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Dear Professor XX YY,

My name is Meng Yuan, I’m a senior undergraduate from Sichuan University in computational biology.(基本信息) I joined your lab meeting once in September during my summer internship at SFU. Now I’m working on xxxxx xxx for my graduation project with professor AA BB from University of Toronto. (你和对方的联系connection)

I have explored your lab’s website in detail and reviewed some of your published studies, and believe my interest in evolutionary genomics and speciation aligns intimately with your current research topic.(这句知乎看到的,意思不变但表达方式可以换一下) As I’m working on the project of xxxxx xxx, I find it attractive but there’re still questions like the xxxxx yyyyy ccccc. And I’d like to learn more.(把以前经历和对方研究相关的说一下,这个主要是我的套磁重点)

hope you don’t mind my getting in touch, but I’d like to inquire whether you’re currently accepting graduate students.(问下招不招人) If you are, would you willing to tell me a bit more by email. My CV is available in the link below(或者直接附件) and I’m eligible for a $15,000 graduate fellowship from Mitacs. I know you’re very busy so I appreciate any time you can reply me. Thanks very much.(表示感谢)

Best Regards,

Meng Yuan



posted @ 2022-06-16 10:31  impwa  阅读(23)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报