Microsoft KB Archive/180945
Article ID: 180945
Article Last Modified on 3/11/2005
- Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 5.0 Standard Edition
- Microsoft Visual SourceSafe 6.0 Standard Edition
- Microsoft Visual C++ 4.0 Standard Edition
- Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 Enterprise Edition
- Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Enterprise Edition
- Microsoft Visual C++ 5.0 Professional Edition
- Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Professional Edition
This article was previously published under Q180945
This article describes how to disconnect a Visual C++ project from source control without removing the project from the source control database.
The following steps give instructions on how to manually disconnect a Visual C++ project from source control. We recommend that you do this only if you are experiencing extraordinary circumstances that you cannot work around. One such instance may be that you receive the error message:
To disconnect a Visual C++ 4.x project from source control:
- Close the workspace containing the project in Developer Studio.
- Delete the .mdp file for the workspace.
- Delete the Mssccprj.scc file in the same directory with the .mdp for the workspace.
To disconnect a Visual C++ 5.0 project from source control:
WARNING: Editing the project (.dsp) and workspace (.dsw) files could render these files unreadable by Developer Studio. Edit these files only in the way prescribed in this article. Always make a backup of these files before editing them.
- If you have a workspace open containing the project in Developer Studio, close the workspace.
- Open the workspace file (.dsw) in a text editor. Remove the following lines and everything in between them: begin source code control end source code control
- Save the workspace file.
- Open the project file (.dsp) in a text editor. Remove the two lines that begin with the text below:
# PROP Scc_ProjName
- PROP Scc_LocalPath
- PROP Scc_LocalPath
- Save the project file.
- Delete the workspace options file (.opt).
- Delete the Visual SourceSafe data files, Mssccprj.scc and vssver.scc, if they exist.
- Open the workspace containing the project in Developer Studio. The project should no longer be under source control.
Keywords: kbhowto KB180945
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