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RESTClient是最基础的客户端。RESTClient对HTTP Request进行了封装,实现了RESTful风格的API。ClientSet、DynamicClient及DiscoveryClient客户端都是基于RESTClient实现的。

type Interface interface {
    GetRateLimiter() flowcontrol.RateLimiter
    Verb(verb string) *Request
    Post() *Request
    Put() *Request
    Patch(pt types.PatchType) *Request
    Get() *Request
    Delete() *Request
    APIVersion() schema.GroupVersion


type RESTClient struct {
    // base is the root URL for all invocations of the client
    base *url.URL
    // versionedAPIPath is a path segment connecting the base URL to the resource root
    versionedAPIPath string

    // content describes how a RESTClient encodes and decodes responses.
    content ClientContentConfig

    // creates BackoffManager that is passed to requests.
    createBackoffMgr func() BackoffManager

    // rateLimiter is shared among all requests created by this client unless specifically
    // overridden.
    rateLimiter flowcontrol.RateLimiter

    // warningHandler is shared among all requests created by this client.
    // If not set, defaultWarningHandler is used.
    warningHandler WarningHandler

    // Set specific behavior of the client.  If not set http.DefaultClient will be used.
    Client *http.Client


type Clientset struct {
    admissionregistrationV1      *admissionregistrationv1.AdmissionregistrationV1Client
    admissionregistrationV1beta1 *admissionregistrationv1beta1.AdmissionregistrationV1beta1Client
    internalV1alpha1             *internalv1alpha1.InternalV1alpha1Client
    appsV1                       *appsv1.AppsV1Client
    appsV1beta1                  *appsv1beta1.AppsV1beta1Client
    appsV1beta2                  *appsv1beta2.AppsV1beta2Client
    authenticationV1             *authenticationv1.AuthenticationV1Client
    authenticationV1beta1        *authenticationv1beta1.AuthenticationV1beta1Client
    authorizationV1              *authorizationv1.AuthorizationV1Client
    authorizationV1beta1         *authorizationv1beta1.AuthorizationV1beta1Client
    autoscalingV1                *autoscalingv1.AutoscalingV1Client
    autoscalingV2beta1           *autoscalingv2beta1.AutoscalingV2beta1Client
    autoscalingV2beta2           *autoscalingv2beta2.AutoscalingV2beta2Client
    batchV1                      *batchv1.BatchV1Client
    batchV1beta1                 *batchv1beta1.BatchV1beta1Client
    certificatesV1               *certificatesv1.CertificatesV1Client
    certificatesV1beta1          *certificatesv1beta1.CertificatesV1beta1Client
    coordinationV1beta1          *coordinationv1beta1.CoordinationV1beta1Client
    coordinationV1               *coordinationv1.CoordinationV1Client
    coreV1                       *corev1.CoreV1Client
    discoveryV1                  *discoveryv1.DiscoveryV1Client
    discoveryV1beta1             *discoveryv1beta1.DiscoveryV1beta1Client
    eventsV1                     *eventsv1.EventsV1Client
    eventsV1beta1                *eventsv1beta1.EventsV1beta1Client
    extensionsV1beta1            *extensionsv1beta1.ExtensionsV1beta1Client
    flowcontrolV1alpha1          *flowcontrolv1alpha1.FlowcontrolV1alpha1Client
    flowcontrolV1beta1           *flowcontrolv1beta1.FlowcontrolV1beta1Client
    networkingV1                 *networkingv1.NetworkingV1Client
    networkingV1beta1            *networkingv1beta1.NetworkingV1beta1Client
    nodeV1                       *nodev1.NodeV1Client
    nodeV1alpha1                 *nodev1alpha1.NodeV1alpha1Client
    nodeV1beta1                  *nodev1beta1.NodeV1beta1Client
    policyV1                     *policyv1.PolicyV1Client
    policyV1beta1                *policyv1beta1.PolicyV1beta1Client
    rbacV1                       *rbacv1.RbacV1Client
    rbacV1beta1                  *rbacv1beta1.RbacV1beta1Client
    rbacV1alpha1                 *rbacv1alpha1.RbacV1alpha1Client
    schedulingV1alpha1           *schedulingv1alpha1.SchedulingV1alpha1Client
    schedulingV1beta1            *schedulingv1beta1.SchedulingV1beta1Client
    schedulingV1                 *schedulingv1.SchedulingV1Client
    storageV1beta1               *storagev1beta1.StorageV1beta1Client
    storageV1                    *storagev1.StorageV1Client
    storageV1alpha1              *storagev1alpha1.StorageV1alpha1Client



type DiscoveryClient struct {
    restClient restclient.Interface
    LegacyPrefix string

在Kubernetes系统中,组件之间通过HTTP协议进行通信,在不依赖任何中间件的情况下需要保证消息的实时性、可靠性、顺序性等。Kubernetes的其他组件都是通过client-go的Informer机制与Kubernetes API Server进行通信的


type Reflector struct {
    // name identifies this reflector. By default it will be a file:line if possible.
    name string

    // The name of the type we expect to place in the store. The name
    // will be the stringification of expectedGVK if provided, and the
    // stringification of expectedType otherwise. It is for display
    // only, and should not be used for parsing or comparison.
    expectedTypeName string
    // An example object of the type we expect to place in the store.
    // Only the type needs to be right, except that when that is
    // `unstructured.Unstructured` the object's `"apiVersion"` and
    // `"kind"` must also be right.
    expectedType reflect.Type
    // The GVK of the object we expect to place in the store if unstructured.
    expectedGVK *schema.GroupVersionKind
    // The destination to sync up with the watch source
    store Store
    // listerWatcher is used to perform lists and watches.
    listerWatcher ListerWatcher

    // backoff manages backoff of ListWatch
    backoffManager wait.BackoffManager
    // initConnBackoffManager manages backoff the initial connection with the Watch calll of ListAndWatch.
    initConnBackoffManager wait.BackoffManager

    resyncPeriod time.Duration
    // ShouldResync is invoked periodically and whenever it returns `true` the Store's Resync operation is invoked
    ShouldResync func() bool
    // clock allows tests to manipulate time
    clock clock.Clock
    // paginatedResult defines whether pagination should be forced for list calls.
    // It is set based on the result of the initial list call.
    paginatedResult bool
    // lastSyncResourceVersion is the resource version token last
    // observed when doing a sync with the underlying store
    // it is thread safe, but not synchronized with the underlying store
    lastSyncResourceVersion string
    // isLastSyncResourceVersionUnavailable is true if the previous list or watch request with
    // lastSyncResourceVersion failed with an "expired" or "too large resource version" error.
    isLastSyncResourceVersionUnavailable bool
    // lastSyncResourceVersionMutex guards read/write access to lastSyncResourceVersion
    lastSyncResourceVersionMutex sync.RWMutex
    // WatchListPageSize is the requested chunk size of initial and resync watch lists.
    // If unset, for consistent reads (RV="") or reads that opt-into arbitrarily old data
    // (RV="0") it will default to pager.PageSize, for the rest (RV != "" && RV != "0")
    // it will turn off pagination to allow serving them from watch cache.
    // NOTE: It should be used carefully as paginated lists are always served directly from
    // etcd, which is significantly less efficient and may lead to serious performance and
    // scalability problems.
    WatchListPageSize int64
    // Called whenever the ListAndWatch drops the connection with an error.
    watchErrorHandler WatchErrorHandler


func (r *Reflector) watchHandler(start time.Time, w watch.Interface, resourceVersion *string, errc chan error, stopCh <-chan struct{}) error {
    eventCount := 0

    // Stopping the watcher should be idempotent and if we return from this function there's no way
    // we're coming back in with the same watch interface.
    defer w.Stop()

    for {
        select {
        case <-stopCh:
            return errorStopRequested
        case err := <-errc:
            return err
        case event, ok := <-w.ResultChan():
            if !ok {
                break loop
            if event.Type == watch.Error {
                return apierrors.FromObject(event.Object)
            if r.expectedType != nil {
                if e, a := r.expectedType, reflect.TypeOf(event.Object); e != a {
                    utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: expected type %v, but watch event object had type %v",, e, a))
            if r.expectedGVK != nil {
                if e, a := *r.expectedGVK, event.Object.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind(); e != a {
                    utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: expected gvk %v, but watch event object had gvk %v",, e, a))
            meta, err := meta.Accessor(event.Object)
            if err != nil {
                utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to understand watch event %#v",, event))
            newResourceVersion := meta.GetResourceVersion()
            switch event.Type {
            case watch.Added:
                err :=
                if err != nil {
                    utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to add watch event object (%#v) to store: %v",, event.Object, err))
            case watch.Modified:
                err :=
                if err != nil {
                    utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to update watch event object (%#v) to store: %v",, event.Object, err))
            case watch.Deleted:
                // TODO: Will any consumers need access to the "last known
                // state", which is passed in event.Object? If so, may need
                // to change this.
                err :=
                if err != nil {
                    utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to delete watch event object (%#v) from store: %v",, event.Object, err))
            case watch.Bookmark:
                // A `Bookmark` means watch has synced here, just update the resourceVersion
                utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("%s: unable to understand watch event %#v",, event))
            *resourceVersion = newResourceVersion
            if rvu, ok :=; ok {

    watchDuration := r.clock.Since(start)
    if watchDuration < 1*time.Second && eventCount == 0 {
        return fmt.Errorf("very short watch: %s: Unexpected watch close - watch lasted less than a second and no items received",
    klog.V(4).Infof("%s: Watch close - %v total %v items received",, r.expectedTypeName, eventCount)
    return nil


const (
    Added   DeltaType = "Added"
    Updated DeltaType = "Updated"
    Deleted DeltaType = "Deleted"
    // Replaced is emitted when we encountered watch errors and had to do a
    // relist. We don't know if the replaced object has changed.
    // NOTE: Previous versions of DeltaFIFO would use Sync for Replace events
    // as well. Hence, Replaced is only emitted when the option
    // EmitDeltaTypeReplaced is true.
    Replaced DeltaType = "Replaced"
    // Sync is for synthetic events during a periodic resync.
    Sync DeltaType = "Sync"

Indexer是client-go用来存储资源对象并自带索引功能的本地存储,Reflector从DeltaFIFO中将消费出来的资源对象存储至Indexer。Indexer与Etcd集群中的数据完全保持一致。client-go可以很方便地从本地存储中读取相应的资源对象数据,而无须每次从远程Etcd集群中读取,以减轻Kubernetes API Server和Etcd集群的压力。


posted on 2021-09-02 11:34  it_worker365  阅读(57)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报