Netlink协议基于BSD socket和AF_NETLINK地址簇(address family),使用32位的端口号寻址(以前称作PID),每个Netlink协议(或称作总线,man手册中则称之为netlink family),通常与一个或一组内核服务/组件相关联,如NETLINK_ROUTE用于获取和设置路由与链路信息、NETLINK_KOBJECT_UEVENT用于内核向用户空间的udev进程发送通知等。
① 支持全双工、异步通信(当然同步也支持)
② 用户空间可使用标准的BSD socket接口(但netlink并没有屏蔽掉协议包的构造与解析过程,推荐使用libnl等第三方库)
③ 在内核空间使用专用的内核API接口
④ 支持多播(因此支持“总线”式通信,可实现消息订阅)
⑤ 在内核端可用于进程上下文与中断上下文
1 struct msghdr 结构体 2 3 struct iovec { /* Scatter/gather arrayitems */ 4 void *iov_base; /*Starting address */ 5 size_t iov_len; /* Number of bytes to transfer*/ 6 }; 7 /* iov_base: iov_base指向数据包缓冲区,即参数buff,iov_len是buff的长度。msghdr中允许一次传递多个buff, 8 以数组的形式组织在 msg_iov中,msg_iovlen就记录数组的长度(即有多少个buff) 9 */ 10 struct msghdr { 11 void *msg_name; /* optional address */ 12 socklen_t msg_namelen; /* size of address */ 13 struct iovec *msg_iov; /* scatter/gather array */ 14 size_t msg_iovlen; /* # elements in msg_iov */ 15 void *msg_control; /* ancillary data, see below */ 16 size_t msg_controllen; /* ancillary databuffer len */ 17 int msg_flags; /* flags on received message */ 18 }; 19 /* msg_name:数据的目的地址,网络包指向sockaddr_in, netlink则指向sockaddr_nl; 20 msg_namelen: msg_name 所代表的地址长度 21 msg_iov: 指向的是缓冲区数组 22 msg_iovlen: 缓冲区数组长度 23 msg_control: 辅助数据,控制信息(发送任何的控制信息) 24 msg_controllen: 辅助信息长度 25 msg_flags: 消息标识 26 */

1、struct msghdr 结构体
2、struct sockaddr_nl
struct sockaddr_nl为Netlink的地址,和我们通常socket编程中的sockaddr_in作用一样,他们的结构对比如下:
struct sockaddr_nl的详细定义和描述如下:
1 struct sockaddr_nl 2 { 3 sa_family_t nl_family; /*该字段总是为AF_NETLINK */ 4 unsigned short nl_pad; /* 目前未用到,填充为0*/ 5 __u32 nl_pid; /* process pid */ 6 __u32 nl_groups; /* multicast groups mask */ 7 };
(1) nl_pid:在Netlink规范里,PID全称是Port-ID(32bits),其主要作用是用于唯一的标识一个基于netlink的socket通道。通常
(2) nl_groups:如果用户空间的进程希望加入某个多播组,则必须执行bind()系统调用。该字段指明了调用者希望加入的多播组
3、struct nlmsghdr
Netlink的报文由消息头和消息体构成,struct nlmsghdr即为消息头。消息头定义在文件里,由结构体nlmsghdr表示:
1 struct nlmsghdr { 2 __u32 nlmsg_len; /* Length of message including header */ 3 __u16 nlmsg_type; /* Message content */ 4 __u16 nlmsg_flags; /* Additional flags */ 5 __u32 nlmsg_seq; /* Sequence number */ 6 __u32 nlmsg_pid; /* Sending process port ID */ 7 };
(1) nlmsg_len:整个消息的长度,按字节计算。包括了Netlink消息头本身。
(2) nlmsg_type:消息的类型,即是数据还是控制消息。目前(内核版本2.6.21)Netlink仅支持四种类型的控制消息,如下:
1 #define NLMSG_NOOP 0x1 /* Nothing. */ 2 #define NLMSG_ERROR 0x2 /* Error */ 3 #define NLMSG_DONE 0x3 /* End of a dump */ 4 #define NLMSG_OVERRUN 0x4 /* Data lost */ 5 6 #define NLMSG_MIN_TYPE 0x10 /* < 0x10: reserved control messages */
NLMSG_NOOP 空消息,什么也不做;
NLMSG_ERROR 指明该消息中包含一个错误;
NLMSG_DONE 如果内核通过Netlink队列返回了多个消息,那么队列的最后一条消息的类型为NLMSG_DONE,其余所有消息的nlmsg_flags属性都被设置NLM_F_MULTI位有·效。
(3) nlmsg_flags:附加在消息上的额外说明信息,如上面提到的NLM_F_MULTI。
4、struct genlmsghdr
1 struct genlmsghdr { 2 __u8 cmd; 3 __u8 version; 4 __u16 reserved; 5 };
5、struct nlattr
1 /* 2 * <------- NLA_HDRLEN ------> <-- NLA_ALIGN(payload)--> 3 * +---------------------+- - -+- - - - - - - - - -+- - -+ 4 * | Header | Pad | Payload | Pad | 5 * | (struct nlattr) | ing | | ing | 6 * +---------------------+- - -+- - - - - - - - - -+- - -+ 7 * <-------------- nlattr->nla_len --------------> 8 */ 9 10 struct nlattr { 11 __u16 nla_len; 12 __u16 nla_type; 13 };
1 //四字节 2 #define NLMSG_ALIGNTO 4U 3 4 //用于得到不小于len且字节对齐的最小数值 5 #define NLMSG_ALIGN(len) ( ((len)+NLMSG_ALIGNTO-1) & ~(NLMSG_ALIGNTO-1) ) 6 7 // Netlink 头部长度 8 #define NLMSG_HDRLEN ((int) NLMSG_ALIGN(sizeof(struct nlmsghdr))) 9 10 //计算消息数据len的真实消息长度(消息体 + 消息头) 11 #define NLMSG_LENGTH(len) ((len) + NLMSG_HDRLEN) 12 13 //返回不小于NLMSG_LENGTH(len)且字节对齐的最小数值 14 #define NLMSG_SPACE(len) NLMSG_ALIGN(NLMSG_LENGTH(len)) 15 16 //取得struct nlmsghdr结构体消息的数据部分的首地址,设置和读取消息数据部分时需要使用该宏 17 //获取struct genlmsghdr 结构体位置 18 #define NLMSG_DATA(nlh) ((void *)(((char *)nlh) + NLMSG_HDRLEN)) 19 20 //用于得到下一个消息的首地址, 同时len 变为剩余消息的长度 21 #define NLMSG_NEXT(nlh,len) ((len) -= NLMSG_ALIGN((nlh)->nlmsg_len), \ 22 (struct nlmsghdr *)(((char *)(nlh)) + \ 23 NLMSG_ALIGN((nlh)->nlmsg_len))) 24 25 //判断消息是否 >len 26 #define NLMSG_OK(nlh,len) ((len) >= (int)sizeof(struct nlmsghdr) && \ 27 (nlh)->nlmsg_len >= sizeof(struct nlmsghdr) && \ 28 (nlh)->nlmsg_len <= (len)) 29 30 //用于返回payload的长度 31 #define NLMSG_PAYLOAD(nlh,len) ((nlh)->nlmsg_len - NLMSG_SPACE((len))) 32 33 34 35 //用于取得struct genlmsghdr结构体后面消息的数据部分的首地址 36 //获取struct nlattr 结构体位置 37 #define GENLMSG_DATA(glh) ((void *)(NLMSG_DATA(glh) + GENL_HDRLEN)) 38 39 // 40 #define GENLMSG_PAYLOAD(glh) (NLMSG_PAYLOAD(glh, 0) - GENL_HDRLEN) 41 42 43 44 //用于取得struct nlattr结构体后面消息的数据部分的首地址 45 #define NLA_DATA(na) ((void *)((char*)(na) + NLA_HDRLEN)) 46 47 #define NLA_PAYLOAD(len) (len - NLA_HDRLEN) 48 49 #define NLA_ALIGNTO 4U 50 51 #define NLA_ALIGN(len) (((len) + NLA_ALIGNTO - 1) & ~(NLA_ALIGNTO - 1)) 52 53 #define NLA_HDRLEN ((int) NLA_ALIGN(sizeof(struct nlattr))) 54 55 56 #define NLA_NEXT(nla,len) ((len) -= NLA_ALIGN((nla)->nla_len), \ 57 (struct nlattr*)(((char*)(nla)) + NLA_ALIGN((nla)->nla_len))) 58 59 #define NLA_OK(nla,len) ((len) >= (int)sizeof(struct nlattr) && \ 60 (nla)->nla_len >= sizeof(struct nlattr) && \ 61 (nla)->nla_len <= (len))
1 /* ======================================================================== 2 * Netlink Messages and Attributes Interface (As Seen On TV) 3 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4 * Messages Interface 5 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6 * 7 * Message Format: 8 * <--- nlmsg_total_size(payload) ---> 9 * <-- nlmsg_msg_size(payload) -> 10 * +----------+- - -+-------------+- - -+-------- - - 11 * | nlmsghdr | Pad | Payload | Pad | nlmsghdr 12 * +----------+- - -+-------------+- - -+-------- - - 13 * nlmsg_data(nlh)---^ ^ 14 * nlmsg_next(nlh)-----------------------+ 15 * 16 * Payload Format: 17 * <---------------------- nlmsg_len(nlh) ---------------------> 18 * <------ hdrlen ------> <- nlmsg_attrlen(nlh, hdrlen) -> 19 * +----------------------+- - -+--------------------------------+ 20 * | Family Header | Pad | Attributes | 21 * +----------------------+- - -+--------------------------------+ 22 * nlmsg_attrdata(nlh, hdrlen)---^ 23 * 24 * Data Structures: 25 * struct nlmsghdr netlink message header 26 */
1 /* 2 * <------- NLA_HDRLEN ------> <-- NLA_ALIGN(payload)--> 3 * +---------------------+- - -+- - - - - - - - - -+- - -+ 4 * | Header | Pad | Payload | Pad | 5 * | (struct nlattr) | ing | | ing | 6 * +---------------------+- - -+- - - - - - - - - -+- - -+ 7 * <-------------- nlattr->nla_len --------------> 8 */ 9 10 struct nlattr { 11 __u16 nla_len; 12 __u16 nla_type; 13 }; 14 15 /* 16 * nla_type (16 bits) 17 * +---+---+-------------------------------+ 18 * | N | O | Attribute Type | 19 * +---+---+-------------------------------+ 20 * N := Carries nested attributes 21 * O := Payload stored in network byte order 22 * 23 * Note: The N and O flag are mutually exclusive. 24 */
1 /** 2 * nlmsg_msg_size :不包括填充的网络链接消息长度 3 * @payload: 消息有效负载长度 4 */ 5 static inline int nlmsg_msg_size(int payload) 6 { 7 return NLMSG_HDRLEN + payload; 8 }
1 /** 2 * nlmsg_total_size : 包括填充的网络链路消息长度 3 * @payload:消息有效负载长度 4 */ 5 static inline int nlmsg_total_size(int payload) 6 { 7 return NLMSG_ALIGN(nlmsg_msg_size(payload)); 8 }
1 /** 2 * nlmsg_data : 报文有效载荷头 3 * @nlh: netlink message header 4 */ 5 static inline void *nlmsg_data(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh) 6 { 7 return (unsigned char *) nlh + NLMSG_HDRLEN; 8 } 9 10 //取得struct nlmsghdr结构体消息的数据部分的首地址,设置和读取消息数据部分时需要使用该宏 11 #define NLMSG_DATA(nlh) ((void *)(((char *)nlh) + NLMSG_HDRLEN))
/** * nlmsg_next - next netlink message in message stream * @nlh: netlink message header * @remaining: 在消息流中剩余的字节数 * * Returns the next netlink message in the message stream and * decrements remaining by the size of the current message. */ static inline struct nlmsghdr *nlmsg_next(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, int *remaining) { int totlen = NLMSG_ALIGN(nlh->nlmsg_len); *remaining -= totlen; return (struct nlmsghdr *) ((unsigned char *) nlh + totlen); } //用于得到下一个消息的首地址, 同时len 变为剩余消息的长度 #define NLMSG_NEXT(nlh,len) ((len) -= NLMSG_ALIGN((nlh)->nlmsg_len), \ (struct nlmsghdr *)(((char *)(nlh)) + \ NLMSG_ALIGN((nlh)->nlmsg_len)))
1 /** 2 * nlmsg_len - 消息有效负载长度 3 * @nlh: netlink message header 4 */ 5 static inline int nlmsg_len(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh) 6 { 7 return nlh->nlmsg_len - NLMSG_HDRLEN; 8 }
(6)、nlmsg_attrdata(nlh, hdrlen)
1 /** 2 * nlmsg_attrdata - head of attributes data 3 * @nlh: netlink message header 4 * @hdrlen: length of family specific header 5 */ 6 static inline struct nlattr *nlmsg_attrdata(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, int hdrlen) 7 { 8 unsigned char *data = nlmsg_data(nlh); 9 return (struct nlattr *) (data + NLMSG_ALIGN(hdrlen)); 10 } 11 12 //用于取得struct genlmsghdr结构体后面消息的数据部分的首地址 13 #define GENLMSG_DATA(glh) ((void *)(NLMSG_DATA(glh) + GENL_HDRLEN))
(7)、nlmsg_attrlen(nlh, hdrlen)
1 /** 2 * nlmsg_attrlen - length of attributes data 3 * @nlh: netlink message header 4 * @hdrlen: length of family specific header 5 */ 6 static inline int nlmsg_attrlen(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, int hdrlen) 7 { 8 return nlmsg_len(nlh) - NLMSG_ALIGN(hdrlen); 9 } 10 11 #define GENLMSG_PAYLOAD(glh) (NLMSG_PAYLOAD(glh, 0) - GENL_HDRLEN)
1 /** 2 * nlmsg_ok - check if the netlink message fits into the remaining bytes 3 * @nlh: netlink message header 4 * @remaining: number of bytes remaining in message stream 5 */ 6 static inline int nlmsg_ok(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, int remaining) 7 { 8 return (remaining >= (int) sizeof(struct nlmsghdr) && 9 nlh->nlmsg_len >= sizeof(struct nlmsghdr) && 10 nlh->nlmsg_len <= remaining); 11 } 12 13 /** 14 * nlmsg_next - next netlink message in message stream 15 * @nlh: netlink message header 16 * @remaining: number of bytes remaining in message stream 17 * 18 * Returns the next netlink message in the message stream and 19 * decrements remaining by the size of the current message. 20 */ 21 static inline struct nlmsghdr * 22 nlmsg_next(const struct nlmsghdr *nlh, int *remaining) 23 { 24 int totlen = NLMSG_ALIGN(nlh->nlmsg_len); 25 26 *remaining -= totlen; 27 28 return (struct nlmsghdr *) ((unsigned char *) nlh + totlen); 29 }
1 void *gxy_genlmsg_alloc(int *size) 2 { 3 unsigned char *buf; 4 int len; 5 /* 6 * attribute len 7 * attr len = (nla_hdr + pad) + (payload(user data) + pad) 8 */ 9 len = NLA_ALIGN( NLA_HDRLEN + *size); 10 /* 11 * family msg len, 12 * but actually we have NOT custom family header 13 * family msg len = family_hdr + payload(attribute) 14 */ 15 len += 0; 16 /* 17 * generic netlink msg len 18 * genlmsg len = (genlhdr + pad) + payload(family msg) 19 */ 20 len += GENL_HDRLEN; 21 /* 22 * netlink msg len 23 * nlmsg len = (nlmsghdr + pad) + (payload(genlmsg) + pad) 24 */ 25 len = NLMSG_SPACE(len); 26 27 buf = malloc(len); 28 if (!buf) 29 return NULL; 30 31 memset(buf, 0, len); 32 *size = len; 33 34 return buf; 35 }
1 /** 2 * 3 * @param sockfd generic netlink socket fd 4 * @param buf the 'buf' is including the struct nlmsghdr, 5 * struct genlmsghdr and struct nlattr 6 * @param len size of 'buf' 7 * @return >0 size of genlmsg 8 * <0 error occur 9 */ 10 int gxy_genlmsg_recv(int sockfd, unsigned char *buf, unsigned int len) 11 { 12 struct sockaddr_nl nladdr; 13 struct msghdr msg; 14 struct iovec iov; 15 16 int ret; 17 18 nladdr.nl_family = AF_NETLINK; 19 nladdr.nl_pid = getpid(); 20 nladdr.nl_groups = 0; 21 22 iov.iov_base = buf; 23 iov.iov_len = len; 24 25 msg.msg_name = (void *)&nladdr; 26 msg.msg_namelen = sizeof(nladdr); 27 28 msg.msg_iov = &iov; 29 msg.msg_iovlen = 1; 30 31 ret = recvmsg(sockfd, &msg, 0); 32 ret = ret > 0 ? ret : -1; 33 34 return ret; 35 36 }
struct nlmsghdr *nlh = NULL;
struct genlmsghdr *glh = NULL;
struct nlattr *nla = NULL;
nlh = (struct nlmsghdr *)buf;
glh = NLMSG_DATA(nlh);
nla = GENLMSG_DATA(nlh);
实际数据 char *temp_buf
memcpy(temp_buf,NLA_DATA(nla), nla->nla_type);
1 int gxy_genlmsg_send(int sockfd, unsigned short nlmsg_type, unsigned int nlmsg_pid, 2 unsigned char genl_cmd, unsigned char genl_version, 3 unsigned short nla_type, const void *nla_data, unsigned int nla_len) 4 { 5 struct nlmsghdr *nlh = NULL; //netlink message header 6 struct genlmsghdr *glh = NULL; //generic netlink message header 7 struct nlattr *nla = NULL; //netlink attribute header 8 9 struct sockaddr_nl nladdr; 10 unsigned char *buf = NULL; 11 int len = 0,count = 0,ret = -1; 12 13 if ((nlmsg_type == 0) || (!nla_data) || (nla_len <= 0)){ 14 return -1; 15 } 16 17 len = nla_len; 18 19 buf = gxy_genlmsg_alloc(&len); 20 if (!buf){ 21 return -1; 22 } 23 nlh = (struct nlmsghdr *)buf; 24 nlh->nlmsg_len = len; 25 nlh->nlmsg_type = nlmsg_type; 26 nlh->nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST; 27 nlh->nlmsg_seq = 0; 28 nlh->nlmsg_pid = nlmsg_pid; 29 30 glh = (struct genlmsghdr *)NLMSG_DATA(nlh); 31 glh->cmd = genl_cmd; 32 glh->version = genl_version; 33 34 35 nla = (struct nlattr *)GENLMSG_DATA(nlh);// 36 nla->nla_type = nla_type; 37 nla->nla_len = gxy_nla_attr_size(nla_len); 38 memcpy(NLA_DATA(nla), nla_data, nla_len); 39 40 memset(&nladdr, 0, sizeof(nladdr)); 41 nladdr.nl_family = AF_NETLINK; 42 43 do { 44 45 ret = sendto(sockfd, &buf[count], len - count, 0,(struct sockaddr *)&nladdr, sizeof(nladdr)); 46 if (ret < 0){ 47 if (errno != EAGAIN){ 48 count = -1; 49 goto out; 50 } 51 } else { 52 count += ret; 53 } 54 55 }while (count < len); 56 57 out: 58 free(buf); 59 buf = NULL; 60 return count; 61 }
char *msg_buf = "Hello world";
则:gxy_genlmsg_send(sockfd, nlmsg_type, nlmsg_pid,genl_cmd, genl_version,nla_type, msg_buf, strlen(msg_buf) + 1);
1 #include <linux/genetlink.h> 2 3 #define MAX_MSG_SIZE 512 4 typedef struct gxy_msg_netlink { 5 struct nlmsghdr nlh; 6 struct genlmsghdr gnlh; 7 char data[MAX_MSG_SIZE]; 8 } gxy_msg_netlink_t; 9 10 #define GXY_HOOKS_GENL_FAMILY_NAME "GXY_NETFILTER" 11 #define GXY_HOOKS_GENL_MCAST_GROUP_NAME "NETFILTER_GROUP" 12 13 #define MESSAGE_TO_KERNEL "Hello World from user space!" 14 15 //copy from kernel driver genl_ops's cmd 16 /* commands */ 17 enum { 18 GXY_HOOKS_CMD_UNSPEC, 19 GXY_HOOK_CMD_MSG, 20 // GXY_HOOKS_CMD_DEV_INFO, 21 __GXY_HOOKS_CMD_MAX, 22 }; 23 24 //copy from kernel driver netlink attribute 25 enum { 26 GXY_HOOKS_ATTR_UNSPEC, 27 GXY_HOOKS_ATTR_MSG, 28 // GXY_HOOKS_ATTR_DEV_INFO, 29 __GXY_HOOKS_ATTR_MAX, 30 }; 31 32 //用struct gxy_msg_netlink 结构体 33 int gxy_genl_get_family_id(int skfd,const char *family) 34 { 35 gxy_msg_netlink_t msg; 36 int id, rc; 37 struct nlattr *na; 38 int rep_len; 39 rc = gxy_genl_send_msg(skfd, GENL_ID_CTRL, 0, CTRL_CMD_GETFAMILY, 1, 40 CTRL_ATTR_FAMILY_NAME, (void *)family, 41 strlen(family)); 42 43 if(0 > rc){ 44 return -1; 45 } 46 rep_len = recv(skfd, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0); 47 if (rep_len < 0) { 48 return -1; 49 } 50 if (msg.nlh.nlmsg_type == NLMSG_ERROR || !NLMSG_OK((&msg.nlh), rep_len)){ 51 return -1; 52 } 53 na = (struct nlattr *) (NLMSG_DATA(&msg) + GENL_HDRLEN); 54 na = (struct nlattr *) ((char *) na + NLA_ALIGN(na->nla_len)); 55 if (na->nla_type == CTRL_ATTR_FAMILY_ID) { 56 id = *(__u16 *) ((char*)(na) + NLA_HDRLEN); 57 } else { 58 id = -1; 59 } 60 return id; 61 } 62 63 64 /** 65 * genl_send_msg - 通过generic netlink给内核发送数据 66 * 67 * @sock_fd: 客户端socket 68 * @family_id: family id 69 * @nlmsg_pid: 客户端pid 70 * @genl_cmd: 命令类型 71 * @genl_version: genl版本号 72 * @nla_type: netlink attr类型 73 * @nla_data: 发送的数据 74 * @nla_len: 发送数据长度 75 * 76 * return: 77 * 0: 成功 78 * -1: 失败 79 */ 80 int gxy_genl_send_msg(int sock_fd, u_int16_t family_id, u_int32_t nlmsg_pid, 81 u_int8_t genl_cmd, u_int8_t genl_version, u_int16_t nla_type, 82 void *nla_data, int nla_len) 83 { 84 struct nlattr *na; 85 struct sockaddr_nl dst_addr; 86 int r, buflen; 87 char *buf; 88 gxy_msg_netlink_t msg; 89 if (family_id == 0) { 90 return -1; 91 } 92 msg.nlh.nlmsg_len = NLMSG_ALIGN(NLMSG_HDRLEN + (GENL_HDRLEN + (NLA_HDRLEN + (nla_len + 1)))); 93 msg.nlh.nlmsg_type = family_id; 94 msg.nlh.nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST; 95 msg.nlh.nlmsg_seq = 0; 96 msg.nlh.nlmsg_pid = nlmsg_pid; 97 98 msg.gnlh.cmd = genl_cmd; 99 msg.gnlh.version = genl_version; 100 na = (struct nlattr *)(NLMSG_DATA(&msg) + GENL_HDRLEN); 101 102 na->nla_type = nla_type; 103 na->nla_len = nla_len + 1 + NLA_HDRLEN; 104 memcpy((char*)(na) + NLA_HDRLEN, nla_data, nla_len + 1); 105 106 buf = (char *) &msg; 107 buflen = msg.nlh.nlmsg_len ; 108 109 memset(&dst_addr, 0, sizeof(dst_addr)); 110 dst_addr.nl_family = AF_NETLINK; 111 dst_addr.nl_pid = 0; 112 dst_addr.nl_groups = 0; 113 while ((r = sendto(sock_fd, buf, buflen, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &dst_addr, sizeof(dst_addr))) < buflen) { 114 if (r > 0) { 115 buf += r; 116 buflen -= r; 117 } else if (errno != EAGAIN) { 118 return -1; 119 } 120 } 121 return 0; 122 } 123 124 void gxy_genl_rcv_msg(int family_id, int sock_fd, char *buf) 125 { 126 int ret; 127 struct gxy_msg_netlink msg; 128 struct nlattr *na; 129 ret = recv(sock_fd, &msg, sizeof(msg), 0); 130 if (ret < 0) { 131 return; 132 } 133 printf("received length %d\n", ret); 134 if (msg.nlh.nlmsg_type == NLMSG_ERROR || !NLMSG_OK((&msg.nlh), ret)) { 135 return ; 136 } 137 if (msg.nlh.nlmsg_type == family_id && family_id != 0) { 138 na = (struct nlattr *) (NLMSG_DATA(&msg) + GENL_HDRLEN); 139 strcpy(buf,(char*)(na) + NLA_HDRLEN); 140 } 141 } 142 143 144 145 int test_genl_msg(void) 146 { 147 struct sockaddr_nl src_addr; 148 int sock_fd, retval; 149 int family_id = 0; 150 char *data; 151 // Create a socket 152 sock_fd = socket(AF_NETLINK, SOCK_RAW, NETLINK_GENERIC); 153 if(sock_fd == -1){ 154 printf("error getting socket: %s", strerror(errno)); 155 return -1; 156 } 157 // To prepare binding 158 memset(&src_addr, 0, sizeof(src_addr)); 159 src_addr.nl_family = AF_NETLINK; 160 src_addr.nl_pid = 1234; 161 src_addr.nl_groups = 0; 162 //Bind 163 retval = bind(sock_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&src_addr, sizeof(src_addr)); 164 if(retval < 0){ 165 printf("bind failed: %s", strerror(errno)); 166 close(sock_fd); 167 return -1; 168 } 169 family_id = gxy_genl_get_family_id(sock_fd ,GXY_HOOKS_GENL_FAMILY_NAME); 170 printf("family_id:%d\n",family_id); 171 data =(char*)malloc(256); 172 if(!data){ 173 perror("malloc error!"); 174 return -1; 175 } 176 memset(data,0,256); 177 strcpy(data,"Hello you!"); 178 retval = gxy_genl_send_msg(sock_fd, family_id, 1234,GXY_HOOK_CMD_MSG, 1, GXY_HOOKS_ATTR_MSG,(void *)data, strlen(data)); 179 printf("send message %d\n",retval); 180 if(retval<0){ 181 perror("genl_send_msg error"); 182 return -1; 183 } 184 memset(data,0,256); 185 gxy_genl_rcv_msg(family_id,sock_fd,data); 186 printf("receive:%s\n",data); 187 close(sock_fd); 188 return 0; 189 }
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