Operating System Concepts 9th: Chapter 1 Introduction

An operating system is a program that manages a computer’s hardware. It
also provides a basis for application programs and acts as an intermediary
between the computer user and the computer hardware.


What Operating Systems Do

From the computer’s point of view, the operating system is the program
most intimately involved with the hardware. In this context, we can view
an operating system as a resource allocator.


the operating system is the one program running at all times on the
computer—usually called the kernel. (Along with the kernel, there are two
other types of programs: system programs, which are associated with the
operating system but are not necessarily part of the kernel, and applic-
ation programs, which include all programs not associated with the oper-
ation of the system.)


Computer-System Organization

For a computer to start running—for instance, when it is powered up or
rebooted—it needs to have an initial program to run. This initial program,
or bootstrap program, tends to be simple. Typically, it is stored within
the computer hardware in read-only memory (ROM) or electrically erasable
programmable read-only memory (EEPROM), known by the general term
firmware. It initializes all aspects of the system, from CPU registers to device
controllers to memory contents. The bootstrap program must know how to load
the operating system and how to start executing that system. To accomplish
this goal, the bootstrap program must locate the operating-system kernel and
load it into memory.


Some services are provided outside of the kernel, by system programs that
are loaded into memory at boot time to become system processes, or system
daemons that run the entire time the kernel is running. On UNIX, the first system
process is “init,” and it starts many other daemons. Once this phase is complete,
the system is fully booted, and the system waits for some event to occur.


The occurrence of an event is usually signaled by an interrupt from either
the hardware or the software. Hardware may trigger an interrupt at any time
by sending a signal to the CPU, usually by way of the system bus. Software
may trigger an interrupt by executing a special operation called a system call


Operating-System Structure

One of the most important aspects of operating systems is the ability
to multiprogram. A single program cannot, in general, keep either the CPU
or the I/O devices busy at all times. Single users frequently have multiple
programs running.Multiprogramming increases CPU utilization by organizing
jobs (code and data) so that the CPU always has one to execute.


The idea is as follows: The operating system keeps several jobs in memory
simultaneously (Figure 1.9). Since, in general, main memory is too small to
accommodate all jobs, the jobs are kept initially on the disk in the job pool.
This pool consists of all processes residing on disk awaiting allocation of main


In a multiprogrammed system, the operating system simply switches to,
and executes, another job. When that job needs to wait, the CPU switches to
another job, and so on. Eventually, the first job finishes waiting and gets the
CPU back. As long as at least one job needs to execute, the CPU is never idle.


Time sharing (or multitasking) is a logical extension of multiprogramming.In
time-sharing systems, the CPU executes multiple jobs by switching among them,
but the switches occur so frequently that the users can interact with each program
while it is running.


A program loaded into memory and executing is called a process.


If several jobs are ready to be brought into memory, and if there is not enough room
for all of them, then the system must choose among them. Making this decision involves
job scheduling


if several jobs are ready to run at the same time, the system must choose which job
will run first. Making this decision is CPU scheduling.


In a time-sharing system, the operating system must ensure reasonable
response time. This goal is sometimes accomplished through swapping,
whereby processes are swapped in and out of main memory to the disk. A more
common method for ensuring reasonable response time is virtual memory, a
technique that allows the execution of a process that is not completely in
memory. The main advantage of the virtual-memory scheme is that it
enables users to run programs that are larger than actual physical memory.
Further, it abstracts main memory into a large, uniform array of storage,
separating logical memory as viewed by the user from physical memory.
This arrangement frees programmers from concern over memory-storage


Operating-System Operations

A trap (or an exception) is a software-generated interrupt caused
either by an error (for example, division by zero or invalid memory access)
or by a specific request from a user program that an operating-system service
be performed.


we need two separate modes of operation: user mode and kernel mode (also
called supervisor mode, system mode, or privileged mode). A bit, called the
mode bit, is added to the hardware of the computer to indicate the current
mode:kernel (0) or user (1).

为了系统的安全性,我们将系统分为两种模式:用户模式和内核模式。由mode bit来区分当前处于哪种模式。

when a user application requests a service from the operating system (via a
system call), the system must transition from user to kernel mode to fulfill
the request.


At system boot time, the hardware starts in kernel mode.


The dual mode of operation provides us with the means for protecting the
operating system from errant users—and errant users from one another. We
accomplish this protection by designating some of the machine instructions that
may cause harm as privileged instructions. The hardware allows privileged
instructions to be executed only in kernel mode. If an attempt is made to
execute a privileged instruction in user mode, the hardware does not execute
the instruction but rather treats it as illegal and traps it to the operating system.


Initial control resides in the operating system, where instructions are executed
in kernel mode. When control is given to a user application, the mode is set to
user mode. Eventually, control is switched back to the operating system via an
interrupt, a trap, or a system call.


When a system call is executed, it is typically treated by the hardware
as a software interrupt. Control passes through the interrupt vector to a
service routine in the operating system, and the mode bit is set to kernel


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