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监控和数据采集 (SCADA) 是一个软件和硬件元素系统,允许工业组织:

  • 本地或远程控制工业流程
  • 监控、收集和处理实时数据
  • 通过人机界面 (HMI) 软件直接与传感器、阀门、泵、电机等设备交互
  • 将事件记录到日志文件中

SCADA 系统对于工业组织至关重要,因为它们有助于保持效率、处理数据以做出更明智的决策,并传达系统问题以帮助减少停机时间。

基本 SCADA 架构始于可编程逻辑控制器 (PLC) 或远程终端单元 (RTU)。PLC 和 RTU 是微型计算机,可与工厂机器、HMI、传感器和终端设备等一系列对象进行通信,然后将信息从这些对象路由到使用 SCADA 软件的计算机。SCADA 软件处理、分发和显示数据,帮助操作员和其他员工分析数据并做出重要决策。

例如,SCADA 系统会快速通知操作员某批次产品出现较高的错误发生率。操作员暂停操作并通过 HMI 查看 SCADA 系统数据以确定问题的原因。操作员查看数据后发现 4 号机器出现故障。SCADA 系统能够通知操作员问题,帮助他解决问题并防止进一步的产品损失。

基本 SCADA 图

基本 SCADA 架构

谁使用 SCADA?

SCADA 系统被公共和私营部门的工业组织和公司用来控制和维护效率、分发数据以做出更明智的决策,以及传达系统问题以帮助减少停机时间。SCADA 系统在许多不同类型的企业中运行良好,因为它们的范围从简单的配置到大型、复杂的安装。SCADA 系统是许多现代工业的支柱,包括:

  • 活力
  • 食品与饮品
  • 制造业
  • 油和气
  • 力量
  • 回收
  • 运输
  • 水和废水
  • 还有很多

当今世界,几乎在任何地方,都有某种类型的 SCADA 系统在幕后运行:维护当地超市的制冷系统、确保炼油厂的生产和安全、达到废水处理厂的质量标准,甚至跟踪举几个例子,您在家中的能源使用情况。

有效的 SCADA 系统可以显着节省时间和金钱。已发表的大量案例研究强调了使用 Ignition 等现代 SCADA 软件解决方案的好处和节省。


SCADA 的诞生美国能源部科学技术信息办公室 (OSTI),科学办公室 [公共领域],来自 Wikimedia Commons

要了解 SCADA 的起源,我们必须了解工业组织正在努力解决的问题。在 20 世纪中叶引入 SCADA 概念之前,许多制造车间、工业工厂和远程站点依靠人员通过按钮和模拟拨号盘手动控制和监控设备。



20 世纪 50 年代初,计算机首次被开发并用于工业控制目的。当时,监督控制开始在主要公用事业、石油和天然气管道以及其他工业市场中流行。20 世纪 60 年代,遥测技术被用于监控,它允许自动通信将测量结果和其他数据从远程站点传输到监控设备。“SCADA”一词是在 20 世纪 70 年代初创造的,微处理器和 PLC 在这十年中的兴起比以往任何时候都增强了企业监视和控制自动化流程的能力。



SCADA 的第一次迭代始于大型计算机。我们今天所知道的网络还不可用,每个 SCADA 系统都是独立的。这些系统现在被称为整体 SCADA 系统。

在 20 世纪 80 年代和 90 年代,由于更小的计算机系统、局域网 (LAN) 技术和基于 PC 的 HMI 软件,SCADA 不断发展。SCADA 系统很快就能够连接到其他类似的系统。这些系统中使用的许多 LAN 协议都是专有的,这使供应商可以控制如何优化数据传输。不幸的是,这些系统无法与其他供应商的系统进行通信。这些系统被称为分布式 SCADA 系统。

在 20 世纪 90 年代和 2000 年代初,SCADA 在分布式系统模型的基础上进行了渐进式变革,采用开放式系统架构和非特定于供应商的通信协议。SCADA 的这一迭代称为网络 SCADA 系统,利用了以太网等通信技术。联网 SCADA 系统允许其他供应商的系统相互通信,减轻了旧 SCADA 系统带来的限制,并允许组织将更多设备连接到网络。

尽管 SCADA 系统经历了重大的演变,但许多工业组织仍然在企业级的工业数据访问方面苦苦挣扎。20世纪90年代末至2000年代初,出现了科技热潮,个人计算和IT技术加速发展。结构化查询语言 (SQL) 数据库成为 IT 数据库的标准,但并未被 SCADA 开发人员采用。这导致了控制和 IT 领域之间的裂痕,SCADA 技术随着时间的推移变得过时。

传统的 SCADA 系统仍然使用专有技术来处理数据。无论是数据历史学家、数据连接器还是其他数据传输方式,解决方案都是混乱且昂贵的。现代 SCADA 系统旨在通过利用最好的控制和 IT 技术来解决这个问题。

现代 SCADA 系统

现代 SCADA 系统

现代 SCADA 系统允许从世界任何地方访问工厂车间的实时数据。这种对实时信息的访问使政府、企业和个人能够就如何改进其流程做出数据驱动的决策。如果没有 SCADA 软件,收集足够的数据以做出持续明智的决策将是极其困难的。

此外,大多数现代 SCADA 设计器应用程序都具有快速应用程序开发 (RAD) 功能,即使用户不具备丰富的软件开发知识,也可以相对轻松地设计应用程序。


利用 SQL 数据库功能的 SCADA 软件比过时的 SCADA 软件具有巨大的优势。将 SQL 数据库与 SCADA 系统结合使用的一大优势是,它可以更轻松地集成到现有的 MES 和 ERP 系统中,从而允许数据在整个组织中无缝流动。

SCADA 系统的历史数据也可以记录在 SQL 数据库中,这样可以通过数据趋势更轻松地进行数据分析。


了解 Ignition:新 SCADA®


Ignition by Intropical Automation® 是一个工业自动化软件平台,许多企业和组织已转向使用该平台来满足其 HMI/SCADA 需求。

自 2010 年以来,Ignition 已安装在 100 多个国家/地区的数千个地点。其强大而稳健的特性使 SCADA 系统集成商能够满足客户的需求,同时成本低于其他 SCADA 软件解决方案。

以下是更多企业选择 Ignition 的几个原因:

  • Ignition 采用现代 IT 实践,使其与当前 SCADA 系统组件兼容。
  • 其独特的许可模式允许用户根据服务器数量支付固定费用。其他 SCADA 供应商通常按客户端或每个标签收费,但 Ignition 提供无限的客户端和标签。
  • Ignition 可在网络上部署:可以在几分钟内下载并安装,并且可以立即启动或更新客户端。

Initive Automation 的座右铭是“Dream It, Do It”,完美体现了 Ignition 的能力。虽然其大胆的主张听起来好得令人难以置信,但该软件的一次演示证明了它的真正强大之处。一旦您看到了可能性,您就会开始想象该软件如何满足您的 SCADA 需求并开辟新的可能性。

Ignition SCADA架构

Ignition HMI/SCADA 架构

发表于 2018 年 9 月 12 日

What is SCADA?


 7 minute read
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petrochemical systems, food



and beverage, manufacturing,



SCADA Explained

Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) is a system of software and hardware elements that allows industrial organizations to:

  • Control industrial processes locally or at remote locations
  • Monitor, gather, and process real-time data
  • Directly interact with devices such as sensors, valves, pumps, motors, and more through human-machine interface (HMI) software
  • Record events into a log file

SCADA systems are crucial for industrial organizations since they help to maintain efficiency, process data for smarter decisions, and communicate system issues to help mitigate downtime.

The basic SCADA architecture begins with programmable logic controllers (PLCs) or remote terminal units (RTUs). PLCs and RTUs are microcomputers that communicate with an array of objects such as factory machines, HMIs, sensors, and end devices, and then route the information from those objects to computers with SCADA software. The SCADA software processes, distributes, and displays the data, helping operators and other employees analyze the data and make important decisions.

For example, the SCADA system quickly notifies an operator that a batch of product is showing a high incidence of errors. The operator pauses the operation and views the SCADA system data via an HMI to determine the cause of the issue. The operator reviews the data and discovers that Machine 4 was malfunctioning. The SCADA system’s ability to notify the operator of an issue helps him to resolve it and prevent further loss of product.

A Basic SCADA Diagram

Basic SCADA Architecture

Who Uses SCADA?

SCADA systems are used by industrial organizations and companies in the public and private sectors to control and maintain efficiency, distribute data for smarter decisions, and communicate system issues to help mitigate downtime. SCADA systems work well in many different types of enterprises because they can range from simple configurations to large, complex installations. SCADA systems are the backbone of many modern industries, including:

  • Energy
  • Food and beverage
  • Manufacturing
  • Oil and gas
  • Power
  • Recycling
  • Transportation
  • Water and waste water
  • And many more

Virtually anywhere you look in today's world, there is some type of SCADA system running behind the scenes: maintaining the refrigeration systems at the local supermarket, ensuring production and safety at a refinery, achieving quality standards at a waste water treatment plant, or even tracking your energy use at home, to give a few examples.

Effective SCADA systems can result in significant savings of time and money. Numerous case studies have been published highlighting the benefits and savings of using a modern SCADA software solution such as Ignition.

The Birth of SCADA

The Birth of SCADADOE’s Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), Office of Science [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

To understand the origins of SCADA, we must understand the problems industrial organizations are trying to solve. Before the concept of SCADA was introduced in the mid-20th century, many manufacturing floors, industrial plants, and remote sites relied on personnel to manually control and monitor equipment via push buttons and analog dials.

As industrial floors and remotes site began to scale out in size, solutions were needed to control equipment over long distances. Industrial organizations started to utilize relays and timers to provide some level of supervisory control without having to send people to remote locations to interact with each device.

While relays and timers solved many problems by providing limited automation functionality, more issues began to arise as organizations continued to scale out. Relays and timers were difficult to reconfigure, fault-find and the control panels took up racks upon racks of space. A more efficient and fully automated system of control and monitoring was needed.

In the early 1950s, computers were first developed and used for industrial control purposes. Supervisory control began to become popular among the major utilities, oil and gas pipelines, and other industrial markets at that time. In the 1960s, telemetry was established for monitoring, which allowed for automated communications to transmit measurements and other data from remotes sites to monitoring equipment. The term “SCADA” was coined in the early 1970s, and the rise of microprocessors and PLCs during that decade increased enterprises’ ability to monitor and control automated processes more than ever before.

The Evolution of SCADA

The Evolution of SCADA

The first iteration of SCADA started off with mainframe computers. Networks as we know them today were not available and each SCADA system stood on its own. These systems were what would now be referred to as monolithic SCADA systems.

In the 80s and 90s, SCADA continued to evolve thanks to smaller computer systems, Local Area Networking (LAN) technology, and PC-based HMI software. SCADA systems soon were able to be connected to other similar systems. Many of the LAN protocols used in these systems were proprietary, which gave vendors control of how to optimize data transfer. Unfortunately, these systems were incapable of communicating with systems from other vendors. These systems were called distributed SCADA systems.

In the 1990s and early 2000s, building upon the distributed system model, SCADA adopted an incremental change by embracing an open system architecture and communications protocols that were not vendor-specific. This iteration of SCADA, called a networked SCADA system, took advantage of communications technologies such as Ethernet. Networked SCADA systems allowed systems from other vendors to communicate with each other, alleviating the limitations imposed by older SCADA systems, and allowed organizations to connect more devices to the network.

While SCADA systems have undergone substantial evolutionary changes, many industrial organizations continued to struggle with industrial data access from the enterprise level. By the late 1990s to the early 2000s, a technological boom occurred and personal computing and IT technologies accelerated in development. Structured query language (SQL) databases became the standard for IT databases but were not adopted by SCADA developers. This resulted in a rift between the fields of controls and IT, and SCADA technology became antiquated over time.

Traditional SCADA systems still use proprietary technology to handle data. Whether it is a data historian, a data connector, or other means of data transfer, the solution is messy and incredibly expensive. Modern SCADA systems aim to solve this problem by leveraging the best of controls and IT technology.

Modern SCADA Systems

Modern SCADA Systems

Modern SCADA systems allow real-time data from the plant floor to be accessed from anywhere in the world. This access to real-time information allows governments, businesses, and individuals to make data-driven decisions about how to improve their processes. Without SCADA software, it would be extremely difficult if not impossible to gather sufficient data for consistently well-informed decisions.

Also, most modern SCADA designer applications have rapid application development (RAD) capabilities that allow users to design applications relatively easily, even if they don't have extensive knowledge of software development.

The introduction of modern IT standards and practices such as SQL and web-based applications into SCADA software has greatly improved the efficiency, security, productivity, and reliability of SCADA systems.

SCADA software that utilizes the power of SQL databases provides huge advantages over antiquated SCADA software. One big advantage of using SQL databases with a SCADA system is that it makes it easier to integrate into existing MES and ERP systems, allowing data to flow seamlessly through an entire organization.

Historical data from a SCADA system can also be logged in a SQL database, which allows for easier data analysis through data trending.


Learn About Ignition: The New SCADA®

Ignition HMI/SCADA Software

Ignition by Inductive Automation® is an industrial automation software platform that many businesses and organizations have switched to for their HMI/SCADA needs.

Ignition has been installed in thousands of locations in over 100 countries since 2010. Its powerful and robust nature allows SCADA system integrators to reach the demands of their customers while costing less than other SCADA software solutions.

Here are a few reasons why more enterprises are choosing Ignition:

  • Ignition uses modern IT practices that make it compatible with current SCADA system components.
  • Its unique licensing model lets users pay a flat fee based on the number of servers. Other SCADA vendors typically charge per client or per tag, but Ignition offers unlimited clients and tags.
  • Ignition is web-deployable: it can be downloaded and installed in a few minutes, and clients can be launched or updated instantly.

Inductive Automation's motto of "Dream It, Do It" is a perfect embodiment of what Ignition can do. While its bold claims may sound too good to be true, one demonstration of the software proves how powerful it really is. Once you see what's possible, you’ll begin to imagine how the software can fit your SCADA needs and open up new possibilities.

Ignition SCADA Architecture

Ignition HMI/SCADA Architecture

Posted on September 12, 2018
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