

LeetCode - Word Subsets

We are given two arrays A and B of words.  Each word is a string of lowercase letters.

Now, say that word b is a subset of word a if every letter in b occurs in a, including multiplicity.  For example, "wrr" is a subset of "warrior", but is not a subset of "world".

Now say a word a from A is universal if for every b in B, b is a subset of a. 

Return a list of all universal words in A.  You can return the words in any order.


Example 1:

Input: A = ["amazon","apple","facebook","google","leetcode"], B = ["e","o"]
Output: ["facebook","google","leetcode"]
Example 2:

Input: A = ["amazon","apple","facebook","google","leetcode"], B = ["l","e"]
Output: ["apple","google","leetcode"]
Example 3:

Input: A = ["amazon","apple","facebook","google","leetcode"], B = ["e","oo"]
Output: ["facebook","google"]
Example 4:

Input: A = ["amazon","apple","facebook","google","leetcode"], B = ["lo","eo"]
Output: ["google","leetcode"]
Example 5:

Input: A = ["amazon","apple","facebook","google","leetcode"], B = ["ec","oc","ceo"]
Output: ["facebook","leetcode"]


1 <= A.length, B.length <= 10000
1 <= A[i].length, B[i].length <= 10
A[i] and B[i] consist only of lowercase letters.
All words in A[i] are unique: there isn't i != j with A[i] == A[j].


先来理解题目,题目强调的是单个字母,不存在字母顺序问题,所以只要统计出B中每个小写字母,在所有的单词中出现次数最高的那个数(例如,B = ["loo","eo"],那么o 最大的出现次数为2, 因为在"loo"出现了两次,在"eo"出现了一次,所以以最大的为准),然后再统计A中的每个单词中的每个字母出现的次数,与其对比即可。


class Solution {
    public List<String> wordSubsets(String[] A, String[] B) {
        List<String> resList = new ArrayList<>();
        int[] temp = null;
        if(A == null || B == null || A.length == 0 || B.length == 0){
            return resList;
        int[] max = new int[26];
        for(String b : B){
            temp = new int[26];
            for(char c : b.toCharArray()){
            for(int i = 0; i< 26; i++){
                if(temp[i] > max[i]){
                    max[i] = temp[i];
        for(String a : A){
            temp = new int[26];
            for(char c : a.toCharArray()){
            for(int i = 0; i< 26; i++){
                if(temp[i] < max[i]){
                if(i == 25){
        return resList;



posted on 2018-11-18 11:25  IncredibleThings  阅读(101)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报