MBProgressHUD(1.0) 遮盖导航栏(使用 window)的问题

MBProgressHUD 使用遇到的问题

问题背景: 整理 HUD 扩展的复用模块时,遇到了 MB 遮盖导航栏的问题。但是使用 initWithFrame: 构造器并不能很好的解决问题。

+ (void) chExShowTip:(NSString *)tip toVc:(UIViewController *)vc {
    	MBProgressHUD *hud = [MBProgressHUD new];
    	[vc.view addSubview:hud];
    	hud.mode = MBProgressHUDModeCustomView;
    	if (tip) {
        	hud.label.text = tip;
    	if (vc.edgesForExtendedLayout == 0) {
        	hud.offset = CGPointMake(0, -32);
    	hud.margin = 10;
    	hud.bezelView.style = MBProgressHUDBackgroundStyleBlur;
    	hud.bezelView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
    	hud.removeFromSuperViewOnHide = YES;
    	[hud showAnimated:YES];
    	[hud hideAnimated:YES afterDelay:2];

后果: 总感觉有点麻烦。

仔细察看 MB.h 之后的写法:


* Displays a simple HUD window containing a progress indicator and two optional 	labels for short messages.
* This is a simple drop-in class for displaying a progress HUD view similar to 	Apple's private UIProgressHUD class.
* The MBProgressHUD window spans over the entire space given to it by the 	initWithFrame: constructor and catches all
* user input on this region, thereby preventing the user operations on 	components below the view.
* @note To still allow touches to pass through the HUD, you can set 	hud.userInteractionEnabled = NO.
* @attention MBProgressHUD is a UI class and should therefore only be accessed 	on the main thread.

从上可以看出: 有两种方法不会"遮挡"导航栏[1. 使用 initWithFrame: 初始化 HUD | 2. 设置 userInteractionEnabled = NO ,但是这样毫无意义]。所以诞生了以下写法:

+ (void) chExShowHUDWithMsg:(NSString *)message {
    	MBProgressHUD *hud = [[MBProgressHUD alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 64, CH_SCREEN_WIDTH, CH_SCREEN_HEIGHT - 64)];
    	[[self lastWindow] addSubview:hud];
    	hud.mode = MBProgressHUDModeIndeterminate;
    	hud.label.text = message;
    	hud.margin = kHudMagin.integerValue;
    	hud.bezelView.style = MBProgressHUDBackgroundStyleBlur;
    	hud.bezelView.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
    	hud.removeFromSuperViewOnHide = YES;
    	hud.offset = CGPointMake(0, -32);
    	[hud showAnimated:YES];

但是,我悲剧的发现不对。当我使用 initWithFrame: 初始化之后(frame : (0,64,width,height-64))。添加到 window 之后(frame : (0,32,width,height))。那就看看源码问题出在哪里,后来发现 HUD 又被设置了一次 bounds 。源代码如下:

- (void)updateForCurrentOrientationAnimated:(BOOL)animated {
	// Stay in sync with the superview in any case
	if (self.superview) {
    	self.bounds = self.superview.bounds;

不管怎样, HUD 的 bounds.size 永远都会和 superView 相等。设置 bounds 不会改变 center , frame 是由 bounds 和 center 动态计算的。所以为了保证 center 不变,height 增加了 64 ,那么动态计算的 frame.y 就会向上移动 64/2。
将初始化的 frame 变为 (0,128,width,hieght-128),那么最后得出的实际 frame 就为(0,64,width,height)了,但是这样无法确保 tabBar 响应了。

posted @ 2017-03-14 17:57  上水的花  阅读(1351)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报