mysql update 加if_MySQL IF语句在UPDATE语句
1 2 3 | UPDATE the tablerow with id= 333 , SET publish= '' Y '' IF password= '' xxx '' update yourtablename set publish= '' Y '' where id= 333 and password= '' xxx '' ; |
1 2 3 4 | update driver_online set vRemainCapacity= case when (vRemainCapacity> 0 ) and ((vRemainCapacity- 0.5 ) > 0 ) then vRemainCapacity- 0.5 else 0 end where driverId = 'DR120161118100001 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | UPDATE user p JOIN user_roles ur ON = ur.user_id SET ur.end_date = IF (ur.end_date IS NULL, NOW(), ur.end_date), p.end_date = NOW(), p.reason = "Retired" WHERE = 5 |
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