
Sissel经典的 should it matter

2006-09-01 11:58  电脑人生  阅读(374)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

挪威国宝级女歌手西塞尔(Sissel)一首炽热的英文情歌,选自专辑《所有好事》(All Good Things )

这个在电影《泰坦尼克号》中轻柔吟唱的女声,唱功绝不输于由同一部电影而大红大紫的席琳-迪昂(Celin Dion)




I look at you 我看着你
Please don't walk away 请不要离开
I see you're about to 我知道你在那儿
There is just something I'd really like to say 我确实要对你说
So please don't walk away 请不要离开

I know that you're there 我知道你在那儿
Still you pretend you're not 直到你将不保护我
Yes I know it hurts 我知道它是一种伤害
I have also felt the pain 我也已经感觉到痛苦

So should it matter 所以是一个事实
What I do or what I've done 我做的和我已经做的
As long as in my heart 在我心中长久以来
You're still the only one 你一直是我的唯一
I hear you say it 我听你说
But I don't think you understand 但是,我想你不懂得
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can 我现在能受到你的信任,我告诉你我能

It's been a year 它已经是一年
a memory from my past 在我过去的记忆里
I know what I did wrong 我知道我做的是错的
I wish to change 我希望去改变
Just to make it last 仅仅做到最后
But I guess it's been too long 但是我猜需要很长的时间

Easy to move on 改变
To forget to about it all 忘掉一切
Is that what you do, hoping I will be gone 那就是你所做的:希望我将离开

So should it matter 所以是一个事实
What I do or what I've done 我做的和我已经做的
As long as in my heart 在我心中长久以来
You're still the only one 你一直是我的唯一
I hear you say it 我听你说

But I don't think you understand  但是,我想你不懂得
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can 我现在能受到你的信任,我告诉你我能

If you got to know me again 如果你能再次懂得我
Maybe then -- maybe then 可能--可能
We could see what what we should do 我们将能够看到我们应该做的
But that's all up to you 但是那一切由你来决定
I'll be waiting for you 我将一直等待着你

So should it matter  所以是一个事实
What I do or what I've done 我做的和我已经做的
As long as in my heart 在我心中长久以来
You're still the only one  你一直是我的唯一
I hear you say it  我听你说

But I don't think you understand 但是,我想你不懂得
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can 我现在能受到你的信任,我告诉你我能

I hear you say it   我听你说

But I don't think you understand 但是,我想你不懂得
I can be trusted now, I swear to you I can我现在能受到你的信任,我告诉你我能

