Installing Django on Windows

Installing Django on Windows and Mac
1.Installing python on Windows
2.Installing PyScripter on Windows
3.Installing Django on Windows
4.Check for Django installation on Windows

1.Installing Python on Windows
Go to to get started

2.Installing PyScripter on Windows
【PyScripter 】

Before using PyScripter, you must ensure that there is a version of Python
greater or equal to 2.6 installed on your machine.
If not, you can download one from

You can also check if there is a newest version of PyScripter at


3.Installing Django on Windows

Now download .gz file

First, download Django-1.8.19.tar.gz .



use cd to change folders

type following at the python 

python install


4.Check for Django installation on Windows

Go to CMD prompt

Now inside the python scription type

>>>import django


you will see Django version as shown below


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