Xcode 4.5 生成Ad Hoc Profile

Add Ad Hoc configuration by duplicating release (You can do that by pressing + sign) )

You need to add distribution signing profile for Ad Hoc as well as Release.

Now on top left corner of your XCode screen. Click on project Name like here I click on MIMChartLIb

I get popup like this.Click on Edit Scheme.

Go to Archieve(Highlighted cell on left tableview). On right side,Change Build Configuration to Ad Hoc.Click OK.

Now go to Product > Archive

After sometime, Organiser window will open displaying Archive. If not, You can open Organiser from Xcode Menu: Window>Organiser.

Clicking on Distribute button on previous screen, opens this. Choose second option here.
Next it asks for Code Signing Identity, Choose your Ad-Hoc distribution profile.

It will ask you to sign with the key Click Allow or Always Allow.

After sometime, it will ask you where to save your .ipa file. Thats it ! You select your location and click Save.


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