum install binutils -y;
echo '\n yum finish install 02 plugin \n';
sleep 3;
echo '\n begin to install 03 plugin \n';
yum install glibc-kernheaders -y;
echo '\n yum finish install 03 plugin \n';
sleep 3;
echo '\n begin to install 04 plugin \n';
yum install glibc-common -y;
echo '\n yum finish install 04 plugin \n';
sleep 3;
echo '\n begin to install 05 plugin \n';
yum install glibc-devel -y;
echo '\n yum finish install 05 plugin \n';
sleep 3;
echo '\n begin to install 06 plugin \n';
yum install gcc -y;
echo '\n yum finish install 06 plugin \n';
sleep 3;
echo '\n begin to install 07 plugin \n';
yum install make -y;
echo '\n yum finish install 07 plugin \n';
sleep 3;
echo 'all plugin had installed completed';

step 4: 最后,记得保存文件 

# :wq

step 5: 执行批量脚本文件
# /etc/batch_ssh/
# ./






posted @ 2017-03-07 22:30  tiandong  阅读(15845)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报