Oracle11g 体系结构
* 博客文章部分截图及内容来自于学习的书本及相应培训课程以及网络其他博客,仅做学习讨论之用,不做商业用途。
* 如有侵权,马上联系我,我立马删除对应链接。
* @author Alan
* @Email
一:Oracle11g 体系结构
二、1:数据块(data blocks)
1 ----通过 v$parameter数据字典来查询oracle标准数据块的大小。 2 SYS@orcl> startup 3 ORACLE instance started. 4 5 Total System Global Area 1221992448 bytes 6 Fixed Size 1344596 bytes 7 Variable Size 771754924 bytes 8 Database Buffers 436207616 bytes 9 Redo Buffers 12685312 bytes 10 Database mounted. 11 Database opened. 12 SYS@orcl> col name format a30; 13 SYS@orcl> col value format a20; 14 SYS@orcl> select name,value from v$parameter where name='db_block_size'; 15 16 NAME VALUE 17 ------------------------------ -------------------- 18 db_block_size 8192 19 20 SYS@orcl> show parameter db_block 21 22 NAME TYPE VALUE 23 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 24 db_block_buffers integer 0 25 db_block_checking string FALSE 26 db_block_checksum string TYPICAL 27 db_block_size integer 8192
二、2:数据区 extent
二、3:段 segment
二、4:表空间 tablespace
二、5: SYSTEM 表空间
1 SYS@orcl> col table_name for a30; 2 SYS@orcl> col comments for a30; 3 SYS@orcl> select * from dict; 4 5 TABLE_NAME COMMENTS 6 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ 7 DBA_CONS_COLUMNS Information about accessible c 8 olumns in constraint definitio 9 ns 10 11 DBA_LOG_GROUP_COLUMNS Information about columns in l 12 og group definitions 13 14 DBA_LOBS Description of LOBs contained 15 in all tables 16 17 DBA_CATALOG All database Tables, Views, Sy
二、6:SYSAUX 表空间
二、7:UODO 表空间
二、8:USERS 表空间
三、1: 数据文件
View Code1 [oracle@localhost ~]$ sqlplus / as sysdba; 2 3 SQL*Plus: Release Production on Thu Dec 8 23:27:12 2016 4 5 Copyright (c) 1982, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved. 6 7 8 Connected to: 9 Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production 10 With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options 11 12 SYS@orcl> col file_name format a50; 13 SYS@orcl> set linesize3000; 14 SYS@orcl> select file_name,tablespace_name from dba_data_files where rownum<=10; 15 16 FILE_NAME TABLESPACE_NAME 17 -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ 18 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/users01.dbf USERS 19 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/undotbs01.dbf UNDOTBS1 20 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/sysaux01.dbf SYSAUX 21 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/system01.dbf SYSTEM 22 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/example01.dbf EXAMPLE 23 24 SYS@orcl>
View Code1 SYS@orcl> col file_name format a50; 2 SYS@orcl> col tablespace_name format a20; 3 SYS@orcl> select file_name,tablespace_name from dba_temp_files; 4 5 FILE_NAME TABLESPACE_NAME 6 -------------------------------------------------- -------------------- 7 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/temp01.dbf TEMP 8 9 SYS@orcl>
三、2: 控制文件
View Code1 SYS@orcl> col name fromat a60; 2 SYS@orcl> col name format a60; 3 SYS@orcl> col status format a20; 4 SYS@orcl> col block_size format a60; 5 SYS@orcl> col is_recoveris_recover format a60 ; 6 SYS@orcl> col block_size format a150 ; 7 SYS@orcl> select * from v$controlfile; 8 9 STATUS NAME IS_ BLOCK_SIZE FILE_SIZE_BLKS 10 -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --- ---------- -------------- 11 /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/control01.ctl NO ########## 594 12 /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/orcl/control02.ctl NO ########## 594
View Code1 SYS@orcl> col member for a50; 2 SYS@orcl> select * from v$logfile; 3 4 GROUP# STATUS TYPE MEMBER IS_ 5 ---------- -------------------- ------- -------------------------------------------------- --- 6 3 ONLINE /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo03.log NO 7 2 ONLINE /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo02.log NO 8 1 ONLINE /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo01.log NO 9 10 SYS@orcl> 11
View Code1 2 SYS@orcl> col name format a30; 3 SYS@orcl> select dbid,name,log_mode from v$database; 4 5 DBID NAME LOG_MODE 6 ---------- ------------------------------ ------------ 7 1457025880 ORCL ARCHIVELOG
View Code1 2 SYS@orcl> set pagesize 30; 3 SYS@orcl> show parameter log_archive_dest; 4 5 NAME TYPE VALUE 6 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 7 log_archive_dest string 8 log_archive_dest_1 string 9 log_archive_dest_10 string 10 log_archive_dest_11 string 11 log_archive_dest_12 string 12 log_archive_dest_13 string 13 log_archive_dest_14 string 14 log_archive_dest_15 string 15 log_archive_dest_16 string 16 log_archive_dest_17 string 17 log_archive_dest_18 string 18 log_archive_dest_19 string 19 log_archive_dest_2 string 20 log_archive_dest_20 string 21 log_archive_dest_21 string 22 log_archive_dest_22 string 23 log_archive_dest_23 string 24 log_archive_dest_24 string 25 log_archive_dest_25 string 26 log_archive_dest_26 string 27 log_archive_dest_27 string 28 log_archive_dest_28 string 29 log_archive_dest_29 string 30 log_archive_dest_3 string 31 log_archive_dest_30 string 32 log_archive_dest_31 string 33 log_archive_dest_4 string 34 35 NAME TYPE VALUE 36 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 37 log_archive_dest_5 string 38 log_archive_dest_6 string 39 log_archive_dest_7 string 40 log_archive_dest_8 string 41 log_archive_dest_9 string 42 log_archive_dest_state_1 string enable 43 log_archive_dest_state_10 string enable 44 log_archive_dest_state_11 string enable 45 log_archive_dest_state_12 string enable 46 log_archive_dest_state_13 string enable 47 log_archive_dest_state_14 string enable 48 log_archive_dest_state_15 string enable 49 log_archive_dest_state_16 string enable 50 log_archive_dest_state_17 string enable 51 log_archive_dest_state_18 string enable 52 log_archive_dest_state_19 string enable 53 log_archive_dest_state_2 string enable 54 log_archive_dest_state_20 string enable 55 log_archive_dest_state_21 string enable 56 log_archive_dest_state_22 string enable 57 log_archive_dest_state_23 string enable 58 log_archive_dest_state_24 string enable 59 log_archive_dest_state_25 string enable 60 log_archive_dest_state_26 string enable 61 log_archive_dest_state_27 string enable 62 log_archive_dest_state_28 string enable 63 log_archive_dest_state_29 string enable 64 65 NAME TYPE VALUE 66 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 67 log_archive_dest_state_3 string enable 68 log_archive_dest_state_30 string enable 69 log_archive_dest_state_31 string enable 70 log_archive_dest_state_4 string enable 71 log_archive_dest_state_5 string enable 72 log_archive_dest_state_6 string enable 73 log_archive_dest_state_7 string enable 74 log_archive_dest_state_8 string enable 75 log_archive_dest_state_9 string enable 76 SYS@orcl>
View Code1 SYS@orcl> col name for a30; 2 SYS@orcl> col value for a30; 3 SYS@orcl> select name ,value,ismodified from v$parameter where rownum <=20; 4 5 NAME VALUE ISMODIFIED 6 ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- 7 lock_name_space FALSE 8 processes 150 FALSE 9 sessions 248 FALSE 10 timed_statistics TRUE FALSE 11 timed_os_statistics 0 FALSE 12 resource_limit FALSE FALSE 13 license_max_sessions 0 FALSE 14 license_sessions_warning 0 FALSE 15 cpu_count 4 FALSE 16 instance_groups FALSE 17 event FALSE 18 sga_max_size 1224736768 FALSE 19 use_large_pages TRUE FALSE 20 pre_page_sga FALSE FALSE 21 shared_memory_address 0 FALSE 22 hi_shared_memory_address 0 FALSE 23 use_indirect_data_buffers FALSE FALSE 24 lock_sga FALSE FALSE 25 processor_group_name FALSE 26 shared_pool_size 0 FALSE 27 28 20 rows selected. 29 30 SYS@orcl>
View Code1 --查看Cursor相关参数 2 SYS@orcl> show parameter cursor; 3 4 NAME TYPE VALUE 5 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 6 cursor_bind_capture_destination string memory+disk 7 cursor_sharing string EXACT 8 cursor_space_for_time boolean FALSE 9 open_cursors integer 300 10 session_cached_cursors integer 50 11 12 ---修改相关参数 13 SYS@orcl> alter system set open_cursors=350 scope=both; 14 15 System altered. 16 17 SYS@orcl> alter system set session_cached_cursors=100 scope=spfile; 18 19 System altered. 20 21 SYS@orcl> alter system set cursor_space_for_time=true scope=spfile; 22 23 System altered. 24 /* 25 scope 参数值有三个选项。 26 scope=memory: 只改变当前实例运行,亦即初始化参数改变了只对当前实例有效,当实例重启之后,初始化参数值还原。 27 scope=spfile:只改变spfile的设置。亦即改变初始化参数文件内容。实例重启后参数生效。 28 scope=both:既改变实例也改变spfile。需要注意的是,如果修改静态参数,必须指定SPFILE参数(scope=spfile),否则会报错。 29 */
View Code1 [oracle@localhost dbs]$ ls 2 hc_orcl.dat init.ora initPROD1.ora lkORCL orapworcl spfileorcl.ora 3 [oracle@localhost dbs]$ pwd 4 /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1/dbs 5 [oracle@localhost dbs]$ orapwd file=dbsorapwPROD1 entries=30 6 7 Enter password for SYS: ---oracle 8 [oracle@localhost dbs]$ 9
View Code1 SYS@orcl> show parameter user_dump 2 3 NAME TYPE VALUE 4 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 5 user_dump_dest string /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orc 6 l/orcl/trace 7 SYS@orcl>
四:Oracle11g 服务器结构
四、1:系统全局区 SGA
四、 1-1:高速数据缓冲区 Database buffer cache
四、 1-2:重做日志缓冲区 Red log buffer cache
View Code1 SYS@orcl> show parameter log_buffer 2 3 NAME TYPE VALUE 4 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 5 log_buffer integer 12386304 6 SYS@orcl>
四、 1-3:共享池 Shared Pool
View Code1 2 ------------------------------------ ----------- -------------
四、 1-4:大型池 Large Pool
修改 large_pool_size 值的大小:
View Code1 SYS@orcl> show parameter large_pool 2 3 NAME TYPE VALUE 4 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 5 large_pool_size big integer 0 6 SYS@orcl> alter system set large_pool_size=16m; 7 8 System altered. 9 10 SYS@orcl> show parameter large_pool 11 12 NAME TYPE VALUE 13 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 14 large_pool_size big integer 16M 15 SYS@orcl>
四、 1-5:Java 池
View Code1 SYS@orcl> show parameter java_pool 2 3 NAME TYPE VALUE 4 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 5 java_pool_size big integer 0 6 SYS@orcl>
四、 1-6: 流池
View Code1 SYS@orcl> show parameter streams 2 3 NAME TYPE VALUE 4 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 5 streams_pool_size big integer 0 6 SYS@orcl>
四、2:程序全局区 PGA
四、 2-1:私有SQL区
四、 2-2: 会话区
显示当前用户进程PGA 信息:
View Code1 SYS@orcl> show parameter pga; 2 3 NAME TYPE VALUE 4 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 5 pga_aggregate_target big integer 0 6 SYS@orcl>
四、 3-1: 用户进程
四、 3-2:服务器进程
四、 4-1: 数据写入进程DBWR
四、 4-2: 检查点进程CKPT
四、 4-3:日志写入进程 LGWR
四、 4-4:归档进程 ARCH
View Code1 SYS@orcl> show parameter log_archive_max_processes 2 3 NAME TYPE VALUE 4 ------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ 5 log_archive_max_processes integer 4 6 SYS@orcl>
四、 4-5:系统金控进程 SMOM
四、 4-6:进程监控进程 PMOM
四、 4-7:锁定进程 LCKN
四、 4-8:恢复进程 RECO
四、 4-9:调度进程 DNNN
四、 4-10:快照进程 SNPN
View Code1 SYS@orcl> set pagesize 50; 2 SYS@orcl> select name,description from v$bgprocess; 3 4 NAME DESCRIPTION 5 ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 6 PMON process cleanup 7 VKTM Virtual Keeper of TiMe process 8 GEN0 generic0 9 DIAG diagnosibility process 10 DBRM DataBase Resource Manager 11 VKRM Virtual sKeduler for Resource Manager 12 RSMN Remote Slave Monitor 13 PING interconnect latency measurement 14 FMON File Mapping Monitor Process 15 PSP0 process spawner 0 16 ACMS Atomic Controlfile to Memory Server 17 DSKM slave DiSKMon process 18 DIA0 diagnosibility process 0 19 DIA1 diagnosibility process 1 20 DIA2 diagnosibility process 2 21 DIA3 diagnosibility process 3 22 DIA4 diagnosibility process 4 23 DIA5 diagnosibility process 5 24 DIA6 diagnosibility process 6 25 DIA7 diagnosibility process 7 26 DIA8 diagnosibility process 8 27 DIA9 diagnosibility process 9 28 LMON global enqueue service monitor 29 LMD0 global enqueue service daemon 0 30 LMS0 global cache service process 0 31 LMS1 global cache service process 1 32 LMS2 global cache service process 2 33 LMS3 global cache service process 3 34 LMS4 global cache service process 4 35 LMS5 global cache service process 5 36 LMS6 global cache service process 6 37 LMS7 global cache service process 7 38 LMS8 global cache service process 8 39 LMS9 global cache service process 9 40 LMSa global cache service process 10 41 LMSb global cache service process 11 42 LMSc global cache service process 12 43 LMSd global cache service process 13 44 LMSe global cache service process 14 45 LMSf global cache service process 15 46 LMSg global cache service process 16 47 LMSh global cache service process 17 48 LMSi global cache service process 18 49 LMSj global cache service process 19 50 LMSk global cache service process 20 51 LMSl global cache service process 21 52 LMSm global cache service process 22 53 54 NAME DESCRIPTION 55 ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 56 LMSn global cache service process 23 57 LMSo global cache service process 24 58 LMSp global cache service process 25 59 LMSq global cache service process 26 60 LMSr global cache service process 27 61 LMSs global cache service process 28 62 LMSt global cache service process 29 63 LMSu global cache service process 30 64 LMSv global cache service process 31 65 LMSw global cache service process 32 66 LMSx global cache service process 33 67 LMSy global cache service process 34 68 RMS0 rac management server 69 LMHB lm heartbeat monitor 70 MMAN Memory Manager 71 DBW0 db writer process 0 72 DBW1 db writer process 1 73 DBW2 db writer process 2 74 DBW3 db writer process 3 75 DBW4 db writer process 4 76 DBW5 db writer process 5 77 DBW6 db writer process 6 78 DBW7 db writer process 7 79 DBW8 db writer process 8 80 DBW9 db writer process 9 81 DBWa db writer process 10 (a) 82 DBWb db writer process 11 (b) 83 DBWc db writer process 12 (c) 84 DBWd db writer process 13 (d) 85 DBWe db writer process 14 (e) 86 DBWf db writer process 15 (f) 87 DBWg db writer process 16 (g) 88 DBWh db writer process 17 (h) 89 DBWi db writer process 18 (i) 90 DBWj db writer process 19 (j) 91 DBWk db writer process 20 (k) 92 DBWl db writer process 21 (l) 93 DBWm db writer process 22 (m) 94 DBWn db writer process 23 (n) 95 DBWo db writer process 24 (o) 96 DBWp db writer process 25 (p) 97 DBWq db writer process 26 (q) 98 DBWr db writer process 27 (r) 99 DBWs db writer process 28 (s) 100 DBWt db writer process 29 (t) 101 DBWu db writer process 30 (u) 102 DBWv db writer process 31 (v) 103 104 NAME DESCRIPTION 105 ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 106 DBWw db writer process 32 (w) 107 DBWx db writer process 33 (x) 108 DBWy db writer process 34 (y) 109 DBWz db writer process 35 (z) 110 MRP0 Managed Standby Recovery 111 ARC0 Archival Process 0 112 ARC1 Archival Process 1 113 ARC2 Archival Process 2 114 ARC3 Archival Process 3 115 ARC4 Archival Process 4 116 ARC5 Archival Process 5 117 ARC6 Archival Process 6 118 ARC7 Archival Process 7 119 ARC8 Archival Process 8 120 ARC9 Archival Process 9 121 ARCa Archival Process 10 122 ARCb Archival Process 11 123 ARCc Archival Process 12 124 ARCd Archival Process 13 125 ARCe Archival Process 14 126 ARCf Archival Process 15 127 ARCg Archival Process 16 128 ARCh Archival Process 17 129 ARCi Archival Process 18 130 ARCj Archival Process 19 131 ARCk Archival Process 20 132 ARCl Archival Process 21 133 ARCm Archival Process 22 134 ARCn Archival Process 23 135 ARCo Archival Process 24 136 ARCp Archival Process 25 137 ARCq Archival Process 26 138 ARCr Archival Process 27 139 ARCs Archival Process 28 140 ARCt Archival Process 29 141 NSA1 Redo transport NSA1 142 NSS1 Redo transport NSS1 143 NSA2 Redo transport NSA2 144 NSS2 Redo transport NSS2 145 NSA3 Redo transport NSA3 146 NSS3 Redo transport NSS3 147 NSA4 Redo transport NSA4 148 NSS4 Redo transport NSS4 149 NSA5 Redo transport NSA5 150 NSS5 Redo transport NSS5 151 NSA6 Redo transport NSA6 152 NSS6 Redo transport NSS6 153 154 NAME DESCRIPTION 155 ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 156 NSA7 Redo transport NSA7 157 NSS7 Redo transport NSS7 158 NSA8 Redo transport NSA8 159 NSS8 Redo transport NSS8 160 NSA9 Redo transport NSA9 161 NSS9 Redo transport NSS9 162 NSAA Redo transport NSAA 163 NSSA Redo transport NSSA 164 NSAB Redo transport NSAB 165 NSSB Redo transport NSSB 166 NSAC Redo transport NSAC 167 NSSC Redo transport NSSC 168 NSAD Redo transport NSAD 169 NSSD Redo transport NSSD 170 NSAE Redo transport NSAE 171 NSSE Redo transport NSSE 172 NSAF Redo transport NSAF 173 NSSF Redo transport NSSF 174 NSAG Redo transport NSAG 175 NSSG Redo transport NSSG 176 NSAH Redo transport NSAH 177 NSSH Redo transport NSSH 178 NSAI Redo transport NSAI 179 NSSI Redo transport NSSI 180 NSAJ Redo transport NSAJ 181 NSSJ Redo transport NSSJ 182 NSAK Redo transport NSAK 183 NSSK Redo transport NSSK 184 NSAL Redo transport NSAL 185 NSSL Redo transport NSSL 186 NSAM Redo transport NSAM 187 NSSM Redo transport NSSM 188 NSAN Redo transport NSAN 189 NSSN Redo transport NSSN 190 NSAO Redo transport NSAO 191 NSSO Redo transport NSSO 192 NSAP Redo transport NSAP 193 NSSP Redo transport NSSP 194 NSAQ Redo transport NSAQ 195 NSSQ Redo transport NSSQ 196 NSAR Redo transport NSAR 197 NSSR Redo transport NSSR 198 NSAS Redo transport NSAS 199 NSSS Redo transport NSSS 200 NSAT Redo transport NSAT 201 NSST Redo transport NSST 202 NSAU Redo transport NSAU 203 204 NAME DESCRIPTION 205 ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 206 NSSU Redo transport NSSU 207 NSAV Redo transport NSAV 208 NSSV Redo transport NSSV 209 LGWR Redo etc. 210 LCK0 Lock Process 0 211 CKPT checkpoint 212 ABMR Auto BMR Background Process 213 LSP1 Dictionary build process for Logical Standby 214 LSP0 Logical Standby 215 LSP2 Set Guard Standby Information for Logical Standby 216 CTWR Change Tracking Writer 217 RVWR Recovery Writer 218 FBDA Flashback Data Archiver Process 219 SMON System Monitor Process 220 SMCO Space Manager Process 221 RECO distributed recovery 222 GTX0 Global Txn process 0 223 GTX1 Global Txn process 1 224 GTX2 Global Txn process 2 225 GTX3 Global Txn process 3 226 GTX4 Global Txn process 4 227 GTX5 Global Txn process 5 228 GTX6 Global Txn process 6 229 GTX7 Global Txn process 7 230 GTX8 Global Txn process 8 231 GTX9 Global Txn process 9 232 GTXa Global Txn process 10 233 GTXb Global Txn process 11 234 GTXc Global Txn process 12 235 GTXd Global Txn process 13 236 GTXe Global Txn process 14 237 GTXf Global Txn process 15 238 GTXg Global Txn process 16 239 GTXh Global Txn process 17 240 GTXi Global Txn process 18 241 GTXj Global Txn process 19 242 CJQ0 Job Queue Coordinator 243 RCBG Result Cache: Background 244 EMNC EMON Coordinator 245 QMNC AQ Coordinator 246 DMON DG Broker Monitor Process 247 RSM0 Data Guard Broker Resource Guard Process 0 248 NSV0 Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process 0 249 NSV1 Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process 1 250 NSV2 Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process 2 251 NSV3 Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process 3 252 NSV4 Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process 4 253 254 NAME DESCRIPTION 255 ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 256 NSV5 Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process 5 257 NSV6 Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process 6 258 NSV7 Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process 7 259 NSV8 Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process 8 260 NSV9 Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process 9 261 NSVA Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process A 262 NSVB Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process B 263 NSVC Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process C 264 NSVD Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process D 265 NSVE Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process E 266 NSVF Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process F 267 NSVG Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process G 268 NSVH Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process H 269 NSVI Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process I 270 NSVJ Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process J 271 NSVK Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process K 272 NSVL Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process L 273 NSVM Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process M 274 NSVN Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process N 275 NSVO Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process O 276 NSVP Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process P 277 NSVQ Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process Q 278 NSVR Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process R 279 NSVS Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process S 280 NSVT Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process T 281 NSVU Data Guard Broker NetSlave Process U 282 INSV Data Guard Broker INstance SlaVe Process 283 FSFP Data Guard Broker FSFO Pinger 284 RBAL ASM Rebalance master 285 ARB0 ASM Rebalance 0 286 ARB1 ASM Rebalance 1 287 ARB2 ASM Rebalance 2 288 ARB3 ASM Rebalance 3 289 ARB4 ASM Rebalance 4 290 ARB5 ASM Rebalance 5 291 ARB6 ASM Rebalance 6 292 ARB7 ASM Rebalance 7 293 ARB8 ASM Rebalance 8 294 ARB9 ASM Rebalance 9 295 ARBA ASM Rebalance 10 296 ASMB ASM Background 297 MARK mark AU for resync koordinator 298 GMON diskgroup monitor 299 VBG0 Volume BG 0 300 VBG1 Volume BG 1 301 VBG2 Volume BG 2 302 VBG3 Volume BG 3 303 304 NAME DESCRIPTION 305 ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------- 306 VBG4 Volume BG 4 307 VBG5 Volume BG 5 308 VBG6 Volume BG 6 309 VBG7 Volume BG 7 310 VBG8 Volume BG 8 311 VBG9 Volume BG 9 312 VDBG Volume Driver BG 313 VMB0 Volume Membership 0 314 ACFS ACFS CSS 315 MMON Manageability Monitor Process 316 MMNL Manageability Monitor Process 2 317 XDMG cell automation manager 318 XDWK cell automation worker actions 319 320 295 rows selected. 321 322 SYS@orcl>
四、5: 数据字典
四、 5-1:Oracle数据字典概述
四、 5-2:Oracle 常用数据字典
四、 5-2_1:基本数据字典
1 -----基本数据字典及其说明 2 select * from dba_tablespaces;---关于表空间的信息 3 select * from dba_ts_quotas ;---所有用户表空间的限额 4 select * from dba_free_space;--所有表空间中自由分区 5 select * from dba_segments;--描述数据库中所有段的储存空间; 6 select * from dba_extents;--数据库中所有分区的信息 7 select * from dba_tables;---数据库中所有数据表的描述 8 select * from dba_tab_columns;---所有表、视图 及簇的列 9 select * from dba_views ;--数据库中所有的视图信息; 10 select * from synonyms;--关于同义词的信息查询; 11 select * from dba_sequences;--所有用户序列号信息 12 select * from dba_constraints;--所有用户表的约束信息; 13 select * from dba_indexes;--关于数据库索引的描述; 14 select * from dba_ind_columns;--在所有表及簇上压缩索引的列 15 select * from dba_triggers;--所有用户的触发器信息 16 select * from dba_source;--所有用户储存过程的信息; 17 select * from dba_data_files;--查询关于数据库文件的信息; 18 select * from dba_tab_privs;--查询关于对象授权的信息 19 select * from dba_objects;--数据库中所有的对象; 20 select * from dba_users;--关于数据库中所有用户的信息; 21
四、 5-2_2:常用动态性能视图
1 2 ------------常用动态性能视图 3 select * from v$database ;---描述关于数据库的相关信息 4 select * from v$datafile;--数据库使用的数据文件信息 5 select * from v$log;--从控制文件中提取有关重做日志组的信息 6 select * from v$logfile;--有关实例重置日志组文件名及其位置的信息 7 select * from v$archived_log;--记录归档日志文件的基本信息 8 select * from v$archive_dest;--记录归档日志文件的路径信息 9 select * from v$controlfile ;--描述控制文件的相关信息 10 select * from v$instance ; ---记录实例的基本信息 11 select * from v$system_parameter;--显示实例当前有效的参数信息 12 select * from v$sga;--显示实例的SGA区的大小 13 select * from v$sgastat;--统计SGA使用情况的信息 14 select * from v$parameter ;-- 记录初始化参数文件中所有项的值 15 select * from v$lock ;--通过访问数据库会话,设置对象锁的所有信息 16 select * from v$session;--有关会话的信息 17 select * from v$sqltext;--记录SQL语句的信息 18 select * from v$sql;--记录SQL语句的详细信息 19 select * from v$bgprocess;--显示后台进程信息; 20 select * from v$process;--当前进程的信息 21
------- 桃之夭夭,灼灼其华。之子于归,宜其室家。 ---------------
------- 桃之夭夭,有蕡其实。之子于归,宜其家室。 ---------------
------- 桃之夭夭,其叶蓁蓁。之子于归,宜其家人。 ---------------
* 博客文章部分截图及内容来自于学习的书本及相应培训课程以及网络其他博客,仅做学习讨论之用,不做商业用途。
* 如有侵权,马上联系我,我立马删除对应链接。 * @author Alan -liu * @Email
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