今天在 Google App Engine Blog 上看到了一个振奋人心的消息:“Today, we're adding the same service (Google over IPv6) to all domains hosted by ghs.google.com.”
这意味着啥呢,大家应该能想到了吧。尤其是中国大陆悲惨的 Blogger 们。Google 新部署的这个 ghs CNAME 域名为 ghs46.google.com。
鉴于 Windows Vista 和 Windows 7 已经对 IPv6 提供了支持,修改下HOSTS文件就可以了,今天在这里特意贴出一段脚本,用来让 Windows XP 同样实现 IPv6 访问和 hosts 文件的 IPv6 支持。
netsh int ipv6 install
netsh int ipv6 6to4 set state disabled
netsh int ipv6 isatap set state disabled
netsh int ipv6 set teredo enterpriseclient
netsh int ipv6 set prefix ::1/128 50 0
netsh int ipv6 set prefix ::/0 40 1
netsh int ipv6 set prefix 2002::/16 30 1
netsh int ipv6 set prefix ::/96 20 3
netsh int ipv6 set prefix ::ffff:0:0/96 10 4
netsh int ipv6 set prefix 2001::/32 5 1
以上代码请使用记事本保存为 ipv6.bat 文件,双击运行。
如此运行完成后,Windows XP 系统便可以通过 Teredo 访问 IPv6。
2001:4860:b006::68 www.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 tbn0.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 tbn1.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 tbn2.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 tbn3.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 tbn4.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 tbn5.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 code.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 images.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 docs.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 maps.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 video.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 translate.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 groups.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 knol.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 sketchup.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 sites.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 picasaweb.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 www.youtube.com gdata.youtube.com help.youtube.com
2001:4860:b006::68 news.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 mail.google.com
2001:4860:b006::68 www.blogger.com