
1. 安装 

yarn add eslint -D

2. 生成配置文件

npx eslint --init

√ How would you like to use ESLint? · problems
√ What type of modules does your project use? · esm
√ Which framework does your project use? · none
√ Does your project use TypeScript? · No / Yes
√ Where does your code run? · browser, node
√ What format do you want your config file to be in? · JavaScript

3. 检查代码


npx eslint ./

npx eslint \"apps/**/src/**/*.{js,jsx}\" --config .eslintrc.json





plugins: 新增一些规则,然后在rules中使用

extends集成: 使用别人的配置, 如果有冲突的话就rules自己定义






  1. !xxx.hasOwnProperty(key);    =>  !Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(xxx, key); 切忌不要把 !xxx 直接复制过来,因为是取反,永远bool值
  2. const abc = useSelector(xxx) || [];    然后abc在 useCallback中的依赖参数中使用了,  因为存在[] 所以永远会重新渲染
    修改方法:const abc = useSelector(xxx)   然后在使用abc的地方 (abc || []).map .....
  3. const abc = () => async () => {
      new Promise(async (res, rej) => {
      if() return xxx
      if() throw xxx


    const abc = () => async () => {
      if() return xxx
      if() throw xxx


  4. 不好加propTypes的情况
function happy() {
  let name = 'Jack';
  const array1 = [
      abc({ id }) {
        console.log(name + id);

  const array2 = [
      abc: arg => bbc(arg, name),

  array1[0].abc({ id: 20 });
  array2[0].abc({ id: 50 });

const bbc = ({ id }, name) => {
  console.log(name + id);




5. 错误修复(应该和npm run build区分开来,不能在跑了ant docker-build的命令后对文件进行改动, 而是只应该提醒)

 "fix": "eslint src/**/.{js,jsx} --fix --config .eslintrc.js"   


posted @ 2022-05-14 17:31  一路向北√  阅读(178)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

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