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1 select * from DBA_CONS_COLUMNS ; ---Information about accessible columns in constraint definitions 2 select * from DBA_LOG_GROUP_COLUMNS ; ---Information about columns in log group definitions 3 select * from DBA_LOBS ; ---Description of LOBs contained in all tables 4 select * from DBA_CATALOG ; ---All database Tables, Views, Synonyms, Sequences 5 select * from DBA_CLUSTERS ; ---Description of all clusters in the database 6 select * from DBA_CLU_COLUMNS ; ---Mapping of table columns to cluster columns 7 select * from DBA_COL_COMMENTS ; ---Comments on columns of all tables and views 8 select * from DBA_COL_PRIVS ; ---All grants on columns in the database 9 select * from DBA_ENCRYPTED_COLUMNS ; ---Encryption information on columns in the database 10 select * from DBA_INDEXES ; ---Description for all indexes in the database 11 select * from DBA_IND_COLUMNS ; ---COLUMNs comprising INDEXes on all TABLEs and CLUSTERs 12 select * from DBA_IND_EXPRESSIONS ; ---FUNCTIONAL INDEX EXPRESSIONs on all TABLES and CLUSTERS 13 select * from DBA_JOIN_IND_COLUMNS ; ---Join Index columns comprising the join conditions 14 select * from DBA_OBJECTS ; ---All objects in the database 15 select * from DBA_OBJECTS_AE ; ---All objects in the database 16 select * from DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS ; ---Description of rollback segments 17 select * from DBA_ROLE_PRIVS ; ---Roles granted to users and roles 18 select * from DBA_SEQUENCES ; ---Description of all SEQUENCEs in the database 19 select * from DBA_SYNONYMS ; ---All synonyms in the database 20 select * from DBA_TABLES ; ---Description of all relational tables in the database 21 select * from DBA_OBJECT_TABLES ; ---Description of all object tables in the database 22 select * from DBA_ALL_TABLES ; ---Description of all object and relational tables in the database 23 select * from DBA_TAB_COLS ; ---Columns of user's tables, views and clusters 24 select * from DBA_TAB_COLUMNS ; ---Columns of user's tables, views and clusters 25 select * from DBA_TAB_COMMENTS ; ---Comments on all tables and views in the database 26 select * from DBA_TAB_PRIVS ; ---All grants on objects in the database 27 select * from DBA_VIEWS ; ---Description of all views in the database 28 select * from DBA_VIEWS_AE ; ---Description of all views in the database 29 select * from DBA_CONSTRAINTS ; ---Constraint definitions on all tables 30 select * from DBA_LOG_GROUPS ; ---Log group definitions on all tables 31 select * from DBA_CLUSTER_HASH_EXPRESSIONS ; ---Hash functions for all clusters 32 select * from DBA_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS ; ---Description of dba updatable columns 33 select * from DBA_UNUSED_COL_TABS ; ---All tables with unused columns in the database 34 select * from DBA_PARTIAL_DROP_TABS ; ---All tables with partially dropped columns in the database 35 select * from DBA_RESUMABLE ; ---Resumable session information in the system 36 select * from DBA_EDITIONING_VIEWS ; ---Description of all Editioning Views in the database 37 select * from DBA_EDITIONING_VIEWS_AE ; ---Description of all Editioning Views in the database 38 select * from DBA_EDITIONING_VIEW_COLS ; ---Relationship between columns of all Editioning Views in the database and the table columns to which they map 39 select * from DBA_EDITIONING_VIEW_COLS_AE ; ---Relationship between columns of all Editioning Views in the database and the table columns to which they map 40 select * from DBA_EDITIONS ; ---Describes all editions in the database 41 select * from DBA_EDITION_COMMENTS ; ---Describes comments on all editions in the database 42 select * from DBA_LIBRARIES ; ---Description of all libraries in the database 43 select * from DBA_PROCEDURES ; ---Description of the dba functions/procedures/packages/types/triggers 44 select * from DBA_STORED_SETTINGS ; ---Parameter settings for all objects 45 select * from DBA_PLSQL_OBJECT_SETTINGS ; ---Compiler settings of all objects in the database 46 select * from DBA_ARGUMENTS ; ---All arguments for objects in the database 47 select * from DBA_ASSEMBLIES ; ---Description of all assemblies in the database 48 select * from DBA_IDENTIFIERS ; ---Identifiers in stored objects accessible to sys 49 select * from DBA_DB_LINKS ; ---All database links in the database 50 select * from DBA_RECYCLEBIN ; ---Description of the Recyclebin view accessible to the user 51 select * from DBA_2PC_PENDING ; ---info about distributed transactions awaiting recovery 52 select * from DBA_2PC_NEIGHBORS ; ---information about incoming and outgoing connections for pending transactions 53 select * from DBA_PROFILES ; ---Display all profiles and their limits 54 select * from DBA_USERS ; ---Information about all users of the database 55 select * from DBA_OBJ_AUDIT_OPTS ; ---Auditing options for all tables and views with atleast one option set 56 select * from DBA_STMT_AUDIT_OPTS ; ---Describes current system auditing options across the system and by user 57 select * from DBA_PRIV_AUDIT_OPTS ; ---Describes current system privileges being audited across the system and by user 58 select * from DBA_AUDIT_TRAIL ; ---All audit trail entries 59 select * from DBA_AUDIT_SESSION ; ---All audit trail records concerning CONNECT and DISCONNECT 60 select * from DBA_AUDIT_STATEMENT ; ---Audit trail records concerning grant, revoke, audit, noaudit and alter system 61 select * from DBA_AUDIT_OBJECT ; ---Audit trail records for statements concerning objects, specifically: table, cluster, view, index, sequence, [public] database link, [public] synonym, procedure, trigger, rollback segment, tablespace, role, user 62 select * from DBA_AUDIT_EXISTS ; ---Lists audit trail entries produced by AUDIT NOT EXISTS and AUDIT EXISTS 63 select * from DBA_ROLES ; ---All Roles which exist in the database 64 select * from DBA_SYS_PRIVS ; ---System privileges granted to users and roles 65 select * from DBA_PROXIES ; ---Information about all proxy connections 66 select * from DBA_CONNECT_ROLE_GRANTEES ; ---Information regarding which users are granted CONNECT 67 select * from DBA_TYPES ; ---Description of all types in the database 68 select * from DBA_COLL_TYPES ; ---Description of all named collection types in the database 69 select * from DBA_TYPE_ATTRS ; ---Description of attributes of all types in the database 70 select * from DBA_TYPE_METHODS ; ---Description of methods of all types in the database 71 select * from DBA_METHOD_PARAMS ; ---Description of method parameters of all types in the database 72 select * from DBA_METHOD_RESULTS ; ---Description of method results of all types in the database 73 select * from DBA_SQLJ_TYPES ; ---Description of all types in the database 74 select * from DBA_TYPE_VERSIONS ; ---Description of each type version in the database 75 select * from DBA_PENDING_CONV_TABLES ; ---All tables which are not upgraded to the latest type version in the database 76 select * from DBA_SQLJ_TYPE_ATTRS ; ---Description of attributes of all types in the database 77 select * from DBA_SQLJ_TYPE_METHODS ; ---Description of methods of all types in the database 78 select * from DBA_OLDIMAGE_COLUMNS ; ---Gives all object tables and columns in old (8.0) image format 79 select * from DBA_NESTED_TABLE_COLS ; ---Columns of nested tables 80 select * from DBA_DIRECTORIES ; ---Description of all directories 81 select * from DBA_REFS ; ---Description of REF columns contained in all tables 82 select * from DBA_NESTED_TABLES ; ---Description of nested tables contained in all tables 83 select * from DBA_VARRAYS ; ---Description of varrays in tables accessible to the user 84 select * from DBA_OBJ_COLATTRS ; ---Description of object columns and attributes contained in all tables in the database 85 select * from DBA_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS ; ---List of types an object column or attribute is constrained to in all tables in the database 86 select * from DBA_OPERATORS ; ---All operators 87 select * from DBA_OPBINDINGS ; ---All operator binding functiosn or methods 88 select * from DBA_OPANCILLARY ; ---All ancillary operators 89 select * from DBA_OPARGUMENTS ; ---All operator arguments 90 select * from DBA_OPERATOR_COMMENTS ; ---Comments for user-defined operators 91 select * from DBA_INDEXTYPES ; ---All indextypes 92 select * from DBA_INDEXTYPE_COMMENTS ; ---Comments for user-defined indextypes 93 select * from DBA_INDEXTYPE_ARRAYTYPES ; ---All array types specified by the indextype 94 select * from DBA_INDEXTYPE_OPERATORS ; ---All indextype operators 95 select * from DBA_SECONDARY_OBJECTS ; ---All secondary objects for domain indexes 96 select * from DBA_SOURCE_TABLES ; ---Source tables available for Change Data Capture 97 select * from DBA_PUBLISHED_COLUMNS ; ---Source columns available for Change Data Capture 98 select * from DBA_SUBSCRIPTIONS ; ---Change Data Capture subscriptions 99 select * from DBA_SUBSCRIBED_TABLES ; ---Change Data Capture subscribed tables 100 select * from DBA_SUBSCRIBED_COLUMNS ; ---Change Data Capture subscribed columns 101 select * from DBA_EXP_OBJECTS ; ---Objects that have been incrementally exported 102 select * from DBA_EXP_VERSION ; ---Version number of the last export session 103 select * from DBA_EXP_FILES ; ---Description of export files 104 select * from DBA_EXTERNAL_TABLES ; ---Description of the external tables accessible to the DBA 105 select * from DBA_EXTERNAL_LOCATIONS ; ---Description of the external tables locations accessible to the DBA 106 select * from DBA_MINING_MODELS ; ---Description of all the models in the database 107 select * from DBA_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES ; ---Description of all the model attributes in the database 108 select * from DBA_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS ; ---Description of all the model settings in the database 109 select * from DBA_MINING_MODEL_TABLES ; ---Description of all the mining model tables in the system 110 select * from DBA_TAB_COL_STATISTICS ; ---Columns of user's tables, views and clusters 111 select * from DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS ; ---Histograms on columns of all tables 112 select * from DBA_ASSOCIATIONS ; ---All associations 113 select * from DBA_USTATS ; ---All statistics collected on either tables or indexes 114 select * from DBA_TAB_MODIFICATIONS ; ---Information regarding modifications to tables 115 select * from DBA_OPTSTAT_OPERATIONS ; ---History of statistics operations performed 116 select * from DBA_TAB_STATS_HISTORY ; ---History of table statistics modifications 117 select * from DBA_TAB_STAT_PREFS ; ---Statistics preferences for tables 118 select * from DBA_TAB_PENDING_STATS ; ---Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions 119 select * from DBA_IND_PENDING_STATS ; ---Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions 120 select * from DBA_COL_PENDING_STATS ; ---Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions 121 select * from DBA_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS ; ---Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions 122 select * from DBA_DIMENSIONS ; ---Description of the dimension objects accessible to the DBA 123 select * from DBA_DIM_LEVELS ; ---Description of dimension levels visible to DBA 124 select * from DBA_DIM_LEVEL_KEY ; ---Representations of columns of a dimension level 125 "select * from DBA_DIM_ATTRIBUTES ; ---Representation of the relationship between a dimension level and 126 a functionally dependent column" 127 select * from DBA_DIM_HIERARCHIES ; ---Representation of a dimension hierarchy 128 "select * from DBA_DIM_CHILD_OF ; ---Representaion of a 1:n hierarchical relationship between a pair of levels in 129 a dimension" 130 select * from DBA_DIM_JOIN_KEY ; ---Representation of a join between two dimension tables. 131 select * from DBA_SUMMARIES ; ---Description of the summaries accessible to dba 132 select * from DBA_MVIEW_ANALYSIS ; ---Description of the materialized views accessible to dba 133 select * from DBA_MVIEW_AGGREGATES ; ---Description of the materialized view aggregates accessible to dba 134 select * from DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS ; ---Description of the materialized view detail tables accessible to dba 135 "select * from DBA_MVIEW_KEYS ; ---Description of the columns that appear in the GROUP BY 136 list of a materialized view accessible to dba" 137 "select * from DBA_MVIEW_JOINS ; ---Description of a join between two columns in the 138 WHERE clause of a materialized view accessible to dba" 139 select * from DBA_MVIEW_COMMENTS ; ---Comments on all materialized views in the database 140 select * from DBA_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES ; ---Description of rewrite equivalence accessible to DBA 141 select * from DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION ; ---Freshness information of all PCT materialized views in the database 142 select * from DBA_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION ; ---Freshness information of all PCT materialized views in the database 143 select * from DBA_TSTZ_TAB_COLS ; ---Columns of all tables in the database, which have column(s) defined on timestamp with time zone data type or ADT type containing attribute(s) of timestamp with time zone data type 144 select * from DBA_TSTZ_TABLES ; ---Description of all tables in the database, which have column(s) defined on timestamp with time zone data type or ADT type containing attribute(s) of timestamp with time zone data type 145 select * from DBA_ERRORS ; ---Current errors on all stored objects in the database 146 select * from DBA_ERRORS_AE ; ---Current errors on all stored objects in the database 147 select * from DBA_SOURCE_AE ; ---Source of all stored objects in the database 148 select * from DBA_SOURCE ; ---Source of all stored objects in the database 149 select * from DBA_TRIGGERS ; ---All triggers in the database 150 select * from DBA_INTERNAL_TRIGGERS ; ---Description of the internal triggers on all tables in the database 151 select * from DBA_TRIGGER_COLS ; ---Column usage in all triggers 152 select * from DBA_DEPENDENCIES ; ---Dependencies to and from objects 153 select * from DBA_OBJECT_SIZE ; ---Sizes, in bytes, of various pl/sql objects 154 select * from DBA_TRIGGER_ORDERING ; ---All triggers having FOLLOWS or PRECEDES ordering in the database 155 select * from DBA_JOBS_RUNNING ; ---All jobs in the database which are currently running, join v$lock and job$ 156 select * from DBA_JOBS ; ---All jobs in the database 157 select * from DBA_SEGMENTS ; ---Storage allocated for all database segments 158 select * from DBA_SEGMENTS_OLD ; ---Storage allocated for all database segments 159 select * from DBA_EXTENTS ; ---Extents comprising all segments in the database 160 select * from DBA_UNDO_EXTENTS ; ---Extents comprising all segments in the system managed undo tablespaces 161 select * from DBA_LMT_USED_EXTENTS ; ---All extents in the locally managed tablespaces 162 select * from DBA_DMT_USED_EXTENTS ; ---All extents in the dictionary managed tablespaces 163 select * from DBA_FREE_SPACE ; ---Free extents in all tablespaces 164 select * from DBA_LMT_FREE_SPACE ; ---Free extents in all locally managed tablespaces 165 select * from DBA_DMT_FREE_SPACE ; ---Free extents in all dictionary managed tablespaces 166 select * from DBA_FREE_SPACE_COALESCED ; ---Statistics on Coalesced Space in Tablespaces 167 select * from DBA_DATA_FILES ; ---Information about database data files 168 select * from DBA_TABLESPACES ; ---Description of all tablespaces 169 select * from DBA_TEMP_FILES ; ---Information about database temp files 170 select * from DBA_TABLESPACE_GROUPS ; ---Description of all tablespace groups 171 select * from DBA_TABLESPACE_USAGE_METRICS ; ---Description of all tablespace space usage metrics 172 select * from DBA_TS_QUOTAS ; ---Tablespace quotas for all users 173 select * from DBA_TEMP_FREE_SPACE ; ---Summary of temporary space usage 174 select * from DBA_CONTEXT ; ---Description of all context namespace information 175 select * from DBA_GLOBAL_CONTEXT ; ---Description of all context information accessible globally 176 select * from DBA_RULE_SETS ; ---Rule sets in the database 177 select * from DBA_RULESETS ; ---Rulesets in the database: maintained for backward compatibility 178 select * from DBA_RULES ; ---Rules in the databse 179 select * from DBA_RULE_SET_RULES ; ---Rules in all rule sets in the database 180 select * from DBA_EVALUATION_CONTEXTS ; ---rule evaluation contexts in the database 181 select * from DBA_EVALUATION_CONTEXT_TABLES ; ---tables in all rule evaluation contexts in the database 182 select * from DBA_EVALUATION_CONTEXT_VARS ; ---variables in all rule evaluation contexts in the database 183 select * from DBA_SNAPSHOTS ; ---All snapshots in the database 184 select * from DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOGS ; ---All snapshot logs in the database 185 select * from DBA_RCHILD ; ---All the children in any refresh group. This view is not a join. 186 select * from DBA_RGROUP ; ---All refresh groups. This view is not a join. 187 select * from DBA_REFRESH ; ---All the refresh groups 188 select * from DBA_REFRESH_CHILDREN ; ---All the objects in refresh groups 189 select * from DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS ; ---Remote snapshots of local tables 190 select * from DBA_MVIEWS ; ---All materialized views in the database 191 select * from DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES ; ---All fast refreshable materialized views and their last refresh times for each master table 192 select * from DBA_MVIEW_LOGS ; ---All materialized view logs in the database 193 select * from DBA_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS ; ---All materialized views with log(s) in the database 194 select * from DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEWS ; ---Remote materialized views of local tables 195 select * from DBA_MVIEW_LOG_FILTER_COLS ; ---All filter columns (excluding PK cols) being logged in the materialized view logs 196 select * from DBA_POLICIES ; ---All row level security policies in the database 197 select * from DBA_POLICY_GROUPS ; ---All policy groups defined for any synonym, table, view in the database 198 select * from DBA_POLICY_CONTEXTS ; ---All policy driving context defined for any synonym, table, or view in the database 199 select * from DBA_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS ; ---Security Relevant columns of all VPD policies in the database 200 select * from DBA_AUDIT_POLICIES ; ---Fine grained auditing policies in the database 201 select * from DBA_AUDIT_POLICY_COLUMNS ; ---All fine grained auditing policy columns in the database 202 select * from DBA_FGA_AUDIT_TRAIL ; ---All fine grained audit event logs 203 select * from DBA_COMMON_AUDIT_TRAIL ; ---Combined Standard and Fine Grained audit trail entries 204 select * from DBA_AUDIT_MGMT_CONFIG_PARAMS ; ---The view displays the currently configured audit trail properties that are defined by the DBMS_AUDIT_MGMT PL/SQL package 205 select * from DBA_AUDIT_MGMT_LAST_ARCH_TS ; ---The Last Archive Timestamps set for the Audit Trail Clean up 206 select * from DBA_AUDIT_MGMT_CLEANUP_JOBS ; ---The view displays the currently configured audit trail purge jobs 207 select * from DBA_AUDIT_MGMT_CLEAN_EVENTS ; ---The history of cleanup events 208 select * from DBA_TSM_SOURCE ; ---Transparent session migration source session statistics 209 select * from DBA_TSM_DESTINATION ; ---Transparent session migration source session statistics 210 select * from DBA_TSM_HISTORY ; ---Transparent session migration statistics 211 select * from DBA_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_REGS ; ---Description of the registrations for change notification 212 select * from DBA_CQ_NOTIFICATION_QUERIES ; ---Description of registered queries for CQ notification 213 select * from DBA_CPOOL_INFO ; ---Connection pool info 214 select * from DBA_SSCR_CAPTURE ; ---Session state capture statistics 215 select * from DBA_SSCR_RESTORE ; ---Session state restore statistics 216 select * from DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS ; ---All subscription registrations created in the database 217 select * from DBA_QUEUE_TABLES ; ---All queue tables created in the database 218 select * from DBA_QUEUES ; ---All database queues 219 select * from DBA_RESOURCE_INCARNATIONS ; ---Resource incarnations that are running or eligible for HA status notification 220 select * from DBA_RSRC_PLANS ; ---All the resource plans 221 select * from DBA_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUPS ; ---all the resource consumer groups 222 select * from DBA_RSRC_CATEGORIES ; ---All resource consumer group categories 223 select * from DBA_RSRC_PLAN_DIRECTIVES ; ---all the resource plan directives 224 select * from DBA_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP_PRIVS ; ---Switch privileges for consumer groups 225 select * from DBA_RSRC_MANAGER_SYSTEM_PRIVS ; ---system privileges for the resource manager 226 select * from DBA_RSRC_GROUP_MAPPINGS ; ---all the consumer group mappings 227 select * from DBA_RSRC_MAPPING_PRIORITY ; ---the consumer group mapping attribute priorities 228 select * from DBA_RSRC_STORAGE_POOL_MAPPING ; ---resource manager rules for mapping files to storage pools 229 "select * from DBA_RSRC_CAPABILITY ; ---settings for database resources that are capable of being managed by the 230 Resource Manager" 231 "select * from DBA_RSRC_INSTANCE_CAPABILITY ; ---per-instance settings for database resources that are capable of being 232 managed by the Resource Manager" 233 select * from DBA_RSRC_IO_CALIBRATE ; ---Results of the most recent I/O calibration 234 select * from DBA_OUTLINES ; ---Stored outlines 235 select * from DBA_OUTLINE_HINTS ; ---Hints stored in outlines 236 select * from DBA_DATAPUMP_JOBS ; ---Datapump jobs 237 select * from DBA_DATAPUMP_SESSIONS ; ---Datapump sessions attached to a job 238 select * from DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS ; ---Database Feature Usage Statistics 239 select * from DBA_HIGH_WATER_MARK_STATISTICS ; ---Database High Water Mark Statistics 240 select * from DBA_CPU_USAGE_STATISTICS ; ---Database CPU Usage Statistics 241 select * from DBA_ALERT_ARGUMENTS ; ---Message Id and arguments of outstanding alerts 242 select * from DBA_ENABLED_TRACES ; ---Information about enabled SQL traces 243 select * from DBA_ENABLED_AGGREGATIONS ; ---Information about enabled on-demand statistic aggregation 244 select * from DBA_HIST_DATABASE_INSTANCE ; ---Database Instance Information 245 select * from DBA_HIST_SNAPSHOT ; ---Snapshot Information 246 select * from DBA_HIST_SNAP_ERROR ; ---Snapshot Error Information 247 select * from DBA_HIST_COLORED_SQL ; ---Marked SQLs for snapshots 248 select * from DBA_HIST_BASELINE_METADATA ; ---Baseline Metadata Information 249 select * from DBA_HIST_BASELINE_TEMPLATE ; ---Baseline Template Information 250 select * from DBA_HIST_WR_CONTROL ; ---Workload Repository Control Information 251 select * from DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE ; ---Tablespace Static Information 252 select * from DBA_HIST_DATAFILE ; ---Names of Datafiles 253 select * from DBA_HIST_FILESTATXS ; ---Datafile Historical Statistics Information 254 select * from DBA_HIST_TEMPFILE ; ---Names of Temporary Datafiles 255 select * from DBA_HIST_TEMPSTATXS ; ---Temporary Datafile Historical Statistics Information 256 select * from DBA_HIST_COMP_IOSTAT ; ---I/O stats aggregated on component level 257 select * from DBA_HIST_SQLSTAT ; ---SQL Historical Statistics Information 258 select * from DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT ; ---SQL Text 259 select * from DBA_HIST_SQL_SUMMARY ; ---Summary of SQL Statistics 260 select * from DBA_HIST_SQL_PLAN ; ---SQL Plan Information 261 select * from DBA_HIST_SQL_BIND_METADATA ; ---SQL Bind Metadata Information 262 select * from DBA_HIST_OPTIMIZER_ENV ; ---Optimizer Environment Information 263 select * from DBA_HIST_EVENT_NAME ; ---Event Names 264 select * from DBA_HIST_SYSTEM_EVENT ; ---System Event Historical Statistics Information 265 select * from DBA_HIST_BG_EVENT_SUMMARY ; ---Summary of Background Event Historical Statistics Information 266 select * from DBA_HIST_WAITSTAT ; ---Wait Historical Statistics Information 267 select * from DBA_HIST_ENQUEUE_STAT ; ---Enqueue Historical Statistics Information 268 select * from DBA_HIST_LATCH_NAME ; ---Latch Names 269 select * from DBA_HIST_LATCH ; ---Latch Historical Statistics Information 270 select * from DBA_HIST_LATCH_CHILDREN ; ---Latch Children Historical Statistics Information 271 select * from DBA_HIST_LATCH_PARENT ; ---Latch Parent Historical Historical Statistics Information 272 select * from DBA_HIST_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY ; ---Latch Misses Summary Historical Statistics Information 273 select * from DBA_HIST_EVENT_HISTOGRAM ; ---Event Histogram Historical Statistics Information 274 select * from DBA_HIST_MUTEX_SLEEP ; ---Mutex Sleep Summary Historical Statistics Information 275 select * from DBA_HIST_LIBRARYCACHE ; ---Library Cache Historical Statistics Information 276 select * from DBA_HIST_DB_CACHE_ADVICE ; ---DB Cache Advice History Information 277 select * from DBA_HIST_BUFFER_POOL_STAT ; ---Buffer Pool Historical Statistics Information 278 select * from DBA_HIST_ROWCACHE_SUMMARY ; ---Row Cache Historical Statistics Information Summary 279 select * from DBA_HIST_SGA ; ---SGA Historical Statistics Information 280 select * from DBA_HIST_SGASTAT ; ---SGA Pool Historical Statistics Information 281 select * from DBA_HIST_PGASTAT ; ---PGA Historical Statistics Information 282 select * from DBA_HIST_PROCESS_MEM_SUMMARY ; ---Process Memory Historical Summary Information 283 select * from DBA_HIST_RESOURCE_LIMIT ; ---Resource Limit Historical Statistics Information 284 select * from DBA_HIST_SHARED_POOL_ADVICE ; ---Shared Pool Advice History 285 select * from DBA_HIST_STREAMS_POOL_ADVICE ; ---Streams Pool Advice History 286 select * from DBA_HIST_SQL_WORKAREA_HSTGRM ; ---SQL Workarea Histogram History 287 select * from DBA_HIST_PGA_TARGET_ADVICE ; ---PGA Target Advice History 288 select * from DBA_HIST_SGA_TARGET_ADVICE ; ---SGA Target Advice History 289 select * from DBA_HIST_MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE ; ---Memory Target Advice History 290 select * from DBA_HIST_MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS ; ---Memory Resize Operations History 291 select * from DBA_HIST_INSTANCE_RECOVERY ; ---Instance Recovery Historical Statistics Information 292 select * from DBA_HIST_JAVA_POOL_ADVICE ; ---Java Pool Advice History 293 select * from DBA_HIST_THREAD ; ---Thread Historical Statistics Information 294 select * from DBA_HIST_STAT_NAME ; ---Statistic Names 295 select * from DBA_HIST_SYSSTAT ; ---System Historical Statistics Information 296 select * from DBA_HIST_SYS_TIME_MODEL ; ---System Time Model Historical Statistics Information 297 select * from DBA_HIST_OSSTAT_NAME ; ---Operating System Statistic Names 298 select * from DBA_HIST_OSSTAT ; ---Operating System Historical Statistics Information 299 select * from DBA_HIST_PARAMETER_NAME ; ---Parameter Names 300 select * from DBA_HIST_PARAMETER ; ---Parameter Historical Statistics Information 301 select * from DBA_HIST_MVPARAMETER ; ---Multi-valued Parameter Historical Statistics Information 302 select * from DBA_HIST_UNDOSTAT ; ---Undo Historical Statistics Information 303 select * from DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT ; --- Historical Statistics Information 304 select * from DBA_HIST_SEG_STAT_OBJ ; ---Segment Names 305 select * from DBA_HIST_METRIC_NAME ; ---Segment Names 306 select * from DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---System Metrics History 307 select * from DBA_HIST_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY ; ---System Metrics History 308 select * from DBA_HIST_SESSMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---System Metrics History 309 select * from DBA_HIST_FILEMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---File Metrics History 310 select * from DBA_HIST_WAITCLASSMET_HISTORY ; ---Wait Class Metric History 311 select * from DBA_HIST_DLM_MISC ; ---Distributed Lock Manager Miscellaneous Historical Statistics Information 312 select * from DBA_HIST_CR_BLOCK_SERVER ; ---Consistent Read Block Server Historical Statistics 313 select * from DBA_HIST_CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER ; ---Current Block Server Historical Statistics 314 select * from DBA_HIST_INST_CACHE_TRANSFER ; ---Instance Cache Transfer Historical Statistics 315 select * from DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPERATION_NAME ; ---Optimizer Explain Plan Operation Names 316 select * from DBA_HIST_PLAN_OPTION_NAME ; ---Optimizer Explain Plan Option Names 317 select * from DBA_HIST_SQLCOMMAND_NAME ; ---Sql command types 318 select * from DBA_HIST_TOPLEVELCALL_NAME ; ---Oracle top level call type 319 select * from DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY ; ---Active Session Historical Statistics Information 320 select * from DBA_HIST_TABLESPACE_STAT ; ---Tablespace Historical Statistics Information 321 select * from DBA_HIST_LOG ; ---Log Historical Statistics Information 322 select * from DBA_HIST_MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE ; ---Mean-Time-To-Recover Target Advice History 323 select * from DBA_HIST_TBSPC_SPACE_USAGE ; ---Tablespace Usage Historical Statistics Information 324 select * from DBA_HIST_SERVICE_NAME ; ---Service Names 325 select * from DBA_HIST_SERVICE_STAT ; ---Historical Service Statistics 326 select * from DBA_HIST_SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS ; ---Historical Service Wait Class Statistics 327 select * from DBA_HIST_SESS_TIME_STATS ; ---CPU and I/O time for interesting (STREAMS) sessions 328 select * from DBA_HIST_STREAMS_CAPTURE ; ---STREAMS Capture Historical Statistics Information 329 select * from DBA_HIST_STREAMS_APPLY_SUM ; ---STREAMS Apply Historical Statistics Information 330 select * from DBA_HIST_BUFFERED_QUEUES ; ---STREAMS Buffered Queues Historical Statistics Information 331 select * from DBA_HIST_BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS ; ---STREAMS Buffered Queue Subscribers Historical Statistics Information 332 select * from DBA_HIST_RULE_SET ; ---Rule sets historical statistics information 333 select * from DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QUEUES ; ---STREAMS AQ Persistent Queues Historical Statistics Information 334 select * from DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_SUBS ; ---STREAMS AQ Persistent Queue Subscribers Historical Statistics Information 335 select * from DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FUNCTION ; ---Historical I/O statistics by function 336 select * from DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FUNCTION_NAME ; ---Function names for historical I/O statistics 337 select * from DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FILETYPE ; ---Historical I/O statistics by file type 338 select * from DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_FILETYPE_NAME ; ---File type names for historical I/O statistics 339 select * from DBA_HIST_IOSTAT_DETAIL ; ---Historical I/O statistics by function and filetype 340 select * from DBA_HIST_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP ; ---Historical resource consumer group statistics 341 select * from DBA_HIST_RSRC_PLAN ; ---Historical resource plan statistics 342 select * from DBA_HIST_CLUSTER_INTERCON ; ---Cluster Interconnect Historical Stats 343 select * from DBA_HIST_MEM_DYNAMIC_COMP ; ---Historical memory component sizes 344 select * from DBA_HIST_IC_CLIENT_STATS ; ---Historical interconnect client statistics 345 select * from DBA_HIST_IC_DEVICE_STATS ; ---Historical interconnect device statistics 346 select * from DBA_HIST_INTERCONNECT_PINGS ; ---Instance to instance ping stats 347 select * from DBA_HIST_DISPATCHER ; ---Dispatcher statistics 348 select * from DBA_HIST_SHARED_SERVER_SUMMARY ; ---Shared Server summary statistics 349 select * from DBA_HIST_DYN_REMASTER_STATS ; ---Dynamic remastering statistics 350 select * from DBA_HIST_PERSISTENT_QMN_CACHE ; ---STREAMS AQ Persistent QMN Cache Historical Statistics Information 351 select * from DBA_SQL_PROFILES ; ---set of sql profiles 352 select * from DBA_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES ; ---set of plan baselines 353 select * from DBA_SQL_PATCHES ; ---set of sql patches 354 select * from DBA_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOT_GROUPS ; ---Snapshot repgroup registration information 355 select * from DBA_REGISTERED_MVIEW_GROUPS ; ---Materialized view repgroup registration information 356 select * from DBA_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES ; ---Information about users who are registered for object group privileges 357 select * from DBA_REPGROUP ; ---Information about all replicated object groups 358 select * from DBA_REPSITES ; ---N-way replication information 359 select * from DBA_REPSCHEMA ; ---N-way replication information 360 select * from DBA_REPOBJECT ; ---Information about replicated objects 361 select * from DBA_REPCOLUMN ; ---Replicated top-level columns (table) sorted alphabetically in ascending order 362 select * from DBA_REPPROP ; ---Propagation information about replicated objects 363 select * from DBA_REPKEY_COLUMNS ; ---Primary columns for a table using column-level replication 364 select * from DBA_REPGENOBJECTS ; ---Objects generated to support replication 365 select * from DBA_REPGENERATED ; ---Objects generated to support replication 366 select * from DBA_REPCATLOG ; ---Information about asynchronous administration requests 367 select * from DBA_REPDDL ; ---Arguments that do not fit in a single repcat log record 368 select * from DBA_REPPRIORITY_GROUP ; ---Information about all priority groups in the database 369 select * from DBA_REPPRIORITY ; ---Values and their corresponding priorities in all priority groups in the database 370 select * from DBA_REPCOLUMN_GROUP ; ---All column groups of replicated tables in the database 371 select * from DBA_REPGROUPED_COLUMN ; ---Columns in the all column groups of replicated tables in the database 372 select * from DBA_REPCONFLICT ; ---All conflicts for which users have specified resolutions in the database 373 select * from DBA_REPRESOLUTION_METHOD ; ---All conflict resolution methods in the database 374 select * from DBA_REPRESOLUTION ; ---Description of all conflict resolutions in the database 375 select * from DBA_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS ; ---Statistics for conflict resolutions for all replicated tables in the database 376 select * from DBA_REPRESOL_STATS_CONTROL ; ---Information about statistics collection for conflict resolutions for all replicated tables in the database 377 select * from DBA_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN ; ---All columns used for resolving conflicts in the database 378 select * from DBA_REPAUDIT_ATTRIBUTE ; ---Information about attributes automatically maintained for replication 379 select * from DBA_REPAUDIT_COLUMN ; ---Information about columns in all shadow tables for all replicated tables in the database 380 select * from DBA_REPFLAVORS ; ---Flavors defined for replicated object groups 381 select * from DBA_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS ; ---Replicated objects in flavors 382 select * from DBA_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS ; ---Replicated columns in flavors 383 select * from DBA_TEMPLATE_REFGROUPS ; ---Table for maintaining refresh group information for template. 384 select * from DBA_TEMPLATE_TARGETS ; ---Internal table for tracking potential target databases for templates. 385 select * from DBA_REPCAT_EXCEPTIONS ; ---Repcat processing exceptions table. 386 select * from DBA_REPEXTENSIONS ; ---Information about replication extension requests 387 select * from DBA_REPSITES_NEW ; ---Information about new masters for replication extension 388 select * from DBA_USERS_WITH_DEFPWD ; ---Users that are still using their default passwords 389 select * from DBA_WARNING_SETTINGS ; ---warning settings for all objects 390 select * from DBA_STAT_EXTENSIONS ; ---Optimizer statistics extensions 391 select * from DBA_TAB_STATISTICS ; ---Optimizer statistics for all tables in the database 392 select * from DBA_IND_STATISTICS ; ---Optimizer statistics for all indexes in the database 393 select * from DBA_PENDING_TRANSACTIONS ; ---information about unresolved global transactions 394 select * from DBA_AWS ; ---Analytic Workspaces in the database 395 select * from DBA_AW_PS ; ---Pagespaces in Analytic Workspaces owned by the user 396 select * from DBA_CUBES ; ---OLAP Cubes in the database 397 select * from DBA_CUBE_DIMENSIONALITY ; ---OLAP Cube Dimensionality in the database 398 select * from DBA_CUBE_MEASURES ; ---OLAP Measures in the database 399 select * from DBA_CUBE_DIMENSIONS ; ---OLAP Cube Dimensions in the database 400 select * from DBA_CUBE_HIERARCHIES ; ---OLAP Hierarchies in the database 401 select * from DBA_CUBE_HIER_LEVELS ; ---OLAP Hierarchy Levels in the database 402 select * from DBA_CUBE_DIM_LEVELS ; ---OLAP Dimension Levels in the database 403 select * from DBA_CUBE_ATTRIBUTES ; ---OLAP Attributes in the database 404 select * from DBA_CUBE_ATTR_VISIBILITY ; ---OLAP Attributes visible for Dimensions, Hierarchies, and Levels 405 select * from DBA_CUBE_DIM_MODELS ; ---OLAP Dimension Models in the database 406 select * from DBA_CUBE_CALCULATED_MEMBERS ; ---OLAP Calculated Members in the database 407 select * from DBA_CUBE_VIEWS ; ---OLAP Cube Views in the database 408 select * from DBA_CUBE_VIEW_COLUMNS ; ---OLAP Cube View Columns in the database 409 select * from DBA_CUBE_DIM_VIEWS ; ---OLAP Dimension Views in the database 410 select * from DBA_CUBE_DIM_VIEW_COLUMNS ; ---OLAP Dimesion View Columns in the database 411 select * from DBA_CUBE_HIER_VIEWS ; ---OLAP Hierarchy Views in the database 412 select * from DBA_CUBE_HIER_VIEW_COLUMNS ; ---OLAP Hierarchy View Columns in the database 413 select * from DBA_MEASURE_FOLDERS ; ---OLAP Measure Folders in the database 414 select * from DBA_MEASURE_FOLDER_CONTENTS ; ---OLAP Measure Folder Contents in the database 415 select * from DBA_CUBE_BUILD_PROCESSES ; ---OLAP Build Processes in the database 416 select * from DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS ; ---queue subscribers in the database 417 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_PROGRAMS ; ---All scheduler programs in the database 418 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_DESTS ; ---All possible destination objects for jobs in the database 419 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_EXTERNAL_DESTS ; ---All destination objects in the database pointing to remote agents 420 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_DB_DESTS ; ---All destination objects in the database pointing to remote databases 421 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_DESTS ; ---State of all jobs at each of their destinations 422 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_JOBS ; ---All scheduler jobs in the database 423 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_ROLES ; ---All scheduler jobs in the database by database role 424 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_CLASSES ; ---All scheduler classes in the database 425 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_WINDOWS ; ---All scheduler windows in the database 426 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_PROGRAM_ARGS ; ---All arguments of all scheduler programs in the database 427 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_ARGS ; ---All arguments with set values of all scheduler jobs in the database 428 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_LOG ; ---Logged information for all scheduler jobs 429 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS ; ---The details of a job run 430 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_WINDOW_LOG ; ---Logged information for all scheduler windows 431 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_WINDOW_DETAILS ; ---The details of a window 432 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_WINDOW_GROUPS ; ---All scheduler window groups in the database 433 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_WINGROUP_MEMBERS ; ---Members of all scheduler window groups in the database 434 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_GROUP_MEMBERS ; ---Members of all scheduler object groups in the database 435 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_GROUPS ; ---All scheduler object groups in the database 436 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_SCHEDULES ; ---All schedules in the database 437 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_REMOTE_DATABASES ; ---List of registered remote databases for jobs 438 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_REMOTE_JOBSTATE ; ---Remote state of all jobs originating from this database 439 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE ; ---All scheduler global attributes 440 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_CHAINS ; ---All scheduler chains in the database 441 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_CHAIN_RULES ; ---All rules from scheduler chains in the database 442 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_CHAIN_STEPS ; ---All steps of scheduler chains in the database 443 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_CHAINS ; ---All steps of all running chains in the database 444 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_CREDENTIALS ; ---All scheduler credentials in the database 445 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_FILE_WATCHERS ; ---All scheduler file watch requests in the database 446 select * from DBA_SCHEDULER_NOTIFICATIONS ; ---All job e-mail notifications in the database 447 select * from DBA_EXPORT_OBJECTS ; ---Export INCLUDE and EXCLUDE object type names 448 select * from DBA_LOGSTDBY_UNSUPPORTED_TABLE ; ---List of all the data tables that are not supported by Logical Standby 449 select * from DBA_LOGSTDBY_UNSUPPORTED ; ---List of all the columns that are not supported by Logical Standby 450 select * from DBA_LOGSTDBY_NOT_UNIQUE ; ---List of all the tables with out primary or unique key not null constraints 451 select * from DBA_LOGSTDBY_PARAMETERS ; ---Miscellaneous options and settings for Logical Standby 452 select * from DBA_LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS ; ---List the SCN values describing read and apply progress 453 select * from DBA_LOGSTDBY_LOG ; ---List the information about received logs from the primary 454 select * from DBA_LOGSTDBY_SKIP_TRANSACTION ; ---List the transactions to be skipped 455 select * from DBA_LOGSTDBY_SKIP ; ---List the skip settings choosen 456 select * from DBA_LOGSTDBY_EVENTS ; ---Information on why logical standby events 457 select * from DBA_LOGSTDBY_HISTORY ; ---Information on processed, active, and pending log streams 458 select * from DBA_LOGSTDBY_EDS_TABLES ; ---List of all tables that have EDS-based replication for Logical Standby 459 select * from DBA_LOGSTDBY_EDS_SUPPORTED ; ---List of all tables that could have EDS-based replication for Logical Standby 460 select * from DBA_OUTSTANDING_ALERTS ; ---Description of all outstanding alerts 461 select * from DBA_ALERT_HISTORY ; ---Description on alert history 462 select * from DBA_THRESHOLDS ; ---Desription of all thresholds 463 select * from DBA_TABLESPACE_THRESHOLDS ; ---Space Utilization Threshold settings for all tablespaces 464 select * from DBA_AUTOTASK_OPERATION ; ---Automated Maintenance Task Operation Configuration 465 select * from DBA_AUTOTASK_TASK ; ---Information about current and past autmated maintenance tasks 466 select * from DBA_AUTOTASK_SCHEDULE ; ---Schedule of Maintenance Windows for the next 32 days 467 select * from DBA_AUTOTASK_CLIENT_JOB ; ---Current automated maintenance jobs 468 select * from DBA_AUTOTASK_WINDOW_CLIENTS ; ---Description of per-mainteance window activity 469 select * from DBA_AUTOTASK_WINDOW_HISTORY ; ---Automated Maintenance view of window history 470 select * from DBA_AUTOTASK_CLIENT_HISTORY ; ---Automated Maintenance Jobs history 471 select * from DBA_AUTOTASK_JOB_HISTORY ; ---Automated Maintenance Jobs history 472 select * from DBA_AUTOTASK_CLIENT ; ---Autotask Client Summary Information 473 select * from DBA_HIST_BASELINE ; ---Baseline Metadata Information 474 select * from DBA_HIST_BASELINE_DETAILS ; ---Baseline Stats on per Instance Level 475 select * from DBA_HIST_SQLBIND ; ---SQL Bind Information 476 select * from DBA_TUNE_MVIEW ; ---Catalog View to show the result after executing TUNE_MVIEW() API 477 select * from DBA_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE ; ---Description of the flashback archives available in the system 478 select * from DBA_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE_TS ; ---Description of tablespaces in the flashback archives available in the system 479 select * from DBA_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE_TABLES ; ---Information about the tables that are enabled for Flashback Archive 480 select * from DBA_CAPTURE ; ---Details about the capture process 481 select * from DBA_STREAMS_SPLIT_MERGE ; ---view of details of split/merge jobs/status about streams 482 select * from DBA_STREAMS_SPLIT_MERGE_HIST ; ---history view of details of split/merge jobs/status about streams 483 select * from DBA_CAPTURE_PARAMETERS ; ---All parameters for capture process 484 select * from DBA_CAPTURE_PREPARED_DATABASE ; ---Is the local database prepared for instantiation? 485 select * from DBA_CAPTURE_PREPARED_SCHEMAS ; ---All schemas at the local database that are prepared for instantiation 486 select * from DBA_CAPTURE_PREPARED_TABLES ; ---All tables prepared for instantiation 487 select * from DBA_SYNC_CAPTURE_PREPARED_TABS ; ---All tables prepared for synchronous capture instantiation 488 select * from DBA_CAPTURE_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES ; ---Extra attributes for a capture process 489 select * from DBA_REGISTERED_ARCHIVED_LOG ; ---Details about the registered log files 490 select * from DBA_SYNC_CAPTURE ; ---Details about the sync capture process 491 select * from DBA_APPLY ; ---Details about the apply process 492 select * from DBA_APPLY_PARAMETERS ; ---All parameters for apply process 493 select * from DBA_APPLY_INSTANTIATED_OBJECTS ; ---Details about objects instantiated 494 select * from DBA_APPLY_INSTANTIATED_SCHEMAS ; ---Details about schemas instantiated 495 select * from DBA_APPLY_INSTANTIATED_GLOBAL ; ---Details about database instantiated 496 select * from DBA_APPLY_KEY_COLUMNS ; ---alternative key columns for a table for STREAMS 497 select * from DBA_APPLY_CONFLICT_COLUMNS ; ---Details about conflict resolution 498 select * from DBA_APPLY_TABLE_COLUMNS ; ---Details about the destination table columns 499 select * from DBA_APPLY_DML_HANDLERS ; ---Details about the dml handler 500 select * from DBA_APPLY_PROGRESS ; ---Information about the progress made by apply process 501 select * from DBA_APPLY_ERROR ; ---Error transactions 502 select * from DBA_APPLY_ERROR_MESSAGES ; ---Details about individual messages in an error transaction 503 select * from DBA_APPLY_ENQUEUE ; ---Details about the apply enqueue action 504 select * from DBA_APPLY_EXECUTE ; ---Details about the apply execute action 505 select * from DBA_APPLY_SPILL_TXN ; ---Streams apply spilled transactions info 506 select * from DBA_XSTREAM_OUTBOUND ; ---Details about the XStream outbound server 507 select * from DBA_XSTREAM_INBOUND ; ---Details about the XStream inbound server 508 select * from DBA_APPLY_CHANGE_HANDLERS ; ---Details about apply change handler 509 select * from DBA_APPLY_DML_CONF_HANDLERS ; ---Details about DML conflict handlers 510 select * from DBA_APPLY_DML_CONF_COLUMNS ; ---Details about DML conflict handler column groups 511 select * from DBA_APPLY_HANDLE_COLLISIONS ; ---Details about apply collision handlers 512 select * from DBA_APPLY_REPERROR_HANDLERS ; ---Details about apply reperror handlers 513 select * from DBA_PROPAGATION ; ---Streams propagation in the database 514 select * from DBA_FILE_GROUPS ; ---Details about file groups 515 select * from DBA_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS ; ---Details about file group versions 516 select * from DBA_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO ; ---Details about export information of file group versions 517 select * from DBA_FILE_GROUP_FILES ; ---Details about file group files 518 select * from DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES ; ---Details about the transportable tablespaces in the file group repository 519 select * from DBA_FILE_GROUP_TABLES ; ---Details about the tables in the file group repository 520 select * from DBA_STREAMS_TP_DATABASE ; ---DBA Streams Database 521 select * from DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT ; ---DBA Streams Component 522 select * from DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_LINK ; ---DBA Streams Component Link (Streams Topology Links) 523 select * from DBA_STREAMS_TP_COMPONENT_STAT ; ---DBA Streams Component Statistics 524 select * from DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_STAT ; ---DBA Streams Path Statistics 525 select * from DBA_STREAMS_TP_PATH_BOTTLENECK ; ---DBA Streams Path Bottleneck 526 select * from DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS ; ---Streams messaging consumers 527 select * from DBA_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES ; ---Global rules created by streams administrative APIs 528 select * from DBA_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES ; ---Schema rules created by streams administrative APIs 529 select * from DBA_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES ; ---Table rules created by streams administrative APIs 530 select * from DBA_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES ; ---Rules for Streams messaging 531 select * from DBA_STREAMS_RULES ; ---Rules used by Streams processes 532 select * from DBA_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES ; ---All tables that are captured by synchronous streams captures. 533 select * from DBA_XSTREAM_RULES ; ---Details about the XStream server rules 534 select * from DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION ; ---Rules-based transform functions used by Streams 535 select * from DBA_STREAMS_ADMINISTRATOR ; ---Users granted the privileges to be a streams administrator 536 select * from DBA_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR ; ---Users granted the privileges to be a XStream administrator 537 select * from DBA_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS ; ---Transformations defined on rules 538 select * from DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_SCHEMA ; ---Rename schema transformations 539 select * from DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_TABLE ; ---Rename table transformations 540 select * from DBA_STREAMS_DELETE_COLUMN ; ---Delete column transformations 541 select * from DBA_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS ; ---Keep columns transformations 542 select * from DBA_STREAMS_RENAME_COLUMN ; ---Rename column transformations 543 select * from DBA_STREAMS_ADD_COLUMN ; ---Add column transformations 544 select * from DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT ; ---Details about recoverable operations 545 select * from DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_HIST ; ---Details about executed or purged recoverable operations 546 select * from DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_PARAMS ; ---Details about the recoverable operation parameters 547 select * from DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_BLOCKS ; ---Details about the recoverable script blocks 548 select * from DBA_RECOVERABLE_SCRIPT_ERRORS ; ---Details showing errors during script execution 549 select * from DBA_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES ; ---Details about goldengate privileges 550 select * from DBA_COMPARISON ; ---Details about the comparison object 551 select * from DBA_COMPARISON_COLUMNS ; ---Details about the comparison object's columns 552 select * from DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN ; ---Details about a comparison scan 553 select * from DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY ; ---Details about a comparison scan 554 select * from DBA_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES ; ---Details about a comparison scan's values 555 select * from DBA_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF ; ---Details about the differing rows in a comparison scan 556 select * from DBA_STREAMS_COLUMNS ; ---Supportability info about streams columns 557 select * from DBA_STREAMS_UNSUPPORTED ; ---List of all the tables that are not supported by Streams in this release 558 select * from DBA_STREAMS_NEWLY_SUPPORTED ; ---List of tables that are newly supported by Streams capture 559 select * from DBA_XSTREAM_OUT_SUPPORT_MODE ; ---List of support mode for objects by XStream Out 560 select * from DBA_JAVA_POLICY ; ---java security Permissions for all users 561 select * from DBA_JAVA_CLASSES ; ---class level information of all stored java classes 562 select * from DBA_JAVA_LAYOUTS ; ---class layout information about stored java class 563 select * from DBA_JAVA_IMPLEMENTS ; ---interfaces implemented by the stored java class 564 select * from DBA_JAVA_INNERS ; ---list of inner classes refered by the stored java class 565 select * from DBA_JAVA_FIELDS ; ---field information of all stored java class 566 select * from DBA_JAVA_METHODS ; ---method information of all stored java class 567 select * from DBA_JAVA_ARGUMENTS ; ---argument information of all stored java class 568 select * from DBA_JAVA_THROWS ; ---list of exceptions thrown from a method of a class owned by user 569 select * from DBA_JAVA_DERIVATIONS ; ---this view maps java source objects and their derived java class objects and java resource objects for all java classes 570 select * from DBA_JAVA_RESOLVERS ; ---resolver of java class owned by user 571 select * from DBA_JAVA_COMPILER_OPTIONS ; ---all native-compiler options 572 select * from DBA_EPG_DAD_AUTHORIZATION ; ---DADs authorized to use different user's privileges 573 select * from DBA_XML_TABLES ; ---Description of all XML tables in the database 574 select * from DBA_XML_TAB_COLS ; ---Description of all XML tables in the database 575 select * from DBA_XML_VIEWS ; ---Description of all XML views in the database 576 select * from DBA_XML_VIEW_COLS ; ---Description of all XML views in the database 577 select * from DBA_XML_SCHEMAS ; ---Description of all the XML Schemas registered 578 select * from DBA_XML_INDEXES ; ---Description of all XML indexes in the database 579 select * from DBA_XML_SCHEMA_IMPORTS ; ---Description of all XML schema first level dependencies on imported XML schemas 580 select * from DBA_XML_SCHEMA_INCLUDES ; ---Description of all XML schema first level dependencies on included XML schemas 581 select * from DBA_XML_SCHEMA_DEPENDENCY ; ---Description of all XML schema first level dependencies on imported and included XML schemas 582 select * from DBA_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES ; ---Privileges defined in network access control lists 583 select * from DBA_WALLET_ACLS ; ---Access control lists assigned to restrict access to wallets through PL/SQL network utility packages 584 select * from DBA_XDS_OBJECTS ; ---All XDS enabled objects in the database 585 select * from DBA_NETWORK_ACLS ; ---Access control lists assigned to restrict access to network hosts through PL/SQL network utility packages 586 select * from DBA_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS ; ---All instance sets in the database 587 select * from DBA_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS ; ---All XDS column security defined in the database 588 select * from DBA_AW_PROP ; ---Object properties in Analytic Workspaces in the database 589 select * from DBA_AW_OBJ ; ---Objects in Analytic Workspaces in the database 590 select * from DBA_REGISTRY_DEPENDENCIES ; --- 591 select * from DBA_PARALLEL_EXECUTE_CHUNKS ; --- 592 select * from DBA_SQLSET_PLANS ; --- 593 select * from DBA_DBFS_HS ; --- 594 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_DEFINITIONS ; --- 595 select * from DBA_WORKLOAD_REPLAY_DIVERGENCE ; --- 596 select * from DBA_WORKLOAD_FILTERS ; --- 597 select * from DBA_SQLSET_STATEMENTS ; --- 598 select * from DBA_IAS_OBJECTS_BASE ; --- 599 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_EXECUTIONS ; --- 600 select * from DBA_PART_TABLES ; --- 601 select * from DBA_PART_INDEXES ; --- 602 select * from DBA_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS ; --- 603 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_COMMANDS ; --- 604 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLPLANS ; --- 605 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLW_PARAMETERS ; --- 606 select * from DBA_REPCAT ; --- 607 select * from DBA_BLOCKERS ; --- 608 select * from DBA_IAS_TEMPLATES ; --- 609 select * from DBA_EXPORT_PATHS ; --- 610 select * from DBA_ADDM_SYSTEM_DIRECTIVES ; --- 611 select * from DBA_PARALLEL_EXECUTE_TASKS ; --- 612 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_OBJECT_TYPES ; --- 613 select * from DBA_SQLSET_BINDS ; --- 614 select * from DBA_TYPE_XMLSCHEMA_DEP ; --- 615 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_OBJECTS ; --- 616 select * from DBA_WORKLOAD_CONNECTION_MAP ; --- 617 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_DIR_INSTANCES ; --- 618 select * from DBA_IAS_GEN_STMTS ; --- 619 select * from DBA_LOB_PARTITIONS ; --- 620 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_TASKS ; --- 621 select * from DBA_SQLSET ; --- 622 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_DEF_PARAMETERS ; --- 623 select * from DBA_LOCK ; --- 624 select * from DBA_IAS_OBJECTS ; --- 625 select * from DBA_PART_KEY_COLUMNS ; --- 626 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_FDG_BREAKDOWN ; --- 627 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLA_TABVOL ; --- 628 select * from DBA_SQLTUNE_STATISTICS ; --- 629 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLA_COLVOL ; --- 630 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_PARAMETERS ; --- 631 select * from DBA_LOGMNR_LOG ; --- 632 select * from DBA_TRANSFORMATIONS ; --- 633 select * from DBA_PART_HISTOGRAMS ; --- 634 select * from DBA_IAS_PREGEN_STMTS ; --- 635 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLA_WK_STMTS ; --- 636 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_USAGE ; --- 637 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLW_STMTS ; --- 638 select * from DBA_ADDM_FDG_BREAKDOWN ; --- 639 select * from DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES ; --- 640 select * from DBA_DBFS_HS_COMMANDS ; --- 641 select * from DBA_AQ_AGENTS ; --- 642 select * from DBA_SUBPARTITION_TEMPLATES ; --- 643 select * from DBA_SUBPART_KEY_COLUMNS ; --- 644 select * from DBA_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS ; --- 645 select * from DBA_AQ_AGENT_PRIVS ; --- 646 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_TEMPLATES ; --- 647 select * from DBA_ADDM_FINDINGS ; --- 648 select * from DBA_PART_LOBS ; --- 649 select * from DBA_LOB_TEMPLATES ; --- 650 select * from DBA_JAVA_NCOMPS ; --- 651 select * from DBA_REGISTRY_HIERARCHY ; --- 652 select * from DBA_SQLTUNE_BINDS ; --- 653 select * from DBA_IAS_GEN_STMTS_EXP ; --- 654 select * from DBA_REGISTRY_PROGRESS ; --- 655 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_DIR_DEFINITIONS ; --- 656 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_JOURNAL ; --- 657 select * from DBA_SQLSET_REFERENCES ; --- 658 select * from DBA_SERVER_REGISTRY ; --- 659 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_FINDING_NAMES ; --- 660 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_RECOMMENDATIONS ; --- 661 select * from DBA_KGLLOCK ; --- 662 select * from DBA_DDL_LOCKS ; --- 663 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_LOG ; --- 664 select * from DBA_IAS_CONSTRAINT_EXP ; --- 665 select * from DBA_SQL_MONITOR_USAGE ; --- 666 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLA_TABLES ; --- 667 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLSTATS ; --- 668 select * from DBA_TAB_SUBPARTITIONS ; --- 669 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_ACTIONS ; --- 670 select * from DBA_FLASHBACK_TXN_REPORT ; --- 671 select * from DBA_SQLTUNE_PLANS ; --- 672 select * from DBA_ADDM_INSTANCES ; --- 673 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLW_SUM ; --- 674 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLW_COLVOL ; --- 675 select * from DBA_WAITERS ; --- 676 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_EXECUTION_TYPES ; --- 677 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLA_WK_SUM ; --- 678 select * from DBA_IAS_SITES ; --- 679 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLW_JOURNAL ; --- 680 select * from DBA_REGISTRY ; --- 681 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLW_TEMPLATES ; --- 682 select * from DBA_DBFS_HS_FIXED_PROPERTIES ; --- 683 select * from DBA_WORKLOAD_REPLAY_FILTER_SET ; --- 684 select * from DBA_LOCK_INTERNAL ; --- 685 select * from DBA_KEEPSIZES ; --- 686 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_DIR_TASK_INST ; --- 687 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_RATIONALE ; --- 688 select * from DBA_FLASHBACK_TXN_STATE ; --- 689 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLW_TABLES ; --- 690 select * from DBA_IND_SUBPARTITIONS ; --- 691 select * from DBA_PART_COL_STATISTICS ; --- 692 select * from DBA_TAB_PARTITIONS ; --- 693 select * from DBA_DML_LOCKS ; --- 694 select * from DBA_XMLSCHEMA_LEVEL_VIEW ; --- 695 select * from DBA_IAS_POSTGEN_STMTS ; --- 696 select * from DBA_LOGMNR_SESSION ; --- 697 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_EXEC_PARAMETERS ; --- 698 select * from DBA_INVALID_OBJECTS ; --- 699 select * from DBA_XMLSCHEMA_LEVEL_VIEW_DUP ; --- 700 select * from DBA_REGISTRY_HISTORY ; --- 701 select * from DBA_REGISTRY_LOG ; --- 702 select * from DBA_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS ; --- 703 select * from DBA_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSFORMATIONS ; --- 704 select * from DBA_ADDM_TASK_DIRECTIVES ; --- 705 select * from DBA_LOB_SUBPARTITIONS ; --- 706 select * from DBA_ANALYZE_OBJECTS ; --- 707 select * from DBA_WORKLOAD_CAPTURES ; --- 708 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_PARAMETERS_PROJ ; --- 709 select * from DBA_WORKLOAD_REPLAYS ; --- 710 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLA_REC_SUM ; --- 711 select * from DBA_LOGMNR_PURGED_LOG ; --- 712 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_FINDINGS ; --- 713 select * from DBA_SQLTUNE_RATIONALE_PLAN ; --- 714 select * from DBA_IND_PARTITIONS ; --- 715 select * from DBA_DBFS_HS_PROPERTIES ; --- 716 select * from DBA_HIST_ASH_SNAPSHOT ; --- 717 select * from DBA_ADDM_TASKS ; --- 718 select * from DBA_REGISTRY_DATABASE ; --- 719 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLA_WK_MAP ; --- 720 select * from DBA_IAS_OBJECTS_EXP ; --- 721 select * from DBA_ADVISOR_SQLW_TABVOL ; --- 722 select * from USER_CONS_COLUMNS ; ---Information about accessible columns in constraint definitions 723 select * from USER_LOG_GROUP_COLUMNS ; ---Information about columns in log group definitions 724 select * from USER_LOBS ; ---Description of the user's own LOBs contained in the user's own tables 725 select * from USER_CATALOG ; ---Tables, Views, Synonyms and Sequences owned by the user 726 select * from USER_CLUSTERS ; ---Descriptions of user's own clusters 727 select * from USER_CLU_COLUMNS ; ---Mapping of table columns to cluster columns 728 select * from USER_COL_COMMENTS ; ---Comments on columns of user's tables and views 729 select * from USER_COL_PRIVS ; ---Grants on columns for which the user is the owner, grantor or grantee 730 select * from USER_COL_PRIVS_MADE ; ---All grants on columns of objects owned by the user 731 select * from USER_COL_PRIVS_RECD ; ---Grants on columns for which the user is the grantee 732 select * from USER_ENCRYPTED_COLUMNS ; ---Encryption information on columns of tables owned by the user 733 select * from USER_INDEXES ; ---Description of the user's own indexes 734 select * from USER_IND_COLUMNS ; ---COLUMNs comprising user's INDEXes and INDEXes on user's TABLES 735 select * from USER_IND_EXPRESSIONS ; ---Functional index expressions in user's indexes and indexes on user's tables 736 select * from USER_JOIN_IND_COLUMNS ; ---Join Index columns comprising the join conditions 737 select * from USER_OBJECTS ; ---Objects owned by the user 738 select * from USER_OBJECTS_AE ; ---Objects owned by the user 739 select * from USER_ROLE_PRIVS ; ---Roles granted to current user 740 select * from USER_SEQUENCES ; ---Description of the user's own SEQUENCEs 741 select * from USER_SYNONYMS ; ---The user's private synonyms 742 select * from USER_TABLES ; ---Description of the user's own relational tables 743 select * from USER_OBJECT_TABLES ; ---Description of the user's own object tables 744 select * from USER_ALL_TABLES ; ---Description of all object and relational tables owned by the user's 745 select * from USER_TAB_COLS ; ---Columns of user's tables, views and clusters 746 select * from USER_TAB_COLUMNS ; ---Columns of user's tables, views and clusters 747 select * from USER_TAB_COMMENTS ; ---Comments on the tables and views owned by the user 748 select * from USER_TAB_PRIVS ; ---Grants on objects for which the user is the owner, grantor or grantee 749 select * from USER_TAB_PRIVS_MADE ; ---All grants on objects owned by the user 750 select * from USER_TAB_PRIVS_RECD ; ---Grants on objects for which the user is the grantee 751 select * from USER_VIEWS ; ---Description of the user's own views 752 select * from USER_VIEWS_AE ; ---Description of the user's own views 753 select * from USER_CONSTRAINTS ; ---Constraint definitions on user's own tables 754 select * from USER_LOG_GROUPS ; ---Log group definitions on user's own tables 755 select * from USER_CLUSTER_HASH_EXPRESSIONS ; ---Hash functions for the user's hash clusters 756 select * from USER_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS ; ---Description of updatable columns 757 select * from USER_UNUSED_COL_TABS ; ---User tables with unused columns 758 select * from USER_PARTIAL_DROP_TABS ; ---User tables with unused columns 759 select * from USER_RESUMABLE ; ---Resumable session information for current user 760 select * from USER_EDITIONING_VIEWS ; ---Descriptions of the user's own Editioning Views 761 select * from USER_EDITIONING_VIEWS_AE ; ---Descriptions of the user's own Editioning Views 762 select * from USER_EDITIONING_VIEW_COLS ; ---Relationship between columns of user's Editioning Views and the table columns to which they map 763 select * from USER_EDITIONING_VIEW_COLS_AE ; ---Relationship between columns of user's Editioning Views and the table columns to which they map 764 select * from USER_LIBRARIES ; ---Description of the user's own libraries 765 select * from USER_PROCEDURES ; ---Description of the user functions/procedures/packages/types/triggers 766 select * from USER_STORED_SETTINGS ; ---Parameter settings for objects owned by the user 767 select * from USER_PLSQL_OBJECT_SETTINGS ; ---Compiler settings of stored objects owned by the user 768 select * from USER_ARGUMENTS ; ---Arguments in object accessible to the user 769 select * from USER_ASSEMBLIES ; ---Description of the user's own assemblies 770 select * from USER_IDENTIFIERS ; ---Identifiers in stored objects accessible to the user 771 select * from USER_DB_LINKS ; ---Database links owned by the user 772 select * from USER_RECYCLEBIN ; ---User view of his recyclebin 773 select * from USER_RESOURCE_LIMITS ; ---Display resource limit of the user 774 select * from USER_PASSWORD_LIMITS ; ---Display password limits of the user 775 select * from USER_USERS ; ---Information about the current user 776 select * from USER_OBJ_AUDIT_OPTS ; ---Auditing options for user's own tables and views with atleast one option set 777 select * from USER_AUDIT_TRAIL ; ---Audit trail entries relevant to the user 778 select * from USER_AUDIT_SESSION ; ---All audit trail records concerning CONNECT and DISCONNECT 779 select * from USER_AUDIT_STATEMENT ; ---Audit trail records concerning grant, revoke, audit, noaudit and alter system 780 select * from USER_AUDIT_OBJECT ; ---Audit trail records for statements concerning objects, specifically: table, cluster, view, index, sequence, [public] database link, [public] synonym, procedure, trigger, rollback segment, tablespace, role, user 781 select * from USER_SYS_PRIVS ; ---System privileges granted to current user 782 select * from USER_PROXIES ; ---Description of connections the user is allowed to proxy 783 select * from USER_TYPES ; ---Description of the user's own types 784 select * from USER_COLL_TYPES ; ---Description of the user's own named collection types 785 select * from USER_TYPE_ATTRS ; ---Description of attributes of the user's own types 786 select * from USER_TYPE_METHODS ; ---Description of methods of the user's own types 787 select * from USER_METHOD_PARAMS ; ---Description of method parameters of the user's own types 788 select * from USER_METHOD_RESULTS ; ---Description of method results of the user's own types 789 select * from USER_SQLJ_TYPES ; ---Description of the user's own types 790 select * from USER_TYPE_VERSIONS ; ---Description of each version of the user's types 791 select * from USER_PENDING_CONV_TABLES ; ---All user's tables which are not upgraded to the latest type version 792 select * from USER_SQLJ_TYPE_ATTRS ; ---Description of attributes of the user's own types 793 select * from USER_SQLJ_TYPE_METHODS ; ---Description of methods of the user's own types 794 select * from USER_OLDIMAGE_COLUMNS ; ---Gives all object tables and columns in old (8.0) image format 795 select * from USER_NESTED_TABLE_COLS ; ---Columns of nested tables 796 select * from USER_REFS ; ---Description of the user's own REF columns contained in the user's own tables 797 select * from USER_NESTED_TABLES ; ---Description of nested tables contained in the user's own tables 798 select * from USER_VARRAYS ; ---Description of varrays contained in the user's own tables 799 select * from USER_OBJ_COLATTRS ; ---Description of object columns and attributes contained in tables owned by the user 800 select * from USER_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS ; ---List of types an object column or attribute is constrained to in the tables owned by the user 801 select * from USER_OPERATORS ; ---All user operators 802 select * from USER_OPBINDINGS ; ---All binding functions or methods on operators defined by the user 803 select * from USER_OPANCILLARY ; ---All ancillary opertors defined by user 804 select * from USER_OPARGUMENTS ; ---All operator arguments of operators defined by user 805 select * from USER_OPERATOR_COMMENTS ; ---Comments for user-defined operators 806 select * from USER_INDEXTYPES ; ---All user indextypes 807 select * from USER_INDEXTYPE_COMMENTS ; ---Comments for user-defined indextypes 808 select * from USER_INDEXTYPE_ARRAYTYPES ; ---All array types specified by the indextype 809 select * from USER_INDEXTYPE_OPERATORS ; ---All user indextype operators 810 select * from USER_SECONDARY_OBJECTS ; ---All secondary objects for domain indexes 811 select * from USER_SOURCE_TABLES ; ---Source tables available for Change Data Capture 812 select * from USER_PUBLISHED_COLUMNS ; ---Source columns available for Change Data Capture 813 select * from USER_SUBSCRIPTIONS ; ---Change Data Capture subscriptions 814 select * from USER_SUBSCRIBED_TABLES ; ---Change Data Capture subscribed tables 815 select * from USER_SUBSCRIBED_COLUMNS ; ---Change Data Capture subscribed columns 816 select * from USER_EXTERNAL_TABLES ; ---Description of the user's own external tables 817 select * from USER_EXTERNAL_LOCATIONS ; ---Description of the user's external tables locations 818 select * from USER_MINING_MODELS ; ---Description of the user's own models 819 select * from USER_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES ; ---Description of the user's own model attributes 820 select * from USER_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS ; ---Description of the user's own model settings 821 select * from USER_TAB_COL_STATISTICS ; ---Columns of user's tables, views and clusters 822 select * from USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS ; ---Histograms on columns of user's tables 823 select * from USER_ASSOCIATIONS ; ---All assocations defined by the user 824 select * from USER_USTATS ; ---All statistics on tables or indexes owned by the user 825 select * from USER_TAB_MODIFICATIONS ; ---Information regarding modifications to tables 826 select * from USER_TAB_STATS_HISTORY ; ---History of table statistics modifications 827 select * from USER_TAB_STAT_PREFS ; ---Statistics preferences for tables 828 select * from USER_TAB_PENDING_STATS ; ---History of table statistics modifications 829 select * from USER_IND_PENDING_STATS ; ---Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions 830 select * from USER_COL_PENDING_STATS ; ---Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions 831 select * from USER_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS ; ---Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions 832 select * from USER_DIMENSIONS ; ---Description of the dimension objects accessible to the DBA 833 select * from USER_DIM_LEVELS ; ---Description of dimension levels visible to DBA 834 select * from USER_DIM_LEVEL_KEY ; ---Representations of columns of a dimension level 835 "select * from USER_DIM_ATTRIBUTES ; ---Representation of the relationship between a dimension level and 836 a functionally dependent column" 837 select * from USER_DIM_HIERARCHIES ; ---Representation of a dimension hierarchy 838 "select * from USER_DIM_CHILD_OF ; ---Representaion of a 1:n hierarchical relationship between a pair of levels in 839 a dimension" 840 select * from USER_DIM_JOIN_KEY ; ---Representation of a join between two dimension tables. 841 select * from USER_SUMMARIES ; ---Description of the summaries created by the user 842 select * from USER_MVIEW_ANALYSIS ; ---Description of the materialized views created by the user 843 select * from USER_MVIEW_AGGREGATES ; ---Description of the materialized view aggregates created by the user 844 "select * from USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS ; ---Description of the materialized view detail tables of the materialized 845 views created by the user" 846 "select * from USER_MVIEW_KEYS ; ---Description of the columns that appear in the GROUP BY 847 list of a materialized view created by the user" 848 "select * from USER_MVIEW_JOINS ; ---Description of a join between two columns in the 849 WHERE clause of a materialized view created by the user" 850 select * from USER_MVIEW_COMMENTS ; ---Comments on materialized views owned by the user 851 select * from USER_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES ; ---Description of all rewrite equivalence owned by the user 852 select * from USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION ; ---Freshness information of all PCT materialized views in the database 853 select * from USER_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION ; ---Freshness information of all PCT materialized views in the database 854 select * from USER_TSTZ_TAB_COLS ; ---Columns of user's tables, which have column(s) defined on timestamp with time zone data type or ADT type containing attribute(s) of timestamp with time zone data type 855 select * from USER_TSTZ_TABLES ; ---Description of the user's own tables, which have column(s) defined on timestamp with time zone data type or ADT type containing attribute(s) of timestamp with time zone data type 856 select * from USER_ERRORS ; ---Current errors on stored objects owned by the user 857 select * from USER_ERRORS_AE ; ---Current errors on stored objects owned by the user 858 select * from USER_SOURCE_AE ; ---Source of stored objects accessible to the user 859 select * from USER_SOURCE ; ---Source of stored objects accessible to the user 860 select * from USER_TRIGGERS ; ---Triggers having FOLLOWS or PRECEDES ordering owned by the user 861 select * from USER_INTERNAL_TRIGGERS ; ---Description of the internal triggers on the user's own tables 862 select * from USER_TRIGGER_COLS ; ---Column usage in user's triggers 863 select * from USER_DEPENDENCIES ; ---Dependencies to and from a users objects 864 select * from USER_OBJECT_SIZE ; ---Sizes, in bytes, of various pl/sql objects 865 select * from USER_JOBS ; ---All jobs owned by this user 866 select * from USER_SEGMENTS ; ---Storage allocated for all database segments 867 select * from USER_EXTENTS ; ---Extents comprising segments owned by the user 868 select * from USER_FREE_SPACE ; ---Free extents in tablespaces accessible to the user 869 select * from USER_TABLESPACES ; ---Description of accessible tablespaces 870 select * from USER_TS_QUOTAS ; ---Tablespace quotas for the user 871 select * from USER_RULE_SETS ; ---Rule sets owned by the user 872 select * from USER_RULESETS ; ---Rulesets owned by the user: maintained for backward compatibility 873 select * from USER_RULES ; ---Rules owned by the user 874 select * from USER_RULE_SET_RULES ; ---Rules in user rule sets 875 select * from USER_EVALUATION_CONTEXTS ; ---rule evaluation contexts owned by user 876 select * from USER_EVALUATION_CONTEXT_TABLES ; ---tables in user rule evaluation contexts 877 select * from USER_EVALUATION_CONTEXT_VARS ; ---variables in user rule evaluation contexts 878 select * from USER_SNAPSHOTS ; ---Snapshots the user can look at 879 select * from USER_SNAPSHOT_LOGS ; ---All snapshot logs owned by the user 880 select * from USER_REFRESH ; ---All the refresh groups 881 select * from USER_REFRESH_CHILDREN ; ---All the objects in refresh groups, where the user owns the refresh group 882 select * from USER_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS ; ---Remote snapshots of local tables currently using logs owned by the user 883 select * from USER_MVIEWS ; ---All materialized views in the database 884 select * from USER_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES ; ---Materialized views and their last refresh times for each master table that the user can look at 885 select * from USER_MVIEW_LOGS ; ---All materialized view logs owned by the user 886 select * from USER_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS ; ---All materialized views with log(s) owned by the user in the database 887 select * from USER_REGISTERED_MVIEWS ; ---Remote materialized views of local tables currently using logs owned by the user 888 select * from USER_POLICIES ; ---All row level security policies for synonyms, tables, or views owned by the user 889 select * from USER_POLICY_GROUPS ; ---All policy groups defined for any synonym, table, or view 890 select * from USER_POLICY_CONTEXTS ; ---All policy driving context defined for synonyms, tables, or views in current schema 891 select * from USER_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS ; ---Security Relevant columns of VPD policies for tables or views owned by the user 892 select * from USER_AUDIT_POLICIES ; ---All fine grained auditing policies for objects in user schema 893 select * from USER_AUDIT_POLICY_COLUMNS ; ---Users fine grained auditing policy columns in the database 894 select * from USER_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION_REGS ; ---change notification registrations for current user 895 select * from USER_CQ_NOTIFICATION_QUERIES ; ---Description of registered queries for CQ notification 896 select * from USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS ; ---All subscription registrations created by the user 897 select * from USER_QUEUE_TABLES ; ---All queue tables created by the user 898 select * from USER_QUEUES ; ---All queues owned by the user 899 select * from USER_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP_PRIVS ; ---Switch privileges for consumer groups for the user 900 select * from USER_RSRC_MANAGER_SYSTEM_PRIVS ; ---system privileges for the resource manager for the user 901 select * from USER_OUTLINES ; ---Stored outlines owned by the user 902 select * from USER_OUTLINE_HINTS ; ---Hints stored in outlines owned by the user 903 select * from USER_DATAPUMP_JOBS ; ---Datapump jobs for current user 904 select * from USER_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES ; ---Information about users who are registered for object group privileges 905 select * from USER_REPGROUP ; ---Replication information about the current user 906 select * from USER_REPSITES ; ---N-way replication information about the current user 907 select * from USER_REPSCHEMA ; ---N-way replication information about the current user 908 select * from USER_REPOBJECT ; ---Replication information about the current user's objects 909 select * from USER_REPCOLUMN ; ---Replicated columns for the current user's table in ascending order 910 select * from USER_REPPROP ; ---Propagation information about the current user's objects 911 select * from USER_REPKEY_COLUMNS ; ---Primary columns for a table using column-level replication 912 select * from USER_REPGENOBJECTS ; ---Objects generated for the current user to support replication 913 select * from USER_REPGENERATED ; ---Objects generated for the current user to support replication 914 select * from USER_REPCATLOG ; ---Information about the current user's asynchronous administration requests 915 select * from USER_REPDDL ; ---Arguments that do not fit in a single repcat log record 916 select * from USER_REPPRIORITY_GROUP ; ---Information about user's priority groups 917 select * from USER_REPPRIORITY ; ---Values and their corresponding priorities in user's priority groups 918 select * from USER_REPCOLUMN_GROUP ; ---All column groups of user's replicated tables 919 select * from USER_REPGROUPED_COLUMN ; ---Columns in the all column groups of user's replicated tables 920 select * from USER_REPRESOLUTION_METHOD ; ---All conflict resolution methods accessible to the user 921 select * from USER_REPRESOLUTION ; ---Description of all conflict resolutions for user's replicated tables 922 select * from USER_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS ; ---Statistics for conflict resolutions for user's replicated tables 923 select * from USER_REPRESOL_STATS_CONTROL ; ---Information about statistics collection for conflict resolutions for user's replicated tables 924 select * from USER_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN ; ---All columns used for resolving conflicts in user's replicated tables 925 select * from USER_REPAUDIT_ATTRIBUTE ; ---Information about attributes automatically maintained for replication 926 select * from USER_REPAUDIT_COLUMN ; ---Information about columns in all shadow tables for user's replicated tables 927 select * from USER_REPFLAVORS ; ---Flavors current user created for replicated object groups 928 select * from USER_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS ; ---Replicated user objects in flavors 929 select * from USER_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS ; ---Replicated columns from current user's tables in flavors 930 select * from USER_WARNING_SETTINGS ; ---Warning Parameter settings for objects owned by the user 931 select * from USER_STAT_EXTENSIONS ; ---Optimizer statistics extensions 932 select * from USER_TAB_STATISTICS ; ---Optimizer statistics of the user's own tables 933 select * from USER_IND_STATISTICS ; ---Optimizer statistics for user's own indexes 934 select * from USER_AWS ; ---Analytic Workspaces owned by the user 935 select * from USER_AW_PS ; ---Pagespaces in Analytic Workspaces owned by the user 936 select * from USER_CUBES ; ---OLAP Cubes owned by the user in the database 937 select * from USER_CUBE_DIMENSIONALITY ; ---OLAP Cube Dimensionality owned by the user in the database 938 select * from USER_CUBE_MEASURES ; ---OLAP Measures owned by the user in the database 939 select * from USER_CUBE_DIMENSIONS ; ---OLAP Cube Dimensions owned by the user in the database 940 select * from USER_CUBE_HIERARCHIES ; ---OLAP Hierarchies owned by the user in the database 941 select * from USER_CUBE_HIER_LEVELS ; ---OLAP Hierarchy Levels owned by the user in the database 942 select * from USER_CUBE_DIM_LEVELS ; ---OLAP Dimension Levels owned by the user in the database 943 select * from USER_CUBE_ATTRIBUTES ; ---OLAP Attributes owned by the user in the database 944 select * from USER_CUBE_ATTR_VISIBILITY ; ---OLAP Attributes visible for Dimensions, Hierarchies, and Levels 945 select * from USER_CUBE_DIM_MODELS ; ---OLAP Dimension Models in the database accessible to the user 946 select * from USER_CUBE_CALCULATED_MEMBERS ; ---OLAP Calculated Members in the database accessible to the user 947 select * from USER_CUBE_VIEWS ; ---OLAP Cube Views owned by the user in the database 948 select * from USER_CUBE_VIEW_COLUMNS ; ---OLAP Cube View Columns owned by the user in the database 949 select * from USER_CUBE_DIM_VIEWS ; ---OLAP Dimension Views owned by the user in the database 950 select * from USER_CUBE_DIM_VIEW_COLUMNS ; ---OLAP Dimesion View Columns in the database accessible to the user 951 select * from USER_CUBE_HIER_VIEWS ; ---OLAP Hierarchy Views owner by the user in the database 952 select * from USER_CUBE_HIER_VIEW_COLUMNS ; ---OLAP Hierarchy View Columns owned by the user in the database 953 select * from USER_MEASURE_FOLDERS ; ---OLAP Measure Folders owned by the user in the database 954 select * from USER_MEASURE_FOLDER_CONTENTS ; ---OLAP Measure Folder Contents owned by the user in the database 955 select * from USER_CUBE_BUILD_PROCESSES ; ---OLAP Build Processes owned by the user in the database 956 select * from USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS ; ---queue subscribers under a user'schema 957 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_PROGRAMS ; ---Scheduler programs owned by the current user 958 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_DESTS ; ---Destination objects for jobs in the database owned by current user 959 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_DB_DESTS ; ---User-owned destination objects in the database pointing to remote databases 960 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_JOB_DESTS ; ---State of all jobs owned by current user at each of their destinations 961 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_JOBS ; ---All scheduler jobs in the database 962 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_PROGRAM_ARGS ; ---All arguments of all scheduler programs in the database 963 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_JOB_ARGS ; ---All arguments with set values of all scheduler jobs in the database 964 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_JOB_LOG ; ---Logged information for all scheduler jobs 965 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS ; ---The details of a job run 966 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_GROUP_MEMBERS ; ---Members of all scheduler object groups owned by current user 967 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_GROUPS ; ---All scheduler object groups owned by current user 968 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_SCHEDULES ; ---Schedules belonging to the current user 969 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_REMOTE_JOBSTATE ; ---Remote state of all jobs originating from this database owned by current user 970 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_CHAINS ; ---All scheduler chains owned by the current user 971 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_CHAIN_RULES ; ---All rules from scheduler chains owned by the current user 972 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_CHAIN_STEPS ; ---All steps of scheduler chains owned by the current user 973 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_CHAINS ; ---All steps of chains being run by jobs owned by the current user 974 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_CREDENTIALS ; ---Scheduler credentials owned by the current user 975 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_FILE_WATCHERS ; ---Scheduler file watch requests owned by the current user 976 select * from USER_SCHEDULER_NOTIFICATIONS ; ---All e-mail notifications for jobs owned by the current user 977 select * from USER_TUNE_MVIEW ; ---tune_mview catalog view owned by the user 978 select * from USER_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE ; ---Description of the flashback archives available to the user 979 select * from USER_FLASHBACK_ARCHIVE_TABLES ; ---Information about the user tables that are enabled for Flashback Archive 980 select * from USER_APPLY_ERROR ; ---Error transactions owned by an apply visible to the current user 981 select * from USER_FILE_GROUPS ; ---Details about file groups 982 select * from USER_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS ; ---Details about file group versions 983 select * from USER_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO ; ---Details about export information of file group versions 984 select * from USER_FILE_GROUP_FILES ; ---Details about file group files 985 select * from USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES ; ---Details about the transportable tablespaces in the file group repository 986 select * from USER_FILE_GROUP_TABLES ; ---Details about the tables in the file group repository 987 select * from USER_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES ; ---Details about goldengate privileges 988 select * from USER_COMPARISON ; ---Details about the user's comparison objects 989 select * from USER_COMPARISON_COLUMNS ; ---Details about the comparison object's columns 990 select * from USER_COMPARISON_SCAN ; ---Details about a comparison scan 991 select * from USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY ; ---Details about a comparison scan 992 select * from USER_COMPARISON_SCAN_VALUES ; ---Details about a comparison scan's values 993 select * from USER_COMPARISON_ROW_DIF ; ---Details about the differing rows in a comparison scan 994 select * from USER_JAVA_POLICY ; ---java security Permissions for current user 995 select * from USER_JAVA_CLASSES ; ---class level information of stored java class owned by the user 996 select * from USER_JAVA_LAYOUTS ; ---class layout information about stored java class owned by the user 997 select * from USER_JAVA_IMPLEMENTS ; ---interfaces implemented by the stored java class owned by user 998 select * from USER_JAVA_INNERS ; ---list of inner classes refered by the stored java class owned by user 999 select * from USER_JAVA_FIELDS ; ---field information of stored java class owned by the user 1000 select * from USER_JAVA_METHODS ; ---method information of stored java class owned by the user 1001 select * from USER_JAVA_ARGUMENTS ; ---argument information of stored java class owned by the user 1002 select * from USER_JAVA_THROWS ; ---list of exceptions thrown from a method of a class owned by user 1003 select * from USER_JAVA_DERIVATIONS ; ---this view maps java source objects and their derived java class objects and java resource objects for the java class owned by user 1004 select * from USER_JAVA_RESOLVERS ; ---resolver of java class owned by user 1005 select * from USER_JAVA_NCOMPS ; ---ncomp related information of java classes owned by user 1006 select * from USER_JAVA_COMPILER_OPTIONS ; ---native compiler options provided by the user 1007 select * from USER_EPG_DAD_AUTHORIZATION ; ---DADs authorized to use the user's privileges 1008 select * from USER_XML_TABLES ; ---Description of the user's own XMLType tables 1009 select * from USER_XML_TAB_COLS ; ---Description of the user's own XMLType tables 1010 select * from USER_XML_VIEWS ; ---Description of the user's own XMLType views 1011 select * from USER_XML_VIEW_COLS ; ---Description of the user's own XMLType views 1012 select * from USER_XML_SCHEMAS ; ---Description of XML Schemas registered by the user 1013 select * from USER_XML_INDEXES ; ---Description of the user's own XMLType indexes 1014 select * from USER_XDS_OBJECTS ; ---All XDS enabled objects owned by the user 1015 select * from USER_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS ; ---All instance sets for objects owned by the user 1016 select * from USER_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS ; ---All objects with column security and owned by the user 1017 select * from USER_NETWORK_ACL_PRIVILEGES ; ---User privileges to access network hosts through PL/SQL network utility packages 1018 select * from USER_AW_PROP ; ---Object properties in Analytic Workspaces owned by the user 1019 select * from USER_AW_OBJ ; ---Objects in Analytic Workspaces owned by the user 1020 select * from USER_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSFORMATIONS ; --- 1021 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLSTATS ; --- 1022 select * from USER_PARALLEL_EXECUTE_TASKS ; --- 1023 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLW_STMTS ; --- 1024 select * from USER_LOB_SUBPARTITIONS ; --- 1025 select * from USER_REGISTRY ; --- 1026 select * from USER_SQLSET_BINDS ; --- 1027 select * from USER_ADVISOR_LOG ; --- 1028 select * from USER_ADVISOR_DIR_TASK_INST ; --- 1029 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLA_WK_MAP ; --- 1030 select * from USER_ADVISOR_OBJECTS ; --- 1031 select * from USER_ADDM_FINDINGS ; --- 1032 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLW_PARAMETERS ; --- 1033 select * from USER_ADVISOR_EXEC_PARAMETERS ; --- 1034 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLA_TABLES ; --- 1035 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLA_COLVOL ; --- 1036 select * from USER_ADVISOR_FINDINGS ; --- 1037 select * from USER_FLASHBACK_TXN_REPORT ; --- 1038 select * from USER_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS ; --- 1039 select * from USER_TRANSFORMATIONS ; --- 1040 select * from USER_DBFS_HS_COMMANDS ; --- 1041 select * from USER_PART_TABLES ; --- 1042 select * from USER_ADVISOR_TEMPLATES ; --- 1043 select * from USER_SQLTUNE_PLANS ; --- 1044 select * from USER_ADVISOR_RECOMMENDATIONS ; --- 1045 select * from USER_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS ; --- 1046 select * from USER_TS ; --- 1047 select * from USER_SQLSET_PLANS ; --- 1048 select * from USER_ADVISOR_EXECUTIONS ; --- 1049 select * from USER_PART_INDEXES ; --- 1050 select * from USER_SQLTUNE_STATISTICS ; --- 1051 select * from USER_TAB_PARTITIONS ; --- 1052 select * from USER_LOB_TEMPLATES ; --- 1053 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLA_WK_STMTS ; --- 1054 select * from USER_IND_SUBPARTITIONS ; --- 1055 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLW_COLVOL ; --- 1056 select * from USER_ADVISOR_JOURNAL ; --- 1057 select * from USER_DBFS_HS ; --- 1058 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLW_TEMPLATES ; --- 1059 select * from USER_PART_LOBS ; --- 1060 select * from USER_TAB_SUBPARTITIONS ; --- 1061 select * from USER_ADVISOR_TASKS ; --- 1062 select * from USER_REPCONFLICT ; --- 1063 select * from USER_PART_HISTOGRAMS ; --- 1064 select * from USER_DBFS_HS_FILES ; --- 1065 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLW_TABVOL ; --- 1066 select * from USER_SUBPART_KEY_COLUMNS ; --- 1067 select * from USER_ADDM_INSTANCES ; --- 1068 select * from USER_SUBPARTITION_TEMPLATES ; --- 1069 select * from USER_SQLSET ; --- 1070 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLA_WK_SUM ; --- 1071 select * from USER_ADDM_TASKS ; --- 1072 select * from USER_SQLSET_REFERENCES ; --- 1073 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLW_TABLES ; --- 1074 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLW_JOURNAL ; --- 1075 select * from USER_PART_COL_STATISTICS ; --- 1076 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLPLANS ; --- 1077 select * from USER_REPCAT ; --- 1078 select * from USER_AQ_AGENT_PRIVS ; --- 1079 select * from USER_SQLTUNE_RATIONALE_PLAN ; --- 1080 select * from USER_DBFS_HS_PROPERTIES ; --- 1081 select * from USER_FLASHBACK_TXN_STATE ; --- 1082 select * from USER_ADDM_TASK_DIRECTIVES ; --- 1083 select * from USER_IND_PARTITIONS ; --- 1084 select * from USER_DBFS_HS_FIXED_PROPERTIES ; --- 1085 select * from USER_XML_COLUMN_NAMES ; --- 1086 select * from USER_ADDM_FDG_BREAKDOWN ; --- 1087 select * from USER_ADVISOR_RATIONALE ; --- 1088 select * from USER_SQLTUNE_BINDS ; --- 1089 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLA_TABVOL ; --- 1090 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLA_REC_SUM ; --- 1091 select * from USER_PART_KEY_COLUMNS ; --- 1092 select * from USER_ADVISOR_ACTIONS ; --- 1093 select * from USER_ADVISOR_FDG_BREAKDOWN ; --- 1094 select * from USER_QUEUE_SCHEDULES ; --- 1095 select * from USER_SQLSET_STATEMENTS ; --- 1096 select * from USER_ADVISOR_PARAMETERS ; --- 1097 select * from USER_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS ; --- 1098 select * from USER_PARALLEL_EXECUTE_CHUNKS ; --- 1099 select * from USER_LOB_PARTITIONS ; --- 1100 select * from USER_ADVISOR_SQLW_SUM ; --- 1101 select * from ALL_CONS_COLUMNS ; ---Information about accessible columns in constraint definitions 1102 select * from ALL_LOG_GROUP_COLUMNS ; ---Information about columns in log group definitions 1103 select * from ALL_LOBS ; ---Description of LOBs contained in tables accessible to the user 1104 select * from ALL_CATALOG ; ---All tables, views, synonyms, sequences accessible to the user 1105 select * from ALL_CLUSTERS ; ---Description of clusters accessible to the user 1106 select * from ALL_COL_COMMENTS ; ---Comments on columns of accessible tables and views 1107 "select * from ALL_COL_PRIVS ; ---Grants on columns for which the user is the grantor, grantee, owner, 1108 or an enabled role or PUBLIC is the grantee" 1109 select * from ALL_COL_PRIVS_MADE ; ---Grants on columns for which the user is owner or grantor 1110 select * from ALL_COL_PRIVS_RECD ; ---Grants on columns for which the user, PUBLIC or enabled role is the grantee 1111 select * from ALL_ENCRYPTED_COLUMNS ; ---Encryption information on all accessible columns 1112 select * from ALL_INDEXES ; ---Descriptions of indexes on tables accessible to the user 1113 select * from ALL_IND_COLUMNS ; ---COLUMNs comprising INDEXes on accessible TABLES 1114 select * from ALL_IND_EXPRESSIONS ; ---FUNCTIONAL INDEX EXPRESSIONs on accessible TABLES 1115 select * from ALL_JOIN_IND_COLUMNS ; ---Join Index columns comprising the join conditions 1116 select * from ALL_OBJECTS ; ---Objects accessible to the user 1117 select * from ALL_OBJECTS_AE ; ---Objects accessible to the user 1118 select * from ALL_SEQUENCES ; ---Description of SEQUENCEs accessible to the user 1119 select * from ALL_SYNONYMS ; ---All synonyms for base objects accessible to the user and session 1120 select * from ALL_TABLES ; ---Description of relational tables accessible to the user 1121 select * from ALL_OBJECT_TABLES ; ---Description of all object tables accessible to the user 1122 select * from ALL_ALL_TABLES ; ---Description of all object and relational tables accessible to the user 1123 select * from ALL_TAB_COLS ; ---Columns of user's tables, views and clusters 1124 select * from ALL_TAB_COLUMNS ; ---Columns of user's tables, views and clusters 1125 select * from ALL_TAB_COMMENTS ; ---Comments on tables and views accessible to the user 1126 "select * from ALL_TAB_PRIVS ; ---Grants on objects for which the user is the grantor, grantee, owner, 1127 or an enabled role or PUBLIC is the grantee" 1128 select * from ALL_TAB_PRIVS_MADE ; ---User's grants and grants on user's objects 1129 select * from ALL_TAB_PRIVS_RECD ; ---Grants on objects for which the user, PUBLIC or enabled role is the grantee 1130 select * from ALL_VIEWS ; ---Description of views accessible to the user 1131 select * from ALL_VIEWS_AE ; ---Description of views accessible to the user 1132 select * from ALL_CONSTRAINTS ; ---Constraint definitions on accessible tables 1133 select * from ALL_LOG_GROUPS ; ---Log group definitions on accessible tables 1134 select * from ALL_CLUSTER_HASH_EXPRESSIONS ; ---Hash functions for all accessible clusters 1135 select * from ALL_UPDATABLE_COLUMNS ; ---Description of all updatable columns 1136 select * from ALL_UNUSED_COL_TABS ; ---All tables with unused columns accessible to the user 1137 select * from ALL_PARTIAL_DROP_TABS ; ---All tables with patially dropped columns accessible to the user 1138 select * from ALL_EDITIONING_VIEWS ; ---Description of Editioning Views accessible to the user 1139 select * from ALL_EDITIONING_VIEWS_AE ; ---Description of Editioning Views accessible to the user 1140 select * from ALL_EDITIONING_VIEW_COLS ; ---Relationship between columns of Editioning Views accessible to the user and the table columns to which they map 1141 select * from ALL_EDITIONING_VIEW_COLS_AE ; ---Relationship between columns of Editioning Views accessible to the user and the table columns to which they map 1142 select * from ALL_EDITIONS ; ---Describes all editions in the database 1143 select * from ALL_EDITION_COMMENTS ; ---Describes comments on all editions in the database 1144 select * from ALL_LIBRARIES ; ---Description of libraries accessible to the user 1145 select * from ALL_PROCEDURES ; ---Functions/procedures/packages/types/triggers available to the user 1146 select * from ALL_STORED_SETTINGS ; ---Parameter settings for objects accessible to the user 1147 select * from ALL_PLSQL_OBJECT_SETTINGS ; ---Compiler settings of stored objects accessible to the user 1148 select * from ALL_ARGUMENTS ; ---Arguments in object accessible to the user 1149 select * from ALL_ASSEMBLIES ; ---Description of assemblies accessible to the user 1150 select * from ALL_IDENTIFIERS ; ---All identifiers in stored objects accessible to the user 1151 select * from ALL_DB_LINKS ; ---Database links accessible to the user 1152 select * from ALL_USERS ; ---Information about all users of the database 1153 select * from ALL_DEF_AUDIT_OPTS ; ---Auditing options for newly created objects 1154 select * from ALL_TYPES ; ---Description of types accessible to the user 1155 select * from ALL_COLL_TYPES ; ---Description of named collection types accessible to the user 1156 select * from ALL_TYPE_ATTRS ; ---Description of attributes of types accessible to the user 1157 select * from ALL_TYPE_METHODS ; ---Description of methods of types accessible to the user 1158 "select * from ALL_METHOD_PARAMS ; ---Description of method parameters of types accessible 1159 to the user" 1160 "select * from ALL_METHOD_RESULTS ; ---Description of method results of types accessible 1161 to the user" 1162 select * from ALL_SQLJ_TYPES ; ---Description of types accessible to the user 1163 select * from ALL_TYPE_VERSIONS ; ---Description of each type version accessible to the user 1164 select * from ALL_PENDING_CONV_TABLES ; ---All tables accessible to the user which are not upgraded to the latest type version 1165 select * from ALL_SQLJ_TYPE_ATTRS ; ---Description of attributes of types accessible to the user 1166 select * from ALL_SQLJ_TYPE_METHODS ; ---Description of methods of types accessible to the user 1167 select * from ALL_NESTED_TABLE_COLS ; ---Columns of nested tables 1168 select * from ALL_DIRECTORIES ; ---Description of all directories accessible to the user 1169 select * from ALL_REFS ; ---Description of REF columns contained in tables accessible to the user 1170 select * from ALL_NESTED_TABLES ; ---Description of nested tables in tables accessible to the user 1171 select * from ALL_VARRAYS ; ---Description of varrays in tables accessible to the user 1172 select * from ALL_OBJ_COLATTRS ; ---Description of object columns and attributes contained in the tables accessible to the user 1173 select * from ALL_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS ; ---List of types an object column or attribute is constrained to in the tables accessible to the user 1174 select * from ALL_OPERATORS ; ---All operators available to the user 1175 select * from ALL_OPBINDINGS ; ---All binding functions for operators available to the user 1176 select * from ALL_OPANCILLARY ; ---All ancillary operators available to the user 1177 select * from ALL_OPARGUMENTS ; ---All arguments of the operators available to the user 1178 select * from ALL_OPERATOR_COMMENTS ; ---Comments for user-defined operators 1179 select * from ALL_INDEXTYPES ; ---All indextypes available to the user 1180 select * from ALL_INDEXTYPE_COMMENTS ; ---Comments for user-defined indextypes 1181 select * from ALL_INDEXTYPE_ARRAYTYPES ; ---All array types specified by the indextype 1182 select * from ALL_INDEXTYPE_OPERATORS ; ---All operators available to the user 1183 select * from ALL_SECONDARY_OBJECTS ; ---All secondary objects for domain indexes 1184 select * from ALL_CHANGE_SOURCES ; ---Change Data Capture change sources 1185 select * from ALL_CHANGE_SETS ; ---Change Data Capture change sets 1186 select * from ALL_CHANGE_TABLES ; ---Change Data Capture change tables 1187 select * from ALL_CHANGE_PROPAGATIONS ; ---Change Data Capture propagations 1188 select * from ALL_CHANGE_PROPAGATION_SETS ; ---Change Data Capture propagated change set 1189 select * from ALL_SUMDELTA ; ---Direct path load entries accessible to the user 1190 select * from ALL_SUMMAP ; ---mapping entries of transaction ID and commit SCN accessible to the user 1191 select * from ALL_EXTERNAL_TABLES ; ---Description of the external tables accessible to the user 1192 select * from ALL_EXTERNAL_LOCATIONS ; ---Description of the external tables locations accessible to the user 1193 select * from ALL_MINING_MODELS ; ---Description of the models accessible to the user 1194 select * from ALL_MINING_MODEL_ATTRIBUTES ; ---Description of all the model attributes accessible to the user 1195 select * from ALL_MINING_MODEL_SETTINGS ; ---Description of all the settings accessible to the user 1196 select * from ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS ; ---Columns of user's tables, views and clusters 1197 select * from ALL_TAB_HISTOGRAMS ; ---Histograms on columns of all tables visible to user 1198 select * from ALL_ASSOCIATIONS ; ---All associations available to the user 1199 select * from ALL_USTATS ; ---All statistics 1200 select * from ALL_TAB_MODIFICATIONS ; ---Information regarding modifications to tables 1201 select * from ALL_TAB_STATS_HISTORY ; ---History of table statistics modifications 1202 select * from ALL_TAB_STAT_PREFS ; ---Statistics preferences for tables 1203 select * from ALL_TAB_PENDING_STATS ; ---Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions 1204 select * from ALL_IND_PENDING_STATS ; ---Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions 1205 select * from ALL_COL_PENDING_STATS ; ---Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions 1206 select * from ALL_TAB_HISTGRM_PENDING_STATS ; ---Pending statistics of tables, partitions, and subpartitions 1207 select * from ALL_DIMENSIONS ; ---Description of the dimension objects accessible to the DBA 1208 select * from ALL_DIM_LEVELS ; ---Description of dimension levels visible to DBA 1209 select * from ALL_DIM_LEVEL_KEY ; ---Representations of columns of a dimension level 1210 "select * from ALL_DIM_ATTRIBUTES ; ---Representation of the relationship between a dimension level and 1211 a functionally dependent column" 1212 select * from ALL_DIM_HIERARCHIES ; ---Representation of a dimension hierarchy 1213 "select * from ALL_DIM_CHILD_OF ; ---Representaion of a 1:n hierarchical relationship between a pair of levels in 1214 a dimension" 1215 select * from ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY ; ---Representation of a join between two dimension tables. 1216 select * from ALL_SUMMARIES ; ---Description of the summaries accessible to the user 1217 select * from ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS ; ---Description of the materialized views accessible to the user 1218 select * from ALL_MVIEW_AGGREGATES ; ---Description of the materialized view aggregates accessible to the user 1219 select * from ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_RELATIONS ; ---Description of the materialized view detail tables accessible to the user 1220 "select * from ALL_MVIEW_KEYS ; ---Description of the columns that appear in the GROUP BY 1221 list of a materialized view accessible to the user" 1222 "select * from ALL_MVIEW_JOINS ; ---Description of a join between two columns in the 1223 WHERE clause of a materialized view accessible to the user" 1224 select * from ALL_MVIEW_COMMENTS ; ---Comments on materialized views accessible to the user 1225 "select * from ALL_REFRESH_DEPENDENCIES ; ---Description of the detail tables that materialized views depend on for 1226 refresh" 1227 select * from ALL_REWRITE_EQUIVALENCES ; ---Description of all rewrite equivalence accessible to the user 1228 select * from ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_PARTITION ; ---Freshness information of all PCT materialized views in the database 1229 select * from ALL_MVIEW_DETAIL_SUBPARTITION ; ---Freshness information of all PCT materialized views in the database 1230 select * from ALL_TSTZ_TAB_COLS ; ---Columns of user's tables, which have column(s) defined on timestamp with time zone data type or ADT type containing attribute(s) of timestamp with time zone data type 1231 select * from ALL_TSTZ_TABLES ; ---Description of tables accessible to the user, which have column(s) defined on timestamp with time zone data type or ADT type containing attribute(s) of timestamp with time zone data type 1232 select * from ALL_ERRORS ; ---Current errors on stored objects that user is allowed to create 1233 select * from ALL_ERRORS_AE ; ---Current errors on stored objects that user is allowed to create 1234 select * from ALL_SOURCE_AE ; ---Current source on stored objects that user is allowed to create 1235 select * from ALL_SOURCE ; ---Current source on stored objects that user is allowed to create 1236 select * from ALL_TRIGGERS ; ---Triggers accessible to the current user 1237 select * from ALL_INTERNAL_TRIGGERS ; ---Description of the internal triggers on the tables accessible to the user 1238 select * from ALL_TRIGGER_COLS ; ---Column usage in user's triggers or in triggers on user's tables 1239 select * from ALL_DEPENDENCIES ; ---Dependencies to and from objects accessible to the user 1240 select * from ALL_TRIGGER_ORDERING ; ---Triggers having FOLLOWS or PRECEDES ordering accessible to the current user 1241 select * from ALL_CONTEXT ; ---Description of all active context namespaces under the current session 1242 select * from ALL_RULE_SETS ; ---Rule sets seen by the user 1243 select * from ALL_RULESETS ; ---Rulesets seen by the user: maintained for backward compatibility 1244 select * from ALL_RULES ; ---Rules seen by the user 1245 select * from ALL_RULE_SET_RULES ; ---Rules in all rule sets seen by the user 1246 select * from ALL_EVALUATION_CONTEXTS ; ---rule evaluation contexts seen by user 1247 select * from ALL_EVALUATION_CONTEXT_TABLES ; ---tables in all rule evaluation contexts seen by the user 1248 select * from ALL_EVALUATION_CONTEXT_VARS ; ---variables in all rule evaluation contexts seen by the user 1249 select * from ALL_SNAPSHOTS ; ---Snapshots the user can access 1250 select * from ALL_SNAPSHOT_LOGS ; ---All snapshot logs in the database that the user can see 1251 select * from ALL_REFRESH ; ---All the refresh groups that the user can touch 1252 select * from ALL_REFRESH_CHILDREN ; ---All the objects in refresh groups, where the user can touch the group 1253 select * from ALL_REGISTERED_SNAPSHOTS ; ---Remote snapshots of local tables that the user can see 1254 select * from ALL_MVIEWS ; ---All materialized views in the database 1255 select * from ALL_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES ; ---Materialized views and their last refresh times for each master table that the user can look at 1256 select * from ALL_MVIEW_LOGS ; ---All materialized view logs in the database that the user can see 1257 select * from ALL_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS ; ---All materialized views with log(s) in the database that the user can see 1258 select * from ALL_REGISTERED_MVIEWS ; ---Remote materialized views of local tables that the user can see 1259 select * from ALL_POLICIES ; ---All policies for objects if the user has system privileges or owns the objects 1260 select * from ALL_POLICY_GROUPS ; ---All policy groups defined for any synonym, table or view accessable to the user 1261 select * from ALL_POLICY_CONTEXTS ; ---All policy driving context defined for all synonyms, tables, or views accessable to the user 1262 select * from ALL_SEC_RELEVANT_COLS ; ---Security Relevant columns of all VPD policies for tables or views which the user has access 1263 select * from ALL_AUDIT_POLICIES ; ---All fine grained auditing policies in the database 1264 select * from ALL_AUDIT_POLICY_COLUMNS ; ---All fine grained auditing policy columns in the database 1265 select * from ALL_QUEUE_TABLES ; ---All queue tables accessible to the user 1266 select * from ALL_QUEUES ; ---All queues accessible to the user 1267 select * from ALL_DEQUEUE_QUEUES ; ---All queues accessible to the user 1268 select * from ALL_INT_DEQUEUE_QUEUES ; ---All queues accessible to the user 1269 select * from ALL_REPGROUP_PRIVILEGES ; ---Information about users who are registered for object group privileges 1270 select * from ALL_REPGROUP ; ---Information about replicated object groups 1271 select * from ALL_REPSITES ; ---N-way replication information 1272 select * from ALL_REPSCHEMA ; ---N-way replication information 1273 select * from ALL_REPOBJECT ; ---Information about replicated objects 1274 select * from ALL_REPCOLUMN ; ---Replicated top-level columns (table) sorted alphabetically in ascending order 1275 select * from ALL_REPPROP ; ---Propagation information about replicated objects 1276 select * from ALL_REPKEY_COLUMNS ; ---Primary columns for a table using column-level replication 1277 select * from ALL_REPGENOBJECTS ; ---Objects generated to support replication 1278 select * from ALL_REPGENERATED ; ---Objects generated to support replication 1279 select * from ALL_REPCATLOG ; ---Information about asynchronous administration requests 1280 select * from ALL_REPDDL ; ---Arguments that do not fit in a single repcat log record 1281 select * from ALL_REPPRIORITY_GROUP ; ---Information about all priority groups which are accessible to the user 1282 select * from ALL_REPPRIORITY ; ---Values and their corresponding priorities in all priority groups which are accessible to the user 1283 select * from ALL_REPCOLUMN_GROUP ; ---All column groups of replicated tables which are accessible to the user 1284 select * from ALL_REPGROUPED_COLUMN ; ---Columns in the all column groups of replicated tables which are accessible to the user 1285 select * from ALL_REPCONFLICT ; ---All conflicts with available resolutions for user's replicated tables 1286 select * from ALL_REPRESOLUTION_METHOD ; ---All conflict resolution methods accessible to the user 1287 select * from ALL_REPRESOLUTION ; ---Description of all conflict resolutions for replicated tables which are accessible to the user 1288 select * from ALL_REPRESOLUTION_STATISTICS ; ---Statistics for conflict resolutions for replicated tables which are accessible to the user 1289 select * from ALL_REPRESOL_STATS_CONTROL ; ---Information about statistics collection for conflict resolutions for replicated tables which are accessible to the user 1290 select * from ALL_REPPARAMETER_COLUMN ; ---All columns used for resolving conflicts in replicated tables which are accessible to the user 1291 select * from ALL_REPAUDIT_ATTRIBUTE ; ---Information about attributes automatically maintained for replication 1292 select * from ALL_REPAUDIT_COLUMN ; ---Information about columns in all shadow tables for replicated tables which are accessible to the user 1293 select * from ALL_REPFLAVORS ; ---Flavors defined for replicated object groups 1294 select * from ALL_REPFLAVOR_OBJECTS ; ---Replicated objects in flavors 1295 select * from ALL_REPFLAVOR_COLUMNS ; ---Replicated columns in flavors 1296 select * from ALL_WARNING_SETTINGS ; ---Warnings ettings for objects accessible to the user 1297 select * from ALL_STAT_EXTENSIONS ; ---Optimizer statistics extensions 1298 select * from ALL_TAB_STATISTICS ; ---Optimizer statistics for all tables accessible to the user 1299 select * from ALL_IND_STATISTICS ; ---Optimizer statistics for all indexes on tables accessible to the user 1300 select * from ALL_AWS ; ---Analytic Workspaces accessible to the user 1301 select * from ALL_AW_PS ; ---Pagespaces in Analytic Workspaces accessible to the user 1302 select * from ALL_CUBES ; ---OLAP Cubes in the database accessible to the user 1303 select * from ALL_CUBE_DIMENSIONALITY ; ---OLAP Cube Dimensionality in the database accessible to the user 1304 select * from ALL_CUBE_MEASURES ; ---OLAP Measures in the database accessible to the user 1305 select * from ALL_CUBE_DIMENSIONS ; ---OLAP Cube Dimensions in the database accessible by the user 1306 select * from ALL_CUBE_HIERARCHIES ; ---OLAP Hierarchies in the database accessible by the user 1307 select * from ALL_CUBE_HIER_LEVELS ; ---OLAP Hierarchy Levels in the database accessible to the user 1308 select * from ALL_CUBE_DIM_LEVELS ; ---OLAP Dimension Levels in the database accessible by the user 1309 select * from ALL_CUBE_ATTRIBUTES ; ---OLAP Attributes in the database accessible by the user 1310 select * from ALL_CUBE_ATTR_VISIBILITY ; ---OLAP Attributes visible for Dimensions, Hierarchies, and Levels 1311 select * from ALL_CUBE_DIM_MODELS ; ---OLAP Dimension Models in the database accessible to the user 1312 select * from ALL_CUBE_CALCULATED_MEMBERS ; ---OLAP Calculated Members in the database accessible to the user 1313 select * from ALL_CUBE_VIEWS ; ---OLAP Cube Views in the database accessible by the user 1314 select * from ALL_CUBE_VIEW_COLUMNS ; ---OLAP Cube View Columns in the database accessible by the user 1315 select * from ALL_CUBE_DIM_VIEWS ; ---OLAP Dimension Views in the database accessible by the user 1316 select * from ALL_CUBE_DIM_VIEW_COLUMNS ; ---OLAP Dimesion View Columns in the database accessible to the user 1317 select * from ALL_CUBE_HIER_VIEWS ; ---OLAP Hierarchy Views in the database accessible to the user 1318 select * from ALL_CUBE_HIER_VIEW_COLUMNS ; ---OLAP Hierarchy View Columns in the database accessible to the user 1319 select * from ALL_MEASURE_FOLDERS ; ---OLAP Measure Folders in the database accessible to the user 1320 select * from ALL_MEASURE_FOLDER_CONTENTS ; ---OLAP Measure Folder Contents in the database accessible by the user 1321 select * from ALL_CUBE_BUILD_PROCESSES ; ---OLAP Build Processes in the database accessible to the user 1322 select * from ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS ; ---All queue subscribers accessible to user 1323 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_PROGRAMS ; ---All scheduler programs visible to the user 1324 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_DESTS ; ---All destination objects for jobs in the database visible to current user 1325 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_EXTERNAL_DESTS ; ---User-visible destination objects in the database pointing to remote agents 1326 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_DB_DESTS ; ---User-visible destination objects in the database pointing to remote databases 1327 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_JOB_DESTS ; ---State of all jobs visible to current user at each of their destinations 1328 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_JOBS ; ---All scheduler jobs visible to the user 1329 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_JOB_CLASSES ; ---All scheduler classes visible to the user 1330 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_WINDOWS ; ---All scheduler windows in the database 1331 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_PROGRAM_ARGS ; ---All arguments of all scheduler programs visible to the user 1332 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_JOB_ARGS ; ---All arguments with set values of all scheduler jobs in the database 1333 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_JOB_LOG ; ---Logged information for all scheduler jobs 1334 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_JOB_RUN_DETAILS ; ---The details of a job run 1335 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_WINDOW_LOG ; ---Logged information for all scheduler windows 1336 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_WINDOW_DETAILS ; ---The details of a window 1337 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_WINDOW_GROUPS ; ---All scheduler window groups in the database 1338 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_WINGROUP_MEMBERS ; ---Members of all scheduler window groups in the database 1339 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_GROUP_MEMBERS ; ---Members of all scheduler object groups visible to current user 1340 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_GROUPS ; ---All scheduler object groups visible to current user 1341 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_SCHEDULES ; ---All schedules in the database 1342 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_REMOTE_JOBSTATE ; ---Remote state of all jobs originating from this database visible to current user 1343 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE ; ---All scheduler global attributes 1344 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_CHAINS ; ---All scheduler chains in the database visible to current user 1345 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_CHAIN_RULES ; ---All rules from scheduler chains visible to the current user 1346 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_CHAIN_STEPS ; ---All steps of scheduler chains visible to the current user 1347 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_RUNNING_CHAINS ; ---All job steps of running job chains visible to the user 1348 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_CREDENTIALS ; ---All scheduler credentials visible to the user 1349 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_FILE_WATCHERS ; ---Scheduler file watch requests visible to the current user 1350 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_NOTIFICATIONS ; ---All job e-mail notifications visible to the current user 1351 select * from ALL_CAPTURE ; ---Details about each capture process that stores the captured changes in a queue visible to the current user 1352 select * from ALL_CAPTURE_PARAMETERS ; ---Details about parameters for each capture process that stores the captured changes in a queue visible to the current user 1353 select * from ALL_CAPTURE_PREPARED_DATABASE ; ---Is the local database prepared for instantiation? 1354 select * from ALL_CAPTURE_PREPARED_SCHEMAS ; ---All user schemas at the local database that are prepared for instantiation 1355 select * from ALL_CAPTURE_PREPARED_TABLES ; ---All tables visible to the current user that are prepared for instantiation 1356 select * from ALL_SYNC_CAPTURE_PREPARED_TABS ; ---All tables prepared for synchronous capture instantiation 1357 select * from ALL_CAPTURE_EXTRA_ATTRIBUTES ; ---Extra attributes for a capture process that is visible to the current user 1358 select * from ALL_SYNC_CAPTURE ; ---Details about each sync capture process that stores the captured changes in a queue visible to the current user 1359 select * from ALL_APPLY ; ---Details about each apply process that dequeues from the queue visible to the current user 1360 select * from ALL_APPLY_PARAMETERS ; ---Details about parameters of each apply process that dequeues from the queue visible to the current user 1361 select * from ALL_APPLY_INSTANTIATED_OBJECTS ; ---Details about objects instantiated for the user 1362 select * from ALL_APPLY_INSTANTIATED_SCHEMAS ; ---Details about schemas instantiated for the user 1363 select * from ALL_APPLY_INSTANTIATED_GLOBAL ; ---Details about database instantiated for the user 1364 select * from ALL_APPLY_KEY_COLUMNS ; ---Alternative key columns for a STREAMS table visible to the current user 1365 select * from ALL_APPLY_CONFLICT_COLUMNS ; ---Details about conflict resolution on tables visible to the current user 1366 select * from ALL_APPLY_TABLE_COLUMNS ; ---Details about the columns of destination table object visible to the user 1367 select * from ALL_APPLY_DML_HANDLERS ; ---Details about the dml handler on tables visible to the current user 1368 select * from ALL_APPLY_PROGRESS ; ---Information about the progress made by the apply process that dequeues from the queue visible to the current user 1369 select * from ALL_APPLY_ERROR ; ---Error transactions that were generated after dequeuing from the queue visible to the current user 1370 select * from ALL_APPLY_ERROR_MESSAGES ; ---Details about individual messages in an error transaction 1371 select * from ALL_APPLY_ENQUEUE ; ---Details about the apply enqueue action for user accessible rules where the destination queue exists and is visible to the user 1372 select * from ALL_APPLY_EXECUTE ; ---Details about the apply execute action for all rules visible to the user 1373 select * from ALL_APPLY_SPILL_TXN ; ---Streams apply spilled transactions info to the user 1374 select * from ALL_XSTREAM_OUTBOUND ; ---Details about the XStream outbound server visible to user 1375 select * from ALL_XSTREAM_INBOUND ; ---Details about the XStream inbound server visible to user 1376 select * from ALL_APPLY_CHANGE_HANDLERS ; ---Details about apply change handler 1377 select * from ALL_APPLY_DML_CONF_HANDLERS ; ---Details about dml conflict handlers on objects visible to the current user 1378 select * from ALL_APPLY_DML_CONF_COLUMNS ; ---Details about dml conflict handler column groups on objects visible to the current user 1379 select * from ALL_APPLY_HANDLE_COLLISIONS ; ---Details about apply collision handlers on objects visible to the user 1380 select * from ALL_APPLY_REPERROR_HANDLERS ; ---Details about apply reperror handlers on objects visible to the user 1381 select * from ALL_PROPAGATION ; ---Streams propagation seen by the user 1382 select * from ALL_FILE_GROUPS ; ---Details about file groups 1383 select * from ALL_FILE_GROUP_VERSIONS ; ---Details about file group versions 1384 select * from ALL_FILE_GROUP_EXPORT_INFO ; ---Details about export information of file group versions 1385 select * from ALL_FILE_GROUP_FILES ; ---Details about file group files 1386 select * from ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLESPACES ; ---Details about the transportable tablespaces in the file group repository 1387 select * from ALL_FILE_GROUP_TABLES ; ---Details about the tables in the file group repository 1388 select * from ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_CONSUMERS ; ---Streams messaging consumers visible to the current user 1389 select * from ALL_STREAMS_GLOBAL_RULES ; ---Global rules created on the streams capture/apply/propagation process that interact with the queue visible to the current user 1390 select * from ALL_STREAMS_SCHEMA_RULES ; ---Rules created by streams administrative APIs on all user schemas 1391 select * from ALL_STREAMS_TABLE_RULES ; ---Rules created by streams administrative APIs on tables visible to the current user 1392 select * from ALL_STREAMS_MESSAGE_RULES ; ---Rules for Streams messaging visible to the current user 1393 select * from ALL_STREAMS_RULES ; ---Rules used by streams processes 1394 select * from ALL_SYNC_CAPTURE_TABLES ; ---All tables that are captured by synchronous streams captures. 1395 select * from ALL_XSTREAM_RULES ; ---Details about the XStream server rules visible to user 1396 select * from ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORM_FUNCTION ; ---Rules-based transform functions used by Streams 1397 select * from ALL_XSTREAM_ADMINISTRATOR ; ---Users granted the privileges to be a XStream administrator for the user 1398 select * from ALL_STREAMS_TRANSFORMATIONS ; ---Transformations defined on rules for the user 1399 select * from ALL_STREAMS_KEEP_COLUMNS ; ---Keep columns transformations for the user 1400 select * from ALL_GOLDENGATE_PRIVILEGES ; ---Details about goldengate privileges for the user 1401 select * from ALL_COMPARISON_SCAN_SUMMARY ; ---Details about a comparison scan for the user 1402 select * from ALL_STREAMS_COLUMNS ; ---Streams unsupported columns 1403 select * from ALL_STREAMS_UNSUPPORTED ; ---List of all the tables that are not supported by Streams in this release 1404 select * from ALL_STREAMS_NEWLY_SUPPORTED ; ---List of objects that are newly supported by Streams 1405 select * from ALL_XSTREAM_OUT_SUPPORT_MODE ; ---List of support mode for objects by XStream Out 1406 select * from ALL_JAVA_CLASSES ; ---class level information of stored java class accessible to the user 1407 select * from ALL_JAVA_LAYOUTS ; ---class layout information about stored java class accessible to the user 1408 select * from ALL_JAVA_IMPLEMENTS ; ---interfaces implemented by the stored java class accessible to the user 1409 select * from ALL_JAVA_INNERS ; ---list of inner classes refered by the stored java class accessible to user 1410 select * from ALL_JAVA_FIELDS ; ---field information of stored java class accessible to user 1411 select * from ALL_JAVA_METHODS ; ---method information of stored java class accessible to user 1412 select * from ALL_JAVA_ARGUMENTS ; ---argument information of stored java class accessible to the user 1413 select * from ALL_JAVA_THROWS ; ---list of exceptions thrown from a method of a class accessible to user 1414 select * from ALL_JAVA_DERIVATIONS ; ---this view maps java source objects and their derived java class objects and java resource objects for the java class accessible to user 1415 select * from ALL_JAVA_RESOLVERS ; ---resolver of java class owned by user 1416 select * from ALL_JAVA_NCOMPS ; ---ncomp related information of all java classes 1417 select * from ALL_JAVA_COMPILER_OPTIONS ; ---native-compiler options applicable to user 1418 select * from ALL_XML_TABLES ; ---Description of the all XMLType tables that the user has privileges on 1419 select * from ALL_XML_TAB_COLS ; ---Description of the all XMLType tables that the user has privileges on 1420 select * from ALL_XML_VIEWS ; ---Description of the all XMLType views that the user has privileges on 1421 select * from ALL_XML_VIEW_COLS ; ---Description of the all XMLType views that the user has privileges on 1422 select * from ALL_XML_SCHEMAS ; ---Description of all XML Schemas that user has privilege to reference 1423 select * from ALL_XML_SCHEMAS2 ; ---Dummy version of ALL_XML_SCHEMAS that does not have an XMLTYPE column 1424 select * from ALL_XML_INDEXES ; ---Description of the all XMLType indexes that the user has privileges on 1425 select * from ALL_XDS_OBJECTS ; ---All XDS enabled objects accessible to the user 1426 select * from ALL_XDS_INSTANCE_SETS ; ---All instance sets for objects accessible to the user in the database 1427 select * from ALL_XDS_ATTRIBUTE_SECS ; ---All objects with XDS column security and accessible to the user 1428 select * from ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS ; ---All security class definitions in the database 1429 select * from ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_STATUS ; ---Security class "enable" and "mutable" status 1430 select * from ALL_XSC_SECURITY_CLASS_DEP ; ---All security class dependencies in the database 1431 select * from ALL_XSC_PRIVILEGE ; ---All mappings of privileges to security classes in the database 1432 select * from ALL_XSC_AGGREGATE_PRIVILEGE ; ---All privileges that make up an aggregate privilege in the database 1433 select * from ALL_AW_PROP ; ---Object properties in Analytic Workspaces accessible to the user 1434 select * from ALL_AW_OBJ ; ---Objects in Analytic Workspaces accessible to the user 1435 select * from ALL_AW_PROP_NAME ; ---Analytic Workspace property names accessible to the user 1436 select * from ALL_AW_AC ; ---Active Catalog Analytic Workspaces accessible to the user 1437 select * from ALL_PART_LOBS ; --- 1438 select * from ALL_IND_PARTITIONS ; --- 1439 select * from ALL_QUEUE_SCHEDULES ; --- 1440 select * from ALL_PROBE_OBJECTS ; --- 1441 select * from ALL_PART_KEY_COLUMNS ; --- 1442 select * from ALL_SUBPARTITION_TEMPLATES ; --- 1443 select * from ALL_REPCAT ; --- 1444 select * from ALL_PART_INDEXES ; --- 1445 select * from ALL_SUBPART_KEY_COLUMNS ; --- 1446 select * from ALL_QUEUE_PUBLISHERS ; --- 1447 select * from ALL_AW_AC_10G ; --- 1448 select * from ALL_SUBPART_HISTOGRAMS ; --- 1449 select * from ALL_LOB_PARTITIONS ; --- 1450 select * from ALL_SUBPART_COL_STATISTICS ; --- 1451 select * from ALL_SQLSET_PLANS ; --- 1452 select * from ALL_SQLSET_REFERENCES ; --- 1453 select * from ALL_PART_HISTOGRAMS ; --- 1454 select * from ALL_LOB_TEMPLATES ; --- 1455 select * from ALL_TAB_SUBPARTITIONS ; --- 1456 select * from ALL_TRANSFORMATIONS ; --- 1457 select * from ALL_SCHEDULER_REMOTE_DATABASES ; --- 1458 select * from ALL$OLAP2_AWS ; --- 1459 select * from ALL_SQLSET_BINDS ; --- 1460 select * from ALL_TAB_PARTITIONS ; --- 1461 select * from ALL_PART_TABLES ; --- 1462 select * from ALL_PART_COL_STATISTICS ; --- 1463 select * from ALL_SQLSET_STATEMENTS ; --- 1464 select * from ALL_REGISTRY_BANNERS ; --- 1465 select * from ALL_LOB_SUBPARTITIONS ; --- 1466 select * from ALL_IND_SUBPARTITIONS ; --- 1467 select * from ALL_SQLSET ; --- 1468 select * from ALL_SERVICES ; --- 1469 select * from ALL_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSFORMATIONS ; --- 1470 select * from AUDIT_ACTIONS ; ---Description table for audit trail action type codes. Maps action type numbers to action type names 1471 "select * from COLUMN_PRIVILEGES ; ---Grants on columns for which the user is the grantor, grantee, owner, or 1472 an enabled role or PUBLIC is the grantee" 1473 select * from DATABASE_COMPATIBLE_LEVEL ; ---Database compatible parameter set via init.ora 1474 select * from DBMS_ALERT_INFO ; --- 1475 select * from DBMS_LOCK_ALLOCATED ; --- 1476 select * from DICTIONARY ; ---Description of data dictionary tables and views 1477 select * from DICT_COLUMNS ; ---Description of columns in data dictionary tables and views 1478 select * from DUAL ; --- 1479 select * from GLOBAL_NAME ; ---global database name 1480 select * from INDEX_HISTOGRAM ; ---statistics on keys with repeat count 1481 select * from INDEX_STATS ; ---statistics on the b-tree 1482 select * from NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS ; ---Permanent NLS parameters of the database 1483 select * from NLS_INSTANCE_PARAMETERS ; ---NLS parameters of the instance 1484 select * from NLS_SESSION_PARAMETERS ; ---NLS parameters of the user session 1485 select * from RESOURCE_COST ; ---Cost for each resource 1486 select * from ROLE_ROLE_PRIVS ; ---Roles which are granted to roles 1487 select * from ROLE_SYS_PRIVS ; ---System privileges granted to roles 1488 select * from ROLE_TAB_PRIVS ; ---Table privileges granted to roles 1489 select * from SESSION_PRIVS ; ---Privileges which the user currently has set 1490 select * from SESSION_ROLES ; ---Roles which the user currently has enabled. 1491 "select * from TABLE_PRIVILEGES ; ---Grants on objects for which the user is the grantor, grantee, owner, 1492 or an enabled role or PUBLIC is the grantee" 1493 select * from V$ACCESS ; ---Synonym for V_$ACCESS 1494 select * from V$ACTIVE_INSTANCES ; ---Synonym for V_$ACTIVE_INSTANCES 1495 select * from V$ACTIVE_SERVICES ; ---Synonym for V_$ACTIVE_SERVICES 1496 select * from V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY 1497 select * from V$ACTIVE_SESS_POOL_MTH ; ---Synonym for V_$ACTIVE_SESS_POOL_MTH 1498 select * from V$ADVISOR_CURRENT_SQLPLAN ; ---Synonym for V_$ADVISOR_CURRENT_SQLPLAN 1499 select * from V$ADVISOR_PROGRESS ; ---Synonym for V_$ADVISOR_PROGRESS 1500 select * from V$ALERT_TYPES ; ---Synonym for V_$ALERT_TYPES 1501 select * from V$AQ ; ---Synonym for V_$AQ 1502 select * from V$AQ1 ; ---Synonym for V_$AQ1 1503 select * from V$ARCHIVE ; ---Synonym for V_$ARCHIVE 1504 select * from V$ARCHIVED_LOG ; ---Synonym for V_$ARCHIVED_LOG 1505 select * from V$ARCHIVE_DEST ; ---Synonym for V_$ARCHIVE_DEST 1506 select * from V$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS ; ---Synonym for V_$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS 1507 select * from V$ARCHIVE_GAP ; ---Synonym for V_$ARCHIVE_GAP 1508 select * from V$ARCHIVE_PROCESSES ; ---Synonym for V_$ARCHIVE_PROCESSES 1509 select * from V$ASH_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$ASH_INFO 1510 select * from V$ASM_ACFSSNAPSHOTS ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_ACFSSNAPSHOTS 1511 select * from V$ASM_ACFSVOLUMES ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_ACFSVOLUMES 1512 select * from V$ASM_ACFS_ENCRYPTION_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_ACFS_ENCRYPTION_INFO 1513 select * from V$ASM_ACFS_SECURITY_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_ACFS_SECURITY_INFO 1514 select * from V$ASM_ALIAS ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_ALIAS 1515 select * from V$ASM_ATTRIBUTE ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_ATTRIBUTE 1516 select * from V$ASM_CLIENT ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_CLIENT 1517 select * from V$ASM_DISK ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_DISK 1518 select * from V$ASM_DISKGROUP ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_DISKGROUP 1519 select * from V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT 1520 select * from V$ASM_DISK_IOSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_DISK_IOSTAT 1521 select * from V$ASM_DISK_STAT ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_DISK_STAT 1522 select * from V$ASM_FILE ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_FILE 1523 select * from V$ASM_FILESYSTEM ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_FILESYSTEM 1524 select * from V$ASM_OPERATION ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_OPERATION 1525 select * from V$ASM_TEMPLATE ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_TEMPLATE 1526 select * from V$ASM_USER ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_USER 1527 select * from V$ASM_USERGROUP ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_USERGROUP 1528 select * from V$ASM_USERGROUP_MEMBER ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_USERGROUP_MEMBER 1529 select * from V$ASM_VOLUME ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_VOLUME 1530 select * from V$ASM_VOLUME_STAT ; ---Synonym for V_$ASM_VOLUME_STAT 1531 select * from V$AW_AGGREGATE_OP ; ---Synonym for V_$AW_AGGREGATE_OP 1532 select * from V$AW_ALLOCATE_OP ; ---Synonym for V_$AW_ALLOCATE_OP 1533 select * from V$AW_CALC ; ---Synonym for V_$AW_CALC 1534 select * from V$AW_LONGOPS ; ---Synonym for V_$AW_LONGOPS 1535 select * from V$AW_OLAP ; ---Synonym for V_$AW_OLAP 1536 select * from V$AW_SESSION_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$AW_SESSION_INFO 1537 select * from V$BACKUP ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP 1538 select * from V$BACKUP_ARCHIVELOG_DETAILS ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_ARCHIVELOG_DETAILS 1539 select * from V$BACKUP_ARCHIVELOG_SUMMARY ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_ARCHIVELOG_SUMMARY 1540 select * from V$BACKUP_ASYNC_IO ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_ASYNC_IO 1541 select * from V$BACKUP_CONTROLFILE_DETAILS ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_CONTROLFILE_DETAILS 1542 select * from V$BACKUP_CONTROLFILE_SUMMARY ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_CONTROLFILE_SUMMARY 1543 select * from V$BACKUP_COPY_DETAILS ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_COPY_DETAILS 1544 select * from V$BACKUP_COPY_SUMMARY ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_COPY_SUMMARY 1545 select * from V$BACKUP_CORRUPTION ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_CORRUPTION 1546 select * from V$BACKUP_DATAFILE ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_DATAFILE 1547 select * from V$BACKUP_DATAFILE_DETAILS ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_DATAFILE_DETAILS 1548 select * from V$BACKUP_DATAFILE_SUMMARY ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_DATAFILE_SUMMARY 1549 select * from V$BACKUP_DEVICE ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_DEVICE 1550 select * from V$BACKUP_FILES ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_FILES 1551 select * from V$BACKUP_PIECE ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_PIECE 1552 select * from V$BACKUP_PIECE_DETAILS ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_PIECE_DETAILS 1553 select * from V$BACKUP_REDOLOG ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_REDOLOG 1554 select * from V$BACKUP_SET ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_SET 1555 select * from V$BACKUP_SET_DETAILS ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_SET_DETAILS 1556 select * from V$BACKUP_SET_SUMMARY ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_SET_SUMMARY 1557 select * from V$BACKUP_SPFILE ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_SPFILE 1558 select * from V$BACKUP_SPFILE_DETAILS ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_SPFILE_DETAILS 1559 select * from V$BACKUP_SPFILE_SUMMARY ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_SPFILE_SUMMARY 1560 select * from V$BACKUP_SYNC_IO ; ---Synonym for V_$BACKUP_SYNC_IO 1561 select * from V$BGPROCESS ; ---Synonym for V_$BGPROCESS 1562 select * from V$BH ; ---Synonym for V_$BH 1563 select * from V$BLOCKING_QUIESCE ; ---Synonym for V_$BLOCKING_QUIESCE 1564 select * from V$BLOCK_CHANGE_TRACKING ; ---Synonym for V_$BLOCK_CHANGE_TRACKING 1565 select * from V$BSP ; ---Synonym for V_$BSP 1566 select * from V$BUFFERED_PUBLISHERS ; ---Synonym for V_$BUFFERED_PUBLISHERS 1567 select * from V$BUFFERED_QUEUES ; ---Synonym for V_$BUFFERED_QUEUES 1568 select * from V$BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS ; ---Synonym for V_$BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS 1569 select * from V$BUFFER_POOL ; ---Synonym for V_$BUFFER_POOL 1570 select * from V$BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for V_$BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS 1571 select * from V$CALLTAG ; ---Synonym for V_$CALLTAG 1572 select * from V$CELL ; ---Synonym for V_$CELL 1573 select * from V$CELL_CONFIG ; ---Synonym for V_$CELL_CONFIG 1574 select * from V$CELL_REQUEST_TOTALS ; ---Synonym for V_$CELL_REQUEST_TOTALS 1575 select * from V$CELL_STATE ; ---Synonym for V_$CELL_STATE 1576 select * from V$CELL_THREAD_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$CELL_THREAD_HISTORY 1577 select * from V$CIRCUIT ; ---Synonym for V_$CIRCUIT 1578 select * from V$CLASS_CACHE_TRANSFER ; ---Synonym for V_$CLASS_CACHE_TRANSFER 1579 select * from V$CLASS_PING ; ---Synonym for V_$CLASS_PING 1580 select * from V$CLIENT_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$CLIENT_STATS 1581 select * from V$CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS ; ---Synonym for V_$CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS 1582 select * from V$CONFIGURED_INTERCONNECTS ; ---Synonym for V_$CONFIGURED_INTERCONNECTS 1583 select * from V$CONTEXT ; ---Synonym for V_$CONTEXT 1584 select * from V$CONTROLFILE ; ---Synonym for V_$CONTROLFILE 1585 select * from V$CONTROLFILE_RECORD_SECTION ; ---Synonym for V_$CONTROLFILE_RECORD_SECTION 1586 select * from V$COPY_CORRUPTION ; ---Synonym for V_$COPY_CORRUPTION 1587 select * from V$CORRUPT_XID_LIST ; ---Synonym for V_$CORRUPT_XID_LIST 1588 select * from V$CPOOL_CC_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$CPOOL_CC_INFO 1589 select * from V$CPOOL_CC_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$CPOOL_CC_STATS 1590 select * from V$CPOOL_CONN_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$CPOOL_CONN_INFO 1591 select * from V$CPOOL_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$CPOOL_STATS 1592 select * from V$CR_BLOCK_SERVER ; ---Synonym for V_$CR_BLOCK_SERVER 1593 select * from V$CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER ; ---Synonym for V_$CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER 1594 select * from V$SYSAUX_OCCUPANTS ; ---Synonym for V_$SYSAUX_OCCUPANTS 1595 select * from V$SYSMETRIC ; ---Synonym for V_$SYSMETRIC 1596 select * from V$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY 1597 select * from V$SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY ; ---Synonym for V_$SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY 1598 select * from V$SYSSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$SYSSTAT 1599 select * from V$SYSTEM_CURSOR_CACHE ; ---Synonym for V_$SYSTEM_CURSOR_CACHE 1600 select * from V$SYSTEM_EVENT ; ---Synonym for V_$SYSTEM_EVENT 1601 select * from V$SYSTEM_FIX_CONTROL ; ---Synonym for V_$SYSTEM_FIX_CONTROL 1602 select * from V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER ; ---Synonym for V_$SYSTEM_PARAMETER 1603 select * from V$SYSTEM_PARAMETER2 ; ---Synonym for V_$SYSTEM_PARAMETER2 1604 select * from V$SYSTEM_WAIT_CLASS ; ---Synonym for V_$SYSTEM_WAIT_CLASS 1605 select * from V$SYS_OPTIMIZER_ENV ; ---Synonym for V_$SYS_OPTIMIZER_ENV 1606 select * from V$SYS_TIME_MODEL ; ---Synonym for V_$SYS_TIME_MODEL 1607 select * from V$TABLESPACE ; ---Synonym for V_$TABLESPACE 1608 select * from V$TEMPFILE ; ---Synonym for V_$TEMPFILE 1609 select * from V$TEMPORARY_LOBS ; ---Synonym for V_$TEMPORARY_LOBS 1610 select * from V$TEMPSEG_USAGE ; ---Synonym for V_$SORT_USAGE 1611 select * from V$TEMPSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$TEMPSTAT 1612 select * from V$TEMP_CACHE_TRANSFER ; ---Synonym for V_$TEMP_CACHE_TRANSFER 1613 select * from V$TEMP_EXTENT_MAP ; ---Synonym for V_$TEMP_EXTENT_MAP 1614 select * from V$TEMP_EXTENT_POOL ; ---Synonym for V_$TEMP_EXTENT_POOL 1615 select * from V$TEMP_PING ; ---Synonym for V_$TEMP_PING 1616 select * from V$TEMP_SPACE_HEADER ; ---Synonym for V_$TEMP_SPACE_HEADER 1617 select * from V$THREAD ; ---Synonym for V_$THREAD 1618 select * from V$THRESHOLD_TYPES ; ---Synonym for V_$THRESHOLD_TYPES 1619 select * from V$TIMER ; ---Synonym for V_$TIMER 1620 select * from V$TIMEZONE_FILE ; ---Synonym for V_$TIMEZONE_FILE 1621 select * from V$TIMEZONE_NAMES ; ---Synonym for V_$TIMEZONE_NAMES 1622 select * from V$TOPLEVELCALL ; ---Synonym for V_$TOPLEVELCALL 1623 select * from V$TRANSACTION ; ---Synonym for V_$TRANSACTION 1624 select * from V$TRANSACTION_ENQUEUE ; ---Synonym for V_$TRANSACTION_ENQUEUE 1625 select * from V$TRANSPORTABLE_PLATFORM ; ---Synonym for V_$TRANSPORTABLE_PLATFORM 1626 select * from V$TSM_SESSIONS ; ---Synonym for V_$TSM_SESSIONS 1627 select * from V$TYPE_SIZE ; ---Synonym for V_$TYPE_SIZE 1628 select * from V$UNDOSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$UNDOSTAT 1629 select * from V$UNUSABLE_BACKUPFILE_DETAILS ; ---Synonym for V_$UNUSABLE_BACKUPFILE_DETAILS 1630 select * from V$VERSION ; ---Synonym for V_$VERSION 1631 select * from V$VPD_POLICY ; ---Synonym for V_$VPD_POLICY 1632 select * from V$WAITCLASSMETRIC ; ---Synonym for V_$WAITCLASSMETRIC 1633 select * from V$WAITCLASSMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$WAITCLASSMETRIC_HISTORY 1634 select * from V$WAITSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$WAITSTAT 1635 select * from V$WAIT_CHAINS ; ---Synonym for V_$WAIT_CHAINS 1636 select * from V$WALLET ; ---Synonym for V_$WALLET 1637 select * from V$WLM_PCMETRIC ; ---Synonym for V_$WLM_PCMETRIC 1638 select * from V$WLM_PCMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$WLM_PCMETRIC_HISTORY 1639 select * from V$WLM_PC_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$WLM_PC_STATS 1640 select * from V$WORKLOAD_REPLAY_THREAD ; ---Synonym for V_$WORKLOAD_REPLAY_THREAD 1641 select * from V$XML_AUDIT_TRAIL ; ---Synonym for V_$XML_AUDIT_TRAIL 1642 select * from V$XSTREAM_CAPTURE ; ---Synonym for V_$XSTREAM_CAPTURE 1643 select * from V$XSTREAM_MESSAGE_TRACKING ; ---Synonym for V_$XSTREAM_MESSAGE_TRACKING 1644 select * from V$XSTREAM_OUTBOUND_SERVER ; ---Synonym for V_$XSTREAM_OUTBOUND_SERVER 1645 select * from V$XSTREAM_TABLE_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$XSTREAM_TABLE_STATS 1646 select * from V$XSTREAM_TRANSACTION ; ---Synonym for V_$XSTREAM_TRANSACTION 1647 select * from V$_LOCK ; ---Synonym for V_$_LOCK 1648 select * from V$LOADISTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$LOADISTAT 1649 select * from V$LOADPSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$LOADPSTAT 1650 select * from V$LOBSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$LOBSTAT 1651 select * from V$LOCK ; ---Synonym for V_$LOCK 1652 select * from V$LOCKED_OBJECT ; ---Synonym for V_$LOCKED_OBJECT 1653 select * from V$LOCKS_WITH_COLLISIONS ; ---Synonym for V_$LOCKS_WITH_COLLISIONS 1654 select * from V$LOCK_ACTIVITY ; ---Synonym for V_$LOCK_ACTIVITY 1655 select * from V$LOCK_ELEMENT ; ---Synonym for V_$LOCK_ELEMENT 1656 select * from V$LOCK_TYPE ; ---Synonym for V_$LOCK_TYPE 1657 select * from V$LOG ; ---Synonym for V_$LOG 1658 select * from V$LOGFILE ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGFILE 1659 select * from V$LOGHIST ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGHIST 1660 select * from V$LOGMNR_CALLBACK ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGMNR_CALLBACK 1661 select * from V$LOGMNR_CONTENTS ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGMNR_CONTENTS 1662 select * from V$LOGMNR_DICTIONARY ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGMNR_DICTIONARY 1663 select * from V$LOGMNR_DICTIONARY_LOAD ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGMNR_DICTIONARY_LOAD 1664 select * from V$LOGMNR_LATCH ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGMNR_LATCH 1665 select * from V$LOGMNR_LOGFILE ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGMNR_LOGFILE 1666 select * from V$LOGMNR_LOGS ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGMNR_LOGS 1667 select * from V$LOGMNR_PARAMETERS ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGMNR_PARAMETERS 1668 select * from V$LOGMNR_PROCESS ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGMNR_PROCESS 1669 select * from V$LOGMNR_REGION ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGMNR_REGION 1670 select * from V$LOGMNR_SESSION ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGMNR_SESSION 1671 select * from V$LOGMNR_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGMNR_STATS 1672 select * from V$LOGMNR_TRANSACTION ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGMNR_TRANSACTION 1673 select * from V$LOGSTDBY ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGSTDBY 1674 select * from V$LOGSTDBY_PROCESS ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGSTDBY_PROCESS 1675 select * from V$LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS 1676 select * from V$LOGSTDBY_STATE ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGSTDBY_STATE 1677 select * from V$LOGSTDBY_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGSTDBY_STATS 1678 select * from V$LOGSTDBY_TRANSACTION ; ---Synonym for V_$LOGSTDBY_TRANSACTION 1679 select * from V$LOG_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$LOG_HISTORY 1680 select * from V$MANAGED_STANDBY ; ---Synonym for V_$MANAGED_STANDBY 1681 select * from V$MAP_COMP_LIST ; ---Synonym for V_$MAP_COMP_LIST 1682 select * from V$MAP_ELEMENT ; ---Synonym for V_$MAP_ELEMENT 1683 select * from V$MAP_EXT_ELEMENT ; ---Synonym for V_$MAP_EXT_ELEMENT 1684 select * from V$MAP_FILE ; ---Synonym for V_$MAP_FILE 1685 select * from V$MAP_FILE_EXTENT ; ---Synonym for V_$MAP_FILE_EXTENT 1686 select * from V$MAP_FILE_IO_STACK ; ---Synonym for V_$MAP_FILE_IO_STACK 1687 select * from V$MAP_LIBRARY ; ---Synonym for V_$MAP_LIBRARY 1688 select * from V$MAP_SUBELEMENT ; ---Synonym for V_$MAP_SUBELEMENT 1689 select * from V$MAX_ACTIVE_SESS_TARGET_MTH ; ---Synonym for V_$MAX_ACTIVE_SESS_TARGET_MTH 1690 select * from V$MEMORY_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS ; ---Synonym for V_$MEMORY_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS 1691 select * from V$MEMORY_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS ; ---Synonym for V_$MEMORY_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS 1692 select * from V$MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS ; ---Synonym for V_$MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS 1693 select * from V$MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for V_$MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE 1694 select * from V$METRIC ; ---Synonym for V_$METRIC 1695 select * from V$METRICGROUP ; ---Synonym for V_$METRICGROUP 1696 select * from V$METRICNAME ; ---Synonym for V_$METRICNAME 1697 select * from V$METRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$METRIC_HISTORY 1698 select * from V$MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for V_$MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE 1699 select * from V$MUTEX_SLEEP ; ---Synonym for V_$MUTEX_SLEEP 1700 select * from V$MUTEX_SLEEP_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$MUTEX_SLEEP_HISTORY 1701 select * from V$MVREFRESH ; ---Synonym for V_$MVREFRESH 1702 select * from V$MYSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$MYSTAT 1703 select * from V$NFS_CLIENTS ; ---Synonym for V_$NFS_CLIENTS 1704 select * from V$NFS_LOCKS ; ---Synonym for V_$NFS_LOCKS 1705 select * from V$NFS_OPEN_FILES ; ---Synonym for V_$NFS_OPEN_FILES 1706 select * from V$NLS_PARAMETERS ; ---Synonym for V_$NLS_PARAMETERS 1707 select * from V$NLS_VALID_VALUES ; ---Synonym for V_$NLS_VALID_VALUES 1708 select * from V$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY ; ---Synonym for V_$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY 1709 select * from V$OBJECT_DML_FREQUENCIES ; ---Synonym for V_$OBJECT_DML_FREQUENCIES 1710 select * from V$OBJECT_PRIVILEGE ; ---Synonym for V_$OBJECT_PRIVILEGE 1711 select * from V$OBSOLETE_PARAMETER ; ---Synonym for V_$OBSOLETE_PARAMETER 1712 select * from V$OFFLINE_RANGE ; ---Synonym for V_$OFFLINE_RANGE 1713 select * from V$OPEN_CURSOR ; ---Synonym for V_$OPEN_CURSOR 1714 select * from V$OPTION ; ---Synonym for V_$OPTION 1715 select * from V$OSSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$OSSTAT 1716 select * from V$PARALLEL_DEGREE_LIMIT_MTH ; ---Synonym for V_$PARALLEL_DEGREE_LIMIT_MTH 1717 select * from V$PARAMETER ; ---Synonym for V_$PARAMETER 1718 select * from V$PARAMETER2 ; ---Synonym for V_$PARAMETER2 1719 select * from V$PARAMETER_VALID_VALUES ; ---Synonym for V_$PARAMETER_VALID_VALUES 1720 select * from V$PERSISTENT_PUBLISHERS ; ---Synonym for V_$PERSISTENT_PUBLISHERS 1721 select * from V$PERSISTENT_QMN_CACHE ; ---Synonym for V_$PERSISTENT_QMN_CACHE 1722 select * from V$PERSISTENT_QUEUES ; ---Synonym for V_$PERSISTENT_QUEUES 1723 select * from V$PERSISTENT_SUBSCRIBERS ; ---Synonym for V_$PERSISTENT_SUBSCRIBERS 1724 select * from V$PGASTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$PGASTAT 1725 select * from V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for V_$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE 1726 select * from V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for V_$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE_HISTOGRAM 1727 select * from V$POLICY_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$POLICY_HISTORY 1728 select * from V$PQ_SESSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$PQ_SESSTAT 1729 select * from V$PQ_SLAVE ; ---Synonym for V_$PQ_SLAVE 1730 select * from V$PQ_SYSSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$PQ_SYSSTAT 1731 select * from V$PQ_TQSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$PQ_TQSTAT 1732 select * from V$PROCESS ; ---Synonym for V_$PROCESS 1733 select * from V$PROCESS_GROUP ; ---Synonym for V_$PROCESS_GROUP 1734 select * from V$PROCESS_MEMORY ; ---Synonym for V_$PROCESS_MEMORY 1735 select * from V$PROCESS_MEMORY_DETAIL ; ---Synonym for V_$PROCESS_MEMORY_DETAIL 1736 select * from V$PROCESS_MEMORY_DETAIL_PROG ; ---Synonym for V_$PROCESS_MEMORY_DETAIL_PROG 1737 select * from V$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER ; ---Synonym for V_$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER 1738 select * from V$PROPAGATION_SENDER ; ---Synonym for V_$PROPAGATION_SENDER 1739 select * from V$PROXY_ARCHIVEDLOG ; ---Synonym for V_$PROXY_ARCHIVEDLOG 1740 select * from V$PROXY_ARCHIVELOG_DETAILS ; ---Synonym for V_$PROXY_ARCHIVELOG_DETAILS 1741 select * from V$PROXY_ARCHIVELOG_SUMMARY ; ---Synonym for V_$PROXY_ARCHIVELOG_SUMMARY 1742 select * from V$PROXY_COPY_DETAILS ; ---Synonym for V_$PROXY_COPY_DETAILS 1743 select * from V$PROXY_COPY_SUMMARY ; ---Synonym for V_$PROXY_COPY_SUMMARY 1744 select * from V$PROXY_DATAFILE ; ---Synonym for V_$PROXY_DATAFILE 1745 select * from V$PWFILE_USERS ; ---Synonym for V_$PWFILE_USERS 1746 select * from V$PX_BUFFER_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for V_$PX_BUFFER_ADVICE 1747 select * from V$PX_INSTANCE_GROUP ; ---Synonym for V_$PX_INSTANCE_GROUP 1748 select * from V$PX_PROCESS ; ---Synonym for V_$PX_PROCESS 1749 select * from V$PX_PROCESS_SYSSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$PX_PROCESS_SYSSTAT 1750 select * from V$PX_SESSION ; ---Synonym for V_$PX_SESSION 1751 select * from V$PX_SESSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$PX_SESSTAT 1752 select * from V$QMON_COORDINATOR_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$QMON_COORDINATOR_STATS 1753 select * from V$QMON_SERVER_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$QMON_SERVER_STATS 1754 select * from V$QMON_TASKS ; ---Synonym for V_$QMON_TASKS 1755 select * from V$QMON_TASK_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$QMON_TASK_STATS 1756 select * from V$QUEUE ; ---Synonym for V_$QUEUE 1757 select * from V$QUEUEING_MTH ; ---Synonym for V_$QUEUEING_MTH 1758 select * from V$RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE ; ---Synonym for V_$RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE 1759 select * from V$RECOVERY_FILE_DEST ; ---Synonym for V_$RECOVERY_FILE_DEST 1760 select * from V$RECOVERY_FILE_STATUS ; ---Synonym for V_$RECOVERY_FILE_STATUS 1761 select * from V$RECOVERY_LOG ; ---Synonym for V_$RECOVERY_LOG 1762 select * from V$RECOVERY_PROGRESS ; ---Synonym for V_$RECOVERY_PROGRESS 1763 select * from V$RECOVERY_STATUS ; ---Synonym for V_$RECOVERY_STATUS 1764 select * from V$RECOVER_FILE ; ---Synonym for V_$RECOVER_FILE 1765 select * from V$REDO_DEST_RESP_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for V_$REDO_DEST_RESP_HISTOGRAM 1766 select * from V$REPLPROP ; ---Synonym for V_$REPLPROP 1767 select * from V$REPLQUEUE ; ---Synonym for V_$REPLQUEUE 1768 select * from V$REQDIST ; ---Synonym for V_$REQDIST 1769 select * from V$RESERVED_WORDS ; ---Synonym for V_$RESERVED_WORDS 1770 select * from V$RESOURCE ; ---Synonym for V_$RESOURCE 1771 select * from V$RESOURCE_LIMIT ; ---Synonym for V_$RESOURCE_LIMIT 1772 select * from V$RESTORE_POINT ; ---Synonym for V_$RESTORE_POINT 1773 select * from V$RESULT_CACHE_DEPENDENCY ; ---Synonym for V_$RESULT_CACHE_DEPENDENCY 1774 select * from V$RESULT_CACHE_MEMORY ; ---Synonym for V_$RESULT_CACHE_MEMORY 1775 select * from V$RESULT_CACHE_OBJECTS ; ---Synonym for V_$RESULT_CACHE_OBJECTS 1776 select * from V$RESULT_CACHE_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for V_$RESULT_CACHE_STATISTICS 1777 select * from V$RESUMABLE ; ---Synonym for V_$RESUMABLE 1778 select * from V$RFS_THREAD ; ---Synonym for V_$RFS_THREAD 1779 select * from GV$DATABASE ; ---Synonym for GV_$DATABASE 1780 select * from GV$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION ; ---Synonym for GV_$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION 1781 select * from GV$DATABASE_INCARNATION ; ---Synonym for GV_$DATABASE_INCARNATION 1782 select * from GV$DATABASE_KEY_INFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$DATABASE_KEY_INFO 1783 select * from GV$DATAFILE ; ---Synonym for GV_$DATAFILE 1784 select * from GV$DATAFILE_COPY ; ---Synonym for GV_$DATAFILE_COPY 1785 select * from GV$DATAFILE_HEADER ; ---Synonym for GV_$DATAFILE_HEADER 1786 select * from GV$DATAGUARD_CONFIG ; ---Synonym for GV_$DATAGUARD_CONFIG 1787 select * from GV$DATAGUARD_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$DATAGUARD_STATS 1788 select * from GV$DATAGUARD_STATUS ; ---Synonym for GV_$DATAGUARD_STATUS 1789 select * from GV$DATAPUMP_JOB ; ---Synonym for GV_$DATAPUMP_JOB 1790 select * from GV$DATAPUMP_SESSION ; ---Synonym for GV_$DATAPUMP_SESSION 1791 select * from GV$DBFILE ; ---Synonym for GV_$DBFILE 1792 select * from GV$DBLINK ; ---Synonym for GV_$DBLINK 1793 select * from GV$DB_CACHE_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for GV_$DB_CACHE_ADVICE 1794 select * from GV$DB_OBJECT_CACHE ; ---Synonym for GV_$DB_OBJECT_CACHE 1795 select * from GV$DB_PIPES ; ---Synonym for GV_$DB_PIPES 1796 select * from GV$DB_TRANSPORTABLE_PLATFORM ; ---Synonym for GV_$DB_TRANSPORTABLE_PLATFORM 1797 select * from GV$DELETED_OBJECT ; ---Synonym for GV_$DELETED_OBJECT 1798 select * from GV$DETACHED_SESSION ; ---Synonym for GV_$DETACHED_SESSION 1799 select * from GV$DIAG_INFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$DIAG_INFO 1800 select * from GV$DISPATCHER ; ---Synonym for GV_$DISPATCHER 1801 select * from GV$DISPATCHER_CONFIG ; ---Synonym for GV_$DISPATCHER_CONFIG 1802 select * from GV$DISPATCHER_RATE ; ---Synonym for GV_$DISPATCHER_RATE 1803 select * from GV$DLM_ALL_LOCKS ; ---Synonym for GV_$DLM_ALL_LOCKS 1804 select * from GV$DLM_CONVERT_LOCAL ; ---Synonym for GV_$DLM_CONVERT_LOCAL 1805 select * from GV$DLM_CONVERT_REMOTE ; ---Synonym for GV_$DLM_CONVERT_REMOTE 1806 select * from GV$DLM_LATCH ; ---Synonym for GV_$DLM_LATCH 1807 select * from GV$DLM_LOCKS ; ---Synonym for GV_$DLM_LOCKS 1808 select * from GV$DLM_MISC ; ---Synonym for GV_$DLM_MISC 1809 select * from GV$DLM_RESS ; ---Synonym for GV_$DLM_RESS 1810 select * from GV$DLM_TRAFFIC_CONTROLLER ; ---Synonym for GV_$DLM_TRAFFIC_CONTROLLER 1811 select * from GV$DNFS_CHANNELS ; ---Synonym for GV_$DNFS_CHANNELS 1812 select * from GV$DNFS_FILES ; ---Synonym for GV_$DNFS_FILES 1813 select * from GV$DNFS_SERVERS ; ---Synonym for GV_$DNFS_SERVERS 1814 select * from GV$DNFS_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$DNFS_STATS 1815 select * from GV$DYNAMIC_REMASTER_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$DYNAMIC_REMASTER_STATS 1816 select * from GV$EMON ; ---Synonym for GV_$EMON 1817 select * from GV$ENABLEDPRIVS ; ---Synonym for GV_$ENABLEDPRIVS 1818 select * from GV$ENCRYPTED_TABLESPACES ; ---Synonym for GV_$ENCRYPTED_TABLESPACES 1819 select * from GV$ENCRYPTION_WALLET ; ---Synonym for GV_$ENCRYPTION_WALLET 1820 select * from GV$ENQUEUE_LOCK ; ---Synonym for GV_$ENQUEUE_LOCK 1821 select * from GV$ENQUEUE_STAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$ENQUEUE_STAT 1822 select * from GV$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for GV_$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS 1823 select * from GV$EVENTMETRIC ; ---Synonym for GV_$EVENTMETRIC 1824 select * from GV$EVENT_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for GV_$EVENT_HISTOGRAM 1825 select * from GV$EVENT_NAME ; ---Synonym for GV_$EVENT_NAME 1826 select * from GV$EXECUTION ; ---Synonym for GV_$EXECUTION 1827 select * from GV$FAST_START_SERVERS ; ---Synonym for GV_$FAST_START_SERVERS 1828 select * from GV$FAST_START_TRANSACTIONS ; ---Synonym for GV_$FAST_START_TRANSACTIONS 1829 select * from GV$FILEMETRIC ; ---Synonym for GV_$FILEMETRIC 1830 select * from GV$FILEMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$FILEMETRIC_HISTORY 1831 select * from GV$FILESPACE_USAGE ; ---Synonym for GV_$FILESPACE_USAGE 1832 select * from GV$FILESTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$FILESTAT 1833 select * from GV$FILE_CACHE_TRANSFER ; ---Synonym for GV_$FILE_CACHE_TRANSFER 1834 select * from GV$FILE_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for GV_$FILE_HISTOGRAM 1835 select * from GV$FILE_OPTIMIZED_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for GV_$FILE_OPTIMIZED_HISTOGRAM 1836 select * from GV$FILE_PING ; ---Synonym for GV_$FILE_PING 1837 select * from GV$FIXED_TABLE ; ---Synonym for GV_$FIXED_TABLE 1838 select * from GV$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION ; ---Synonym for GV_$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION 1839 select * from GV$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG ; ---Synonym for GV_$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG 1840 select * from GV$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOGFILE ; ---Synonym for GV_$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOGFILE 1841 select * from GV$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_STAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_STAT 1842 select * from GV$FOREIGN_ARCHIVED_LOG ; ---Synonym for GV_$FOREIGN_ARCHIVED_LOG 1843 select * from GV$FS_FAILOVER_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for GV_$FS_FAILOVER_HISTOGRAM 1844 select * from GV$FS_FAILOVER_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$FS_FAILOVER_STATS 1845 select * from GV$GCSHVMASTER_INFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$GCSHVMASTER_INFO 1846 select * from GV$GCSPFMASTER_INFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$GCSPFMASTER_INFO 1847 select * from GV$GC_ELEMENT ; ---Synonym for GV_$GC_ELEMENT 1848 select * from GV$GC_ELEMENTS_WITH_COLLISIONS ; ---Synonym for GV_$GC_ELEMENTS_W_COLLISIONS 1849 select * from GV$GES_BLOCKING_ENQUEUE ; ---Synonym for GV_$GES_BLOCKING_ENQUEUE 1850 select * from GV$GES_ENQUEUE ; ---Synonym for GV_$GES_ENQUEUE 1851 select * from GV$GLOBALCONTEXT ; ---Synonym for GV_$GLOBALCONTEXT 1852 select * from GV$GLOBAL_BLOCKED_LOCKS ; ---Synonym for GV_$GLOBAL_BLOCKED_LOCKS 1853 select * from GV$GLOBAL_TRANSACTION ; ---Synonym for GV_$GLOBAL_TRANSACTION 1854 select * from GV$GOLDENGATE_CAPTURE ; ---Synonym for GV_$GOLDENGATE_CAPTURE 1855 select * from GV$GOLDENGATE_MESSAGE_TRACKING ; ---Synonym for GV_$GOLDENGATE_MESSAGETRACKING 1856 select * from GV$GOLDENGATE_TABLE_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$GOLDENGATE_TABLE_STATS 1857 select * from GV$GOLDENGATE_TRANSACTION ; ---Synonym for GV_$GOLDENGATE_TRANSACTION 1858 select * from GV$HANG_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for GV_$HANG_STATISTICS 1859 select * from GV$HM_CHECK ; ---Synonym for GV_$HM_CHECK 1860 select * from GV$HM_CHECK_PARAM ; ---Synonym for GV_$HM_CHECK_PARAM 1861 select * from GV$HM_FINDING ; ---Synonym for GV_$HM_FINDING 1862 select * from GV$HM_INFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$HM_INFO 1863 select * from GV$HM_RECOMMENDATION ; ---Synonym for GV_$HM_RECOMMENDATION 1864 select * from GV$HM_RUN ; ---Synonym for GV_$HM_RUN 1865 select * from GV$HS_AGENT ; ---Synonym for GV_$HS_AGENT 1866 select * from GV$HS_PARAMETER ; ---Synonym for GV_$HS_PARAMETER 1867 select * from GV$HS_SESSION ; ---Synonym for GV_$HS_SESSION 1868 select * from GV$HVMASTER_INFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$HVMASTER_INFO 1869 select * from GV$PARALLEL_DEGREE_LIMIT_MTH ; ---Synonym for GV_$PARALLEL_DEGREE_LIMIT_MTH 1870 select * from GV$PARAMETER ; ---Synonym for GV_$PARAMETER 1871 select * from GV$PARAMETER2 ; ---Synonym for GV_$PARAMETER2 1872 select * from GV$PARAMETER_VALID_VALUES ; ---Synonym for GV_$PARAMETER_VALID_VALUES 1873 select * from GV$PERSISTENT_PUBLISHERS ; ---Synonym for GV_$PERSISTENT_PUBLISHERS 1874 select * from GV$PERSISTENT_QMN_CACHE ; ---Synonym for GV_$PERSISTENT_QMN_CACHE 1875 select * from GV$PERSISTENT_QUEUES ; ---Synonym for GV_$PERSISTENT_QUEUES 1876 select * from GV$PERSISTENT_SUBSCRIBERS ; ---Synonym for GV_$PERSISTENT_SUBSCRIBERS 1877 select * from GV$PGASTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$PGASTAT 1878 select * from GV$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for GV_$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE 1879 select * from GV$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for GV_$PGATARGET_ADVICE_HISTOGRAM 1880 select * from GV$POLICY_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$POLICY_HISTORY 1881 select * from GV$PQ_SESSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$PQ_SESSTAT 1882 select * from GV$PQ_SLAVE ; ---Synonym for GV_$PQ_SLAVE 1883 select * from GV$PQ_SYSSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$PQ_SYSSTAT 1884 select * from GV$PQ_TQSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$PQ_TQSTAT 1885 select * from GV$PROCESS ; ---Synonym for GV_$PROCESS 1886 select * from GV$PROCESS_GROUP ; ---Synonym for GV_$PROCESS_GROUP 1887 select * from GV$PROCESS_MEMORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$PROCESS_MEMORY 1888 select * from GV$PROCESS_MEMORY_DETAIL ; ---Synonym for GV_$PROCESS_MEMORY_DETAIL 1889 select * from GV$PROCESS_MEMORY_DETAIL_PROG ; ---Synonym for GV_$PROCESS_MEMORY_DETAIL_PROG 1890 select * from GV$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER ; ---Synonym for GV_$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER 1891 select * from GV$PROPAGATION_SENDER ; ---Synonym for GV_$PROPAGATION_SENDER 1892 select * from GV$PROXY_ARCHIVEDLOG ; ---Synonym for GV_$PROXY_ARCHIVEDLOG 1893 select * from GV$PROXY_DATAFILE ; ---Synonym for GV_$PROXY_DATAFILE 1894 select * from GV$PWFILE_USERS ; ---Synonym for GV_$PWFILE_USERS 1895 select * from GV$PX_BUFFER_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for GV_$PX_BUFFER_ADVICE 1896 select * from GV$PX_INSTANCE_GROUP ; ---Synonym for GV_$PX_INSTANCE_GROUP 1897 select * from GV$PX_PROCESS ; ---Synonym for GV_$PX_PROCESS 1898 select * from GV$PX_PROCESS_SYSSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$PX_PROCESS_SYSSTAT 1899 select * from GV$PX_SESSION ; ---Synonym for GV_$PX_SESSION 1900 select * from GV$PX_SESSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$PX_SESSTAT 1901 select * from GV$QMON_COORDINATOR_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$QMON_COORDINATOR_STATS 1902 select * from GV$QMON_SERVER_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$QMON_SERVER_STATS 1903 select * from GV$QMON_TASKS ; ---Synonym for GV_$QMON_TASKS 1904 select * from GV$QMON_TASK_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$QMON_TASK_STATS 1905 select * from GV$QUEUE ; ---Synonym for GV_$QUEUE 1906 select * from GV$QUEUEING_MTH ; ---Synonym for GV_$QUEUEING_MTH 1907 select * from GV$RECOVERY_FILE_STATUS ; ---Synonym for GV_$RECOVERY_FILE_STATUS 1908 select * from GV$RECOVERY_LOG ; ---Synonym for GV_$RECOVERY_LOG 1909 select * from GV$RECOVERY_PROGRESS ; ---Synonym for GV_$RECOVERY_PROGRESS 1910 select * from GV$RECOVERY_STATUS ; ---Synonym for GV_$RECOVERY_STATUS 1911 select * from GV$RECOVER_FILE ; ---Synonym for GV_$RECOVER_FILE 1912 select * from GV$REDO_DEST_RESP_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for GV_$REDO_DEST_RESP_HISTOGRAM 1913 select * from GV$REPLPROP ; ---Synonym for GV_$REPLPROP 1914 select * from GV$REPLQUEUE ; ---Synonym for GV_$REPLQUEUE 1915 select * from GV$REQDIST ; ---Synonym for GV_$REQDIST 1916 select * from GV$RESERVED_WORDS ; ---Synonym for GV_$RESERVED_WORDS 1917 select * from GV$RESOURCE ; ---Synonym for GV_$RESOURCE 1918 select * from GV$RESOURCE_LIMIT ; ---Synonym for GV_$RESOURCE_LIMIT 1919 select * from GV$RESTORE_POINT ; ---Synonym for GV_$RESTORE_POINT 1920 select * from GV$RESULT_CACHE_DEPENDENCY ; ---Synonym for GV_$RESULT_CACHE_DEPENDENCY 1921 select * from GV$RESULT_CACHE_MEMORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$RESULT_CACHE_MEMORY 1922 select * from GV$RESULT_CACHE_OBJECTS ; ---Synonym for GV_$RESULT_CACHE_OBJECTS 1923 select * from GV$RESULT_CACHE_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for GV_$RESULT_CACHE_STATISTICS 1924 select * from GV$RESUMABLE ; ---Synonym for GV_$RESUMABLE 1925 select * from GV$RFS_THREAD ; ---Synonym for GV_$RFS_THREAD 1926 select * from GV$RMAN_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM ; ---Synonym for GV_$RMAN_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM 1927 select * from GV$RMAN_CONFIGURATION ; ---Synonym for GV_$RMAN_CONFIGURATION 1928 select * from GV$RMAN_OUTPUT ; ---Synonym for GV_$RMAN_OUTPUT 1929 select * from GV$ROLLSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$ROLLSTAT 1930 select * from GV$ROWCACHE ; ---Synonym for GV_$ROWCACHE 1931 select * from GV$ROWCACHE_PARENT ; ---Synonym for GV_$ROWCACHE_PARENT 1932 select * from GV$ROWCACHE_SUBORDINATE ; ---Synonym for GV_$ROWCACHE_SUBORDINATE 1933 select * from GV$RSRCMGRMETRIC ; ---Synonym for GV_$RSRCMGRMETRIC 1934 select * from GV$RSRCMGRMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$RSRCMGRMETRIC_HISTORY 1935 select * from GV$RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP ; ---Synonym for GV_$RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP 1936 select * from GV$RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP_CPU_MTH ; ---Synonym for GV_$RSRC_CONSUME_GROUP_CPU_MTH 1937 select * from GV$RSRC_CONS_GROUP_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$RSRC_CONS_GROUP_HISTORY 1938 select * from GV$RSRC_PLAN ; ---Synonym for GV_$RSRC_PLAN 1939 select * from GV$RSRC_PLAN_CPU_MTH ; ---Synonym for GV_$RSRC_PLAN_CPU_MTH 1940 select * from GV$RSRC_PLAN_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$RSRC_PLAN_HISTORY 1941 select * from GV$RSRC_SESSION_INFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$RSRC_SESSION_INFO 1942 select * from GV$RULE ; ---Synonym for GV_$RULE 1943 select * from GV$RULE_SET ; ---Synonym for GV_$RULE_SET 1944 select * from GV$RULE_SET_AGGREGATE_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$RULE_SET_AGGREGATE_STATS 1945 select * from GV$SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS 1946 select * from GV$SECUREFILE_TIMER ; ---Synonym for GV_$SECUREFILE_TIMER 1947 select * from GV$SEGMENT_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SEGMENT_STATISTICS 1948 select * from GV$SEGSPACE_USAGE ; ---Synonym for GV_$SEGSPACE_USAGE 1949 select * from GV$SEGSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$SEGSTAT 1950 select * from GV$SEGSTAT_NAME ; ---Synonym for GV_$SEGSTAT_NAME 1951 select * from GV$SERVICEMETRIC ; ---Synonym for GV_$SERVICEMETRIC 1952 select * from GV$SERVICEMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$SERVICEMETRIC_HISTORY 1953 select * from GV$SERVICES ; ---Synonym for GV_$SERVICES 1954 select * from GV$SERVICE_EVENT ; ---Synonym for GV_$SERVICE_EVENT 1955 select * from GV$SERVICE_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SERVICE_STATS 1956 select * from GV$SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS 1957 select * from GV$SERV_MOD_ACT_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SERV_MOD_ACT_STATS 1958 select * from GV$SESSION ; ---Synonym for GV_$SESSION 1959 select * from GV$SESSION_BLOCKERS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SESSION_BLOCKERS 1960 select * from GV$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO 1961 select * from GV$SESSION_CURSOR_CACHE ; ---Synonym for GV_$SESSION_CURSOR_CACHE 1962 select * from GV$SESSION_EVENT ; ---Synonym for GV_$SESSION_EVENT 1963 select * from GV$SESSION_FIX_CONTROL ; ---Synonym for GV_$SESSION_FIX_CONTROL 1964 select * from GV$SESSION_LONGOPS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SESSION_LONGOPS 1965 select * from GV$SESSION_OBJECT_CACHE ; ---Synonym for GV_$SESSION_OBJECT_CACHE 1966 select * from GV$SESSION_WAIT ; ---Synonym for GV_$SESSION_WAIT 1967 select * from GV$SESSION_WAIT_CLASS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SESSION_WAIT_CLASS 1968 select * from GV$SESSION_WAIT_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$SESSION_WAIT_HISTORY 1969 select * from GV$SESSMETRIC ; ---Synonym for GV_$SESSMETRIC 1970 select * from GV$SESSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$SESSTAT 1971 select * from GV$SESS_IO ; ---Synonym for GV_$SESS_IO 1972 select * from GV$SESS_TIME_MODEL ; ---Synonym for GV_$SESS_TIME_MODEL 1973 select * from GV$SES_OPTIMIZER_ENV ; ---Synonym for GV_$SES_OPTIMIZER_ENV 1974 select * from GV$SGA ; ---Synonym for GV_$SGA 1975 select * from GV$SGAINFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$SGAINFO 1976 select * from GV$SGASTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$SGASTAT 1977 select * from GV$SGA_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SGA_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS 1978 select * from GV$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS 1979 select * from GV$SGA_DYNAMIC_FREE_MEMORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$SGA_DYNAMIC_FREE_MEMORY 1980 select * from GV$SGA_RESIZE_OPS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SGA_RESIZE_OPS 1981 select * from GV$SGA_TARGET_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for GV_$SGA_TARGET_ADVICE 1982 select * from V$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS ; ---Synonym for V_$RMAN_BACKUP_JOB_DETAILS 1983 select * from V$RMAN_BACKUP_SUBJOB_DETAILS ; ---Synonym for V_$RMAN_BACKUP_SUBJOB_DETAILS 1984 select * from V$RMAN_BACKUP_TYPE ; ---Synonym for V_$RMAN_BACKUP_TYPE 1985 select * from V$RMAN_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM ; ---Synonym for V_$RMAN_COMPRESSION_ALGORITHM 1986 select * from V$RMAN_CONFIGURATION ; ---Synonym for V_$RMAN_CONFIGURATION 1987 select * from V$RMAN_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHMS ; ---Synonym for V_$RMAN_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHMS 1988 select * from V$RMAN_OUTPUT ; ---Synonym for V_$RMAN_OUTPUT 1989 select * from V$RMAN_STATUS ; ---Synonym for V_$RMAN_STATUS 1990 select * from V$ROLLNAME ; ---Synonym for V_$ROLLNAME 1991 select * from V$ROLLSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$ROLLSTAT 1992 select * from V$ROWCACHE ; ---Synonym for V_$ROWCACHE 1993 select * from V$ROWCACHE_PARENT ; ---Synonym for V_$ROWCACHE_PARENT 1994 select * from V$ROWCACHE_SUBORDINATE ; ---Synonym for V_$ROWCACHE_SUBORDINATE 1995 select * from V$RSRCMGRMETRIC ; ---Synonym for V_$RSRCMGRMETRIC 1996 select * from V$RSRCMGRMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$RSRCMGRMETRIC_HISTORY 1997 select * from V$RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP ; ---Synonym for V_$RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP 1998 select * from V$RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP_CPU_MTH ; ---Synonym for V_$RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUP_CPU_MTH 1999 select * from V$RSRC_CONS_GROUP_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$RSRC_CONS_GROUP_HISTORY 2000 select * from V$RSRC_PLAN ; ---Synonym for V_$RSRC_PLAN 2001 select * from V$RSRC_PLAN_CPU_MTH ; ---Synonym for V_$RSRC_PLAN_CPU_MTH 2002 select * from V$RSRC_PLAN_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$RSRC_PLAN_HISTORY 2003 select * from V$RSRC_SESSION_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$RSRC_SESSION_INFO 2004 select * from V$RULE ; ---Synonym for V_$RULE 2005 select * from V$RULE_SET ; ---Synonym for V_$RULE_SET 2006 select * from V$RULE_SET_AGGREGATE_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$RULE_SET_AGGREGATE_STATS 2007 select * from V$SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS ; ---Synonym for V_$SCHEDULER_RUNNING_JOBS 2008 select * from V$SECUREFILE_TIMER ; ---Synonym for V_$SECUREFILE_TIMER 2009 select * from V$SEGMENT_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for V_$SEGMENT_STATISTICS 2010 select * from V$SEGSPACE_USAGE ; ---Synonym for V_$SEGSPACE_USAGE 2011 select * from V$SEGSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$SEGSTAT 2012 select * from V$SEGSTAT_NAME ; ---Synonym for V_$SEGSTAT_NAME 2013 select * from V$SERVICEMETRIC ; ---Synonym for V_$SERVICEMETRIC 2014 select * from V$SERVICEMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$SERVICEMETRIC_HISTORY 2015 select * from V$SERVICES ; ---Synonym for V_$SERVICES 2016 select * from V$SERVICE_EVENT ; ---Synonym for V_$SERVICE_EVENT 2017 select * from V$SERVICE_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$SERVICE_STATS 2018 select * from V$SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS ; ---Synonym for V_$SERVICE_WAIT_CLASS 2019 select * from V$SERV_MOD_ACT_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$SERV_MOD_ACT_STATS 2020 select * from V$SESSION ; ---Synonym for V_$SESSION 2021 select * from V$SESSION_BLOCKERS ; ---Synonym for V_$SESSION_BLOCKERS 2022 select * from V$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO 2023 select * from V$SESSION_CURSOR_CACHE ; ---Synonym for V_$SESSION_CURSOR_CACHE 2024 select * from V$SESSION_EVENT ; ---Synonym for V_$SESSION_EVENT 2025 select * from V$SESSION_FIX_CONTROL ; ---Synonym for V_$SESSION_FIX_CONTROL 2026 select * from V$SESSION_LONGOPS ; ---Synonym for V_$SESSION_LONGOPS 2027 select * from V$SESSION_OBJECT_CACHE ; ---Synonym for V_$SESSION_OBJECT_CACHE 2028 select * from V$SESSION_WAIT ; ---Synonym for V_$SESSION_WAIT 2029 select * from V$SESSION_WAIT_CLASS ; ---Synonym for V_$SESSION_WAIT_CLASS 2030 select * from V$SESSION_WAIT_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$SESSION_WAIT_HISTORY 2031 select * from V$SESSMETRIC ; ---Synonym for V_$SESSMETRIC 2032 select * from V$SESSTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$SESSTAT 2033 select * from V$SESS_IO ; ---Synonym for V_$SESS_IO 2034 select * from V$SESS_TIME_MODEL ; ---Synonym for V_$SESS_TIME_MODEL 2035 select * from V$SES_OPTIMIZER_ENV ; ---Synonym for V_$SES_OPTIMIZER_ENV 2036 select * from V$SGA ; ---Synonym for V_$SGA 2037 select * from V$SGAINFO ; ---Synonym for V_$SGAINFO 2038 select * from V$SGASTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$SGASTAT 2039 select * from V$SGA_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS ; ---Synonym for V_$SGA_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS 2040 select * from V$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS ; ---Synonym for V_$SGA_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS 2041 select * from V$SGA_DYNAMIC_FREE_MEMORY ; ---Synonym for V_$SGA_DYNAMIC_FREE_MEMORY 2042 select * from V$SGA_RESIZE_OPS ; ---Synonym for V_$SGA_RESIZE_OPS 2043 select * from V$SGA_TARGET_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for V_$SGA_TARGET_ADVICE 2044 select * from V$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for V_$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE 2045 select * from V$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED ; ---Synonym for V_$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED 2046 select * from V$SHARED_SERVER ; ---Synonym for V_$SHARED_SERVER 2047 select * from V$SHARED_SERVER_MONITOR ; ---Synonym for V_$SHARED_SERVER_MONITOR 2048 select * from V$SORT_SEGMENT ; ---Synonym for V_$SORT_SEGMENT 2049 select * from V$SORT_USAGE ; ---Synonym for V_$SORT_USAGE 2050 select * from V$SPPARAMETER ; ---Synonym for V_$SPPARAMETER 2051 select * from V$SQL ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL 2052 select * from V$SQLAREA ; ---Synonym for V_$SQLAREA 2053 select * from V$SQLAREA_PLAN_HASH ; ---Synonym for V_$SQLAREA_PLAN_HASH 2054 select * from V$SQLCOMMAND ; ---Synonym for V_$SQLCOMMAND 2055 select * from V$SQLFN_ARG_METADATA ; ---Synonym for V_$SQLFN_ARG_METADATA 2056 select * from V$SQLFN_METADATA ; ---Synonym for V_$SQLFN_METADATA 2057 select * from V$SQLPA_METRIC ; ---Synonym for V_$SQLPA_METRIC 2058 select * from V$SQLSTATS ; ---Synonym for V_$SQLSTATS 2059 select * from V$SQLSTATS_PLAN_HASH ; ---Synonym for V_$SQLSTATS_PLAN_HASH 2060 select * from V$SQLTEXT ; ---Synonym for V_$SQLTEXT 2061 select * from V$SQLTEXT_WITH_NEWLINES ; ---Synonym for V_$SQLTEXT_WITH_NEWLINES 2062 select * from V$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE 2063 select * from V$SQL_BIND_DATA ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_BIND_DATA 2064 select * from V$SQL_BIND_METADATA ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_BIND_METADATA 2065 select * from V$SQL_CS_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_CS_HISTOGRAM 2066 select * from V$SQL_CS_SELECTIVITY ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_CS_SELECTIVITY 2067 select * from V$SQL_CS_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_CS_STATISTICS 2068 select * from V$SQL_CURSOR ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_CURSOR 2069 select * from V$SQL_FEATURE ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_FEATURE 2070 select * from V$SQL_FEATURE_DEPENDENCY ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_FEATURE_DEPENDENCY 2071 select * from V$SQL_FEATURE_HIERARCHY ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_FEATURE_HIERARCHY 2072 select * from V$SQL_HINT ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_HINT 2073 select * from V$SQL_JOIN_FILTER ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_JOIN_FILTER 2074 select * from V$SQL_MONITOR ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_MONITOR 2075 select * from V$SQL_OPTIMIZER_ENV ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_OPTIMIZER_ENV 2076 select * from V$SQL_PLAN ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_PLAN 2077 select * from V$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR 2078 select * from V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS 2079 select * from V$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL 2080 select * from V$SQL_REDIRECTION ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_REDIRECTION 2081 select * from V$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR 2082 select * from V$SQL_SHARED_MEMORY ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_SHARED_MEMORY 2083 select * from V$SQL_WORKAREA ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_WORKAREA 2084 select * from V$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE 2085 select * from V$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for V_$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM 2086 select * from V$SSCR_SESSIONS ; ---Synonym for V_$SSCR_SESSIONS 2087 select * from V$STANDBY_EVENT_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for V_$STANDBY_EVENT_HISTOGRAM 2088 select * from V$STANDBY_LOG ; ---Synonym for V_$STANDBY_LOG 2089 select * from V$STATISTICS_LEVEL ; ---Synonym for V_$STATISTICS_LEVEL 2090 select * from V$STATNAME ; ---Synonym for V_$STATNAME 2091 select * from V$STREAMS_APPLY_COORDINATOR ; ---Synonym for V_$STREAMS_APPLY_COORDINATOR 2092 select * from V$STREAMS_APPLY_READER ; ---Synonym for V_$STREAMS_APPLY_READER 2093 select * from V$STREAMS_APPLY_SERVER ; ---Synonym for V_$STREAMS_APPLY_SERVER 2094 select * from V$STREAMS_CAPTURE ; ---Synonym for V_$STREAMS_CAPTURE 2095 select * from V$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING ; ---Synonym for V_$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING 2096 select * from V$STREAMS_POOL_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for V_$STREAMS_POOL_ADVICE 2097 select * from V$STREAMS_POOL_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for V_$STREAMS_POOL_STATISTICS 2098 select * from V$STREAMS_TRANSACTION ; ---Synonym for V_$STREAMS_TRANSACTION 2099 select * from V$SUBCACHE ; ---Synonym for V_$SUBCACHE 2100 select * from V$SUBSCR_REGISTRATION_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$SUBSCR_REGISTRATION_STATS 2101 select * from GV$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for GV_$SHARED_POOL_ADVICE 2102 select * from GV$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED ; ---Synonym for GV_$SHARED_POOL_RESERVED 2103 select * from GV$SHARED_SERVER ; ---Synonym for GV_$SHARED_SERVER 2104 select * from GV$SHARED_SERVER_MONITOR ; ---Synonym for GV_$SHARED_SERVER_MONITOR 2105 select * from GV$SORT_SEGMENT ; ---Synonym for GV_$SORT_SEGMENT 2106 select * from GV$SORT_USAGE ; ---Synonym for GV_$SORT_USAGE 2107 select * from GV$SPPARAMETER ; ---Synonym for GV_$SPPARAMETER 2108 select * from GV$SQL ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL 2109 select * from GV$SQLAREA ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQLAREA 2110 select * from GV$SQLAREA_PLAN_HASH ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQLAREA_PLAN_HASH 2111 select * from GV$SQLCOMMAND ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQLCOMMAND 2112 select * from GV$SQLFN_ARG_METADATA ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQLFN_ARG_METADATA 2113 select * from GV$SQLFN_METADATA ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQLFN_METADATA 2114 select * from GV$SQLPA_METRIC ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQLPA_METRIC 2115 select * from GV$SQLSTATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQLSTATS 2116 select * from GV$SQLSTATS_PLAN_HASH ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQLSTATS_PLAN_HASH 2117 select * from GV$SQLTEXT ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQLTEXT 2118 select * from GV$SQLTEXT_WITH_NEWLINES ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQLTEXT_WITH_NEWLINES 2119 select * from GV$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_BIND_CAPTURE 2120 select * from GV$SQL_BIND_DATA ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_BIND_DATA 2121 select * from GV$SQL_BIND_METADATA ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_BIND_METADATA 2122 select * from GV$SQL_CS_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_CS_HISTOGRAM 2123 select * from GV$SQL_CS_SELECTIVITY ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_CS_SELECTIVITY 2124 select * from GV$SQL_CS_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_CS_STATISTICS 2125 select * from GV$SQL_CURSOR ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_CURSOR 2126 select * from GV$SQL_FEATURE ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_FEATURE 2127 select * from GV$SQL_FEATURE_DEPENDENCY ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_FEATURE_DEPENDENCY 2128 select * from GV$SQL_FEATURE_HIERARCHY ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_FEATURE_HIERARCHY 2129 select * from GV$SQL_HINT ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_HINT 2130 select * from GV$SQL_JOIN_FILTER ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_JOIN_FILTER 2131 select * from GV$SQL_MONITOR ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_MONITOR 2132 select * from GV$SQL_OPTIMIZER_ENV ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_OPTIMIZER_ENV 2133 select * from GV$SQL_PLAN ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_PLAN 2134 select * from GV$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_PLAN_MONITOR 2135 select * from GV$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS 2136 select * from GV$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_PLAN_STATISTICS_ALL 2137 select * from GV$SQL_REDIRECTION ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_REDIRECTION 2138 select * from GV$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_SHARED_CURSOR 2139 select * from GV$SQL_SHARED_MEMORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_SHARED_MEMORY 2140 select * from GV$SQL_WORKAREA ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_WORKAREA 2141 select * from GV$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_WORKAREA_ACTIVE 2142 select * from GV$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for GV_$SQL_WORKAREA_HISTOGRAM 2143 select * from GV$SSCR_SESSIONS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SSCR_SESSIONS 2144 select * from GV$STANDBY_LOG ; ---Synonym for GV_$STANDBY_LOG 2145 select * from GV$STATISTICS_LEVEL ; ---Synonym for GV_$STATISTICS_LEVEL 2146 select * from GV$STATNAME ; ---Synonym for GV_$STATNAME 2147 select * from GV$STREAMS_APPLY_COORDINATOR ; ---Synonym for GV_$STREAMS_APPLY_COORDINATOR 2148 select * from GV$STREAMS_APPLY_READER ; ---Synonym for GV_$STREAMS_APPLY_READER 2149 select * from GV$STREAMS_APPLY_SERVER ; ---Synonym for GV_$STREAMS_APPLY_SERVER 2150 select * from GV$STREAMS_CAPTURE ; ---Synonym for GV_$STREAMS_CAPTURE 2151 select * from GV$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING ; ---Synonym for GV_$STREAMS_MESSAGE_TRACKING 2152 select * from GV$STREAMS_POOL_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for GV_$STREAMS_POOL_ADVICE 2153 select * from GV$STREAMS_POOL_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for GV_$STREAMS_POOL_STATISTICS 2154 select * from GV$STREAMS_TRANSACTION ; ---Synonym for GV_$STREAMS_TRANSACTION 2155 select * from GV$SUBCACHE ; ---Synonym for GV_$SUBCACHE 2156 select * from GV$SUBSCR_REGISTRATION_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SUBSCR_REGISTRATION_STATS 2157 select * from GV$SYSAUX_OCCUPANTS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SYSAUX_OCCUPANTS 2158 select * from GV$SYSMETRIC ; ---Synonym for GV_$SYSMETRIC 2159 select * from GV$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY 2160 select * from GV$SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY ; ---Synonym for GV_$SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY 2161 select * from GV$SYSSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$SYSSTAT 2162 select * from GV$SYSTEM_CURSOR_CACHE ; ---Synonym for GV_$SYSTEM_CURSOR_CACHE 2163 select * from GV$SYSTEM_EVENT ; ---Synonym for GV_$SYSTEM_EVENT 2164 select * from GV$SYSTEM_FIX_CONTROL ; ---Synonym for GV_$SYSTEM_FIX_CONTROL 2165 select * from GV$SYSTEM_PARAMETER ; ---Synonym for GV_$SYSTEM_PARAMETER 2166 select * from GV$SYSTEM_PARAMETER2 ; ---Synonym for GV_$SYSTEM_PARAMETER2 2167 select * from GV$SYSTEM_WAIT_CLASS ; ---Synonym for GV_$SYSTEM_WAIT_CLASS 2168 select * from GV$SYS_OPTIMIZER_ENV ; ---Synonym for GV_$SYS_OPTIMIZER_ENV 2169 select * from GV$SYS_TIME_MODEL ; ---Synonym for GV_$SYS_TIME_MODEL 2170 select * from GV$TABLESPACE ; ---Synonym for GV_$TABLESPACE 2171 select * from GV$TEMPFILE ; ---Synonym for GV_$TEMPFILE 2172 select * from GV$TEMPORARY_LOBS ; ---Synonym for GV_$TEMPORARY_LOBS 2173 select * from GV$TEMPSEG_USAGE ; ---Synonym for GV_$SORT_USAGE 2174 select * from GV$TEMPSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$TEMPSTAT 2175 select * from GV$TEMP_CACHE_TRANSFER ; ---Synonym for GV_$TEMP_CACHE_TRANSFER 2176 select * from GV$TEMP_EXTENT_MAP ; ---Synonym for GV_$TEMP_EXTENT_MAP 2177 select * from GV$TEMP_EXTENT_POOL ; ---Synonym for GV_$TEMP_EXTENT_POOL 2178 select * from GV$TEMP_PING ; ---Synonym for GV_$TEMP_PING 2179 select * from GV$TEMP_SPACE_HEADER ; ---Synonym for GV_$TEMP_SPACE_HEADER 2180 select * from GV$THREAD ; ---Synonym for GV_$THREAD 2181 select * from GV$THRESHOLD_TYPES ; ---Synonym for GV_$THRESHOLD_TYPES 2182 select * from GV$TIMER ; ---Synonym for GV_$TIMER 2183 select * from GV$TIMEZONE_FILE ; ---Synonym for GV_$TIMEZONE_FILE 2184 select * from GV$TIMEZONE_NAMES ; ---Synonym for GV_$TIMEZONE_NAMES 2185 select * from GV$TOPLEVELCALL ; ---Synonym for GV_$TOPLEVELCALL 2186 select * from GV$TRANSACTION ; ---Synonym for GV_$TRANSACTION 2187 select * from GV$TRANSACTION_ENQUEUE ; ---Synonym for GV_$TRANSACTION_ENQUEUE 2188 select * from GV$TRANSPORTABLE_PLATFORM ; ---Synonym for GV_$TRANSPORTABLE_PLATFORM 2189 select * from GV$TSM_SESSIONS ; ---Synonym for GV_$TSM_SESSIONS 2190 select * from GV$TYPE_SIZE ; ---Synonym for GV_$TYPE_SIZE 2191 select * from GV$UNDOSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$UNDOSTAT 2192 select * from GV$VERSION ; ---Synonym for GV_$VERSION 2193 select * from GV$VPD_POLICY ; ---Synonym for GV_$VPD_POLICY 2194 select * from GV$WAITCLASSMETRIC ; ---Synonym for GV_$WAITCLASSMETRIC 2195 select * from GV$WAITCLASSMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$WAITCLASSMETRIC_HISTORY 2196 select * from GV$WAITSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$WAITSTAT 2197 select * from GV$WALLET ; ---Synonym for GV_$WALLET 2198 select * from GV$WLM_PCMETRIC ; ---Synonym for GV_$WLM_PCMETRIC 2199 select * from GV$WLM_PCMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$WLM_PCMETRIC_HISTORY 2200 select * from GV$WLM_PC_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$WLM_PC_STATS 2201 select * from GV$WORKLOAD_REPLAY_THREAD ; ---Synonym for GV_$WORKLOAD_REPLAY_THREAD 2202 select * from V$DLM_ALL_LOCKS ; ---Synonym for V_$DLM_ALL_LOCKS 2203 select * from V$DLM_CONVERT_LOCAL ; ---Synonym for V_$DLM_CONVERT_LOCAL 2204 select * from V$DLM_CONVERT_REMOTE ; ---Synonym for V_$DLM_CONVERT_REMOTE 2205 select * from V$DLM_LATCH ; ---Synonym for V_$DLM_LATCH 2206 select * from V$DLM_LOCKS ; ---Synonym for V_$DLM_LOCKS 2207 select * from V$DLM_MISC ; ---Synonym for V_$DLM_MISC 2208 select * from V$DLM_RESS ; ---Synonym for V_$DLM_RESS 2209 select * from V$DLM_TRAFFIC_CONTROLLER ; ---Synonym for V_$DLM_TRAFFIC_CONTROLLER 2210 select * from V$DNFS_CHANNELS ; ---Synonym for V_$DNFS_CHANNELS 2211 select * from V$DNFS_FILES ; ---Synonym for V_$DNFS_FILES 2212 select * from V$DNFS_SERVERS ; ---Synonym for V_$DNFS_SERVERS 2213 select * from V$DNFS_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$DNFS_STATS 2214 select * from V$DYNAMIC_REMASTER_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$DYNAMIC_REMASTER_STATS 2215 select * from V$EMON ; ---Synonym for V_$EMON 2216 select * from V$ENABLEDPRIVS ; ---Synonym for V_$ENABLEDPRIVS 2217 select * from V$ENCRYPTED_TABLESPACES ; ---Synonym for V_$ENCRYPTED_TABLESPACES 2218 select * from V$ENCRYPTION_WALLET ; ---Synonym for V_$ENCRYPTION_WALLET 2219 select * from V$ENQUEUE_LOCK ; ---Synonym for V_$ENQUEUE_LOCK 2220 select * from V$ENQUEUE_STAT ; ---Synonym for V_$ENQUEUE_STAT 2221 select * from V$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for V_$ENQUEUE_STATISTICS 2222 select * from V$EVENTMETRIC ; ---Synonym for V_$EVENTMETRIC 2223 select * from V$EVENT_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for V_$EVENT_HISTOGRAM 2224 select * from V$EVENT_NAME ; ---Synonym for V_$EVENT_NAME 2225 select * from V$EXECUTION ; ---Synonym for V_$EXECUTION 2226 select * from V$FAST_START_SERVERS ; ---Synonym for V_$FAST_START_SERVERS 2227 select * from V$FAST_START_TRANSACTIONS ; ---Synonym for V_$FAST_START_TRANSACTIONS 2228 select * from V$FILEMETRIC ; ---Synonym for V_$FILEMETRIC 2229 select * from V$FILEMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$FILEMETRIC_HISTORY 2230 select * from V$FILESPACE_USAGE ; ---Synonym for V_$FILESPACE_USAGE 2231 select * from V$FILESTAT ; ---Synonym for V_$FILESTAT 2232 select * from V$FILE_CACHE_TRANSFER ; ---Synonym for V_$FILE_CACHE_TRANSFER 2233 select * from V$FILE_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for V_$FILE_HISTOGRAM 2234 select * from V$FILE_OPTIMIZED_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for V_$FILE_OPTIMIZED_HISTOGRAM 2235 select * from V$FILE_PING ; ---Synonym for V_$FILE_PING 2236 select * from V$FIXED_TABLE ; ---Synonym for V_$FIXED_TABLE 2237 select * from V$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION ; ---Synonym for V_$FIXED_VIEW_DEFINITION 2238 select * from V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG ; ---Synonym for V_$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOG 2239 select * from V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOGFILE ; ---Synonym for V_$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_LOGFILE 2240 select * from V$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_STAT ; ---Synonym for V_$FLASHBACK_DATABASE_STAT 2241 select * from V$FLASHBACK_TXN_GRAPH ; ---Synonym for V_$FLASHBACK_TXN_GRAPH 2242 select * from V$FLASHBACK_TXN_MODS ; ---Synonym for V_$FLASHBACK_TXN_MODS 2243 select * from V$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE ; ---Synonym for V_$FLASH_RECOVERY_AREA_USAGE 2244 select * from V$FOREIGN_ARCHIVED_LOG ; ---Synonym for V_$FOREIGN_ARCHIVED_LOG 2245 select * from V$FS_FAILOVER_HISTOGRAM ; ---Synonym for V_$FS_FAILOVER_HISTOGRAM 2246 select * from V$FS_FAILOVER_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$FS_FAILOVER_STATS 2247 select * from V$GCSHVMASTER_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$GCSHVMASTER_INFO 2248 select * from V$GCSPFMASTER_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$GCSPFMASTER_INFO 2249 select * from V$GC_ELEMENT ; ---Synonym for V_$GC_ELEMENT 2250 select * from V$GC_ELEMENTS_WITH_COLLISIONS ; ---Synonym for V_$GC_ELEMENTS_W_COLLISIONS 2251 select * from V$GES_BLOCKING_ENQUEUE ; ---Synonym for V_$GES_BLOCKING_ENQUEUE 2252 select * from V$GES_ENQUEUE ; ---Synonym for V_$GES_ENQUEUE 2253 select * from V$GLOBALCONTEXT ; ---Synonym for V_$GLOBALCONTEXT 2254 select * from V$GLOBAL_BLOCKED_LOCKS ; ---Synonym for V_$GLOBAL_BLOCKED_LOCKS 2255 select * from V$GLOBAL_TRANSACTION ; ---Synonym for V_$GLOBAL_TRANSACTION 2256 select * from V$GOLDENGATE_CAPTURE ; ---Synonym for V_$GOLDENGATE_CAPTURE 2257 select * from V$GOLDENGATE_MESSAGE_TRACKING ; ---Synonym for V_$GOLDENGATE_MESSAGE_TRACKING 2258 select * from V$GOLDENGATE_TABLE_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$GOLDENGATE_TABLE_STATS 2259 select * from V$GOLDENGATE_TRANSACTION ; ---Synonym for V_$GOLDENGATE_TRANSACTION 2260 select * from V$HANG_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$HANG_INFO 2261 select * from V$HANG_SESSION_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$HANG_SESSION_INFO 2262 select * from V$HANG_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for V_$HANG_STATISTICS 2263 select * from V$HM_CHECK ; ---Synonym for V_$HM_CHECK 2264 select * from V$HM_CHECK_PARAM ; ---Synonym for V_$HM_CHECK_PARAM 2265 select * from V$HM_FINDING ; ---Synonym for V_$HM_FINDING 2266 select * from V$HM_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$HM_INFO 2267 select * from V$HM_RECOMMENDATION ; ---Synonym for V_$HM_RECOMMENDATION 2268 select * from V$HM_RUN ; ---Synonym for V_$HM_RUN 2269 select * from V$HS_AGENT ; ---Synonym for V_$HS_AGENT 2270 select * from V$HS_PARAMETER ; ---Synonym for V_$HS_PARAMETER 2271 select * from V$HS_SESSION ; ---Synonym for V_$HS_SESSION 2272 select * from V$HVMASTER_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$HVMASTER_INFO 2273 select * from V$INCMETER_CONFIG ; ---Synonym for V_$INCMETER_CONFIG 2274 select * from V$INCMETER_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$INCMETER_INFO 2275 select * from V$INCMETER_SUMMARY ; ---Synonym for V_$INCMETER_SUMMARY 2276 select * from V$INDEXED_FIXED_COLUMN ; ---Synonym for V_$INDEXED_FIXED_COLUMN 2277 select * from V$INSTANCE ; ---Synonym for V_$INSTANCE 2278 select * from V$INSTANCE_CACHE_TRANSFER ; ---Synonym for V_$INSTANCE_CACHE_TRANSFER 2279 select * from V$INSTANCE_LOG_GROUP ; ---Synonym for V_$INSTANCE_LOG_GROUP 2280 select * from V$INSTANCE_RECOVERY ; ---Synonym for V_$INSTANCE_RECOVERY 2281 select * from V$IOFUNCMETRIC ; ---Synonym for V_$IOFUNCMETRIC 2282 select * from V$IOFUNCMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$IOFUNCMETRIC_HISTORY 2283 select * from V$IOSTAT_CONSUMER_GROUP ; ---Synonym for V_$IOSTAT_CONSUMER_GROUP 2284 select * from V$IOSTAT_FILE ; ---Synonym for V_$IOSTAT_FILE 2285 select * from V$IOSTAT_FUNCTION ; ---Synonym for V_$IOSTAT_FUNCTION 2286 select * from V$IOSTAT_FUNCTION_DETAIL ; ---Synonym for V_$IOSTAT_FUNCTION_DETAIL 2287 select * from V$IOSTAT_NETWORK ; ---Synonym for V_$IOSTAT_NETWORK 2288 select * from V$IO_CALIBRATION_STATUS ; ---Synonym for V_$IO_CALIBRATION_STATUS 2289 select * from V$IR_FAILURE ; ---Synonym for V_$IR_FAILURE 2290 select * from V$IR_FAILURE_SET ; ---Synonym for V_$IR_FAILURE_SET 2291 select * from V$IR_MANUAL_CHECKLIST ; ---Synonym for V_$IR_MANUAL_CHECKLIST 2292 select * from V$IR_REPAIR ; ---Synonym for V_$IR_REPAIR 2293 select * from V$JAVAPOOL ; ---Synonym for V_$JAVAPOOL 2294 select * from V$JAVA_LIBRARY_CACHE_MEMORY ; ---Synonym for V_$JAVA_LIBRARY_CACHE_MEMORY 2295 select * from V$JAVA_POOL_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for V_$JAVA_POOL_ADVICE 2296 select * from V$LATCH ; ---Synonym for V_$LATCH 2297 select * from V$LATCHHOLDER ; ---Synonym for V_$LATCHHOLDER 2298 select * from V$LATCHNAME ; ---Synonym for V_$LATCHNAME 2299 select * from V$LATCH_CHILDREN ; ---Synonym for V_$LATCH_CHILDREN 2300 select * from V$LATCH_MISSES ; ---Synonym for V_$LATCH_MISSES 2301 select * from V$LATCH_PARENT ; ---Synonym for V_$LATCH_PARENT 2302 select * from V$LIBCACHE_LOCKS ; ---Synonym for V_$LIBCACHE_LOCKS 2303 select * from V$LIBRARYCACHE ; ---Synonym for V_$LIBRARYCACHE 2304 select * from V$LIBRARY_CACHE_MEMORY ; ---Synonym for V_$LIBRARY_CACHE_MEMORY 2305 select * from V$LICENSE ; ---Synonym for V_$LICENSE 2306 select * from V$LISTENER_NETWORK ; ---Synonym for V_$LISTENER_NETWORK 2307 select * from GV$INCMETER_CONFIG ; ---Synonym for GV_$INCMETER_CONFIG 2308 select * from GV$INCMETER_INFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$INCMETER_INFO 2309 select * from GV$INCMETER_SUMMARY ; ---Synonym for GV_$INCMETER_SUMMARY 2310 select * from GV$INDEXED_FIXED_COLUMN ; ---Synonym for GV_$INDEXED_FIXED_COLUMN 2311 select * from GV$INSTANCE ; ---Synonym for GV_$INSTANCE 2312 select * from GV$INSTANCE_CACHE_TRANSFER ; ---Synonym for GV_$INSTANCE_CACHE_TRANSFER 2313 select * from GV$INSTANCE_LOG_GROUP ; ---Synonym for GV_$INSTANCE_LOG_GROUP 2314 select * from GV$INSTANCE_RECOVERY ; ---Synonym for GV_$INSTANCE_RECOVERY 2315 select * from GV$IOFUNCMETRIC ; ---Synonym for GV_$IOFUNCMETRIC 2316 select * from GV$IOFUNCMETRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$IOFUNCMETRIC_HISTORY 2317 select * from GV$IOSTAT_CONSUMER_GROUP ; ---Synonym for GV_$IOSTAT_CONSUMER_GROUP 2318 select * from GV$IOSTAT_FILE ; ---Synonym for GV_$IOSTAT_FILE 2319 select * from GV$IOSTAT_FUNCTION ; ---Synonym for GV_$IOSTAT_FUNCTION 2320 select * from GV$IOSTAT_FUNCTION_DETAIL ; ---Synonym for GV_$IOSTAT_FUNCTION_DETAIL 2321 select * from GV$IOSTAT_NETWORK ; ---Synonym for GV_$IOSTAT_NETWORK 2322 select * from GV$IO_CALIBRATION_STATUS ; ---Synonym for GV_$IO_CALIBRATION_STATUS 2323 select * from GV$IR_FAILURE ; ---Synonym for GV_$IR_FAILURE 2324 select * from GV$IR_FAILURE_SET ; ---Synonym for GV_$IR_FAILURE_SET 2325 select * from GV$IR_MANUAL_CHECKLIST ; ---Synonym for GV_$IR_MANUAL_CHECKLIST 2326 select * from GV$IR_REPAIR ; ---Synonym for GV_$IR_REPAIR 2327 select * from GV$JAVAPOOL ; ---Synonym for GV_$JAVAPOOL 2328 select * from GV$JAVA_LIBRARY_CACHE_MEMORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$JAVA_LIBRARY_CACHE_MEMORY 2329 select * from GV$JAVA_POOL_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for GV_$JAVA_POOL_ADVICE 2330 select * from GV$LATCH ; ---Synonym for GV_$LATCH 2331 select * from GV$LATCHHOLDER ; ---Synonym for GV_$LATCHHOLDER 2332 select * from GV$LATCHNAME ; ---Synonym for GV_$LATCHNAME 2333 select * from GV$LATCH_CHILDREN ; ---Synonym for GV_$LATCH_CHILDREN 2334 select * from GV$LATCH_MISSES ; ---Synonym for GV_$LATCH_MISSES 2335 select * from GV$LATCH_PARENT ; ---Synonym for GV_$LATCH_PARENT 2336 select * from GV$LIBCACHE_LOCKS ; ---Synonym for GV_$LIBCACHE_LOCKS 2337 select * from GV$LIBRARYCACHE ; ---Synonym for GV_$LIBRARYCACHE 2338 select * from GV$LIBRARY_CACHE_MEMORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$LIBRARY_CACHE_MEMORY 2339 select * from GV$LICENSE ; ---Synonym for GV_$LICENSE 2340 select * from GV$LISTENER_NETWORK ; ---Synonym for GV_$LISTENER_NETWORK 2341 select * from GV$LOADISTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOADISTAT 2342 select * from GV$LOADPSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOADPSTAT 2343 select * from GV$LOBSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOBSTAT 2344 select * from GV$LOCK ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOCK 2345 select * from GV$LOCKED_OBJECT ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOCKED_OBJECT 2346 select * from GV$LOCKS_WITH_COLLISIONS ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOCKS_WITH_COLLISIONS 2347 select * from GV$LOCK_ACTIVITY ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOCK_ACTIVITY 2348 select * from GV$LOCK_ELEMENT ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOCK_ELEMENT 2349 select * from GV$LOCK_TYPE ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOCK_TYPE 2350 select * from GV$LOG ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOG 2351 select * from GV$LOGFILE ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGFILE 2352 select * from GV$LOGHIST ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGHIST 2353 select * from GV$LOGMNR_CALLBACK ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGMNR_CALLBACK 2354 select * from GV$LOGMNR_CONTENTS ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGMNR_CONTENTS 2355 select * from GV$LOGMNR_DICTIONARY ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGMNR_DICTIONARY 2356 select * from GV$LOGMNR_DICTIONARY_LOAD ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGMNR_DICTIONARY_LOAD 2357 select * from GV$LOGMNR_LATCH ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGMNR_LATCH 2358 select * from GV$LOGMNR_LOGFILE ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGMNR_LOGFILE 2359 select * from GV$LOGMNR_LOGS ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGMNR_LOGS 2360 select * from GV$LOGMNR_PARAMETERS ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGMNR_PARAMETERS 2361 select * from GV$LOGMNR_PROCESS ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGMNR_PROCESS 2362 select * from GV$LOGMNR_REGION ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGMNR_REGION 2363 select * from GV$LOGMNR_SESSION ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGMNR_SESSION 2364 select * from GV$LOGMNR_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGMNR_STATS 2365 select * from GV$LOGMNR_TRANSACTION ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGMNR_TRANSACTION 2366 select * from GV$LOGSTDBY ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGSTDBY 2367 select * from GV$LOGSTDBY_PROCESS ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGSTDBY_PROCESS 2368 select * from GV$LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS 2369 select * from GV$LOGSTDBY_STATE ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGSTDBY_STATE 2370 select * from GV$LOGSTDBY_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGSTDBY_STATS 2371 select * from GV$LOGSTDBY_TRANSACTION ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOGSTDBY_TRANSACTION 2372 select * from GV$LOG_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$LOG_HISTORY 2373 select * from GV$MANAGED_STANDBY ; ---Synonym for GV_$MANAGED_STANDBY 2374 select * from GV$MAP_COMP_LIST ; ---Synonym for GV_$MAP_COMP_LIST 2375 select * from GV$MAP_ELEMENT ; ---Synonym for GV_$MAP_ELEMENT 2376 select * from GV$MAP_EXT_ELEMENT ; ---Synonym for GV_$MAP_EXT_ELEMENT 2377 select * from GV$MAP_FILE ; ---Synonym for GV_$MAP_FILE 2378 select * from GV$MAP_FILE_EXTENT ; ---Synonym for GV_$MAP_FILE_EXTENT 2379 select * from GV$MAP_FILE_IO_STACK ; ---Synonym for GV_$MAP_FILE_IO_STACK 2380 select * from GV$MAP_LIBRARY ; ---Synonym for GV_$MAP_LIBRARY 2381 select * from GV$MAP_SUBELEMENT ; ---Synonym for GV_$MAP_SUBELEMENT 2382 select * from GV$MAX_ACTIVE_SESS_TARGET_MTH ; ---Synonym for GV_$MAX_ACTIVE_SESS_TARGET_MTH 2383 select * from GV$MEMORY_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS ; ---Synonym for GV_$MEMORY_CURRENT_RESIZE_OPS 2384 select * from GV$MEMORY_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS ; ---Synonym for GV_$MEMORY_DYNAMIC_COMPONENTS 2385 select * from GV$MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS ; ---Synonym for GV_$MEMORY_RESIZE_OPS 2386 select * from GV$MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for GV_$MEMORY_TARGET_ADVICE 2387 select * from GV$METRIC ; ---Synonym for GV_$METRIC 2388 select * from GV$METRICGROUP ; ---Synonym for GV_$METRICGROUP 2389 select * from GV$METRICNAME ; ---Synonym for GV_$METRICNAME 2390 select * from GV$METRIC_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$METRIC_HISTORY 2391 select * from GV$MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for GV_$MTTR_TARGET_ADVICE 2392 select * from GV$MUTEX_SLEEP ; ---Synonym for GV_$MUTEX_SLEEP 2393 select * from GV$MUTEX_SLEEP_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$MUTEX_SLEEP_HISTORY 2394 select * from GV$MVREFRESH ; ---Synonym for GV_$MVREFRESH 2395 select * from GV$MYSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$MYSTAT 2396 select * from GV$NFS_CLIENTS ; ---Synonym for GV_$NFS_CLIENTS 2397 select * from GV$NFS_LOCKS ; ---Synonym for GV_$NFS_LOCKS 2398 select * from GV$NFS_OPEN_FILES ; ---Synonym for GV_$NFS_OPEN_FILES 2399 select * from GV$NLS_PARAMETERS ; ---Synonym for GV_$NLS_PARAMETERS 2400 select * from GV$NLS_VALID_VALUES ; ---Synonym for GV_$NLS_VALID_VALUES 2401 select * from GV$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY ; ---Synonym for GV_$OBJECT_DEPENDENCY 2402 select * from GV$OBJECT_DML_FREQUENCIES ; ---Synonym for GV_$OBJECT_DML_FREQUENCIES 2403 select * from GV$OBSOLETE_PARAMETER ; ---Synonym for GV_$OBSOLETE_PARAMETER 2404 select * from GV$OFFLINE_RANGE ; ---Synonym for GV_$OFFLINE_RANGE 2405 select * from GV$OPEN_CURSOR ; ---Synonym for GV_$OPEN_CURSOR 2406 select * from GV$OPTION ; ---Synonym for GV_$OPTION 2407 select * from GV$OSSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$OSSTAT 2408 select * from GV$ACCESS ; ---Synonym for GV_$ACCESS 2409 select * from GV$ACTIVE_INSTANCES ; ---Synonym for GV_$ACTIVE_INSTANCES 2410 select * from GV$ACTIVE_SERVICES ; ---Synonym for GV_$ACTIVE_SERVICES 2411 select * from GV$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY 2412 select * from GV$ACTIVE_SESS_POOL_MTH ; ---Synonym for GV_$ACTIVE_SESS_POOL_MTH 2413 select * from GV$ADVISOR_CURRENT_SQLPLAN ; ---Synonym for GV_$ADVISOR_CURRENT_SQLPLAN 2414 select * from GV$ADVISOR_PROGRESS ; ---Synonym for GV_$ADVISOR_PROGRESS 2415 select * from GV$ALERT_TYPES ; ---Synonym for GV_$ALERT_TYPES 2416 select * from GV$AQ ; ---Synonym for GV_$AQ 2417 select * from GV$AQ1 ; ---Synonym for GV_$AQ1 2418 select * from GV$ARCHIVE ; ---Synonym for GV_$ARCHIVE 2419 select * from GV$ARCHIVED_LOG ; ---Synonym for GV_$ARCHIVED_LOG 2420 select * from GV$ARCHIVE_DEST ; ---Synonym for GV_$ARCHIVE_DEST 2421 select * from GV$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS ; ---Synonym for GV_$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS 2422 select * from GV$ARCHIVE_GAP ; ---Synonym for GV_$ARCHIVE_GAP 2423 select * from GV$ARCHIVE_PROCESSES ; ---Synonym for GV_$ARCHIVE_PROCESSES 2424 select * from GV$ASH_INFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASH_INFO 2425 select * from GV$ASM_ACFSSNAPSHOTS ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_ACFSSNAPSHOTS 2426 select * from GV$ASM_ACFSVOLUMES ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_ACFSVOLUMES 2427 select * from GV$ASM_ACFS_ENCRYPTION_INFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_ACFS_ENCRYPTION_INFO 2428 select * from GV$ASM_ACFS_SECURITY_INFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_ACFS_SECURITY_INFO 2429 select * from GV$ASM_ALIAS ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_ALIAS 2430 select * from GV$ASM_ATTRIBUTE ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_ATTRIBUTE 2431 select * from GV$ASM_CLIENT ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_CLIENT 2432 select * from GV$ASM_DISK ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_DISK 2433 select * from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_DISKGROUP 2434 select * from GV$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT 2435 select * from GV$ASM_DISK_IOSTAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_DISK_IOSTAT 2436 select * from GV$ASM_DISK_STAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_DISK_STAT 2437 select * from GV$ASM_FILE ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_FILE 2438 select * from GV$ASM_FILESYSTEM ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_FILESYSTEM 2439 select * from GV$ASM_OPERATION ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_OPERATION 2440 select * from GV$ASM_TEMPLATE ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_TEMPLATE 2441 select * from GV$ASM_USER ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_USER 2442 select * from GV$ASM_USERGROUP ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_USERGROUP 2443 select * from GV$ASM_USERGROUP_MEMBER ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_USERGROUP_MEMBER 2444 select * from GV$ASM_VOLUME ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_VOLUME 2445 select * from GV$ASM_VOLUME_STAT ; ---Synonym for GV_$ASM_VOLUME_STAT 2446 select * from GV$AW_AGGREGATE_OP ; ---Synonym for GV_$AW_AGGREGATE_OP 2447 select * from GV$AW_ALLOCATE_OP ; ---Synonym for GV_$AW_ALLOCATE_OP 2448 select * from GV$AW_CALC ; ---Synonym for GV_$AW_CALC 2449 select * from GV$AW_LONGOPS ; ---Synonym for GV_$AW_LONGOPS 2450 select * from GV$AW_OLAP ; ---Synonym for GV_$AW_OLAP 2451 select * from GV$AW_SESSION_INFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$AW_SESSION_INFO 2452 select * from GV$BACKUP ; ---Synonym for GV_$BACKUP 2453 select * from GV$BACKUP_ASYNC_IO ; ---Synonym for GV_$BACKUP_ASYNC_IO 2454 select * from GV$BACKUP_CORRUPTION ; ---Synonym for GV_$BACKUP_CORRUPTION 2455 select * from GV$BACKUP_DATAFILE ; ---Synonym for GV_$BACKUP_DATAFILE 2456 select * from GV$BACKUP_DEVICE ; ---Synonym for GV_$BACKUP_DEVICE 2457 select * from GV$BACKUP_PIECE ; ---Synonym for GV_$BACKUP_PIECE 2458 select * from GV$BACKUP_REDOLOG ; ---Synonym for GV_$BACKUP_REDOLOG 2459 select * from GV$BACKUP_SET ; ---Synonym for GV_$BACKUP_SET 2460 select * from GV$BACKUP_SPFILE ; ---Synonym for GV_$BACKUP_SPFILE 2461 select * from GV$BACKUP_SYNC_IO ; ---Synonym for GV_$BACKUP_SYNC_IO 2462 select * from GV$BGPROCESS ; ---Synonym for GV_$BGPROCESS 2463 select * from GV$BH ; ---Synonym for GV_$BH 2464 select * from GV$BLOCKING_QUIESCE ; ---Synonym for GV_$BLOCKING_QUIESCE 2465 select * from GV$BSP ; ---Synonym for GV_$BSP 2466 select * from GV$BUFFERED_PUBLISHERS ; ---Synonym for GV_$BUFFERED_PUBLISHERS 2467 select * from GV$BUFFERED_QUEUES ; ---Synonym for GV_$BUFFERED_QUEUES 2468 select * from GV$BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS ; ---Synonym for GV_$BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS 2469 select * from GV$BUFFER_POOL ; ---Synonym for GV_$BUFFER_POOL 2470 select * from GV$BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS ; ---Synonym for GV_$BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS 2471 select * from GV$CALLTAG ; ---Synonym for GV_$CALLTAG 2472 select * from GV$CELL ; ---Synonym for GV_$CELL 2473 select * from GV$CELL_CONFIG ; ---Synonym for GV_$CELL_CONFIG 2474 select * from GV$CELL_REQUEST_TOTALS ; ---Synonym for GV_$CELL_REQUEST_TOTALS 2475 select * from GV$CELL_STATE ; ---Synonym for GV_$CELL_STATE 2476 select * from GV$CELL_THREAD_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for GV_$CELL_THREAD_HISTORY 2477 select * from GV$CIRCUIT ; ---Synonym for GV_$CIRCUIT 2478 select * from GV$CLASS_CACHE_TRANSFER ; ---Synonym for GV_$CLASS_CACHE_TRANSFER 2479 select * from GV$CLASS_PING ; ---Synonym for GV_$CLASS_PING 2480 select * from GV$CLIENT_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$CLIENT_STATS 2481 select * from GV$CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS ; ---Synonym for GV_$CLUSTER_INTERCONNECTS 2482 select * from GV$CONFIGURED_INTERCONNECTS ; ---Synonym for GV_$CONFIGURED_INTERCONNECTS 2483 select * from GV$CONTEXT ; ---Synonym for GV_$CONTEXT 2484 select * from GV$CONTROLFILE ; ---Synonym for GV_$CONTROLFILE 2485 select * from GV$CONTROLFILE_RECORD_SECTION ; ---Synonym for GV_$CONTROLFILE_RECORD_SECTION 2486 select * from GV$COPY_CORRUPTION ; ---Synonym for GV_$COPY_CORRUPTION 2487 select * from GV$CORRUPT_XID_LIST ; ---Synonym for GV_$CORRUPT_XID_LIST 2488 select * from GV$CPOOL_CC_INFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$CPOOL_CC_INFO 2489 select * from GV$CPOOL_CC_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$CPOOL_CC_STATS 2490 select * from GV$CPOOL_CONN_INFO ; ---Synonym for GV_$CPOOL_CONN_INFO 2491 select * from GV$CPOOL_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$CPOOL_STATS 2492 select * from GV$CR_BLOCK_SERVER ; ---Synonym for GV_$CR_BLOCK_SERVER 2493 select * from GV$CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER ; ---Synonym for GV_$CURRENT_BLOCK_SERVER 2494 select * from ALL_HISTOGRAMS ; ---Synonym for ALL_TAB_HISTOGRAMS 2495 select * from GV$XML_AUDIT_TRAIL ; ---Synonym for GV_$XML_AUDIT_TRAIL 2496 select * from GV$XSTREAM_CAPTURE ; ---Synonym for GV_$XSTREAM_CAPTURE 2497 select * from GV$XSTREAM_MESSAGE_TRACKING ; ---Synonym for GV_$XSTREAM_MESSAGE_TRACKING 2498 select * from GV$XSTREAM_OUTBOUND_SERVER ; ---Synonym for GV_$XSTREAM_OUTBOUND_SERVER 2499 select * from GV$XSTREAM_TABLE_STATS ; ---Synonym for GV_$XSTREAM_TABLE_STATS 2500 select * from GV$XSTREAM_TRANSACTION ; ---Synonym for GV_$XSTREAM_TRANSACTION 2501 select * from GV$_LOCK ; ---Synonym for GV_$_LOCK 2502 select * from ALL_PUBLISHED_COLUMNS ; ---Synonym for USER_PUBLISHED_COLUMNS 2503 select * from USER_SNAPSHOT_REFRESH_TIMES ; ---Synonym for USER_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES 2504 select * from USER_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS ; ---Synonym for USER_SQLSET 2505 select * from V$DATABASE ; ---Synonym for V_$DATABASE 2506 select * from V$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION ; ---Synonym for V_$DATABASE_BLOCK_CORRUPTION 2507 select * from V$DATABASE_INCARNATION ; ---Synonym for V_$DATABASE_INCARNATION 2508 select * from V$DATABASE_KEY_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$DATABASE_KEY_INFO 2509 select * from V$DATAFILE ; ---Synonym for V_$DATAFILE 2510 select * from V$DATAFILE_COPY ; ---Synonym for V_$DATAFILE_COPY 2511 select * from V$DATAFILE_HEADER ; ---Synonym for V_$DATAFILE_HEADER 2512 select * from V$DATAGUARD_CONFIG ; ---Synonym for V_$DATAGUARD_CONFIG 2513 select * from V$DATAGUARD_STATS ; ---Synonym for V_$DATAGUARD_STATS 2514 select * from V$DATAGUARD_STATUS ; ---Synonym for V_$DATAGUARD_STATUS 2515 select * from V$DATAPUMP_JOB ; ---Synonym for V_$DATAPUMP_JOB 2516 select * from V$DATAPUMP_SESSION ; ---Synonym for V_$DATAPUMP_SESSION 2517 select * from V$DBFILE ; ---Synonym for V_$DBFILE 2518 select * from V$DBLINK ; ---Synonym for V_$DBLINK 2519 select * from V$DB_CACHE_ADVICE ; ---Synonym for V_$DB_CACHE_ADVICE 2520 select * from V$DB_OBJECT_CACHE ; ---Synonym for V_$DB_OBJECT_CACHE 2521 select * from V$DB_PIPES ; ---Synonym for V_$DB_PIPES 2522 select * from V$DB_TRANSPORTABLE_PLATFORM ; ---Synonym for V_$DB_TRANSPORTABLE_PLATFORM 2523 select * from V$DELETED_OBJECT ; ---Synonym for V_$DELETED_OBJECT 2524 select * from V$DETACHED_SESSION ; ---Synonym for V_$DETACHED_SESSION 2525 select * from V$DIAG_ADR_CONTROL ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_ADR_CONTROL 2526 select * from V$DIAG_ADR_INVALIDATION ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_ADR_INVALIDATION 2527 select * from V$DIAG_ALERT_EXT ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_ALERT_EXT 2528 select * from V$DIAG_AMS_XACTION ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_AMS_XACTION 2529 select * from V$DIAG_CRITICAL_ERROR ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_CRITICAL_ERROR 2530 select * from V$DIAG_DDE_USER_ACTION ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_DDE_USER_ACTION 2531 select * from V$DIAG_DDE_USER_ACTION_DEF ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_DDE_USER_ACTION_DEF 2532 select * from V$DIAG_DDE_USR_ACT_PARAM ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_DDE_USR_ACT_PARAM 2533 select * from V$DIAG_DDE_USR_ACT_PARAM_DEF ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_DDE_USR_ACT_PARAM_DEF 2534 select * from V$DIAG_DDE_USR_INC_ACT_MAP ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_DDE_USR_INC_ACT_MAP 2535 select * from V$DIAG_DDE_USR_INC_TYPE ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_DDE_USR_INC_TYPE 2536 select * from V$DIAG_DFW_CONFIG_CAPTURE ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_DFW_CONFIG_CAPTURE 2537 select * from V$DIAG_DFW_CONFIG_ITEM ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_DFW_CONFIG_ITEM 2538 select * from V$DIAG_DIAGV_INCIDENT ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_DIAGV_INCIDENT 2539 select * from V$DIAG_DIR_EXT ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_DIR_EXT 2540 select * from V$DIAG_EM_DIAG_JOB ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_EM_DIAG_JOB 2541 select * from V$DIAG_EM_TARGET_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_EM_TARGET_INFO 2542 select * from V$DIAG_EM_USER_ACTIVITY ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_EM_USER_ACTIVITY 2543 select * from V$DIAG_HM_FDG_SET ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_HM_FDG_SET 2544 select * from V$DIAG_HM_FINDING ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_HM_FINDING 2545 select * from V$DIAG_HM_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_HM_INFO 2546 select * from V$DIAG_HM_MESSAGE ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_HM_MESSAGE 2547 select * from V$DIAG_HM_RECOMMENDATION ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_HM_RECOMMENDATION 2548 select * from V$DIAG_HM_RUN ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_HM_RUN 2549 select * from V$DIAG_INCCKEY ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_INCCKEY 2550 select * from V$DIAG_INCIDENT ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_INCIDENT 2551 select * from V$DIAG_INCIDENT_FILE ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_INCIDENT_FILE 2552 select * from V$DIAG_INC_METER_CONFIG ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_INC_METER_CONFIG 2553 select * from V$DIAG_INC_METER_IMPT_DEF ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_INC_METER_IMPT_DEF 2554 select * from V$DIAG_INC_METER_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_INC_METER_INFO 2555 select * from V$DIAG_INC_METER_PK_IMPTS ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_INC_METER_PK_IMPTS 2556 select * from V$DIAG_INC_METER_SUMMARY ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_INC_METER_SUMMARY 2557 select * from V$DIAG_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_INFO 2558 select * from V$DIAG_IPS_CONFIGURATION ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_IPS_CONFIGURATION 2559 select * from V$DIAG_IPS_FILE_COPY_LOG ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_IPS_FILE_COPY_LOG 2560 select * from V$DIAG_IPS_FILE_METADATA ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_IPS_FILE_METADATA 2561 select * from V$DIAG_IPS_PACKAGE ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_IPS_PACKAGE 2562 select * from V$DIAG_IPS_PACKAGE_FILE ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_IPS_PACKAGE_FILE 2563 select * from V$DIAG_IPS_PACKAGE_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_IPS_PACKAGE_HISTORY 2564 select * from V$DIAG_IPS_PACKAGE_INCIDENT ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_IPS_PACKAGE_INCIDENT 2565 select * from V$DIAG_IPS_PKG_UNPACK_HIST ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_IPS_PKG_UNPACK_HIST 2566 select * from V$DIAG_IPS_PROGRESS_LOG ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_IPS_PROGRESS_LOG 2567 select * from V$DIAG_IPS_REMOTE_PACKAGE ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_IPS_REMOTE_PACKAGE 2568 select * from V$DIAG_PICKLEERR ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_PICKLEERR 2569 select * from V$DIAG_PROBLEM ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_PROBLEM 2570 select * from V$DIAG_RELMD_EXT ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_RELMD_EXT 2571 select * from V$DIAG_SWEEPERR ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_SWEEPERR 2572 select * from V$DIAG_VEM_USER_ACTLOG ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VEM_USER_ACTLOG 2573 select * from V$DIAG_VEM_USER_ACTLOG1 ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VEM_USER_ACTLOG1 2574 select * from V$DIAG_VHM_RUN ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VHM_RUN 2575 select * from V$DIAG_VIEW ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VIEW 2576 select * from V$DIAG_VIEWCOL ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VIEWCOL 2577 select * from V$DIAG_VINCIDENT ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VINCIDENT 2578 select * from V$DIAG_VINCIDENT_FILE ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VINCIDENT_FILE 2579 select * from V$DIAG_VINC_METER_INFO ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VINC_METER_INFO 2580 select * from V$DIAG_VIPS_FILE_COPY_LOG ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VIPS_FILE_COPY_LOG 2581 select * from V$DIAG_VIPS_FILE_METADATA ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VIPS_FILE_METADATA 2582 select * from V$DIAG_VIPS_PACKAGE_FILE ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VIPS_PACKAGE_FILE 2583 select * from V$DIAG_VIPS_PACKAGE_HISTORY ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VIPS_PACKAGE_HISTORY 2584 select * from V$DIAG_VIPS_PACKAGE_MAIN_INT ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VIPS_PACKAGE_MAIN_INT 2585 select * from V$DIAG_VIPS_PACKAGE_SIZE ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VIPS_PACKAGE_SIZE 2586 select * from V$DIAG_VIPS_PKG_FILE ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VIPS_PKG_FILE 2587 select * from V$DIAG_VIPS_PKG_INC_CAND ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VIPS_PKG_INC_CAND 2588 select * from V$DIAG_VIPS_PKG_INC_DTL ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VIPS_PKG_INC_DTL 2589 select * from V$DIAG_VIPS_PKG_INC_DTL1 ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VIPS_PKG_INC_DTL1 2590 select * from V$DIAG_VIPS_PKG_MAIN_PROBLEM ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VIPS_PKG_MAIN_PROBLEM 2591 select * from V$DIAG_VNOT_EXIST_INCIDENT ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VNOT_EXIST_INCIDENT 2592 select * from V$DIAG_VPROBLEM ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VPROBLEM 2593 select * from V$DIAG_VPROBLEM1 ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VPROBLEM1 2594 select * from V$DIAG_VPROBLEM2 ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VPROBLEM2 2595 select * from V$DIAG_VPROBLEM_BUCKET ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VPROBLEM_BUCKET 2596 select * from V$DIAG_VPROBLEM_BUCKET1 ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VPROBLEM_BUCKET1 2597 select * from V$DIAG_VPROBLEM_BUCKET_COUNT ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VPROBLEM_BUCKET_COUNT 2598 select * from V$DIAG_VPROBLEM_INT ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VPROBLEM_INT 2599 select * from V$DIAG_VPROBLEM_LASTINC ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VPROBLEM_LASTINC 2600 select * from V$DIAG_VSHOWCATVIEW ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VSHOWCATVIEW 2601 select * from V$DIAG_VSHOWINCB ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VSHOWINCB 2602 select * from V$DIAG_VSHOWINCB_I ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VSHOWINCB_I 2603 select * from V$DIAG_VTEST_EXISTS ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_VTEST_EXISTS 2604 select * from V$DIAG_V_ACTINC ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_V_ACTINC 2605 select * from V$DIAG_V_ACTPROB ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_V_ACTPROB 2606 select * from V$DIAG_V_INCCOUNT ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_V_INCCOUNT 2607 select * from V$DIAG_V_INCFCOUNT ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_V_INCFCOUNT 2608 select * from V$DIAG_V_INC_METER_INFO_PROB ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_V_INC_METER_INFO_PROB 2609 select * from V$DIAG_V_IPSPRBCNT ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_V_IPSPRBCNT 2610 select * from V$DIAG_V_IPSPRBCNT1 ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_V_IPSPRBCNT1 2611 select * from V$DIAG_V_NFCINC ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_V_NFCINC 2612 select * from V$DIAG_V_SWPERRCOUNT ; ---Synonym for V_$DIAG_V_SWPERRCOUNT 2613 select * from V$DISPATCHER ; ---Synonym for V_$DISPATCHER 2614 select * from V$DISPATCHER_CONFIG ; ---Synonym for V_$DISPATCHER_CONFIG 2615 select * from V$DISPATCHER_RATE ; ---Synonym for V_$DISPATCHER_RATE 2616 select * from TABS ; ---Synonym for USER_TABLES 2617 select * from OBJ ; ---Synonym for USER_OBJECTS 2618 select * from DBA_SNAPSHOT_LOG_FILTER_COLS ; ---Synonym for DBA_MVIEW_LOG_FILTER_COLS 2619 select * from DBA_SNAPSHOT_REFRESH_TIMES ; ---Synonym for DBA_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES 2620 select * from DBA_SQLSET_DEFINITIONS ; ---Synonym for DBA_SQLSET 2621 select * from DBA_APPLY_OBJECT_DEPENDENCIES ; ---Synonym for _DBA_APPLY_OBJECT_CONSTRAINTS 2622 select * from DBA_APPLY_VALUE_DEPENDENCIES ; ---Synonym for _DBA_APPLY_CONSTRAINT_COLUMNS 2623 select * from DBA_HISTOGRAMS ; ---Synonym for DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS 2624 select * from USER_HISTOGRAMS ; ---Synonym for USER_TAB_HISTOGRAMS 2625 select * from ALL_SNAPSHOT_REFRESH_TIMES ; ---Synonym for ALL_MVIEW_REFRESH_TIMES 2626 select * from ALL_SOURCE_TABLES ; ---Synonym for USER_SOURCE_TABLES 2627 select * from ALL_SUBSCRIBED_COLUMNS ; ---Synonym for USER_SUBSCRIBED_COLUMNS 2628 select * from ALL_SUBSCRIBED_TABLES ; ---Synonym for USER_SUBSCRIBED_TABLES 2629 select * from ALL_SUBSCRIPTIONS ; ---Synonym for USER_SUBSCRIPTIONS 2630 select * from LOGSTDBY_UNSUPPORTED_TABLES ; ---Synonym for DBA_LOGSTDBY_UNSUPPORTED_TABLE 2631 select * from DICT ; ---Synonym for DICTIONARY 2632 select * from ALL_JOBS ; ---Synonym for USER_JOBS 2633 select * from ALL_OLAP2_AWS ; ---Synonym for ALL$OLAP2_AWS 2634 select * from RECYCLEBIN ; ---Synonym for USER_RECYCLEBIN 2635 select * from SEQ ; ---Synonym for USER_SEQUENCES 2636 select * from SM$VERSION ; ---Synonym for SM_$VERSION 2637 select * from SYN ; ---Synonym for USER_SYNONYMS 2638 select * from DBA_LOCKS ; ---Synonym for DBA_LOCK 2639 select * from ALL_OUTLINES ; ---Synonym for USER_OUTLINES 2640 select * from ALL_OUTLINE_HINTS ; ---Synonym for USER_OUTLINE_HINTS 2641 select * from IND ; ---Synonym for USER_INDEXES 2642 select * from CAT ; ---Synonym for USER_CATALOG 2643 select * from CHANGE_PROPAGATIONS ; ---Synonym for ALL_CHANGE_PROPAGATIONS 2644 select * from CHANGE_PROPAGATION_SETS ; ---Synonym for ALL_CHANGE_PROPAGATION_SETS 2645 select * from CHANGE_SETS ; ---Synonym for ALL_CHANGE_SETS 2646 select * from CHANGE_SOURCES ; ---Synonym for ALL_CHANGE_SOURCES 2647 select * from CHANGE_TABLES ; ---Synonym for ALL_CHANGE_TABLES 2648 select * from CLIENT_RESULT_CACHE_STATS$ ; ---Synonym for CRCSTATS_$ 2649 select * from CLU ; ---Synonym for USER_CLUSTERS 2650 select * from COLS ; ---Synonym for USER_TAB_COLUMNS 2651
为人:谦逊、激情、博学、审问、慎思、明辨、 笃行
------- 桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。之子于归,宜其室家。 ---------------
------- 桃之夭夭,有蕡其实。之子于归,宜其家室。 ---------------
------- 桃之夭夭,其叶蓁蓁。之子于归,宜其家人。 ---------------
* 博客文章部分截图及内容来自于学习的书本及相应培训课程以及网络其他博客,仅做学习讨论之用,不做商业用途。
* 如有侵权,马上联系我,我立马删除对应链接。 * @author Alan -liu * @Email
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------- 桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。之子于归,宜其室家。 ---------------
------- 桃之夭夭,有蕡其实。之子于归,宜其家室。 ---------------
------- 桃之夭夭,其叶蓁蓁。之子于归,宜其家人。 ---------------
* 博客文章部分截图及内容来自于学习的书本及相应培训课程以及网络其他博客,仅做学习讨论之用,不做商业用途。
* 如有侵权,马上联系我,我立马删除对应链接。 * @author Alan -liu * @Email
转载请标注出处! ✧*꧁一品堂.技术学习笔记꧂*✧. --->
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