

pwgen [ OPTION ] [ pw_length ] [ num_pw ]


-c 选项指定生成的密码包含大小写字母,

-c, --capitalize
Include at least one capital letter in the password. This is the default if the standard output is a tty device.

-n 选项指定生成的密码包含数字,

-n, --numerals
Include at least one number in the password. This is the default if the standard output is a tty device.

-y 选项指定生成的密码包含特殊字符。

-y, --symbols
Include at least one special character in the password.



❯ pwgen -c -n -y 6 2 Xo[r2w Bu.S3O


❯ pwgen -c -n -y 6 aeY>i5 eL.o3o uu~Th4 Eif-a3 de%o7A Ex[oy1 Ia|vu4 Pi.aw8 Ga,d9o ie;H8F Roo\r1 fe<oT0 Mee&f7 Be_ke6 Mo1ia< Ahc_e8 gei%W4 Id/u8z Pha>e5 Ak9Ou| Az{ie4 Che.o0 ohB!i8 Jee!v0 xei~V9 ahF;o3 Lu4ku* re=P5u wah#S9 pe2Li: io{v7E Ur+ei7 Uk5ra% Aht!u2 aN?ei2 ux&a1I eS$u7V Zo+Wa8 ni"X3g mai!T9 nu%e3F mae\G3 ni]e4U Gae}N4 foo[F0 Rie{y4 Yoh%V1 eeH?o2 Ie]B2o dai=P5 Iey>e6 xei+T9 re`e2C do<Th1 se<Ph9 fi(e0Z Wee&l6 aeL^i1 Eu<r5f me'u2I Chu)j4 Pah?M5 iW|oh4 Ee,m9l ii$N1u aP9ei; Ais\u2 Pee*z7 wa?m0C Ang,e7 Fae"m1 oH>ai7 ua6Fo/ Ba:ga1 xa{Th0 Aed\a7 Ki5ni[ ei#Z5u iH&eo1 xa?G9o Yi;og9 Ze/ig8 Ahm@a3 Aud+o9 aC>ae7 Mei>y3 uo(Va5 Au?ng4 ta\Qu6 uu<n8N eNg)u5 qua@B8 Ed]ee8 Eu]ph7 iM@ei2 Pi:i1i aVo*o3 Noh+p7 Ne-u7i Shi(v5 eo$y5I Yae!f0 de"aK9 ai9Oa< Cu8de, EiS{i5 aeB`o4 du]aT5 co4Ih) vah_D9 fah`H3 Uy)ie8 ieW!a0 Poi%z6 che_B9 zai:K1 Al/o5C et5An{ Ef.ai7 Ooz#i5 ta/B8i ju8Da[ fe_aR1 wu7Wa( aB1ke( Uo"p3d Vua|b2 eeX^i1 Vai*k0 Sah~X3 Mee_t2 du;Y7n Ide)e1 pa'x0I hie!N2 uKe\u1 zu<eC0 bu9Ar_ Che&o0 eV^ei7 iy0Ne, uv8iY^ Jei"x9 noo^K6 Oe`gh5 ve[a1L Hoo[y8 Ua}lo3 Fei*v8 Mei^x7 uC3to} Kei}J3 Yae"t2 Uy~oh6 du/b6U eeB'o3 coh*F7 Fi(eL2 ar/e9L oK)i6y yah(M0 Bi|fo8 kee`T3 oG?ei6 aS4du- roh<V7 Oof\u8 noo-R6 yee\N0 Wu(oJ5 Ey@ae6 re?T3n zi)u2E xa%Gh2 yee,D5 aj;e1O hi9Uu` bah]G3 Euc=u1 nu-g6R soh+S1 ti2Ju( bu<d4P Sei)f2 Ni7io\ Xu$Mo0 thu"Z2 Yo]r2r Rai+h2 Phi'l0 Di}ph8 Wi@gh8 Eic-e5 Aab+o3 Giu-C6 aiC<e1 Te7eR` Oe)n5i cu8eM{ Vae>Z2 zi@s7D Roa\p8 Ai!gh0 Pai>k2 Yi6la} Wi_uf6 iQu-e7 Ew?o3o Pi(uy8 ma8UX( Nea`x0 ei,G0s no,B6a iu|z2N oG4ae| Ga1uo} ao}Ce0 mi$L3e xu<t5O Thu"t5


posted @ 2023-08-07 21:57  arun_yh  阅读(99)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报