[极客大挑战 2019]BuyFlag

题目链接:https://buuoj.cn/challenges#[极客大挑战 2019]BuyFlag


发现右侧中存在一个菜单,并有 "PAYFLAG" 选项卡,访问其后,响应包如下。

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
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Content-Length: 2451


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							<p>Flag need your 100000000 money</p>
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								<p>If you want to buy the FLAG:</br>
									You must be a student from CUIT!!!</br>
									You must be answer the correct password!!!

<hr />
Only Cuit's students can buy the FLAG</br>

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	~~~post money and password~~~
if (isset($_POST['password'])) {
	$password = $_POST['password'];
	if (is_numeric($password)) {
		echo "password can't be number</br>";
	}elseif ($password == 404) {
		echo "Password Right!</br>";

发现源代码中存在以下提示 "You must be a student from CUIT!!!"、"You must be answer the correct password!!!"、"Flag need your 100000000 money"。


if (isset($_POST['password'])) {
	$password = $_POST['password'];
	if (is_numeric($password)) {
		echo "password can't be number</br>";
	}elseif ($password == 404) {
		echo "Password Right!</br>";

因此尝试先将 "password" 参数设置为 "404a"(弱类型比较,绕过检测,可参考 "[ACTF2020 新生赛]BackupFile")。

可以发现,对参数 "password" 的检测已经绕过,同时留意到后端为用访问者设置了 Cookie: user=0,因此在 Cookie 中设置 user 为 1,再次发送请求包。

发现,题目提示 "you are Cuiter",已经绕过了检测。接下来,传入多一个 money 参数。

题目提示 "Nember lenth is too long",因此尝试使用科学计数法。

最终获得了 flag。

posted @ 2024-11-02 23:48  imtaieee  阅读(4)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报