ubuntu 设置 okular为默认PDF查看器


Well, none of the other answers worked on 14.04, Okular simply doesn't show up in the list. But this worked perfectly:

mimeopen -d myfile.pdf

It will give you a list of applications that can open the file, and will also update the default application for you.

$ mimeopen -d myfile.pdf
Please choose a default application for files of type application/pdf

1) Print Preview  (evince-previewer)
2) Xournal  (xournal)
3) MuPDF  (mupdf)
4) Adobe Reader 9  (AdobeReader)
5) GIMP Image Editor  (gimp)
6) Document Viewer  (evince)
7) Other...

use application

Selecting one of these will set it as the default for application/pdf file types. You can easily set any executable to be the default by using the Other... option:


posted @ 2020-11-01 13:08  imoon22  阅读(313)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报