org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpVersionFinder findNearestMatch 警告: Unable to find an exact match for CDP version 118, so returning the closest version found: 116 解决方案

10月 20, 2023 8:24:56 下午 org.openqa.selenium.devtools.CdpVersionFinder findNearestMatch

警告: Unable to find an exact match for CDP version 118, so returning the closest version found: 116


原因:selenium-server-x.x.x.jar 中的版本数据太低最新只到 116 所以只能升级到新版本的 selenium-server.jar 即可



* Add print, activate and set viewport commands to Browsing Context
* Remove deprecated lift packages (#12917)
* Add validation for browsing context id (#12920)
* Fix default values for print options page size
* Use the java process builder to run external processes (#12898)
* Allow a custom timeout when shutting down a process
* Replacing Guava implementations with native Java implementations
* Allow setting version in Http Client Config (#12919)

* Supported CDP versions: 85, 116, 117, 118
* Replace the EventAttribute(Value) with an AttributeMap (#12684)
* Add browsing context's capture box and element screenshot commands
* Enable handle user prompt tests for Firefox
* Delete SM binary only when SE_MANAGER_PATH is not set (#12840)
* Shutdown executors created for a single tasks
* Ensure closed socket connection does not prevent freeing up resources
* Remove the unused htmlunit-driver from the unit tests (#12849)
* Ensure proper error message gets logged (#12853)
* Allow setting SSL context in client config for HttpClient (#12874)
* Improve warning when CDP version not found (#12880)
* Ensure retry mechanism does not swallow an exception (#12838)
* Require Java 11 and move jdk-http-client into default package (#12843)
* Reduce log noise at FINE level (#12866)
* Refactor frame method to use isEmpty for list check and String check. (#12894)
* Use new 'getArray' method to extract driver configurations (#12716)

* Supported CDP versions: 85, 115, 116, 117
* Deprecate setScriptTimeout(), use scriptTimeout()
* Remove deprecated method move on Point class
* Remove deprecated method GeckoDriverService usingFirefoxBinary, use setBinary
* Remove deprecated method GeckoDriverService createDefaultService with capabilities
* Remove deprecated onConsoleLog in BiDi LogInspector
* Fix NewSession Runner (#12700)
* Add 'getArray' method for array values (#12703)
* Ensure HttpClients not closed while waiting for responses
* Fix bug for overwriting driver log output stream passed in by user
* Update pinned browser versions
* Improve stability with final variables (#12733)
* Fix bug for Appium subclass that sets neither log file nor output (#12696)
* Remove deprecated headless methods from Options classes
* Remove deprecated driver service constructors and methods
* Remove deprecated log_file methods
* Allow users to set Selenium Manager path by environment variable (#12752)

* Supported CDP versions: 85, 114, 115, 116
* Safari driver service system properties should be public
* [grid] Removing browserVersion before sending payload to driver
* Selenium Manager don't log file paths by default (#12673)
* Parse log output to support streams and file location in system properties (#12674)
* Fixing default service for drivers #12682

* Supported CDP versions: 85, 114, 115, 116
* Update Selenium Manager to use io for executing command line
* Improve logic for deleting Selenium Manager binary on exit
* Remove deprecated BROWSER_LOGFILE
* Ensure grid maps exceptions to the correct error
* Allow deleting remote downloaded files from grid (#12501)
* Deprecate the Remote Response status field
* Remove deprecated UNEXPECTED_ALERT_BEHAVIOR capability in IE Options
* Deprecate disableNativeEvents method in IE Options
* Remove deprecated createPointerDown and createPointerUp methods
* use devtools script pinning mechanism by default (#11622)
* ensure all headers are removed or replaced
* Remove deprecated /file JWP endpoint (#12354)
* Increase maximum depth of generated JSON (see #12581)
* Do not register multiple listeners
* Improve synchronization for network event listeners
* Fix bug for null hashCode in element subclasses (#12442)
* Fix potential deadlock in processing events (#12576)
* Fix proxy breaking in RemoteWebDriver (#12607)
* Grid detects Safari and Safari Technology Preview only on macOS
* Grid avoids using Selenium Manager offline mode when it is enabled in arguments
* Batch copy input to multiple streams
* Remove browserVersion from options in Selenium Manager (#12639)

* Supported CDP versions: 85, 113, 114, 115
* Add Missing W3C Exceptions (#12175)
* Increased the max depth of new session payload (#12205)
* Create less HttpClient instances while creating a CDP connection (#12216)
* Raise a ConnectionFailedException when openSocket failed (#12215)
* Ack the log file argument without need to combine it. Fixes #12225
* Improved the exit code and error handling (#12219)
* No need to have the auto-service dependency in the client bindings (#12244)
* Deprecate all 'lift style' code (#12263)
* Minor spelling Fix (#12258)
* Adding ignore process match for IE Mode across bindings (#12279)
* Extract original driver from decorated driver when Augmenting a driver (#12248)
* BidiException instead of DevToolsException in getBiDi (#12284)
* [grid] Switching to fine log level when clearing caches in LocalNode
* Removing deprecated methods (findElement & findElements)
* less memory allocation (#12320)
* Add move to location method to Actions (#11509)
* [grid] Add supports for list-of-table options (#12363)
* [grid] reject requests only if it has been in the queue before trying… (#12336)
* [grid] do not rely on .hashCode for .equals (#12361)
* Use Selenium Manager to locate drivers on PATH (#12352)
* [grid] Improved the new session handling when the queue is empty (#12385)
* [grid] Using SM to find drivers on PATH
* Using same variable for log output, fixes #12406
* UnreachableBrowserException logs the command parameter details only in debug mode (#11328)
* Filter related fixed in the NettyClient and the JdkHttpClient
* Removing deprecated `createServiceWithConfig` in ChromeDriverService
* Removing deprecated `` in ChromeDriverService
* Removing deprecated ChromeDriverLogLevel
* Add browser output from Selenium Manager to options (#12424)
* [grid] Make user defined SlotMatcher used everywhere in grid code (#12240)
* Add support for FedCM commands (#12096)
* [grid] Returning se:bidi when the user sends `webSocketUrl`. Fixes #12314
* [grid] Covering use case where a Node is UP after being marked DOWN. Fixes #12116
* Make external modules static (#12294)
* Use double-checked locking to initialise the Selenium Manager instance
* Making sure browser path is not null before setting the binary when value is returned from SM
* Showing SM error when the exception is thrown

* Supported CDP versions: 85, 112, 113, 114
* Remove Selenium RC and WebDriverBackedSelenium code (#12024)
* Fixed URI in logs (#12000)
* Enhancing stereotype in Dynamic Grid (#12034)
* Support proxies in Selenium Manager (#12036)
* Close websockets when closing JDK HTTP Client (#12035)
* Change bidi loglevel warning level (#12054)
* Allow driving embedded apps without CDP (#11963)
* Fix possible freeze from incompatible HTTP responses (#12055)
* Fix bug when JSON max depth reached (#12056)
* Remove deprecated capabilities `SUPPORTS_JAVASCRIPT` and `SUPPORTS_WEB_STORAGE`
* Remove deprecated setters in `Rectangle`
* improve cleaning of upload and download directories (#12059)
* Fix redirect bug in JDK HTTP Client (#12070)
* Prevent grid from creating sessions that will time out in queue (#12014)
* Respect disabled pretty printing for arrays (#12079)
* Add support for WebView2 in Edge
* Allow setting savefile directory in Chrome when downloads are enabled (#12109)
* Add BiDi support for browing context events
* Enable BiDi functionality for Chromium browsers
* Improve "near" locator behavior (#11290)
* Do not send driver logs to console by default (#12136)
* Fix bug with GeckoDriver option for truncating log lines
* Do not log Selenium Manager details as INFO (#12145)
* Error messages link to Selenium documentation where supported
* Create NoSuchDriverException for referencing driver location problems

* Supported CDP versions: 85, 111, 112, 113
* Typo in the "addArguments" method comment (#11945)
* Handling case where -1 is returned as statusCode (#11910)
* Adding remote-allow-origins argument only when the Java 11 http client is not used (#11949)
* Remove deprecated "version" JWP capability
* Remove deprecated "platform" JWP capability
* Remove deprecated "takesScreenshot" JWP capability
* Remove deprecated "unexpectedAlertBehaviour" JWP capability
* [grid] Displaying the real stereotype config at startup
* Add logging for starting the driver
* [grid] Do not switch and remove node in one iteration (#11961)
* Handle fragmented websocket messages (#11962)
* Add more logging to Selenium Manager (#11959)
* Make Driver Services consistent (#11973)
* Using driver path always for Safari and Safari Technology Preview (#11952)
* Overriding methods to have main platform names lowercase (#11952)

* Supported CDP versions: 85, 110, 111, 112
* Handle redirects inside the JdkHttpClient (#11816)
* [grid] Remove Json Wire Protocol support (#11823)
* Selenium Manager use binary from Browser Options
* [grid] Allowing binary to be set via options when not set in Grid
* Log exception message (#11922)
* [grid] Fixing remote execution for Edge when Java 8 client is used

* Supported CDP versions: 85, 109, 110, 111
* Fix bug preventing adding items to ArrayList for Selenium Manager command

* Supported CDP versions: 85, 109, 110, 111
* [grid] Enabling `detectDrivers` original behaviour.
* Fix NPE regression in 4.8.0 (#11701)
* Implement DriverFinder completely independent of Service classes (#11491)
* [grid] Allow LocalNode to be extended for customisation (#11718)
* InvalidSelectorException extends WebDriverException (#11727)
* Deprecate CDP instance methods in FirefoxDriver
* Adding allowHosts to GeckoDriverService
* [grid] Passing language env var to child containers
* [grid] Removing unknown capability extensions for IE
* [bidi] Ensure removing listeners does not cause an error
* Process Selenium Manager output as JSON (#11663)
* [grid] Support remote downloads in Grid (#11702)
* Adding `remote-allow-origins` for Chrome
* Invoking Selenium Manager only with `--browser
* [grid] Adding `remote-allow-origins` for Chrome stereotypes
* Overloaded constructors to configure connect and read timeouts for WebDriver objects (#11532)

* Supported CDP versions: 85, 108, 109, 110
* Merge capabilities of slot with the new session request capabilities (#11369)
* Keep track of pinned scripts per CDP session (#11598)
* Simplify Augmentation for Basic Auth (#11601)
* Print requested capabilities in SessionNotCreatedException (#11604)
* Simplify Augmentation for Dom Mutation
* Generate a Maven BOM (#11560)
* Synchronize method to get Selenium Manager binary (fix #11620) (#11640)
* Updating Selenium Manager binaries for 4.8.1 release
* File downloads url - Adhere to w3c standards (#11646)

* Supported CDP versions: 85, 107, 108, 109
* Implement Edge and Chrome Driver Services using log level with ChromiumDriverLogLevel enum
* Deprecate Edge Driver Service using log level with String
* Deprecate Chrome Driver Service using log level with ChromeDriverLogLevel enum
* Deprecate setting Chrome Driver Service logging values in Chrome Options
* Close BiDi session on closing the last top-level browsing context
* Add withAllowedListIps() to ChromeDriverService
* Add comment with name of large JS executions (#11038)
* Allow Pointer and Wheel methods to accept Point object (#11477)
* Fix bug where options are not properly merged into capabilities (#11396)
* JDKHttpClient: Fix null pointer bug when responseBody is null (#11450)
* CDP: Ensure child session is created under browser session (#11475)
* Deprecate setHeadless for Chrome and Firefox Options (#11467)
* Grid: Remove translations of non-w3c locators (#11470)
* JDKHttpClient: Handle RQST with no Body [POST/PUT] (#11445)
* Fix bug with decorated webdriver not calling the listeners  (#11438)
* BiDi: Add filter parameter to LogInspector methods
* BiDi: Rename 'onConsoleLog' to 'onConsoleEntry'
* CDP: Fix bug with console events returning modified args (#11435)
* Grid: Accommodate ability to specify sub-paths (#11271)
* Grid: fix bug with pulling image using zero content-length (#11342)

* Grid: Support file downloads on the node (#11277)
* Change chromium service names from whitelisted to allowed (#11409)
* Avoid closing CDP connection in browser implementation since that logic now sits in RemoteWebDriver (Fixes #11401)
* Fix bug where failing Selenium Manager method results in wrong error
* Allow changing chromium driver log timestamp formatting
* Allow ignoring chromedriver build checks using service builders
* Add support for appendLog to msedgedriver service
* Fix msedgedriver log level logic
* Allow setting chromedriver log level from system properties
* Fix chromedriver log level logic
* Remove deprecated Firefox capabilities
* Removing a few bits more of the magic that moves JWP to W3C
* Removing deprecated SUPPORTS_ALERTS and SUPPORTS_SQL_DATABASE caps
* Removing deprecated OVERLAPPING_CHECK_DISABLED cap
* Removing deprecated LOGGING_PREFS cap
* Removing deprecated HAS_TOUCHSCREEN cap
* Removing deprecated HAS_NATIVE_EVENTS cap
* Removing deprecated ENABLE_PROFILING_CAPABILITY cap
* Removing deprecated ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS cap

posted @ 2023-10-20 20:30  锐洋智能  阅读(714)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报