最近启用二级域名后,面临一个主域名与二级域名之间 session 不能共享的问题,带来的麻烦就是用户在主域名登陆,但由于二级域名 session 不能共享 ,因此无法进行登陆的操作,对一些功能有一些影响。
Tomcat 下,不同的二级域名,Session 默认是不共享的,因为 Cookie 名称为 JSESSIONID 的 Cookie
根域是默认是没设置的,访问不同的二级域名,其 Cookie 就重新生成,而 session 就是根据这个 Cookie
来生成的,所以在不同的二级域名下生成的 Session 也不一样。
找到了其原因,就可根据这个原因对 Tomcat 在生成 Session 时进行相应的修改。
在项目的/MET-INF/ 目录下创建一个 context.xml 文件,内容为:
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context useHttpOnly="true" sessionCookiePath="/" sessionCookieDomain="" />
快速解决方案2:修改 Tomcat 的 server.xml 文件,内容为:
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<Context path="" docBase="ROOT" reloadable="false" useHttpOnly="true" sessionCookiePath="/" sessionCookieDomain="" />
快速解决方案3:生成一个叫做 crossSubdomainSessionValve.jar 的文件,用的时候放在
Tomcat lib 目录下,然后修改 Tomcat server.xml 文件:
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<Valve className="me.seanchang.CrossSubdomainSessionValve" />
原理:取代由 Tomcat 域产生的会话 cookie ,允许该会话 cookie
package me.seanchang; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.Cookie; import org.apache.catalina.Globals; import org.apache.catalina.connector.Request; import org.apache.catalina.connector.Response; import org.apache.catalina.valves.ValveBase; import org.apache.tomcat.util.buf.MessageBytes; import org.apache.tomcat.util.http.MimeHeaders; import org.apache.tomcat.util.http.ServerCookie; public class CrossSubdomainSessionValve extends ValveBase { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("CrossSubdomainSessionValve"); public CrossSubdomainSessionValve() { super(); info = "me.seanchang.CrossSubdomainSessionValve/1.0"; } @Override public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws IOException, ServletException { // this will cause Request.doGetSession to create the session cookie if // necessary request.getSession(true); // replace any Tomcat-generated session cookies with our own Cookie[] cookies = response.getCookies(); if (cookies != null) { for (int i = 0; i < cookies.length; i++) { Cookie cookie = cookies[i];"CrossSubdomainSessionValve: Cookie name is " + cookie.getName()); if (Globals.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME.equals(cookie.getName())) replaceCookie(request, response, cookie); } } // process the next valve getNext().invoke(request, response); } protected void replaceCookie(Request request, Response response, Cookie cookie) { // copy the existing session cookie, but use a different domain Cookie newCookie = new Cookie(cookie.getName(), cookie.getValue()); if (cookie.getPath() != null) newCookie.setPath(cookie.getPath()); newCookie.setDomain(getCookieDomain(request)); newCookie.setMaxAge(cookie.getMaxAge()); newCookie.setVersion(cookie.getVersion()); if (cookie.getComment() != null) newCookie.setComment(cookie.getComment()); newCookie.setSecure(cookie.getSecure()); // if the response has already been committed, our replacement strategy // will have no effect MimeHeaders headers = new MimeHeaders(); if (response.isCommitted())"CrossSubdomainSessionValve: response was already committed!"); // find the Set-Cookie header for the existing cookie and replace its // value with new cookie headers = response.getCoyoteResponse().getMimeHeaders(); for (int i = 0, size = headers.size(); i < size; i++) { if (headers.getName(i).equals("Set-Cookie")) { MessageBytes value = headers.getValue(i); if (value.indexOf(cookie.getName()) >= 0) { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); ServerCookie .appendCookieValue(buffer, newCookie.getVersion(), newCookie.getName(), newCookie.getValue(), newCookie.getPath(), newCookie.getDomain(), newCookie.getComment(), newCookie.getMaxAge(), newCookie.getSecure(), true);"CrossSubdomainSessionValve: old Set-Cookie value: " + value.toString());"CrossSubdomainSessionValve: new Set-Cookie value: " + buffer); value.setString(buffer.toString()); } } } } protected String getCookieDomain(Request request) { String cookieDomain = request.getServerName(); String[] parts = cookieDomain.split("\\."); if (parts.length >= 2) cookieDomain = parts[parts.length - 2] + "." + parts[parts.length - 1]; return "." + cookieDomain; } public String toString() turn ("CrossSubdomainSessionValve[container=" + container.getName() + ']'); } } |
将以上代码导出一个jar文件,放入 $CATALINA_HOME/lib 中,修改 $CATALINA_HOME/conf/server.xml 文件,加入:
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<Valve className="me.seanchang.CrossSubdomainSessionValve" />
重启 Tomcat ,Done !