
          用来唯一标识一张表中的某一条数据,所有的表都必须有自己的主键,主键可以是整型,一般都用自增,也可以是字符串类型,  如果是字符串类型的话一般使用uuid(是用java语言生成的)。一般使用主键来唯一查询某一条记录,或者更新删除某一条记录。
2,order by永远放到最后面,语法规范!
          函数count: 用来统计数量,一般统计行数有几行     
          函数max:      用来计算某列中的最大值,列的类型一定是整型(一般情况下遇到类似年龄,分数等将来可能会计算最大值的或者本身就是数字,类型设置为整型)。
          函数sum:       类似max,列的字段类型一定是整型
6,sqlite 无右连接
insert into students (id,name,age,sex)values('3','Mike','21','女');--add
insert into students (id,name,age,sex)values('4','Lisa','21','女');--add
insert into students (id,name,age,sex)values('5','Raro','21','女');--add
insert into students (id,num,name,age,sex,c_id)values(6,'201107014303','Jame','21','女','')
------------条件删除 ---------------------
delete from students where name='Jame';--delete
select *from students;
select *from students where name='Mike' and age='12';
select * from students where name like 's%' collate nocase;
alter table student rename to students--修改表名
alter table students {rename to student|add column course text}--不识别 {}:表示为可选项,但是运行失败
alter table students add column tel text not null default '' collate nocase
update students set tel='18500111111' where name='lisa' collate nocase
update students set num='201107014301'
update students set age='20' where name='Mike'
create table course (id integer primary key autoincrement, course text);
drop table course;--删除一张表(没有关联关系)
-----------如果想忽略大小写,即 case-insensitive,需要用到COLLATE NOCASE :-----------
update students set age='12' where name='mike' collate nocase;
select name,age from students;
select *from cqx_db where type='table' and name='teacher';
--查看一张表中 字段name没有重复的条目
select distinct name from students;
select * from students group by age having count(*)>1;
-------------limit a offset b或者limit b ,a ---表示调过b项,返回a项数据--------
select * from students where num like '_011%' order by age asc, name limit 1,2;--如果相同,则根据名字的首字母排序
select * from students where num like '2011%' order by age asc -- num 以2011结尾的所有学生升序,默认为升序
select * from students where num like '2011%' order by age desc, age limit 2 offset 1;--根据年龄排序
select * from students where num like '2011%' limit 2 offset 1;
--------------------'%a' :以a结尾(_a),'a%':以a开头 '%a%':包含a-------------------------------
select * from students where num like '%01' order by age desc; 以01结尾的匹配
select * from students where num not like '%02%';选取不包含02的num
--函数upper( name ) 大写 ,lower( name ) 小写 ,count(*)统计数量大小,sum(age) 求和,max(age)求最大值
select upper(name) ,length(name) from students where num like '2011%'
select lower(name) ,length(name) from students where num like '2011%'
select upper(name) ,length(name) from students where num like '%01' and length(name)<5
----------分组group by- 并采用函数计算租大小---------
select * ,count(*)from students group by num;--按照num进行分组
select count(*) from students where num like '%01';
-------------------------去掉重复 distinct-----------------------
select distinct num from students ;
---------------多表连接 join-------------------------
insert into teacher (id,t_name,t_course) values(1,'a','语文')
insert into teacher (id,t_name,t_course) values(2,'a','语文')
insert into teacher (id,t_name,t_course) values(3,'a','语文')
update teacher set c_id='1'
update students set c_id=12 where num like '%01';
update teacher set c_id=1;
--添加列 not null时 default ''
alter table teacher add column c_id text not null default '';
alter table teacher drop column c_course;
select teacher.t_name,students.name from teacher ,students where teacher.c_id=students.c_id;
------------------------内连接 inner join--------------
 select * from teacher inner join students on teacher.c_id=students.c_id;
alter table course add column id integer;
insert into course values(1,1,'语文');
insert into course values(1,2,'语文');
select * from students inner join course on students.c_id=course.c_id;
select * from students,course;
----------左外连接 未能匹配以左为基准,右为null--,无右连接------------
select * from students left outer join teacher on students.c_id=teacher.c_id;
--------------------别名-类似表名.相同的列名,from +原名 别名------------------------
select s.name,t.name from students s,teacher t where s.c_id=t.c_id limit 3;
--------------null 不等于任何值 是确实信息的占位符
select null is null;--结果1 非0的任何值都表示为真
select null is not null;--结果0 非0的任何值都表示为真
select coalesce(null,7,null,4);--结果7
select nullif (1,1);--结果null
select nullif (1,2);--结果1
select teacher.name from teacher where teacher.c_id in(select students.c_id from students where num like '2011%')
select count(name) from students where students.[c_id] in(select teacher.c_id from teacher )
select * from students group by num like '%01'
---------==================考核 练习================================-----
select * from students where name='Lisa';  
select name,sex from students where name like '%am%'; --查询包含am的所有name,sex
select sex, count(id) from students group by sex; --根据性别sex分组,查询sex和对用的数量
select sex,age,count(id) from students group by sex, age; --根据性别和年龄分组,查询性别和年龄以及数量
select name,age from students order by age desc ; --根据年龄降序查询显示姓名和年龄
------------------------------函数max: 用来计算某列中的最大值,列的类型一定是整型(一般情况下遇到类似年龄,分数等将来可能会计算最大值的或者本身就是数字,类型设置为整型)。-------------------------------------------
select max(age) from students ; --从学生表中选取年龄最大值
select name, age from students where age in (select max(age) from students) 
select sum(age) from students ;
select sex, count(id) from students group by sex;
--采用别名的方式全连接 ,别名规则为from+原表名 别名,别的地方使用到表名则采用别名
select t.t_name,s.name from teacher t,students s where t.c_id=s.c_id;
--左连接 通过学生和教师表查询学生和教师名称 sqlite无右连接
select students.name,teacher.t_name from students left join teacher on students.c_id=teacher.c_id;
select s.name,t.t_name from students s left join teacher t on s.c_id=t.c_id;
select s.name,t.t_name,s.age from students s left join teacher t on s.c_id=t.c_id where sex='女' and age>21 ;
posted @ 2016-08-11 19:05  全球顶尖骇客  阅读(2069)  评论(2编辑  收藏  举报