Server Error404 – File or directory not found.The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.用户上传一个大小大约为160MB的文件至服务器出现这个错误。Insus.NET把上传文件于本机测试没有问题。但上传至服务器时,这个错误产生了。本地可以,服务器却Error。可以肯定程序代码没有问题,怎样说呢?Insus.NET 测试尝试上传另一个相同的文件格式,只是大小有所改变,大小约为 阅读全文
IIS 7 404子状态代码清单:StatusDescription404.1Site could not be found404.2Denied by Policy. The request ISAPI or CGI program is not allowed in the Restriction List.404.3The static file handler did not have the file in its MimeMap and therefore rejected the request.404.4No handler was found to serve the re. 阅读全文