
英语作业 —— 读小说

因为《钢铁》推荐了《牛虻(\(\rm m\acute{e} ng\))》所以来看看这本书。














The Gadfly


The story happened in 19th century in Italy. Arthur Burton(the main character) was a young man who joined the Young Italy. He entrusted his rector Montanelli and told him about his work. In his old rector’s absence, the young man at a confession with the new rector talked about his love for the girl and jealousy for the party member Boll, but this rector was a spy and Arthur was soon arrested. His comrades thought that he had betrayed them. Meanwhile Arthur learned that his real father is his “Padre” Montanelli. After he was released, He threw his hat into the river and illegally went to South America in despair.
13 years later, he went back to Italy and devoted himself to revolutionary work. He wrote satirical articles to ridicule Jesuits under the assumed name of “Felice Rivares”. After that, he smuggled weapons into Italy for the coming revolution. He participated in the task in person and was arrested at last. Then he was abused in the prison. He tried to escape but fainted because of the disease and was arrested again. In the end Montanelli decided to execute him and by shooting. He sacrificed for the coming revolution.


In my opinion, the novel is a story of a revolutionary's growth. The Gadfly was born in Italy and was greatly influenced by religion. He used to feel spiritually empty under the pressure of theological theories and religious ceremonies, so when he came into contact with the "New Thought", this feeling disappeared, and his beliefs became "a clearer and newer religious ideal", and he regarded Padre as the prophet of this new ideal. His faith became "a clearer and newer religious ideal" and he took Padre as the prophet of this new ideal. Here you can see that he was rather young and naive (and would be easily deceived). Later, he confessed to a secret agent, unintentionally revealing the secret of the organisation's activities, and went to prison, where his companions think he has betrayed them; he also learns of his mother's incestuous relationship with his Padre, these things gave him a serious blow. In despair, instead of explaining himself to his companions, he pretended to drown and fled to the Americas. I think this is why he broke with religion. He had been a child of a wealthy family and when he got to the Americas he had no one to turn to and times were very hard, but he persevered. 13 years later he returned to Italy, but his love for Padre had not disappeared (perhaps because of the blood relationship, an ethic that bound him), I should say it was a love/hate relationship, which led to his unwillingness to shoot Padre during the mission and his arrest and imprisonment. I think that for him, affection overcame faith (he kept his mouth shut), while for Montanelli, faith overcame affection (he finally decided to execute his own son) (but he also ended up dying in an overly emotional state). Before his death, The Gadfly says "Padre--is your--God--satisfied?" It feels like this is one of the causes of Montanelli's death (an attack on his inner ethics).


没错就是用 deepl 翻译的。

在我看来,小说写的是一位革命者的成长故事。牛虻他出生在意大利,受到宗教的影响很大,从前他在神学理论和宗教仪式的重压下感到精神空虚,因此后来接触到“新思潮”这种感觉变消失了,他的信仰变成了“一种更加清晰、更加崭新的宗教理想”,并且他把 Padre 当作这种新理想的先知。这里可以看出来他的思想比较稚嫩,天真(容易被骗)。后来,他向一位密探忏悔,无意泄露了组织活动的秘密,入狱,他的同伴们认为他背叛了;他还了解到他的母亲与他的 Padre 的不正当关系,可以说是很多打击。绝望之下,他没有向同伴解释,而是假装溺水而亡,逃到了美洲。我认为这就是为什么他和宗教决裂。他曾经是个富有家庭的孩子,到了美洲他无依无靠,日子非常艰难,但他坚持了下来。13 年后,他回到了意大利,但是他对 Padre 的爱并未消失(或许是因为血缘关系,这种伦理束缚了他),应该说是爱恨交织吧,这也导致他在任务中不愿对 Padre 开枪,被捕入狱。我认为对于他来说,亲情战胜了信仰(他一直在嘴硬),而对于 Montanelli 来说,信仰战胜了亲情(他最后决定处死亲生儿子)(但是他最后也心情过于激动死了)。临死前,牛虻说了一句 "Padre--is your--God--satisfied?" 感觉这也是 Montanelli 死因之一(内心伦理的攻击)。

posted @ 2023-07-19 21:25  Into_qwq  阅读(11)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报