broker and event in go-micro



broker是go-micro自身定义的异步Pub/Sub interface, 不同的机制(kafka、mqtt、nats...)最终只需要实现对应的接口,即可支持go-micro的异步消息发布/订阅。

type Broker interface {
	Init(...Option) error
	Options() Options
	Address() string
	Connect() error
	Disconnect() error
	Publish(topic string, m *Message, opts ...PublishOption) error
	Subscribe(topic string, h Handler, opts ...SubscribeOption) (Subscriber, error)
	String() string


event是go-micro基于broker的interface封装的一个基于protobuf的消息发送/订阅模块, 即最终还是依赖broker的实现(go-micro默认提供一个点对点http代理),所以只需要使用plugin的方式,修改了broker的实现, event即可应用。

  • Event只定义了Publish接口 (micro.go)
// Event is used to publish messages to a topic
type Event interface {
	// Publish publishes a message to the event topic
	Publish(ctx context.Context, msg interface{}, opts ...client.PublishOption) error

// Type alias to satisfy the deprecation
type Publisher = Event
  • Client中Publish (client/client.go)
// Client is the interface used to make requests to services.
// It supports Request/Response via Transport and Publishing via the Broker.
// It also supports bidirectional streaming of requests.
type Client interface {
	Init(...Option) error
	Options() Options
	NewMessage(topic string, msg interface{}, opts ...MessageOption) Message
	NewRequest(service, endpoint string, req interface{}, reqOpts ...RequestOption) Request
	Call(ctx context.Context, req Request, rsp interface{}, opts ...CallOption) error
	Stream(ctx context.Context, req Request, opts ...CallOption) (Stream, error)
	Publish(ctx context.Context, msg Message, opts ...PublishOption) error
	String() string
  • Server中Subscribe (server/server.go)
// Server is a simple micro server abstraction
type Server interface {
	Options() Options
	Init(...Option) error
	Handle(Handler) error
	NewHandler(interface{}, ...HandlerOption) Handler
	NewSubscriber(string, interface{}, ...SubscriberOption) Subscriber
	Subscribe(Subscriber) error
	Start() error
	Stop() error
	String() string
  • micro中RegisterSubscriber (micro.go)
// RegisterSubscriber is syntactic sugar for registering a subscriber
func RegisterSubscriber(topic string, s server.Server, h interface{}, opts ...server.SubscriberOption) error {
	return s.Subscribe(s.NewSubscriber(topic, h, opts...))
  • grpc实现的Server中Subscribe (server/grpc/grpc.go)
func newGRPCServer(opts ...server.Option) server.Server {
	options := newOptions(opts...)

	// create a grpc server
	srv := &grpcServer{
		opts: options,
		rpc: &rServer{
			serviceMap: make(map[string]*service),
		handlers:    make(map[string]server.Handler),
		subscribers: make(map[*subscriber][]broker.Subscriber),
		exit:        make(chan chan error),
		wg:          wait(options.Context),

	// configure the grpc server

	return srv


基于以上的分析, 直接使用Broker实现的Publish/Subscribe和使用go-micro中封装的Event实现的Publish/Subscribe本质是相同的,但是在使用的时候还是有一点差异:

  • Event的Body可以使用proto定义的message,Broker的body只能是[]byte
  • Event的Header需要通过context传递到底层, Broker直接设置header
  • 同一个topic使用两种方式都可以接受到,但是通过Broker直接发布的消息, Event订阅接受后,会提示序列化错误
posted @ 2022-01-22 16:45  ioridy  阅读(114)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报