
堆积成山的 Windows Vista,你选哪一种?

2006-04-11 09:48  电脑人生  阅读(163)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

堆积成山的 Windows Vista,你选哪一种?

Which Windows Vista will you run? You have 8 choices.

Posted Feb 19th 2006 5:26PM by Ryan Block
Filed under: Desktops, Laptops

Wow, ok, Bill, since you're reading this and all, we've got to tell you a little something about product branding. Ever hear the adage "do one thing, do it well?" We think that be useful to remember about right now, because the consumer confusion the Windows Vista team is about to cause by offering up 8 different platters might be a little much. Here's the rundown for the rest of you:

Windows Starter 2007 - Vista without Aero, probably meant for developing nations.

Windows Vista Home Basic - Basic Windows Vista for your single PC fam, doesn't sound like much going on here. Analagous to XP Home.

Windows Vista Home Basic N - European version of the same, but without Media Player (because of antitrust rulings against MS in the EU).

Windows Vista Home Premium - This is the one we're all probably gonna own. It's got Media Center functionality, Cable Card support, the whole home-media shebang.

Windows Vista Business - Think of it as XP Pro, but Vista.

Windows Vista Business N - Think of it as XP Pro, but Vista, but Euro.

Windows Vista Enterprise - Business version of Vista with numerous enterprise features, like Virtual PC, volume encryption, etc.

Windows Vista Ultimate - Love that name. This one does all of the above (and more); what else do you need to know? It's ultimate Windows..

哈哈,比尔大叔,我们现在确定你一定有阅读 Engaget 的好习惯,为了回馈这位忠实的大读者,我们想要跟分享一下你自家公司得新产品,没错,就是即将推出,可以多重影分身的 Window Vista。

没想到这款次世代的操作系统,竟然可以分成八种不同等及的产品,对于一般的消费者可能在大卖场中早就头昏眼花了,Engaget 当然有义务为大家解释一下啰。看 Engadget 对比尔有多好:

Windows Starter 2007 - 单纯的 Vista 操作系统,但没有炫丽的 Aero 模式,可能是给喜欢单纯或便宜产品的地区使用。

Windows Vista Home Basic - 基本版的 Vista。简单来讲,等同于 Vista 版的 XP Home 就对啦~

Windows Vista Home Basic N - 欧洲版的 Vista Home Basic,不过没有采用 Media Player 播放软件(这牵涉到欧盟对微软的反拖拉斯法案)。

Windows Vista Home Premium - 这才是我们想要的 Vista 啦!拥有完整的 Media Center、支持 Cable Card、成为家庭多媒体的播放核心。

Windows Vista Business - 等同于 XP Pro。

Windows Vista Business N - XP Pro 欧洲版。

Windows Vista Enterprise - 简单来说就是 Vista 企业版,就像是 Virtual PC 和 加密功能。

Windows Vista Ultimate - 终极版这个名称真不错!上述所有功能终极版可都有了,还有什么可说了,这就是终极的 Windows 阿...(我们应该说什么呢?再见了,蓝白画面!)