void rapidjson1(){ rapidjson::StringBuffer s; rapidjson::Writer<rapidjson::StringBuffer> writer(s); writer.StartObject(); // Between StartObject()/EndObject(), writer.Key("hello"); // output a key, writer.String("world"); // follow by a value. writer.Key("t"); writer.Bool(true); writer.Key("f"); writer.Bool(false); writer.Key("n"); writer.Null(); writer.Key("i"); writer.Uint(123); writer.Key("pi"); writer.Double(3.1416); writer.Key("a"); writer.StartArray(); // Between StartArray()/EndArray(), for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++) writer.Uint(i); // all values are elements of the array. writer.EndArray(); writer.EndObject(); // {"hello":"world","t":true,"f":false,"n":null,"i":123,"pi":3.1416,"a":[0,1,2,3]} std::cout << s.GetString() << std::endl; }
{ "name": "xiaoming", "gender": "boy", "hobby": [ "足球", "篮球", "电影" ], "score": { "数学": 91.5, "语文": 95.5, "英语": 96 }, "lover": { "name": "xiaohong", "gender": "girl", "hobby": [ "画画", "跳舞", "唱歌" ], "score": { "数学": 78.5, "语文": 89, "英语": 90 } } }
void rapidjson2(){ std::ifstream t("/home/leoxae/document1.json"); // std::ifstream t("/home/leoxae/CLionProjects/KeekoAIRobot/data/ninstructionRecognition/bcb2_feature.json"); std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(t)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()); rapidjson::Document document; document.Parse(str.c_str()); rapidjson::Value::ConstMemberIterator iter = document.FindMember("name"); if(iter != document.MemberEnd()){ cout << "name : " << iter->value.GetString() << endl; } iter = document.FindMember("gender"); if(iter != document.MemberEnd()){ cout << "gender : " << iter->value.GetString() << endl; } if(document.HasMember("hobby")){ cout << "hobby : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["hobby"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetString() << endl; } } if(document.HasMember("score")){ cout << "score : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childIter = document["score"]; for(rapidjson::Value::ConstMemberIterator it = childIter.MemberBegin(); it != childIter.MemberEnd(); ++it){ cout << " " << it->name.GetString() << " : " << it->value.GetDouble() << endl; } } if(document.HasMember("lover")){ cout << "lover : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& chileValue = document["lover"]; rapidjson::Value::ConstMemberIterator chileIter = chileValue.FindMember("name"); if(chileIter != chileValue.MemberEnd()){ cout << " " << "name : " << chileIter->value.GetString() << endl; } chileIter = chileValue.FindMember("gender"); if(chileIter != chileValue.MemberEnd()){ cout << " " << "gender : " << chileIter->value.GetString() << endl; } if(chileValue.HasMember("hobby")){ cout << " " << "hobby : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& chile2Value = chileValue["hobby"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < chile2Value.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << chile2Value[i].GetString() << endl; } } if(chileValue.HasMember("score")){ cout << " " << "score : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& child2Iter = chileValue["score"]; for(rapidjson::Value::ConstMemberIterator it = child2Iter.MemberBegin(); it != child2Iter.MemberEnd(); ++it){ cout << " " << it->name.GetString() << " : " << it->value.GetDouble() << endl; } } } }
{"\u6269\u5c551": [0, 592], "\u6269\u5c552": [592, 1232], "\u6269\u5c553": [1232, 2073], "\u6269\u5c554": [2073, 2874], "\u6269\u5c555": [2874, 3786], "\u6269\u5c556": [3786, 4683], "\u6269\u5c557": [4683, 5267], "\u6269\u5c558": [5267, 6151], "\u6269\u5c559": [6151, 6895], "\u6269\u5c5510": [6895, 7694], "\u5730\u57ab\u524d\u8fdb": [7694, 8790], "\u5730\u57ab\u5de6\u8f6c": [8790, 10237], "\u5730\u57ab\u53f3\u8f6c": [10237, 11617], "P1": [11617, 12809], "P2": [12809, 13680], "\u5f00\u59cb": [13680, 15049], "\u7ed3\u675f": [15049, 16417], "\u5730\u57ab\u524d\u8fdb\u5c0f": [16417, 17113], "\u5730\u57ab\u5de6\u8f6c\u5c0f": [17113, 18433], "\u5730\u57ab\u53f3\u8f6c\u5c0f": [18433, 19954], "\u5f00\u59cb\u5c0f": [19954, 21242], "\u7ed3\u675f\u5c0f": [21242, 22571], "\u6682\u505c": [22571, 23785]}
void rapidjson3(){ // std::ifstream t("/home/leoxae/document.json"); // std::ifstream t("/home/leoxae/CLionProjects/KeekoAIRobot/data/ninstructionRecognition/bcb2_feature.json"); std::ifstream t("/home/leoxae/ninstr.json"); std::string str((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(t)), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>()); rapidjson::Document document; document.Parse(str.c_str()); //扩展1 if(document.HasMember("扩展1")){ cout << "扩展1 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["扩展1"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //扩展2 if(document.HasMember("扩展2")){ cout << "扩展2 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["扩展2"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //扩展3 if(document.HasMember("扩展3")){ cout << "扩展3 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["扩展3"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //扩展4 if(document.HasMember("扩展4")){ cout << "扩展4 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["扩展4"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //扩展5 if(document.HasMember("扩展5")){ cout << "扩展5 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["扩展5"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //扩展6 if(document.HasMember("扩展6")){ cout << "扩展6 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["扩展6"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //扩展7 if(document.HasMember("扩展7")){ cout << "扩展7 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["扩展7"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //扩展8 if(document.HasMember("扩展8")){ cout << "扩展8 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["扩展8"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //扩展9 if(document.HasMember("扩展9")){ cout << "扩展9 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["扩展9"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //扩展10 if(document.HasMember("扩展10")){ cout << "扩展10 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["扩展10"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //地垫前进 if(document.HasMember("地垫前进")){ cout << "地垫前进 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["地垫前进"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //地垫左转 if(document.HasMember("地垫左转")){ cout << "地垫左转 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["地垫左转"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //地垫右转 if(document.HasMember("地垫右转")){ cout << "地垫右转 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["地垫右转"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //P1 if(document.HasMember("P1")){ cout << "P1 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["P1"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //P2 if(document.HasMember("P2")){ cout << "P2 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["P2"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //开始 if(document.HasMember("开始")){ cout << "开始 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["开始"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //结束 if(document.HasMember("结束")){ cout << "结束 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["结束"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //地垫前进小 if(document.HasMember("地垫前进小")){ cout << "地垫前进小 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["地垫前进小"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //地垫左转小 if(document.HasMember("地垫左转小")){ cout << "地垫左转小 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["地垫左转小"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //地垫右转小 if(document.HasMember("地垫右转小")){ cout << "地垫右转小 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["地垫右转小"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //开始小 if(document.HasMember("开始小")){ cout << "开始小 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["开始小"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //结束小 if(document.HasMember("结束小")){ cout << "结束小 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["结束小"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } //暂停 if(document.HasMember("暂停")){ cout << "暂停 : " << endl; const rapidjson::Value& childValue = document["暂停"]; for(rapidjson::SizeType i = 0; i < childValue.Size(); ++i){ cout << " " << childValue[i].GetInt() << endl; } } }
void readrapidjson(){ string strJsonTest = "{\"item_1\":\"value_1\",\"item_2\":\"value_2\",\"item_3\":\"value_3\",\"item_4\":\"value_4\",\"item_arr\":[\"arr_vaule_1\",\"arr_vaule_2\"]}"; rapidjson::Document docTest; docTest.Parse<0>(strJsonTest.c_str()); if (!docTest.HasParseError()) { for (rapidjson::Value::ConstMemberIterator itr = docTest.MemberBegin(); itr != docTest.MemberEnd(); itr++) { rapidjson::Value jKey; rapidjson::Value jValue; rapidjson::Document::AllocatorType allocator; jKey.CopyFrom(itr->name, allocator); jValue.CopyFrom(itr->value,allocator); if (jKey.IsString()) { string name = jKey.GetString(); // printf("\r\nname: %s\r\n",name.c_str()); cout << "name=>>:" << name << endl; } } } }
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