* 博客文章部分截图及内容来自于学习的书本及相应培训课程以及网络其他博客,仅做学习讨论之用,不做商业用途。
* 如有侵权,马上联系我,我立马删除对应链接。
* @author Alan
* @Email no008@foxmail.com
package com.todaytech.pwp.core.exception; public class BizException extends RuntimeException { public BizException() {} public BizException(String message) { super(message); } public BizException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public BizException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } public static void throwWhenFalse(boolean maybeFalse, String msgToUsr, Throwable cause) throws BizException { if (!maybeFalse) { throw new BizException(msgToUsr, cause); } } public static void throwWhenFalse(boolean maybeFalse, String msgToUsr) throws BizException { if (!maybeFalse) { throw new BizException(msgToUsr); } } public static void throwWhenTrue(boolean maybeTrue, String msgToUsr, Throwable cause) throws BizException { if (!maybeTrue) { throw new BizException(msgToUsr, cause); } } public static void throwWhenTrue(boolean maybeTrue, String msgToUsr) throws BizException { if (maybeTrue) { throw new BizException(msgToUsr); } } public static void throwWhenNull(Object objMayBeNull, String msgToUsr, Throwable cause) throws BizException { if (objMayBeNull == null) { throw new BizException(msgToUsr, cause); } } public static void throwWhenNull(Object objMayBeNull, String msgToUsr) throws BizException { if (objMayBeNull == null) { throw new BizException(msgToUsr); } } }
package com.todaytech.pwp.core.exception; public class SysException extends RuntimeException { public SysException() {} public SysException(String message) { super(message); } public SysException(String message, Throwable cause) { super(message, cause); } public SysException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } }
/* * Copyright 2002-2012 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.springframework.jdbc.datasource; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Properties; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils; /** * Simple implementation of the standard JDBC {@link javax.sql.DataSource} interface, * configuring the plain old JDBC {@link java.sql.DriverManager} via bean properties, and * returning a new {@link java.sql.Connection} from every {@code getConnection} call. * * <p><b>NOTE: This class is not an actual connection pool; it does not actually * pool Connections.</b> It just serves as simple replacement for a full-blown * connection pool, implementing the same standard interface, but creating new * Connections on every call. * * <p>Useful for test or standalone environments outside of a J2EE container, either * as a DataSource bean in a corresponding ApplicationContext or in conjunction with * a simple JNDI environment. Pool-assuming {@code Connection.close()} calls will * simply close the Connection, so any DataSource-aware persistence code should work. * * <p><b>NOTE: Within special class loading environments such as OSGi, this class * is effectively superseded by {@link SimpleDriverDataSource} due to general class * loading issues with the JDBC DriverManager that be resolved through direct Driver * usage (which is exactly what SimpleDriverDataSource does).</b> * * <p>In a J2EE container, it is recommended to use a JNDI DataSource provided by * the container. Such a DataSource can be exposed as a DataSource bean in a Spring * ApplicationContext via {@link org.springframework.jndi.JndiObjectFactoryBean}, * for seamless switching to and from a local DataSource bean like this class. * For tests, you can then either set up a mock JNDI environment through Spring's * {@link org.springframework.mock.jndi.SimpleNamingContextBuilder}, or switch the * bean definition to a local DataSource (which is simpler and thus recommended). * * <p>If you need a "real" connection pool outside of a J2EE container, consider * <a href="http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/dbcp">Apache's Jakarta Commons DBCP</a> * or <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/c3p0">C3P0</a>. * Commons DBCP's BasicDataSource and C3P0's ComboPooledDataSource are full * connection pool beans, supporting the same basic properties as this class * plus specific settings (such as minimal/maximal pool size etc). * * @author Juergen Hoeller * @since 14.03.2003 * @see SimpleDriverDataSource */ public class DriverManagerDataSource extends AbstractDriverBasedDataSource { /** * Constructor for bean-style configuration. */ public DriverManagerDataSource() { } /** * Create a new DriverManagerDataSource with the given JDBC URL, * not specifying a username or password for JDBC access. * @param url the JDBC URL to use for accessing the DriverManager * @see java.sql.DriverManager#getConnection(String) */ public DriverManagerDataSource(String url) { setUrl(url); } /** * Create a new DriverManagerDataSource with the given standard * DriverManager parameters. * @param url the JDBC URL to use for accessing the DriverManager * @param username the JDBC username to use for accessing the DriverManager * @param password the JDBC password to use for accessing the DriverManager * @see java.sql.DriverManager#getConnection(String, String, String) */ public DriverManagerDataSource(String url, String username, String password) { setUrl(url); setUsername(username); setPassword(password); } /** * Create a new DriverManagerDataSource with the given JDBC URL, * not specifying a username or password for JDBC access. * @param url the JDBC URL to use for accessing the DriverManager * @param conProps JDBC connection properties * @see java.sql.DriverManager#getConnection(String) */ public DriverManagerDataSource(String url, Properties conProps) { setUrl(url); setConnectionProperties(conProps); } /** * Create a new DriverManagerDataSource with the given standard * DriverManager parameters. * @param driverClassName the JDBC driver class name * @param url the JDBC URL to use for accessing the DriverManager * @param username the JDBC username to use for accessing the DriverManager * @param password the JDBC password to use for accessing the DriverManager * @deprecated since Spring 2.5. DriverManagerDataSource is primarily * intended for accessing <i>pre-registered</i> JDBC drivers. * If you need to register a new driver, consider using * {@link SimpleDriverDataSource} instead. */ @Deprecated public DriverManagerDataSource(String driverClassName, String url, String username, String password) { setDriverClassName(driverClassName); setUrl(url); setUsername(username); setPassword(password); } /** * Set the JDBC driver class name. This driver will get initialized * on startup, registering itself with the JDK's DriverManager. * <p><b>NOTE: DriverManagerDataSource is primarily intended for accessing * <i>pre-registered</i> JDBC drivers.</b> If you need to register a new driver, * consider using {@link SimpleDriverDataSource} instead. Alternatively, consider * initializing the JDBC driver yourself before instantiating this DataSource. * The "driverClassName" property is mainly preserved for backwards compatibility, * as well as for migrating between Commons DBCP and this DataSource. * @see java.sql.DriverManager#registerDriver(java.sql.Driver) * @see SimpleDriverDataSource */ public void setDriverClassName(String driverClassName) { Assert.hasText(driverClassName, "Property 'driverClassName' must not be empty"); String driverClassNameToUse = driverClassName.trim(); try { Class.forName(driverClassNameToUse, true, ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader()); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not load JDBC driver class [" + driverClassNameToUse + "]", ex); } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { logger.info("Loaded JDBC driver: " + driverClassNameToUse); } } @Override protected Connection getConnectionFromDriver(Properties props) throws SQLException { String url = getUrl(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Creating new JDBC DriverManager Connection to [" + url + "]"); } return getConnectionFromDriverManager(url, props); } /** * Getting a Connection using the nasty static from DriverManager is extracted * into a protected method to allow for easy unit testing. * @see java.sql.DriverManager#getConnection(String, java.util.Properties) */ protected Connection getConnectionFromDriverManager(String url, Properties props) throws SQLException { return DriverManager.getConnection(url, props); } }
package com.todaytech.czjd.metadata.superviseObject.application.impl; import com.todaytech.pwp.core.exception.BizException; import com.todaytech.pwp.core.exception.SysException; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource; import javax.sql.DataSource; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; /** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: A41 * Date: 12-12-13 * Time: 上午9:45 * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. */ public class JdbcUtil { private static JdbcUtil instance = null; private static DataSource ds = null; private Map<String, Object> tableMap = new HashMap(); public static final String KEY_ID = "id"; public static final String KEY_PK_NAME = "PK_NAME"; public static final String KEY_TABLE_NAME = "table_name"; public static final String KEY_FIELD_NAME = "fieldName"; public static final String KEY_FIELD_NAME_CN = "fieldNameCn"; public static final String KEY_TYPE_NAME = "TypeName"; public static final String KEY_DATA_TYPE = "dataType"; public static final String KEY_LENGTH = "length"; public static final String KEY_POINT = "point"; public static final String KEY_NO = "no"; public static final String KEY_DEFAULT_VALUE = "defaultVal"; public static final String KEY_IS_NULL = "isNull"; public static final String KEY_IS_PK = "isPk"; public static final String KEY_COLUMN_LIST = "columnList"; public static final String KEY_SUPERVISEPARAM = "superviseParam"; public static final String KEY_NAME = "name"; public static final String KEY_TYPE = "type"; public static final String KEY_REMARK = "remark"; public static final String KEY_STATUS = "status"; public static final String KEY_TYPE_VIEW = "VIEW"; public static final String KEY_TABLE_TYPE_SYNONYM="SYNONYM";//表的类型:同义词; public static final String KEY_TABLE_TYPE_TABLE="TABLE";//表的类型:同义词; public static final String KEY_TABLE_TYPE_VIEW="VIEW";//表的类型:同义词; public static Map jdbcTemplateMap=null; public JdbcUtil() { super(); } /** * 单例方式创建对象 * * @return */ public static JdbcUtil getInstance() { if (instance == null) { synchronized (JdbcUtil.class) { if (instance == null) { instance = new JdbcUtil(); } } } return instance; } /** * 获取数据库连接 * * @return */ public Connection getConnection() { Connection conn = null; try { if(ThreadDataSource.get().getDataSource() instanceof DriverManagerDataSource){ ds = (DriverManagerDataSource) ThreadDataSource.get().getDataSource(); conn = ds.getConnection(); }else{ ds = (DataSource) ThreadDataSource.get().getDataSource(); conn = ds.getConnection(); } } catch (Exception e) { BizException.throwWhenFalse(false, "数据库连接不上,请检查数据源配置或者联系管理员!"); e.printStackTrace(); } return conn; } /** * 利用表名和数据库用户名查询出该表对应的属性、字段等。 * * @param tableName 表名 * @return * @throws Exception */ public Map getTableProperty(String tableName,String tableType) throws Exception { // BizException.throwWhenTrue(StringUtils.isBlank(schema),"jd_db表remark字段不能为空,应填入可查询表结构的用户名"); Connection conn = getConnection(); ResultSet rsColumn = null; ResultSet rsPK = null; List columnList = new ArrayList<Map>(); try { String schema = getDbUser(conn,tableName,tableType); DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn.getMetaData(); rsPK = metaData.getPrimaryKeys(null,schema, tableName.toUpperCase()); String pk_column_name = null; while (rsPK.next()) { pk_column_name = rsPK.getString("column_name"); } tableMap.put(KEY_PK_NAME, pk_column_name); tableMap.put(KEY_TABLE_NAME, tableName); rsColumn = metaData.getColumns(null, schema, tableName.toUpperCase(), null); while (rsColumn.next()) { Map columnMap = new LinkedHashMap(); columnMap.put(KEY_FIELD_NAME, rsColumn.getString("COLUMN_NAME")); columnMap.put(KEY_FIELD_NAME_CN, getColumnRemark(conn,tableName,rsColumn.getString("COLUMN_NAME"))); //备注当作是中文名。 // columnMap.put(KEY_TYPE_NAME, rsColumn.getString("TYPE_NAME")); //字段类型名称(例如:VACHAR2) columnMap.put(KEY_DATA_TYPE, DaoUtils.toMetaType(rsColumn.getInt("DATA_TYPE"), rsColumn.getInt("column_size"), rsColumn.getInt("decimal_digits")));//字段数据类型(对应java.sql.Types中的常量) columnMap.put(KEY_LENGTH, rsColumn.getInt("column_size")); // columnMap.put(KEY_POINT, rsColumn.getInt("decimal_digits")); // columnMap.put(KEY_DEFAULT_VALUE, rsColumn.getString("column_def")); // columnMap.put(KEY_NO, rsColumn.getInt("ordinal_position")); // columnMap.put(KEY_IS_NULL, rsColumn.getString("nullable")); if (rsColumn.getString("COLUMN_NAME") != null && (rsColumn.getString("COLUMN_NAME").equals(tableMap.get(KEY_PK_NAME)))) { columnMap.put(KEY_IS_PK, "1"); } else { columnMap.put(KEY_IS_PK, "0"); } // columnMap.put("isUnique", rsColumn.getString(""));//暂时不拿 columnList.add(columnMap); } tableMap.put(KEY_COLUMN_LIST, columnList); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { if(rsColumn!=null){ rsColumn.close(); } if(rsPK!=null){ rsPK.close(); } if(conn!=null){ conn.close(); } } return tableMap; } private String getDbUser(Connection con,String tableName, String tableType) throws Exception { BizException.throwWhenNull(tableName,"表名为空,请检查!"); String sql = "",res=null; if("1".equals(tableType)){ sql = "select OWNER from ALL_TABLES where TABLE_NAME= ?"; } else if("2".equals(tableType)){ sql = "select OWNER from ALL_VIEWS where VIEW_NAME= ?"; } else if("3".equals(tableType)){ sql = "SELECT t.tablespace_name FROM USER_TABLES t where t.table_name= ?"; // sql = "Select table_owner from user_synonyms where synonym_name= ?"; }else{ BizException.throwWhenNull(tableName,"表类型不确定"); } PreparedStatement ps = null; ResultSet rs = null; try { ps = con.prepareStatement(sql); ps.setString(1, tableName.toUpperCase()); rs = ps.executeQuery(); while(rs.next()){ res = rs.getString(1); } }catch (Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); throw e; }finally { if(rs!=null){ rs.close(); } if(ps!=null){ ps.close(); } } BizException.throwWhenNull(res,"数据库用户为空,请检查表:"+tableName+" 是否存在或者配错了"); return res; } public List getAllTableByDb() throws Exception { Connection conn = getConnection(); ResultSet rsAllSynonym = null; ResultSet rsAllView = null; ResultSet rsAllTable = null; List tabViewList = new ArrayList(); try { DatabaseMetaData metaData = conn.getMetaData(); rsAllSynonym = metaData.getTables(null,metaData.getUserName() , null, new String[]{KEY_TABLE_TYPE_SYNONYM}); rsAllView = metaData.getTables(null,metaData.getUserName() , null, new String[]{KEY_TABLE_TYPE_VIEW}); rsAllTable = metaData.getTables(null,metaData.getUserName() , null, new String[]{KEY_TABLE_TYPE_TABLE}); while (rsAllSynonym.next()) { Map valueMap = new HashMap(); valueMap.put(KEY_NAME, rsAllSynonym.getString("TABLE_NAME")); //表名 valueMap.put(KEY_TYPE, rsAllSynonym.getString("TABLE_TYPE")); //表类型 // valueMap.put(KEY_REMARK, rsAllTable.getString("REMARKS")); //表备注 if(KEY_TABLE_TYPE_SYNONYM.equals( rsAllSynonym.getString("TABLE_TYPE"))){ valueMap.put(KEY_REMARK,rsAllSynonym.getString("TABLE_NAME") ); //表备注 } else{ valueMap.put(KEY_REMARK, getTableComment(conn, rsAllSynonym.getString("TABLE_NAME"))); //表备注 } tabViewList.add(valueMap); } while (rsAllTable.next()) { Map valueMap = new HashMap(); valueMap.put(KEY_NAME, rsAllTable.getString("TABLE_NAME")); //表名 valueMap.put(KEY_TYPE, rsAllTable.getString("TABLE_TYPE")); //表类型 if(KEY_TABLE_TYPE_TABLE.equals( rsAllTable.getString("TABLE_TYPE"))){ valueMap.put(KEY_REMARK,rsAllTable.getString("TABLE_NAME") ); //表备注 } else{ valueMap.put(KEY_REMARK, getTableComment(conn, rsAllTable.getString("TABLE_NAME"))); //表备注 } tabViewList.add(valueMap); } while (rsAllView.next()) { Map valueMap = new HashMap(); valueMap.put(KEY_NAME, rsAllView.getString("TABLE_NAME")); //表名 valueMap.put(KEY_TYPE, rsAllView.getString("TABLE_TYPE")); //表类型 // valueMap.put(KEY_REMARK, rsAllTable.getString("REMARKS")); //表备注 if(KEY_TABLE_TYPE_VIEW.equals( rsAllView.getString("TABLE_TYPE"))){ valueMap.put(KEY_REMARK,rsAllView.getString("TABLE_NAME") ); //表备注 } else{ valueMap.put(KEY_REMARK, getTableComment(conn, rsAllView.getString("TABLE_NAME"))); //表备注 } tabViewList.add(valueMap); } return tabViewList; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { conn.close(); rsAllSynonym.close(); } } public String getTableComment(Connection conn,String tableName) { String comment=" "; try { PreparedStatement ps = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT COMMENTS FROM user_tab_comments WHERE table_name = ?"); ps.setString(1, tableName); ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery(); if (rs.next()) comment= rs.getString("COMMENTS"); else { throw new SysException("表不存在"); } rs.close(); ps.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new SysException(e.getMessage(), e); } return comment; } private String getColumnRemark(Connection conn,String tableName, String columnName) { PreparedStatement comments = null; try { comments =conn.prepareStatement("select comments from USER_COL_COMMENTS where table_name= ? and column_name= ?"); comments.setString(1, tableName); comments.setString(2, columnName); ResultSet rc = comments.executeQuery(); String remark; if (rc.next()) remark = rc.getString(1); else { remark = columnName; } if(remark == null || "".equals(remark.trim())){ remark =columnName;} String str1 = remark; return str1; } catch (SQLException e) { throw new SysException(e.getMessage(), e.getCause()); } finally { if (comments != null) try { comments.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // throw localObject; } }
为人:谦逊、激情、博学、审问、慎思、明辨、 笃行
------- 桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。之子于归,宜其室家。 ---------------
------- 桃之夭夭,有蕡其实。之子于归,宜其家室。 ---------------
------- 桃之夭夭,其叶蓁蓁。之子于归,宜其家人。 ---------------
* 博客文章部分截图及内容来自于学习的书本及相应培训课程以及网络其他博客,仅做学习讨论之用,不做商业用途。
* 如有侵权,马上联系我,我立马删除对应链接。 * @author Alan -liu * @Email no008@foxmail.com
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------- 桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。之子于归,宜其室家。 ---------------
------- 桃之夭夭,有蕡其实。之子于归,宜其家室。 ---------------
------- 桃之夭夭,其叶蓁蓁。之子于归,宜其家人。 ---------------
* 博客文章部分截图及内容来自于学习的书本及相应培训课程以及网络其他博客,仅做学习讨论之用,不做商业用途。
* 如有侵权,马上联系我,我立马删除对应链接。 * @author Alan -liu * @Email no008@foxmail.com
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