Mac OS 下使用 afconvert 命令,处理音频格式转换
在上一篇《Mac OS 下使用 you-get 下载音悦台 MV 、网易云音乐等》给大家介绍了如何下载MV、音乐等资源,但是出现了一些不常见的音频格式,导致在有些播放器上无法解码播放,所以在这篇文章中教大家一个利用 Apple 自带的工具 afconvert

afconvert 介绍
是 Apple 提供的一个音频格式转换工具。
- 语法
afconvert [option...] input_file [output_file]
Options may appear before or after the direct arguments. If output_file
is not specified, a name is generated programmatically and the file
is written into the same directory as input_file.
afconvert input_file [-o output_file [option...]]...
Output file options apply to the previous output_file.
Other options may appear anywhere.
- 一般选项
{ -d | --data } data_format[@sample_rate][/format_flags][#frames_per_packet]
[-][BE|LE]{F|[U]I}{8|16|24|32|64} (PCM)
e.g. BEI16 F32@44100
or a data format appropriate to file format (see -hf)
format_flags: hex digits, e.g. '80'
Frames per packet can be specified for some encoders, e.g.: samr#12
A format of "0" specifies the same format as the source file,
with packets copied exactly.
A format of "N" specifies the destination format should be the
native format of the lossless encoded source file (alac, FLAC only)
{ -c | --channels } number_of_channels
add/remove channels without regard to order.
{ -l | --channellayout } layout_tag
layout_tag: name of a constant from CoreAudioTypes.h
(prefix "kAudioChannelLayoutTag_" may be omitted)
if specified once, applies to output file; if twice, the first
applies to the input file, the second to the output file
{ -b | --bitrate } total_bit_rate_bps
e.g. 256000 will give you roughly:
for stereo source: 128000 bits per channel
for 5.1 source: 51000 bits per channel
(the .1 channel consumes few bits and can be discounted in the
total bit rate calculation)
{ -q | --quality } codec_quality
codec_quality: 0-127
{ -r | --src-quality } src_quality
src_quality (sample rate converter quality): 0-127 (default is 127)
{ --src-complexity } src_complexity
src_complexity (sample rate converter complexity): line, norm, bats
{ -s | --strategy } strategy
bitrate allocation strategy for encoding an audio track
0 for CBR, 1 for ABR, 2 for VBR_constrained, 3 for VBR
--prime-method method
decode priming method (see AudioConverter.h)
--prime-override samples_prime samples_remain
can be used to override the priming information stored in the source
file to the specified values. If -1 is specified for either, the value
in the file is used.
don't page-align audio data in the output file
analyze audio, add SoundCheck data to the output file
--media-kind "media kind string"
media kinds are: "Audio Ad", "Video Ad"
set a single precision floating point value to
indicate the anchor loudness of the content in dB
generate an SHA-1 hash of the input audio data and add it to the output file.
--codec-manuf codec_manuf
specify the codec with the specified 4-character component manufacturer code
--dither algorithm
algorithm: 1-2
enable channel downmixing
{ -u | --userproperty } property value
set an arbitrary AudioConverter property to a given value
property is a four-character code; value can be a signed
32-bit integer or a single precision floating point value.
e.g. '-u vbrq ' sets the sound quality level
(: 0-127)
May not be used in a transcoding situation.
-ud property value
identical to -u except only applies to a decoder. Fails if there is no
-ue property value
identical to -u except only applies to an encoder. Fails if there is no
- 输入文件选项
--read-track track_index
For input files containing multiple tracks, the index (0..n-1)
of the track to read and convert.
--offset number_of_frames
the starting offset in the input file in frames. (The first frame is
frame zero.)
read SoundCheck data from source file and set it on any destination
file(s) of appropriate filetype (.m4a, .caf).
copy an SHA-1 hash chunk, if present, from the source file to the output file.
--gapless-before filename
file coming before the current input file of a gapless album
--gapless-after filename
file coming after the current input file of a gapless album
- 输出文件选项
-o filename
specify an (additional) output file.
{ -f | --file } file_format
use -hf for a complete list of supported file/data formats
--condensed-framing field_size_in_bits
specify storage size in bits for externally framed packet sizes.
Supported value is 16 for aac in m4a file format.
- 其他选项
{ -v | --verbose }
print progress verbosely
{ -t | --tag }
If encoding to CAF, store the source file's format and name in a user
chunk. If decoding from CAF, use the destination format and filename
found in a user chunk.
{ --leaks }
run leaks at the end of the conversion
{ --profile }
collect and print performance information
- 帮助选项
{ -hf | --help-formats }
print a list of supported file/data formats, as below.
{ -h | --help }
print help
Audio file (-f) and the data formats (-d) which each supports:
'3gpp' = 3GP Audio (.3gp)
data_formats: 'Qclp' 'aac ' 'aace' 'aacf' 'aacg' 'aach'
'aacl' 'aacp' 'samr'
'3gp2' = 3GPP-2 Audio (.3g2)
data_formats: 'Qclp' 'aac ' 'aace' 'aacf' 'aacg' 'aach'
'aacl' 'aacp' 'samr'
'adts' = AAC ADTS (.aac, .adts)
data_formats: 'aac ' 'aach' 'aacp'
'ac-3' = AC3 (.ac3)
data_formats: 'ac-3'
'AIFC' = AIFC (.aifc, .aiff, .aif)
data_formats: I8 BEI16 BEI24 BEI32 BEF32 BEF64 UI8 'ulaw'
'alaw' 'MAC3' 'MAC6' 'ima4' 'QDMC' 'QDM2'
'Qclp' 'agsm'
'AIFF' = AIFF (.aiff, .aif)
data_formats: I8 BEI16 BEI24 BEI32
'amrf' = AMR (.amr)
data_formats: 'samr' 'sawb'
'm4af' = Apple MPEG-4 Audio (.m4a, .m4r)
data_formats: 'aac ' 'aace' 'aacf' 'aacg' 'aach' 'aacl'
'aacp' 'ac-3' 'alac' 'ec-3' 'paac' 'pac3'
'm4bf' = Apple MPEG-4 AudioBooks (.m4b)
data_formats: 'aac ' 'aace' 'aacf' 'aacg' 'aach' 'aacl'
'aacp' 'paac'
'caff' = CAF (.caf)
data_formats: '.mp1' '.mp2' '.mp3' 'QDM2' 'QDMC' 'Qclp'
'Qclq' 'aac ' 'aace' 'aacf' 'aacg' 'aach'
'aacl' 'aacp' 'ac-3' 'alac' 'alaw' 'dvi8'
'ec-3' 'flac' 'ilbc' 'ima4' I8 BEI16 BEI24
LEF64 'ms\x00\x02' 'ms\x00\x11' 'ms\x001'
'opus' 'paac' 'pac3' 'pec3' 'qaac' 'qac3'
'qach' 'qacp' 'qec3' 'samr' 'ulaw' 'zaac'
'zac3' 'zach' 'zacp' 'zec3'
'ec-3' = EC3 (.ec3)
data_formats: 'ec-3'
'flac' = FLAC (.flac)
data_formats: 'flac'
'MPG1' = MPEG Layer 1 (.mp1, .mpeg, .mpa)
data_formats: '.mp1'
'MPG2' = MPEG Layer 2 (.mp2, .mpeg, .mpa)
data_formats: '.mp2'
'MPG3' = MPEG Layer 3 (.mp3, .mpeg, .mpa)
data_formats: '.mp3'
'mp4f' = MPEG-4 Audio (.mp4)
data_formats: 'aac ' 'aace' 'aacf' 'aacg' 'aach' 'aacl'
'aacp' 'ac-3' 'ec-3'
'NeXT' = NeXT/Sun (.snd, .au)
data_formats: I8 BEI16 BEI24 BEI32 BEF32 BEF64 'ulaw'
'Sd2f' = Sound Designer II (.sd2)
data_formats: I8 BEI16 BEI24 BEI32
'WAVE' = WAVE (.wav)
data_formats: UI8 LEI16 LEI24 LEI32 LEF32 LEF64 'ulaw'
'RF64' = WAVE (.wav)
data_formats: UI8 LEI16 LEI24 LEI32 LEF32 LEF64 'ulaw'
对于以上这么多参数,是不是一脸懵逼,通常情况下,我们只需要转换音乐文件格式,其他的比如比特率、音轨、采样速率等我们不需要关心,那么我们只要用到 -f
和 -d
指的是 file format,也就是需要转换的目标格式;-d
d指的是 data format,是数据格式的意思,理解这些参数的含义需要一定的音乐知识背景
//将格式为 .m4a 的 input.m4a 文件转换成格式为 .m4b 的文件格式
afconvert -f m4bf -d 'aac ' "input.m4a"
在终端执行完以上命令,如果不出异常,会在与 input.m4a 文件的同级目录有一个 input.m4b的文件。
afconvert -f m4bf -d 'aac ' "input.m4a" "output.m4b"
But 不能转换成.mp3
报如下错误信息:Error: ExtAudioFileSetProperty ('cfmt') failed ('fmt?')
MacOS and afconvert do not include an MP3 encoder, though there is a MP4 (lossy) encoder. If you need to create MP3, use Lame or iTunes.
格式无法转换,任何格式都转不了,因为 afconvert
压根就不支持 .ncm
格式,直接报未知错误:An unknown error occurred.
引用 官方🌰
Convert an Audio MP3 File to an iPhone Ringtone (m4af file):
$ afconvert input.mp3 ringtone.m4r --file m4af
Convert an AAC audio file to the iPhone 'Core Audio File Format' (CAFF) at a low 32 kbs bitrate:
$ afconvert --data aac --bitrate 32000 input.aac output.caf --file 'caff'
Convert a WAV file to an MP4 file with lossy aac format at a high bitrate of 256 kbs:
$ afconvert -d aac -b 256000 input.wav output.mp4 -f mp4f
“If I were going to convert to any religion I would probably choose Catholicism because it at least has female saints and the Virgin Mary” ~ Margaret Atwood有道翻译🤦♀️:“如果我要皈依任何宗教,我可能会选择天主教,因为它至少有女圣人和圣母玛利亚”~玛格丽特·阿特伍德
说到这了,顺便再分享一个查看音频详细信息的命令 afinfo
➜ 我的MV afinfo input.m4a
File: input.m4a
File type ID: m4af
Num Tracks: 1
Data format: 2 ch, 44100 Hz, 'aac ' (0x00000000) 0 bits/channel, 0 bytes/packet, 1024 frames/packet, 0 bytes/frame
no channel layout.
estimated duration: 333.333333 sec
audio bytes: 4088592
audio packets: 14359
bit rate: 98102 bits per second
packet size upper bound: 490
maximum packet size: 490
audio data file offset: 99759
audio 14700000 valid frames + 2624 priming + 992 remainder = 14703616
format list:
[ 0] format: 2 ch, 44100 Hz, 'aac ' (0x00000000) 0 bits/channel, 0 bytes/packet, 1024 frames/packet, 0 bytes/frame
Channel layout: Stereo (L R)
音频数据格式:'aac '
采样速率:44100 Hz = 44.100 kHz
比特率:98102 bit/s ≈ 98 kbps
时长:333.333333秒 ≈ 5分33秒
其它选项可通过 afinfo -h
➜ 我的MV afinfo -h
Audio File Info
Version: 2.0
Copyright 2003-2016, Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Specify -h (-help) for command options
afinfo [option...] audio_file(s)
Options: (may appear before or after arguments)
{-h --help}
print help
{-b --brief}
print a brief (one line) description of the audio file
{-r --real}
get the estimated duration after obtaining the real packet count
{ --leaks }
run leaks at the end
{ -i --info }
print contents of the InfoDictionary
{ -u --userprop } 4-cc
find and print a property or user data property (as string or bytes) [does not print to xml]
{ -x --xml }
print output in xml format
{ --warnings }
print warnings if any (by default warnings are not printed in non-xml output mode)


参考资料:An A-Z Index of the Apple macOS command line (OS X)
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