perl (1987) |
python (1991) |
基础 |
模块导入 |
use strict; |
import os, re, sys |
版本查看 |
$ perl -v |
$ python -V |
执行脚本 |
$ perl foo.pl |
$ python foo.py |
交互模式 |
$ perl -de 0 |
$ python |
执行语句 |
$ perl -e 'print("hi\n")' |
$ python -c "print('hi')" |
语句分隔 |
; |
\n (newline) or ; |
语句块 |
{} |
Indent |
注释 |
# comment |
# comment |
多行注释 |
=for comment line another line =cut |
use triple quote string literal: '''comment line another line''' |
变量和操作符 |
赋值 |
$v = 1; |
v = 1 |
赋值 |
($x, $y, $z) = (1, 2, 3); # 3 is discarded: ($x, $y) = (1, 2, 3); # $z set to undef: ($x, $y, $z) = (1, 2); |
x, y, z = 1, 2, 3 # raises ValueError: x, y = 1, 2, 3 # raises ValueError: x, y, z = 1, 2 |
交换 |
($x, $y) = ($y, $x); |
x, y = y, x |
操作符 |
+= -= *= none /= %= **= .= x= &&= ||= ^= <<= >>= &= |= ^= |
# do not return values: += -= *= /= //= %= **= += *= &= |= ^= <<= >>= &= |= ^= |
自增 |
my $x = 1; my $y = ++$x; my $z = --$y; |
none |
局部变量 |
my $v; my (@a, %d); my $x = 1; my ($y, $z) = (2, 3); |
# in function body: v = None a, d = [], {} x = 1 y, z = 2, 3 |
全局变量 |
our ($g1, $g2) = (7, 8); sub swap_globals { ($g1, $g2) = ($g2, $g1); } |
g1, g2 = 7, 8 def swap_globals(): global g1, g2 g1, g2 = g2, g1 |
常量 |
use constant PI => 3.14; |
# uppercase identifiers # constant by convention PI = 3.14 |
空 |
undef |
None |
空测试 |
! defined $v |
v == None v is None |
访问未定义变量 |
error under use strict; otherwise undef |
raises NameError |
真假 |
1 "" |
True False |
假 |
undef 0 0.0 "" "0" () |
False None 0 0.0 '' [] {} |
逻辑运算 |
&& || ! lower precedence: and or xor not |
and or not |
条件 |
$x > 0 ? $x : -$x |
x if x > 0 else -x |
比较 |
numbers only: == != > < >= <= strings: eq ne gt lt ge le |
comparison operators are chainable: == != > < >= <= |
数学运算 |
类型转化 |
7 + "12" 73.9 + ".037" "value: " . 8 |
7 + int('12') 73.9 + float('.037') 'value: ' + str(8) |
算术运算 |
+ - * / none % ** |
+ - * / // % ** |
取余 |
int ( 13 / 5 ) none |
13 // 5 q, r = divmod(13, 5) |
浮点除法 |
13 / 5 |
float(13) / 5 # Python 3: 13 / 5 |
数学函数 |
use Math::Trig qw( tan asin acos atan);
sqrt exp log sin cos tan asin acos atan atan2 |
from math import sqrt, exp, log, \ sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2 |
四舍五入 |
# cpan -i Number::Format use Number::Format 'round'; use POSIX qw(ceil floor);
int($x) round($x, 0) ceil($x) floor($x) abs($x) |
import math
int(x) int(round(x)) math.ceil(x) math.floor(x) abs(x) |
最大最小 |
use List::Util qw(min max);
min(1,2,3); max(1,2,3); @a = (1,2,3); min(@a); max(@a); |
min(1,2,3) max(1,2,3) min([1,2,3]) max([1,2,3]) |
除0 |
error |
raises ZeroDivisionError |
大整数 |
converted to float; use Math::BigInt to create arbitrary length integers |
becomes arbitrary length integer of type long |
大浮点数 |
inf |
raises OverflowError |
随机数 |
int(rand() * 100) rand() none |
import random
random.randint(0,99) random.random() random.gauss(0,1) |
随机数 |
srand 17;
my $sd = srand; srand($sd); |
import random
random.seed(17) sd = random.getstate() random.setstate(sd) |
位操作 |
<< >> & | ^ ~ |
<< >> & | ^ ~ |
其他进制 |
0b101010 052 0x2a |
0b101010 052 0x2a |
字符串操作 |
字符串 |
"don't say \"no\"" 'don\'t say "no"' |
'don\'t say "no"' "don't say \"no\"" "don't " 'say "no"' '''don't say "no"''' """don't say "no\"""" |
多行字符串 |
yes |
triple quote literals only |
转义 |
double quoted: \a \b \cx \e \f \n \r \t \xhh \x{hhhh} \ooo Perl 5.14: \o{ooo}
single quoted: \' \\ |
single and double quoted: \newline \\ \' \" \a \b \f \n \r \t \v \ooo \xhh
Python 3: \uhhhh \Uhhhhhhhh |
变量替换 |
my $count = 3; my $item = "ball"; print "$count ${item}s\n"; |
count = 3 item = 'ball' print(‘%s %s’ % (count, item)) |
sprintf |
my $fmt = "lorem %s %d %f"; sprintf($fmt, "ipsum", 13, 3.7) |
'lorem %s %d %f' % ('ipsum', 13, 3.7)
fmt = 'lorem {0} {1} {2}' fmt.format('ipsum', 13, 3.7) |
here document |
$word = "amet"; $s = <<EOF; lorem ipsum dolor sit $word EOF |
‘’’ ‘’’ |
字符串连接 |
my $s = "Hello, "; my $s2 = $s . "World!"; |
s = 'Hello, ' s2 = s + 'World!'
juxtaposition can be used to concatenate literals: s2 = 'Hello, ' "World!" |
字符串复制 |
my $hbar = "-" x 80; |
hbar = '-' * 80 |
字符串分隔 |
split(/\s+/, "do re mi fa") split(/\s+/, "do re mi fa", 2) split(/(\s+)/, "do re mi fa"); split(//, "abcd") |
'do re mi fa'.split() 'do re mi fa'.split(None, 1) re.split('(\s+)', 'do re mi fa') list('abcd') |
字符串连接 |
join(" ", qw(do re mi fa)) |
' '.join(['do', 're', 'mi', 'fa']) |
字符串大小写 |
uc("lorem") lc("LOREM") ucfirst("lorem") |
'lorem'.upper() 'LOREM'.lower() 'lorem'.capitalize() |
字符串strip |
# cpan -i Text::Trim use Text::Trim;
trim " lorem " ltrim " lorem" rtrim "lorem " |
' lorem '.strip() ' lorem'.lstrip() 'lorem '.rstrip() |
字符串格式化 |
sprintf("%-10s", "lorem") sprintf("%10s", "lorem") |
'lorem'.ljust(10) 'lorem'.rjust(10) |
字符串长度 |
length("lorem") |
len('lorem') |
字符串index |
index("lorem ipsum", "ipsum") rindex("do re re", "re") return -1 if not found |
'do re re'.index('re') 'do re re'.rindex('re') raise ValueError if not found |
子字符串 |
substr("lorem ipsum", 6, 5) |
'lorem ipsum'[6:11] |
访问字符串中字母 |
can't use index notation with strings: substr("lorem ipsum", 6, 1) |
'lorem ipsum'[6] |
字母数字转化 |
chr(65) ord("A") |
chr(65) ord('A') |
正则表达式 |
字符串或 |
/lorem|ipsum/ qr(/etc/hosts) |
re.compile('lorem|ipsum') none |
特殊字符 |
char class abbrevs: . \d \D \h \H \s \S \v \V \w \W
anchors: ^ $ \A \b \B \z \Z |
char class abbrevs: . \d \D \s \S \w \W
anchors: ^ $ \A \b \B \Z |
正则表达式匹配 |
if ($s =~ /1999/) { print "party!\n"; } |
if re.search('1999', s): print('party!') |
忽略大小写 |
"Lorem" =~ /lorem/i |
re.search('lorem', 'Lorem', re.I) |
选项 |
i m s p x |
re.I re.M re.S re.X |
替换 |
my $s = "do re mi mi mi"; $s =~ s/mi/ma/g; |
s = 'do re mi mi mi' s = re.compile('mi').sub('ma', s) |
group |
$rx = qr/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})/; "2010-06-03" =~ $rx; ($yr, $mo, $dy) = ($1, $2, $3); |
rx = '(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})' m = re.search(rx, '2010-06-03') yr, mo, dy = m.groups() |
findall |
my $s = "dolor sit amet"; @a = $s =~ m/\w+/g; |
s = 'dolor sit amet' a = re.findall('\w+', s) |
匹配引用 |
"do do" =~ /(\w+) \1/
my $s = "do re"; $s =~ s/(\w+) (\w+)/$2 $1/; |
rx = re.compile('(\w+) (\w+)') rx.sub(r'\2 \1', 'do re') |
日期时间 |
日期时间类型 |
Time::Piece if use Time::Piece in effect, otherwise tm array |
datetime.datetime |
当前日期时间 |
use Time::Piece;
my $t = localtime(time); my $utc = gmtime(time); |
import datetime
t = datetime.datetime.now() utc = datetime.datetime.utcnow() |
与epoch转化 |
use Time::Local; use Time::Piece;
my $epoch = timelocal($t); my $t2 = localtime(1304442000); |
from datetime import datetime as dt
epoch = int(t.strftime("%s")) t2 = dt.fromtimestamp(1304442000) |
当前epoch |
$epoch = time; |
import datetime
t = datetime.datetime.now() epoch = int(t.strftime("%s")) |
strftime |
use Time::Piece;
$t = localtime(time); $fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"; print $t->strftime($fmt); |
t.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') |
默认格式 |
Tue Aug 23 19:35:19 2011 |
2011-08-23 19:35:59.411135 |
字符串转为时间strptime |
use Time::Local; use Time::Piece;
$s = "2011-05-03 10:00:00"; $fmt = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"; $t = Time::Piece->strptime($s,$fmt); |
from datetime import datetime
s = '2011-05-03 10:00:00' fmt = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' t = datetime.strptime(s, fmt) |
解析日期 |
# cpan -i Date::Parse use Date::Parse;
$epoch = str2time("July 7, 1999"); |
# pip install python-dateutil import dateutil.parser
s = 'July 7, 1999' t = dateutil.parser.parse(s) |
时间差 |
Time::Seconds object if use Time::Piece in effect; not meaningful to subtract tm arrays |
datetime.timedelta object |
时间运算 |
use Time::Seconds;
$now = localtime(time); $now += 10 * ONE_MINUTE() + 3; |
import datetime
delta = datetime.timedelta( minutes=10, seconds=3) t = datetime.datetime.now() + delta |
时区 |
Time::Piece has local timezone if created withlocaltime and UTC timezone if created with gmtime; tm arrays have no timezone or offset info |
a datetime object has no timezone information unless a tzinfo object is provided when it is created |
timezone name; offset from UTC; 是否夏令时 |
# cpan -i DateTime use DateTime; use DateTime::TimeZone;
$dt = DateTime->now(); $tz = DateTime::TimeZone->new( name=>"local");
$tz->name; $tz->offset_for_datetime($dt) / 3600; $tz->is_dst_for_datetime($dt); |
import time
tm = time.localtime() time.tzname[tm.tm_isdst] (time.timezone / -3600) + tm.tm_isdst tm.tm_isdst |
microseconds |
use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday);
($sec, $usec) = gettimeofday; |
t.microsecond |
sleep |
a float argument will be truncated to an integer: sleep 1; |
import time
time.sleep(0.5) |
timeout |
eval { $SIG{ALRM}= sub {die "timeout!";}; alarm 5; sleep 10; }; alarm 0; |
import signal, time
class Timeout(Exception): pass
def timeout_handler(signo, fm): raise Timeout()
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, timeout_handler)
try: signal.alarm(5) time.sleep(10) except Timeout: pass signal.alarm(0) |
数组 |
定义 |
@a = (1, 2, 3, 4); |
a = [1, 2, 3, 4] |
quote words |
@a = qw(do re mi); |
none |
长度 |
$#a + 1 or scalar(@a) |
len(a) |
空测试 |
!@a |
not a |
使用 |
$a[0] |
a[0] |
更新 |
$a[0] = "lorem"; |
a[0] = 'lorem' |
越界访问 |
@a = (); evaluates as undef: $a[10]; increases array size to 11: $a[10] = "lorem"; |
a = [] raises IndexError: a[10] raises IndexError: a[10] = 'lorem' |
index |
use List::Util 'first';
@a = qw(x y z w); $i = first {$a[$_] eq "y"} (0..$#a); |
a = ['x', 'y', 'z', 'w'] i = a.index('y') |
子数组 |
select 3rd and 4th elements: @a[2..3] splice(@a, 2, 2) |
select 3rd and 4th elements: a[2:4] none |
子数组 |
@a[1..$#a] |
a[1:] |
添加删除 |
@a = (6,7,8); push @a, 9; pop @a; |
a = [6,7,8] a.append(9) a.pop() |
插入删除 |
@a = (6,7,8); unshift @a, 5; shift @a; |
a = [6,7,8] a.insert(0,5) a.pop(0) |
数组连接 |
@a = (1,2,3); @a2 = (@a,(4,5,6)); push @a, (4,5,6); |
a = [1,2,3] a2 = a + [4,5,6] a.extend([4,5,6]) |
初始化 |
@a = (undef) x 10; |
a = [None] * 10 a = [None for i in range(0, 10)] |
浅拷贝深拷贝 |
use Storable 'dclone'
my @a = (1,2,[3,4]); my $a2 = \@a; my @a3 = @a; my @a4 = @{dclone(\@a)}; |
import copy
a = [1,2,[3,4]] a2 = a a3 = list(a) a4 = copy.deepcopy(a) |
数组作为函数参数 |
each element passed as separate argument; use reference to pass array as single argument |
parameter contains address copy |
遍历 |
for $i (1, 2, 3) { print "$i\n" } |
for i in [1,2,3]: print(i) |
遍历 |
none; use range iteration from 0 to $#a and use index to look up value in the loop body |
a = ['do', 're', 'mi', 'fa'] for i, s in enumerate(a): print('%s at index %d' % (s, i)) |
range |
for $i (1..1_000_000) { code } |
range replaces xrange in Python 3: for i in xrange(1, 1000001): code |
range数组 |
@a = 1..10; |
a = range(1, 11) Python 3: a = list(range(1, 11)) |
翻转 |
@a = (1,2,3); reverse @a; @a = reverse @a; |
a = [1,2,3] a[::-1] a.reverse() |
排序 |
@a = qw(b A a B); sort @a; @a = sort @a; sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @a; |
a = ['b', 'A', 'a', 'B'] sorted(a) a.sort() a.sort(key=str.lower) |
去重复 |
use List::MoreUtils 'uniq';
my @a = (1,2,2,3); my @a2 = uniq @a; @a = uniq @a; |
a = [1,2,2,3] a2 = list(set(a)) a = list(set(a)) |
是否存在于数组 |
7 ~~ @a |
7 in a |
集合交集 |
{1,2} & {2,3,4} |
集合或 |
{1,2} | {2,3,4} |
集合运算 |
{1,2,3} - {2} {1,2} ^ {2,3,4} |
map |
map { $_ * $_ } (1,2,3) |
map(lambda x: x * x, [1,2,3]) # or use list comprehension: [x*x for x in [1,2,3]] |
filter |
grep { $_ > 1 } (1,2,3) |
filter(lambda x: x > 1, [1,2,3]) # or use list comprehension: [x for x in [1,2,3] if x > 1] |
reduce |
use List::Util 'reduce';
reduce { $x + $y } 0, (1,2,3) |
# import needed in Python 3 only from functools import reduce
reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [1,2,3], 0) |
All/any |
# cpan -i List::MoreUtils use List::MoreUtils qw(all any);
all { $_ % 2 == 0 } (1,2,3,4) any { $_ % 2 == 0 } (1,2,3,4) |
all(i%2 == 0 for i in [1,2,3,4]) any(i%2 == 0 for i in [1,2,3,4]) |
shuffle and sample |
use List::Util 'shuffle';
@a = (1, 2, 3, 4); shuffle(@a); none |
from random import shuffle, sample
a = [1, 2, 3, 4] shuffle(a) sample(a, 2) |
zip |
# cpan -i List::MoreUtils use List::MoreUtils 'zip';
@nums = (1, 2, 3); @lets = qw(a b c); # flat array of 6 elements: @a = zip @nums, @lets; |
# array of 3 pairs: a = zip([1,2,3], ['a', 'b', 'c']) |
字典对象 |
定义 |
%d = ( t => 1, f => 0 ); |
d = { 't':1, 'f':0 } |
size |
scalar(keys %d) |
len(d) |
lookup |
$d{"t"} |
d['t'] |
out-of-bounds behavior |
%d = (); evaluates as undef: $d{"lorem"}; adds key/value pair: $d{"lorem"} = "ipsum"; |
d = {} raises KeyError: d['lorem'] adds key/value pair: d['lorem'] = 'ipsum' |
is key present |
exists $d{"y"} |
'y' in d |
delete entry |
%d = ( 1 => "t", 0 => "f" ); delete $d{1}; |
d = {1: True, 0: False} del d[1] |
from array of pairs, from even length array |
@a = (1,"a",2,"b",3,"c"); %d = @a; |
a = [[1,'a'], [2,'b'], [3,'c']] d = dict(a)
a = [1,'a',2,'b',3,'c'] d = dict(zip(a[::2], a[1::2])) |
merge |
%d1 = (a=>1, b=>2); %d2 = (b=>3, c=>4); %d1 = (%d1, %d2); |
d1 = {'a':1, 'b':2} d2 = {'b':3, 'c':4} d1.update(d2) # {'a': 1, 'c': 4, 'b': 3} |
invert |
%to_num = (t=>1, f=>0); %to_let = reverse %to_num; |
to_num = {'t':1, 'f':0} # dict comprehensions added in 2.7: to_let = {v:k for k, v in to_num.items()} |
iteration |
while ( ($k, $v) = each %d ) { code } |
for k, v in d.iteritems(): code
Python 3: for k, v in d.items(): code |
keys and values as arrays |
keys %d values %d |
d.keys() d.values()
Python 3: list(d.keys()) list(d.values()) |
default value, computed value |
my %counts; $counts{'foo'} += 1
define a tied hash for computed values and defaults other than zero or empty string |
from collections import defaultdict
counts = defaultdict(lambda: 0) counts['foo'] += 1
class Factorial(dict): def __missing__(self, k): if k > 1: return k * self[k-1] else: return 1
factorial = Factorial() |
函数 |
函数申明 |
sub add { $_[0] + $_[1] }
sub add { my ($a, $b) = @_; $a + $b; } |
def add(a, b): return a+b |
函数调用 |
add(1, 2);
parens are optional: add 1, 2; |
add(1, 2) |
参数丢失 |
set to undef |
raises TypeError |
参数默认值 |
sub my_log { my $x = shift; my $base = shift // 10;
log($x)/log($base); }
my_log(42); my_log(42, exp(1)); |
import math
def my_log(x, base=10): return math.log(x)/math.log(base)
my_log(42) my_log(42, math.e) |
变长参数 |
sub foo { if ( @_ >= 1 ) { print "first: $_[0]\n"; } if ( @_ >= 2 ) { print "last: $_[-1]\n"; } } |
def foo(*a): if len(a) >= 1: print('first: ' + str(a[0])) if len(a) >= 2: print('last: ' + str(a[-1])) |
命名参数 |
none |
def fequal(x, y, **opts): eps = opts.get('eps') or 0.01 return abs(x - y) < eps
fequal(1.0, 1.001) fequal(1.0, 1.001, eps=0.1**10) |
pass number or string by reference |
sub foo { $_[0] += 1; $_[1] .= "ly"; }
my $n = 7; my $s = "hard"; foo($n, $s); |
not possible |
pass array or dictionary by reference |
sub foo { $_[0][2] = 5; $_[1]{"f"} = -1; }
my @a = (1,2,3); my %d = ("t"=> 1, "f" => 0); foo(\@a, \%d); |
def foo(x, y): x[2] = 5 y['f'] = -1
a = [1,2,3] d = {'t':1, 'f':0} foo(a, d) |
return value |
return arg or last expression evaluated |
return arg or None |
multiple return values |
sub first_and_second { return ($_[0], $_[1]); } @a = (1,2,3); ($x, $y) = first_and_second(@a); |
def first_and_second(a): return a[0], a[1]
x, y = first_and_second([1,2,3]) |
lambda declaration |
$sqr = sub { $_[0] * $_[0] } |
body must be an expression: sqr = lambda x: x * x |
lambda invocation |
$sqr->(2) |
sqr(2) |
function reference |
my $func = \&add; |
func = add |
function with private state |
use feature state;
sub counter { state $i = 0; ++$i; }
print counter() . "\n"; |
# state not private: def counter(): counter.i += 1 return counter.i
counter.i = 0 print(counter()) |
closure |
sub make_counter { my $i = 0; return sub { ++$i }; } my $nays = make_counter; print $nays->() . "\n"; |
# Python 3: def make_counter(): i = 0 def counter(): nonlocal i i += 1 return i return counter
nays = make_counter() |
generator |
none |
def make_counter(): i = 0 while True: i += 1 yield i
nays = make_counter() print(nays.next()) |
decorator |
def logcall(f): def wrapper(*a, **opts): print('calling ' + f.__name__) f(*a, **opts) print('called ' + f.__name__) return wrapper
@logcall def square(x): return x * x
square(5) |
流程控制 |
if |
if ( 0 == $n ) { print "no hits\n" } elsif ( 1 == $n ) { print "one hit\n" } else { print "$n hits\n" } |
if 0 == n: print('no hits') elif 1 == n: print('one hit') else: print(str(n) + ' hits') |
switch |
use feature 'switch';
given ($n) { when (0) { print "no hits\n"; } when (1) { print "one hit\n"; } default { print "$n hits\n"; } } |
none |
while |
while ( $i < 100 ) { $i++ } |
while i < 100: i += 1 |
c-style for |
for ( $i=0; $i <= 10; $i++ ) { print "$i\n"; } |
none |
Foreach |
@a = (1..5);
foreach (@a) {
print "$_\n";
@a = (1..5);
for (@a) {
print "$_\n"
} |
a = ['do', 're', 'mi', 'fa']
for i, s in enumerate(a):
print('%s at index %d' % (s, i))
for i in [1,2,3]:
print(i) |
break, continue, redo |
last next redo |
break continue none |
control structure keywords |
do else elsif for foreach goto if unless until while |
elif else for if while |
what do does |
executes following block and returns value of last statement executed |
raises NameError unless a value was assigned to it |
statement modifiers |
print "positive\n" if $i > 0; print "nonzero\n" unless $i == 0; |
none |
raise exception |
die "bad arg"; |
raise Exception('bad arg') |
catch exception |
eval { risky }; if ($@) { print "risky failed: $@\n"; } |
try: risky() except: print('risky failed') |
global variable for last exception |
last exception: sys.exc_info()[1] |
define exception |
none |
class Bam(Exception): def __init__(self): super(Bam, self).__init__('bam!') |
catch exception by type |
none |
try: raise Bam() except Bam as e: print(e) |
finally/ensure |
none |
acquire_resource() try: risky() finally: release_resource() |
start thread |
use threads;
$func = sub { sleep 10 }; $thr = threads->new($func); |
class sleep10(threading.Thread): def run(self): time.sleep(10)
thr = sleep10() thr.start() |
wait on thread |
$thr->join; |
thr.join() |
文件和输出 |
print to standard output |
print "Hello, World!\n"; |
print('Hello, World!') |
read from standard input |
$line = <STDIN>; |
line = sys.stdin.readline() |
standard file handles |
sys.stdin sys.stdout sys.stderr |
open file |
open my $f, "/etc/hosts"; or open FILE, "/etc/hosts"; |
f = open('/etc/hosts') |
open file for writing |
open my $f, ">/tmp/perl_test"; or open FILE, ">/tmp/perl_test"; |
f = open('/tmp/test', 'w') |
open file for append |
with open('/tmp/test') as f: f.write('lorem ipsum\n') |
close file |
close $f; or close FILE; |
f.close() |
read line |
$line = <$f>; or $line = <FILE>; |
f.readline() |
iterate over file by line |
while ($line = <$f>) { |
for line in f: |
chomp |
chomp $line; |
line = line.rstrip('\r\n') |
read entire file into array or string |
@a = <$f>; $s = do { local $/; <$f> }; |
a = f.readlines() s = f.read() |
write to file |
print $f "lorem ipsum"; |
f.write('lorem ipsum') |
flush file handle |
use IO::Handle;
$f->flush(); |
f.flush() |
file test, regular file test |
If (-e "/etc/hosts") {print exist;} -f "/etc/hosts" |
os.path.exists('/etc/hosts') os.path.isfile('/etc/hosts') |
copy file, remove file, rename file |
use File::Copy;
copy("/tmp/foo", "/tmp/bar"); unlink "/tmp/foo"; move("/tmp/bar", "/tmp/foo"); unlink(); |
import shutil
shutil.copy('/tmp/foo', '/tmp/bar') os.remove('/tmp/foo') shutil.move('/tmp/bar', '/tmp/foo') os.remove() |
set file permissions |
chmod 0755, "/tmp/foo"; |
os.chmod('/tmp/foo', 0755) |
temporary file |
use File::Temp;
$f = File::Temp->new(); print $f "lorem ipsum\n"; close $f;
print "tmp file: "; print $f->filename . "\n"; |
import tempfile
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( prefix='foo') f.write('lorem ipsum\n') f.close()
print("tmp file: %s" % f.name) |
in memory file |
my ($f, $s); open($f, ">", \$s); print $f "lorem ipsum\n"; $s; |
from StringIO import StringIO
f = StringIO() f.write('lorem ipsum\n') s = f.getvalue()
Python 3 moved StringIO to the io module |
目录操作 |
build pathname |
use File::Spec;
File::Spec->catfile("/etc", "hosts") |
os.path.join('/etc', 'hosts') |
dirname and basename |
use File::Basename;
print dirname("/etc/hosts"); print basename("/etc/hosts"); |
os.path.dirname('/etc/hosts') os.path.basename('/etc/hosts') |
absolute pathname |
use Cwd;
Cwd::abs_path("..") |
os.path.abspath('..') |
iterate over directory by file |
use File::Basename;
while ( </etc/*> ) { print basename($_) . "\n"; } |
for filename in os.listdir('/etc'): print(filename) |
make directory |
use File::Path 'make_path';
make_path "/tmp/foo/bar"; |
dirname = '/tmp/foo/bar' if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.makedirs(dirname) |
recursive copy |
# cpan -i File::Copy::Recursive use File::Copy::Recursive 'dircopy';
dircopy "/tmp/foodir", "/tmp/bardir"; |
import shutil
shutil.copytree('/tmp/foodir', '/tmp/bardir') |
remove empty directory |
rmdir "/tmp/foodir"; |
os.rmdir('/tmp/foodir') |
remove directory and contents |
use File::Path 'remove_tree';
remove_tree "/tmp/foodir"; |
import shutil
shutil.rmtree('/tmp/foodir') |
directory test |
-d "/tmp" |
os.path.isdir('/tmp') |
命令行操作 |
command line args, script name |
scalar(@ARGV) $ARGV[0] $ARGV[1] etc $0 |
len(sys.argv)-1 sys.argv[1] sys.argv[2] etc sys.argv[0] |
getopt |
use Getopt::Long;
my ($src, $help);
sub usage { print "usage: $0 --f SRC\n"; exit -1; }
GetOptions("file=s" => \$src, "help" => \$help);
usage if $help; |
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--file', '-f', dest='file')
args = parser.parse_args() src = args.file |
get and set environment variable |
$ENV{"PATH") = "/bin"; |
os.environ['PATH'] = '/bin' |
exit |
exit 0; |
sys.exit(0) |
set signal handller |
$SIG{INT} = sub { die "exiting…\n"; }; |
import signal
def handler(signo, frame): print('exiting…') exit -1 signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler) |
executable test |
-x "/bin/ls" |
os.access('/bin/ls', os.X_OK) |
external command |
system("ls -l /tmp") == 0 or die "ls failed"; |
if os.system('ls -l /tmp'): raise Exception('ls failed') |
escaped external command |
$path = <>; chomp($path); system("ls", "-l", $path) == 0 or die "ls failed"; |
import subprocess
cmd = ['ls', '-l', '/tmp'] if subprocess.call(cmd): raise Exception('ls failed') |
backticks |
my $files = `ls -l /tmp`; or my $files = qx(ls); |
import subprocess
cmd = ['ls', '-l', '/tmp'] files = subprocess.check_output(cmd) |
__________________________________________ |
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